"Mr. Police, I'm sorry to bother you."

  Jiang Lin told the young policeman about the empty space he saw yesterday.

  The feng shui there is relatively good, and the dragon energy is quite strong. Although it is close to the last row of the town, it does not seem to be a homestead.

  Spending a little more money should be fine, though.

  "No trouble, no trouble, you can just call me Captain Song. But what is the purpose of buying the land, I can handle it if it is used for farming. If it is used for other purposes, I need to ask my father for instructions. He is the director."

  Captain Song looked at Jiang Lin and saw that he didn't look like a farmer, so he asked one more question.

  "Build a house."

  Jiang Lin's answer was very succinct. The land uses were different, and the procedures were different. Jiang Lin knew this, so he said it directly.

  "Build a house? Okay, how many acres do you want? I'll go talk to my dad and let him talk to you."

  Captain Song listened to Jiang Lin's statement that he had built a house, and was stunned for a moment. The cost of building a house these days is no less than buying a house.

  "Five acres."

  "Cough cough... five acres?"

  Captain Song almost spit out a sip of tea. More than [-] square meters of land was used to build a house?That cost is no small sum.

  Asking people to look at Feng Shui, building materials, and labor may cost tens of thousands of oceans.

  "Five acres of land are used to build houses?"

  Captain Song opened his eyes wide and looked up at Jiang Lin again. Someone about his age might be a rich second generation, right?

  Much richer than his second-generation official!

  "What's the matter, can't you?"

  Jiang Lin thought there was something special about the policies in Gantian Town.

  "No, building such a big house is estimated to cost tens of thousands of oceans."

  Realizing that he had lost his temper, Captain Song coughed lightly.

  "It's okay, it's not bad money."

  Rich people!

  Captain Song gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up in his heart and told Jiang Lin to wait a while before going to invite his father, the director.

  Not long after, Director Song, with gray hair, came out of the inner hall, treated Jiang Lin very politely, and invited him into his office.

  There is a wealthy family in the town, who can also drive the town's consumer economy in the future. Director Song naturally welcomes Jiang Lin.

  "Mr. Jiang, I heard Zilong say that you want to buy five acres of land to build a house. In fact, the land here also has a homestead for building a house. It is not impossible for you to cultivate the land to build a house. If it is ten oceans for farming One acre is forty oceans per acre for construction.”

  "Okay, I want to complete the formalities today."

  Jiang Lin took the two bank notes and handed them to Director Song.

  It is indeed a rich man, and two hundred oceans are sent out without even blinking an eye.

  It's just like what Zilong said, it's not bad for money!

  Director Song simply liked Jiang Lin very much. In the future, when Jiang Lin settled with them, he would definitely not spend less money, and maybe he would be a big taxpayer.

  Jiang Lin was refreshing, and Director Song was not slow. In more than an hour, he handed over the land deed and documents such as certificates to Jiang Lin.

  "Wow! Captain, you are really handsome and heroic today. You are like a dragon and a phoenix. Director, you seem to be younger today than yesterday.

  At this time, a young man who also wore a police uniform came in, and when he came up, he flattered Director Song and Captain Song.

  "Sanyuan, can you stop saying those words every day when you come here, I can already hear calluses in my ears."

  Captain Song looked at his subordinate, Zhou Yuan, helplessly.

  Wednesday yuan?

  Jiang Lin glanced at the flatterer, and then recalled it for a while. It seemed that there was indeed such a character in the TV series, but he was not very impressed.

  In terms of the movies I watched before, if I was impressed, Jiang Lin can still remember a lot. After all, the length is relatively short, but it is really difficult for Jiang Lin to remember the TV series.

  After all, it was something he had seen a thousand years ago.

  "Mr. Jiang, this is my subordinate, Zhou Yuan. If you need any help, you can come to me. You can also find San Yuan when I'm not there. As long as you are law-abiding townspeople, our Gantian Town Police Station is very willing to help you. You serve."

  Captain Song introduced Zhou Yuan to Jiang Lin. Although this guy is usually unreliable, he still cares about doing things for the rich.

  "Okay. Captain Song, I don't know there are craftsmen in the town. I'll discuss with them about the start of construction."

  "Mr. Jiang, right? I'm a competent person under the captain. If I want to build a house, I go to the craftsman Zhang. I know him very well."

  With a smile on his face, Zhou Yuan boasted to Jiang Lin that he had some eyesight. Jiang Lin held the land deed in his hand, and asked the craftsman again. Put Jiang Lin on the side of the rich.

  Since there is someone to lead the way, it would be better. Jiang Lin nodded and said with a smile, "Then I will trouble Brother Sanyuan."

  It was time to build a house today, so Jiang Lin asked Zhang, the craftsman, to take people to see the land, and the construction started on the same day.

  Really rich.

  Zhou Yuan followed Jiang Lin, covering his mouth all the time. He wanted the best in everything. Even laying the foundation was not a method used by ordinary people.

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