"Don't worry, parents will understand your husband."

Chen Yu and Tian Ji hugged Jiang Lin's arm and looked at their sleeping parents with happiness on their faces.

Their men treat their parents very well and are more filial than their sons.

Now Jiang Lin's daughters-in-law have changed their names to him, calling him husband, which seems more intimate.

Jiang Lin cast a spell on Zhang Han and the three of them, hiding the charm in their shadows, and went back to rest until midnight.

The next day, Jiang Lin took Jingjing and Nianying to Guangxi and stayed in Tengteng Town for two months.

Now that Jiang Lin has completely mastered the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array, he has studied the Immortal Sorrow Bureau for so long. As long as he spends some more time, he can also fully understand this Immortal Sorrow Killing Array, which was famous in the monk era.

After that, Jianglin drove all the way to Luofu Mountain, the birthplace of Maoshan Mountain in the Nanpai.

What makes Jiang Lin regret is that he has not gained much, and his vision is still very deep in this era.

Even if Jiang Lin went with the intention of communicating, few sects were willing to discuss Taoism with him.

In their opinion, Jiang Lin came here to show off their Nanpai Maoshan. There was a Celestial Master in the Dharma-Ending Era, and it wasn't from their lineage. It was as simple as communication when he came to the door?

Since Luofu Mountain and his party had nothing to gain, Jiang Lin continued to go east. The news that the commander found out to him was that Zuo Ci's tomb might be in a place with strong dragon energy in the south. Since he came to the south, he would investigate by the way.

"I didn't expect there to be a broken dragon vein here."

Jiang Lin arrived at the Chaozhou boundary, and found a relatively strong dragon energy at the border of this place, and this place is also relatively rich in spiritual energy.

Jingjing put her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder, and said softly, "Husband, the scenery here is so beautiful, can we find a town to live for a few days?"

"Yeah, Nianying also likes it here. The air is so fresh."

Nianying shook Jiang Lin's hand. She didn't want to go back so early. When she went back, Jiang Lin took the other sisters out.

Jiang Lin pinched the pretty faces of the two girls with a doting face, and said, "Since the wives like it, the husband will follow you."

After walking a mile, Jiang Lin saw a big tree with lush branches.

This tree is fine.

"Senior brother, everyone said that the Dragon Vein Tree is fine, why do we need to visit it so frequently."

"No, the Dragon Vein Tree is related to the prosperity of our Gantian Town. We must see it. Do you think we were scolded by Master?"

When Jiang Lin was observing the Dragon Vein Tree, two young men walked out of the woods not far away.

Gantian Town?Dragon vein tree?

Jiang Lin turned his face to look at the two young men, one was a little fatter, not too tall, but the plait at the back of his head was more conspicuous, and the other was slender and handsome, but he looked oily.

Could this be Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu?Those two apprentices of Zombie Road Chang Mao Xiaofang?

When Jiang Lin looked at the two young people, their eyes also fell on the three Jiang Lin in front of the Dragon Vein Tree.

Whoa!Such a beautiful girl.

When Yu Dachu saw Nianying and Jingjing beside Jiang Lin, his eyes were straight.

Chapter [*] Settled in Gantian Town

After reading Nianying and watching Jingjing, Yu Dachu's eyes did not blink.


Jiang Lin snorted, and a handful of paper balls popped out of his hand, centering between Yu Dachu's eyebrows.

With a scream, Yu Dachu covered his forehead with tears in his eyes.

It's okay for someone to look back at her beautiful wife, but she looks so focused and presumptuous, and even glances back and forth, Jiang Lin doesn't care who the other party is.


Ma Xiaohai helped his junior brother up, looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "Why are you..."

But a pair of eyes from Shang Jianglin, he couldn't ask.

Although the girl is beautiful, his junior brother has been staring at him. Now that he has been taught a lesson, he is not happy if he is held accountable again?

"Senior brother, let me go, I want to reason with him."

Yu Dachu shouted, trying to reason with Jiang Lin, but after his senior brother looked at the dragon vein tree, he forcibly dragged him away.

"How do you reason with others? Staring at the girl next to you, what reason do you say when you are taught a lesson? Fortunately, Master has not been here for a few days. This matter has become a big issue. Master's face is bright, isn't it?"

After pulling Yu Dachu out of the woods, Ma Xiaohai threw him aside.

Yu Dachu was full of grievances, grumbling, saying that she was beautiful and not just for people to see.

"Seeing that he is about the same age as her husband, but he has no cultivation at all."

Jingjing pursed her lips, she hated the eyes of other men.

"Forget it, don't affect your good mood for such a person."

Jiang Lin took the hands of Jingjing and Nianying and walked to the town entrance in front.

He has been observing all the way. Although there are dragon veins here, it is not complete. Although the dragon energy is strong, without the blessing of air luck, it is no longer able to shock the Quartet.

Therefore, Jiang Lin concluded that there must be many evil spirits entrenched around here.

This is the so-called coexistence of interests and interests. Although the dragon energy can make the residents here prosperous and healthy, it also brings disaster to these people.

But for Jiang Lin, the so-called disaster is meaningless.

Arriving at the entrance of the town, Jiang Lin looked up at the gate of the town. On the plaque there were three strong characters - Gantian Town.

Sure enough, it was Gantian Town.

Jiang Lin parked the carriage in front of a hotel and booked a room.

Because of the arrival in the south, there are no more inns here, and some are hotels. In the future, the inns will gradually be eliminated and disappear into the torrent of history.

Not only the inn, but others such as Yamen or Yizhuang will gradually fade out of the historical stage, and new substitutes will appear.

Take the current Renjiazhen as an example. In the past few years, the name of Jiushu's Yizhuang has gradually been changed in the mouths of outsiders.

One eyebrow.

This is actually the real name of Jiushu's Daotang, which is Yizhuang, but people in Renjiazhen used to call it Yizhuang.

Jiang Lin took Jingjing and Nianying around the town, and the two women were very curious.

They followed Jiang Lin to the south, but they did not go shopping.There are not many people in Tengteng Town, there is nothing to go around, and they have not stayed in Luofu Mountain and Jianglin, so now they can see the customs of the south, and they are also very happy.

Gantian Town is about the same size as Renjia Town, but because it is located in the eastern border of Chaozhou, it is not as prosperous as the latter.

But here in the south, Gantian Town is much more trendy than Renjia Town.

There is a large theater here that is not available in Renjia Town.

"You two, the rate of return is really high."

Jiang Lin was a little helpless, no matter if he was aunt or uncle, he would look at the two women around him more often.

Jingjing blinked at Jiang Lin and said with a smile, "Our high rate of turning heads shows that my husband is capable."

"Husband, there are a lot of things here that Renjia Town doesn't have. Shall we stay here for a while?"

Although Nianying grew up in the county seat, there are many things she has never seen in Gantian Town, and she wants to play here for a while.

"Precise play."

Jiang Lin also planned to stay in Gantian Town for a while. He mainly wanted to take a look around, as long as it was a place with strong dragon energy, it would attract his attention.

"It seems to be really the plot of the zombie priest."

Jiang Lin walked around and even came to the front of Fuxi Hall, Gantian Town, Longmaishu, Fuxi Hall and two young people, everything was consistent with the TV series.

"Wives, go back and see what you like along the way, buy what you want to buy."

Jiang Lin took the soft catkins of the two wives and took them to spend a lot.

On the second day, Jiang Lin went to the mountains around Gantian Town by himself to check the feng shui pattern here.

There were many snakes, worms, rats and ants around the town, so Jiang Lin didn't let Jingjing and Nianying follow them. They spent most of the day shopping and needed a good rest.

"Jingjing, Nianying, do you like it here?"

"I like it."

"We'll move here after that."

Jiang Lin originally planned to go to the south after leaving the division. First, there would be wars in the north in the near future, and second, Jiang Lin wanted to find the coffin.

The dragon energy here is rich, the spiritual energy is also very abundant, and there are also dragon energy around, which is very in line with his expectations.

As for the fact that there is already a fellow here, Jiang Lin doesn't take it to heart. He doesn't rely on catching ghosts and zombies to support his family, and he has no competition with Fuxitang in the town.

"Husband, are you coming here after you graduate?"

Jingjing immediately guessed Jiang Lin's thoughts. Although she is no longer cultivating and is a happy little woman, she can also sense that there is something special about Gantian Town.

"Yes, I'll go out and buy a few acres of land and build a big house for you and your sisters."

Jiang Lin took the bank note, left the hotel, and went straight to the police station at the end of the town.

In the future, he will settle down here for ten or twenty years. Jiang Lin does not want to buy a house in the place where he lives, and it will be much more troublesome to set up an array at that time.

When the house is built, it is estimated that he should also finish the rest of the things, and then he will be able to let his family move in when it is arranged.

The pace of development in the south is faster than that in the north, where the yamen or township offices and town offices have been turned into police stations.

"Is there a problem?"

In the police station, a young man in a police uniform glanced at Jiang Lin and asked aloud.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Lin, an outsider. I want to buy a few acres of land in Guizhen and settle down in Guizhen in the future."

Jiang Lin first introduced himself, and then directly explained his intentions.

Chapter Five Hundred and Nine Is this a flying immortal from outside the sky?

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