Jiang Lin was very angry after being hit by machine gun bullets!

It hurts so much!

He originally wanted to wait for the Raven King to get close, and then directly launch the big move, but he did not expect that the Raven King could actually send out sound waves aimed at people's spirits, and the plane he was sitting on had a hot weapon.

This demon king can not only fly a plane, but also shoot a gun.

As the smartest bird, after becoming a demon king and unlocking his intelligence, it really wasn't covered.


The Crow King didn't believe that Jiang Lin could resist the dense bullets with his flesh and blood.

"Since you are courting death, don't blame me."

Jiang Lin took out a few explosive flame talismans in his hand. After running, he stepped on the mountain wall by the entrance of the cave and jumped up.

Jumping up, the yin fire whip in Jiang Lin's palm rolled out a few grenades, and his body was in the air. Jiang Lin suddenly shook his hands, and Nei Yang rushed up.

In the anti-Japanese drama, someone bombed the plane with a grenade, that was impossible, but Jiang Lin was going to blow up the plane in the sky with a grenade now.

After the four grenades were thrown out by Zhu Yang, they flew straight to the Crow King in mid-air.

He jumped straight from Jianglin along the mountain wall to when he threw out the explosive flame talisman, but within three or four breaths, he climbed ten meters high, and jumped six or seven meters. Go up, just right.

If it was any higher, Jiang Lin would really have no choice.

As soon as the plane the Crow King was sitting on turned around, he saw a few small golden pineapples flying over.


Jiang Lin used the most powerful explosive flame talisman in his hand, which exploded forty in a row, and directly blew the mid-air plane upside down.

"How is it possible, impossible!"

The Crow King howled, how could it be attacked fifty meters from the ground.

But no matter how much it cries, the truth is the truth.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

A three-legged Golden Crow with a height of fifty or sixty meters appeared behind Jiang Lin, and nearly a hundred Dao Yang pointed swords shot out, all hitting the plane in mid-air.

"Shoot me with a machine gun, come on!"

The seal in Jiang Lin's hand changed, and there was another loud noise.

Although the Crow King spread his wings and fled in advance, he was still affected by the explosion, and half of the black wings' feathers fell off.

Almost died.

The wing was injured, and the crow king directly became a target in the air. Jiang Lin grabbed a stone and crushed it, and cast it out.

Although the crow king was inconvenient to fly in the air, he still had the ability to summon his little brother, and a group of crows blocked Jiang Lin's attack for him.

"Damn, is this a human or a monster!"

The Crow King yelled, manifested his body, turned into a giant crow with three meters long wings, and hurriedly fled in the direction of his old nest.

"Just your kind of virtue still swept the sky?"

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, and released the three-legged golden crow again. He was going to roast the black crow that hurt him today!

This time, without the protection of the plane and the crows, the king of the crow was pierced by several swords.

Another fried.

This crow king is much weaker than that sand sculpture, he is simply a weak crow!

"God, spare your life, Xiaoya has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, please forgive me! Xiaoya can fly, Xiaoya can..."

A bald, half-scorched Crow King kowtowed on the ground begging for mercy.

"Shut the crow's mouth for me!"

Jiang Lin fired several shots at the Crow King's head, killing it directly.

If it weren't for his ability to strengthen his defense after his body was corpse, the machine gun would be enough for him to drink a pot. This Crow King still wanted to eat him and couldn't keep it.

"Pop, kill the demon king and get [-] points of anger."

"Hmph, if you don't listen to the warning, you have to let me take care of you. I heard that crow meat has medicinal properties. Let's make you into Zhou Hei Ya. I miss that taste."

Jiang Lin took out the inner core of the Crow King, and after breaking the magic circle, he entered the demon cave and took the corpse-eating turtle and the phoenix stone.

The four hundred and ninetieth chapter is now complete

Jiang Lin took the Phoenix Stone and went down the mountain with the iron cage.

"Husband, are you alright?"

Ren Tingting turned pale when she saw that Jiang Lin's clothes were filled with holes.

Jiang Lin hugged Ren Tingting and comforted him: "It's alright, don't worry. I'll come down to report your safety, and I'll bring you something delicious later."

Jiang Lin then handed the iron cage to the Flying Rat King, so that he must keep it safe.

On the other side of the mountain, there is a village, the closed village that Jiang Lin saved before. Jiang Lin plans to go there to dispose of the Crow King's body and save it as food rations on the road.

Even by horse-drawn carriage, it is estimated that it will take another four or five days to return to Renjia Town.

The villagers in the village were very enthusiastic when they saw Jiang Lin coming back again. When they knew that Jiang Lin had killed another king, they almost knelt down to Jiang Lin.

If the Eagle King dies and there is another Crow King, their lives will probably be the same as before, offering blood food.

"Master, if you are wandering here to conquer demons and demons, Xiao Laoer heard from the young people in the village that there are wolf demons not far from here."

Jiang Lin went back and forth, beheading two monsters here, so the village chief thought he came to this old forest in the deep mountains for the purpose of subduing the monsters.

"Wolf demon? Where is it?"

If it wasn't too far from here, it wouldn't be a problem for Jiang Lin to take a day or two to destroy it.

After listening to the village chief's description, Jiang Lin nodded. He guessed that a forest wolf had become a big demon, and his transformation was incomplete.

In that case, take a trip and remove it.

Jiang Lin chatted with the village chief for a few more words, and then went to deal with the ingredients.

The villagers have already helped in the work of hair removal and cleaning, and he is in charge of the processing.

In the previous life, his cousin sold a copycat version of Zhou Hei Ya from a cart. Jiang Lin helped him, so he roughly knew how to cook it.

After arranging for three or four hours, Jiang Lin left the village with several large stacks of food boxes. It was still early and he did not plan to stay nearby.

You can reach the place that the village chief said about at night, and the wolf demon only haunts at night, and the time is just in time.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin frowned as he looked at the gloomy wolf forest in front of him.

There is a lot of evil in this forest.

Coupled with the thick clouds and the moon tonight, it makes this place even more terrifying.

According to the village chief, there is an ancient castle in the depths of this wolf forest, and there is a wolf demon in it.

"Looking at this, I'm afraid there is more than one wolf demon."

The evil energy here is so strong that even Jiang Lin is surprised. Even if there is a demon king in it, it is estimated that it will not reach this level.

After setting up a magic circle around the carriage, Jiang Lin stepped into the wolf forest.

This is not Fengtian. If there are two or three demon kings, they will not be able to play any role, so he is welcome.

Before long, Jiang Lin discovered an old foreigner with a hoe sneaking around in the forest.

"Hey, friend, why are you here, I heard there are monsters in this forest."

After seeing Jiang Lin, the old foreigner greeted Jiang Lin in broken Chinese.

This foreigner is weird.

Although the old foreigner had a good disguise, Jiang Lin still felt a faint evil spirit from his body.

It can be said that he is not human.

"Passed by and got lost. Why are you here?"

Jiang Lin didn't attack, he wanted to see what the old foreigner was going to do.

The old foreigner pretended to be mysterious and whispered, "I heard that there are a lot of gold and silver jewelry in the ancient castle in this forest. How about it, brother, are you interested in digging treasures with me?"

Shaking the hoe in his hand, the old foreigner said it as if he was serious.

However, Jiang Lin didn't believe it at all. Even if there were treasures inside, would he have to dig inside in the middle of the night?And go alone.

This lie is too lame.

Although his heart was clear, Jiang Lin showed great surprise on his face, and said, "Is there really a baby? Go, go and have a look."

The old foreigner laughed until the corners of his mouth reached his ears, but it was the kind of gloomy smile when his plan succeeded.

Jiang Lin doesn't care what conspiracy or conspiracy the old foreigner has in mind, anyway, he is going to the castle, and by then he will wipe out all the evil things in it. I wonder if the old foreigner can still laugh.

Jiang Lin guessed that the old foreigner was probably the slave or follower of the wolf demon in the castle.

"Go, go treasure hunting!"

The old foreigner waved his hand and took Jiang Lin to the depths of the wolf forest.

Half an hour later, a Senran castle standing in the center of the wolf forest appeared in front of Jiang Lin.

"Come with me, you will be pleasantly surprised when you get inside."

The old foreigner tried his best to control his emotions, but the smile on his face was still a bit presumptuous.

Yes, I think you will be pleasantly surprised too.

Jiang Lin nodded and stepped into the gate of the castle.

As soon as he entered the castle, the oil lamp on the wall suddenly lit up, and a few gloomy laughter entered Jiang Lin's ears.

"Haha, this is the best deceived human I've ever seen."

The old foreigner behind Jiang Lin completely tore off his disguise, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the moonlight cast down on him.

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