Let you run and blow your legs!

The explosive flame talisman was gone, and Jiang Lin still had a small amount of flame paper cranes. He took them all out and threw them at the mummy's feet.

Although the mummy can rely on bandages to move forward, if it goes out of the woods, it still has to rely on two legs to escape.

Jiang Lin made it lame.

After eating a lot of flaming paper cranes, the bandages on the mummy's legs suddenly loosened, revealing dark and dry flesh.

Now, after being bombed by the bombing sun, it is black and charred, black and black, just like charcoal.

This defense is really perverted...

Jiang Lin really had nothing to say about the bandage on the mummy's body. He had also met the mummy in another Renjiazhen before, because the bandage on his body was too difficult to wrap, and he almost died.

Now the mummy's protection is strong enough to withstand the power of the serial explosion.

Compared with the mummy, the zombie king is really not enough to watch.

Pick up the persimmons first and pinch them softly.

Jiang Lin was going to finish the zombie king first, and then concentrate on dealing with the mummy.

When he was about to go up to finish the weak chicken zombie king with thunder, two yellow bandages shot at it like a piece of training.

There was no way to escape several times in succession, and the mummy was also angry.

The bandage wrapped around Jiang Lin's arms, and then like a soft snake, it swam around him quickly, wrapping him into a mummy in one breath.

"Hey hey hey..."

The mummy let out a low laugh, and the bandages, which were tougher than alloy steel bars, continued to wrap around Jiang Lin's body, and all the bones in Jiang Lin's body began to make sounds.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's slaughter, the mummy wouldn't have to let his bandages leave his body.

Even if Jiang Lin was hounded to death, it recovered the bandages, and could no longer help it resist the attack like before.

The mummy's shroud is not easy to wrap.

"Fuck you second uncle! It stinks!"

How stinky does the old woman's foot wraps stink?The bandages on the mummy were ten times more stinky than that.

Jiang Lin roared, the corpse poison in his body spread all over his body, and at the same time, Yang Yan was released.

Under the scorching and burning of Yang Yan, the bandages began to emit black smoke, and together with Jiang Lin's efforts, the bandages wrapped around him began to break one by one.

Jiang Lin wanted to slaughter this disgusting mummy. Without the protection of the bandages, the mummy was a mummified corpse, and its physical strength might not be as strong as that of the zombie king.

But as soon as he took two steps, he realized that something was wrong with him. There were dense black wedge-shaped runes on the back of his hands, all drawn with corpse poison.

The rich corpse poison began to seep into his body from the pores of his body. Jiang Lin tried to pull the corpse poison into the bones and assimilate it with his own corpse poison.

But he was surprised to find that the corpse poison was like a non-flowing gel, sticking to his flesh and blood.

This time it sucks.

Because the mummy's corpse poison is all over the body, Jiang Lin can't use his own spiritual power now, and his limbs are starting to become rigid.

The body also began to show soreness and weakness, Jiang Lin had to squat down and support the ground with his sword.

"Ho ho ho..."

A scheming smile appeared on the mummy's dry face, and then it roared at the cowering Zombie King.

"Ow (let you drag it)!"

The zombie king also found out that something was wrong with Jiang Lin, and when he saw Jiang Lin's body covered in black and blue, he screamed at Jiang Lin.

Revenge for revenge, revenge for injustice!

The zombie king's body jumped up, and his inch-long nails pierced Jiang Lin's chest.

But even if Jiang Lin doesn't corpse, his body strength is not comparable to that of a zombie. The zombie king's nails only pierce one centimeter, and he can no longer enter an inch.

Keep poking!

"Have you poked enough?"

Jiang Lin's voice was full of chills, and then he took all his strength and slashed out with a sword.

The Zombie King was poking happily, and he never thought that Jiang Lin would attack. After he reacted, his head was separated from his body.

Even if there is no spiritual power, Jiang Lin will never be vegetarian!

The mummy's laughter stopped abruptly, then turned and ran.

The mummy of the saffron.

Chapter [*] This is my thug

"Wrap me with a foot-binding cloth, can you run away?"

With all his strength, Jiang Lin threw the bone sword out, pierced the mummy's head directly, and nailed it to a big tree.

I'll pick you up later.

There was a lot of corpse poison on the mummy's bandage. Jiang Lin needed to put the stubborn corpse poison in his body into the bones, otherwise he would have difficulty even moving.

Although Jiang Lin felt a little uncomfortable after eating a dull loss, after he sensed the situation in his body, this feeling disappeared.

The mummy's corpse poison was something he had never seen before. Although it was a little difficult to handle, if it could be completely assimilated, it would be of great benefit to his corpse.

After sitting cross-legged for four hours, Jiang Lin sent part of the corpse poison that belonged to the mummy in his body into the bone, and now he can barely emphasize the spiritual power in his body.

Jiang Lin took the coffin fungus from the zombie king's throat, put it in the jade box, took out the igniter, and burned his body and head.

The Zombie King's vitality is extremely strong. Even if his head is dropped, he will not die immediately and can survive for a while, but it is not an easy thing to revive again.

As for the mummy, it is similar to the zombie king. It has no internal organs, and its head is its only key.

Being pierced by the bone sword, the mummy could only keep struggling, and there was no hope of survival.

The two corpse demons contributed [*] points of anger to Jiang Lin, which was quite a sum of money.

Jiang Lin returned to the place where the carriage was parked, and saw Ren Tingting pacing anxiously in the array.

"Husband, you are hurt again."

Tears flashed in Ren Tingting's eyes. Every time Jiang Lin went out, she was worried.

Seeing the concern on Ren Tingting's face, Jiang Lin decided to stay at home for a while.

In the past few years, he has often been running outside, and he does not spend a lot of time at home. In the next time, he wants to study the formation method at home, as well as his own corpse attributes, so that he can spend more time with his daughter-in-law. .

After taking the clothes, Jiang Lin took a bath in a pond, and when he got back to the car, he continued to transfer the stubborn corpse poison in his body.

Mummy's corpse poison is actually not that strong, even the zombie king's corpse poison can't compare, but it is very stubborn, borrowing chemical terms to say this is inert corpse poison.

Its toxicity is not violent, but it is not easy to eliminate it.

No matter what means you use, it is almost unstoppable.

Even Jiang Lin, who had the ability to transfer corpse poison, couldn't pull all these inert corpse poisons into his bones within seven or eight days.

If you want to completely assimilate it, it is estimated that it will take longer.

On the way back, it rained heavily on the road, and Jiang Lin did not rush on his way. He returned to the Taoist Church seven days later.

"Senior brother, next week will be the big day for your two brothers, and you'll have to spend a fortune."

Qiusheng went to the Taoist Church after knowing Jiang Lin was back, and this time he could make his junior brother bleed heavily.

"Wow, Junior Brother, are you out of your mind, why are you putting so many stones at home?"

"Your brain just burned out."

Jin Tianyi came out of the room when he heard Qiusheng scolding Jiang Lin, and gave Qiusheng an angry look.

Qiu Sheng almost straightened his eyes when he saw Jin Tianyi in a short dress.

Jiang Lin's family was almost all women, so Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai basically didn't go to Jiang Lin's place when he was not at home. It was the first time he saw Jin Tianyi.

"Senior brother, you don't need to worry about the salute, but do you want me to give you eye drops?"

Jiang Lin looked at his lustful senior brother with a smile.

"No, no. Just be polite."

Qiu Sheng waved his hands again and again, no longer dared to look at him indiscriminately.

"Senior brother, let Feibao and Xiaohai come over in two days. I don't think I can go out in the next one or two years. I don't know how long it will take for my uncle to come back. The problems of your cultivation will be taught by me on your behalf. ."

"Understood, Junior Brother."

Ninth Uncle has been away for three months, but Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai miss his old man very much. Now they are working harder than before because of Fei Bao and Xiao Hai's urging.

That night, Jiang Lin received a message from Judge Lu, asking him to go around the forbidden area to clear the Phantom Rakshasa.

Jiang Lin originally planned to wait until after the happy event, but since Judge Lu took the initiative to contact him, he was going to take the unicorn corpse to the underworld.

"My lord, without the order of the judge, we dare not let other people go to the underworld casually."

Jiang Lin opened the ghost door in the training room, and there was a little ghost who came to greet him. When the little ghost saw a "person" standing behind Jiang Lin, there was an embarrassed expression on his face.

Now the unicorn corpse is under the control of Jiang Lin, and usually does not show the corpse, so as not to scare his women, so the little ghost did not recognize it as a zombie for the first time.

"It's okay, this is my thug."

Jiang Lin smiled, and the unicorn corpse behind him immediately showed its true appearance, turning into a black-faced, fangs-like zombie with a majestic corpse.

beat... beater? ?

The little ghost was frightened by the momentum on the unicorn corpse and stepped back a few steps.

They are not afraid of ordinary zombies, but the unicorn corpse has now reached the level of the thousand-year-old zombie king, and there is still the spirit of the unicorn on his body, which suddenly scared the little ghost.

I have long heard that this adult is extraordinary, and it is better to meet him today if he is famous.

The kid couldn't help but be more respectful to Jiang Lin. He has lived for so long, and although his official position is not large, he still has some knowledge. He can regard such a zombie king as a thug. He has only seen Jiang Lin like this.

This thug is really not ordinary strong.

"Since that's the case, your lord, come with me. But it's better for your lord to tell your lord the judge."

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