The little ghost sent a reminder to Jiang Lin, and then took Jiang Lin and the unicorn corpse to the underworld.

"Brother, you are here."

When Judge Lu saw Jiang Lin, he poured him tea with enthusiasm. The last time Jiang Lin gave him the news of Rahu's wreckage, he took his subordinates to look for it and brought the wreckage down. This year's performance is considered to be his. Achieved ahead of schedule.

Judge Lu rubbed his hands together and said with a smile on his face, "Don't be surprised, brother, because a colleague of mine has found a capable man with a special physique, who seems to be some kind of Martial God. The forbidden area under his jurisdiction has already progressed. Let me make progress as soon as possible.”

Jiang Lin couldn't understand Judge Lu's attitude. He was a high-ranking official in the underworld, so polite to him, a ghost in the realm, was a bit too much.

Jiang Lin didn't know that Judge Lu could be promoted if he accumulated a little more performance. The key to the promotion lies in him. Judge Lu really didn't want him to pick him up.

Chapter five hundred sneaky brothers

"Since Pindao has promised the judge, he will not shirk. By the way, there is a zombie outside, which I brought down as a thug."

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea and told Judge Lu that he had brought a zombie king with him.

"Zombie? We didn't think about that thing, it doesn't work much."

Although he was shocked that Jiang Lin had hired a zombie king as his subordinate, Judge Lu was not optimistic about the effect of that thing.

It's not that they haven't found zombies that are more open-minded and intelligent, but zombies are still not enough in terms of lethality to deal with evil things.

In the end, the zombie with spirituality did not come back, and was gnawed into a skeleton.

Jiang Lin was noncommittal, the unicorn corpse was a corpse soul body, and its effect was not small compared to the general zombie king.

The only shortcoming is that the unicorn corpse has almost no spirituality now, and it has become a puppet, otherwise it can play a greater role.

"Judgment Lu, the new officer takes office as three fires. If I can perform well in the forbidden area, I hope that in the future, my ghost wife will come down to practice."

Jiang Lin felt that he had a unicorn corpse helper. As long as he did not meet the ghost emperor, even if the powerful ghost king appeared, his life should not be in danger.

He should still be able to eat in the forbidden area, and it will be a matter of time to clear those wandering ghost kings.

Although these jobs can improve his rank and rank, Jiang Lin still hopes to do something real.

He also wanted Xiaoli and Xiaoqian to be accepted by Zhang Han and Jiu Shu as soon as possible, so that they could help himself.

Judge Lu pondered for a moment and said, "Don't worry, brother, we are mutually beneficial, as long as you can help me solve the headache, it's not too difficult. However, I promise you this condition, you must go to the forbidden area. Heart."

"That's not a problem."

Judge Lu's attitude made Jiang Lin very satisfied, he said, "It's not too late, I'll go right now."

Judge Lu nodded and asked his subordinates to call someone.

"Lord Judge!"

Not long after, two ugly little devils covered in blue and blue came in the hall, the kind that looked very unpleasant.

"Brother, this is your future entourage, Qing Gui and Lan Xun. They are two brothers. They used to manage the oil pan hell, and now they work in the forbidden area. They will take you to the forbidden area. If there is any problem, you can Ask them, I still have things to do here."

Judge Lu raised his face and introduced the two ghosts to Jiang Lin.

"Hello sir!"

Qing Gui and Lan Xun bowed to Jiang Lin and saluted.

They are all ghosts who have lived for an unknown number of years. When they saw Jiang Lin being treated like a guest by Judge Lu, they knew that Jiang Lin must be extraordinary.

"Let's go."

There are still things to do next week, Jiang Lin didn't want to be delayed by the forbidden area, and then he won't be able to drink Qiusheng and Wencai's wedding wine.

After leaving the judge's hall, Jiang Lin saw a bamboo chair in front of the hall.

The forbidden area is still a long way from here. Jiang Lin is here in the flesh and cannot fly like a soul.

Judge Lu also considered this section before, and asked the two ghost brothers to carry a simple bamboo chair and send them to Jiang Lin.

The sneaky brother was carrying him, and the unicorn corpse lying on the bamboo pole weighed nearly three hundred pounds, but the speed was not affected at all.

Jiang Lin was sitting on a bamboo chair, feeling like a motor car, flying really fast.

"Qing Gui Lan Xun, tell me about the Phantom Rakshasa."

Sitting on a bamboo chair three feet above the ground, Jiang Lin asked his two subordinates about the situation on the forbidden area.

"My lord, Phantom Rakshasa is a special kind of ghost, commonly known as shadow ghost. Men are shadow ghosts and women are ghosts. Their abilities are very special. If they are hidden, we will not be able to find them even if they are also ghosts. "

"Yes, the Phantom Rakshasa is the subordinate of the Shadow King. They are very uneasy in the forbidden area. They killed a few patrolling ghosts a while ago. Our previous boss was killed by the Shadow King."

The two subordinates answered every question they had, and shared a lot of information that Jiang Lin didn't know.

Before finding someone with his physique, Judge Lu also sent a lot of ghosts, most of whom were transferred from the Oil Pot Hell or the Eight-Hot Hell. Although the strength is not necessarily good, they can withstand the forbidden places. transpiration in.

It's like a blacksmith, who often gets close to a stove with high temperature and high heat. Let him go to extremely hot places, and he will adapt faster than others.

Other ghosts with relatively strong strength do not have an adaptation period of hundreds or thousands of years, and it will not take long for them to wither near the forbidden area.

Four days later, Jiang Lin followed the two brothers to their destination. In front of him was a huge stone tower nearly [-] meters high.

There are many around the forbidden area, mainly to look at the situation in the forbidden area. As long as there is any change in the core area or around the sealing circle, ghosts like sneaky will immediately report it.

"For such a big tower, only a few of you are sent to guard it?"

Jiang Lin found that there were only a few little ghosts standing guard on the tower, which was very different from what he imagined, so he asked the green ghost beside him.

"Sir, the forbidden area is divided into eight areas. We are here in the Southwest Territory, because Lord Judge often comes here in person, and when he doesn't come, his subordinates will come here regularly, so there are only a few of us in the entire Southwest Territory, and other colleagues. They've been moved elsewhere."

"Yes, plus our two brothers are known as scuds, it is enough to pass the news. Although there are few people, this area is actually the calmest place."

After listening to the sneaky brothers, Jiang Lin realized that Judge Lu was very optimistic about him and gave him such an important place.

It is estimated that with him in the future, Judge Lu will not come often. By then, there will be more wandering ghosts in this area.

Why do you really let me guard a domain by myself?

Jiang Lin cursed Judge Lu in his heart.

Entering the office of the tower, the sneaky brothers warmed Jiang Lin and asked, "Sir, do you want to rest for two days?"

"Forget it, let's go to King Shadow Brake first."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and resolved the matter as soon as possible, so he could rest earlier.

If something happens in this area in the future, or Judge Lu looks for him again, he will come down at that time.

Jiang Lin went to the railing and looked into the distance, and asked, "Which one of you will come with me?"

The two sneaky brothers glanced at each other with some reluctance in their eyes. The Phantom Rakshasa is too difficult to guard against. If this adult is not strong enough, they will follow, it will be too dangerous.

Although Jiang Lin was treated as a guest by Judge Lu, there must be something special about him, but before he knew his specific strength, the sneaky brothers were still quite nervous.

Jiang Lin frowned and asked, "Do you know which domain the Old Monster of Montenegro belongs to?"

"Sir, we know it's from the Eastern Region."

"Just know, the old demon of Montenegro was destroyed by me, come and follow me."

After that, Jiang Lin descended the tower with his hands behind his back.

Chapter Five Hundred and One Men Kill, Women Stay

The old demon of Montenegro was killed by this adult?

The two sneaky brothers were stunned. The old demon of Montenegro can be regarded as the strongest among the ghost kings, and was actually killed by this newly appointed adult?

"Lan Su, you stay here, I'll show you the way."

"No, you stay here, I'm familiar with the road."

The two ghost brothers began to fight. If anyone could go with Jiang Lin, he would definitely leave a good impression in his heart.

Before, they didn't know what Jiang Lin's strength had reached, and how dared to follow him easily, but after listening to Jiang Lin's words, they immediately changed their minds.

King Shadow Bracer is a bit worse than the old demon of Montenegro. Since Jiang Lin can kill the latter, even if he follows him, there must be no danger.

Now the newly appointed adult is a thigh, and there will be no transfer for a short period of time here. If they hold tight, they will make military exploits in the future or be promoted by adults, so they don't have to be a ghost with no grades all the time.

At that time, their status will also rise, and they will no longer have to be called around by other high-level ghosts as messengers.

"I'm my brother, I'm going!"

"Go away! I'm my brother, you should let me, I'll go!"

It turns out that there is not only true fragrance in the world, but also in the underworld.

Jiang Lin was a little speechless about these two weird and sneaky brothers. This change of face was too fast, and it became really thorough.

A few seconds ago, there was a reluctance on his face. Now, just to show him the way, his own brothers are about to fight, and maybe they will have to fight for a while.


Jiang Lin looked at Qing Gui and Lan Zong who were fighting with each other, blue veins appeared on their foreheads, and their brotherhood was like plastic.

"The green ghost follow me."

"Yes, my lord!"

Qing Gui was overjoyed and followed behind Jiang Lin, while Lan Xun looked envious. If Jiang Lin's new official's fire was ignited, his brother, who led the way, would definitely be rewarded.

Jiang Lin took the unicorn corpse and walked with the green ghost for a long time, and arrived in a basin. In the basin below, there was a dilapidated stone castle, all of which were piled up with rubble.

"It's similar to the place where the Montenegrin old demon was before, and it can withstand the heavy pressure without corpse."

Gradually withdrawing the corpse poison in his body, Jiang Lin found that he could use Taoism here as well.

Qing Gui pointed to the stone fort below and reported to Jiang Lin: "Sir, this is where the Phantom Rakshasa is located, the King of Shadow Temple is in the stone fort, the youngest can only walk here, and if he gets closer, he will be punished. No more."

Jiang Lin nodded and looked at the group of Phantom Rakshasa below.

These ghosts are all pitch black, with only the outlines of their bodies, and they cannot be seen at all.

Just like the murderer Black in Detective Conan.

However, from the outline, you can still tell which are the charm brakes and which are the shadow brakes.

"Leave all Mei Sha, and all Ying Sha will be killed. It's such a happy decision."

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