"Mr. Jiang, are you asking someone to do this? It's a pity that Master Mao is not here. By the way, you may not know Master Mao. He is a long hair Xiaofang in our town."

  Zhou Yuan saw that Jiang Lin asked the craftsmen to bring the altars and talismans and other things for practice, and thought that Jiang Lin would ask people to practice before starting the work.

  "I'll come by myself, no need to invite anyone."

  In the last row of the town, Jiang Lin asked the craftsmen to arrange the things for the cloth altar in front of the several acres of land he bought.

  Generally, before the ground is started, the wealthy people in the town will ask Mao Xiaofang to open the altar to ensure the smooth operation of the project, so these craftsmen are not completely ignorant.

  After that, Jiang Lin put on the Taoist robe under Zhou Yuan's surprised eyes and opened the altar.

  I rely on!Mr. Jiang turned out to be a Taoist priest?

  Zhou Yuan opened his eyes wide with disbelief on his face.

  Are Taoists so rich?

  Jiang Lin threw the talisman to the sky, picked up the mop-sized cinnabar pen and jumped up, his hands danced in the air, the Qilin Qi in his body began to escape with his arms, and a huge spiritual talisman breathed out. It was drawn by him.

  Ambilight, Xiaguang Yanyan.


  After the last stroke was completed, there was a slight unicorn whistle from the magic talisman.

  Settling down for a home, what is better than the breath of a unicorn?

  My goodness!

  Is this a flying fairy?

  Zhou Yuan felt like he was in a dream. It wasn't that he had never seen Taoist practices. He had watched Mao Xiaofang's practices no less than ten times.

  But it's not the same at all!

Chapter [*] The Dragon Vein Stone is Lost!

After the five giant talismans were completed, Jiang Lin reached the center of the open space, lifted off and stopped at [*] meters in the air. He unfolded the talisman cloth, and at the same time as his body fell, his palms poured out the majestic spiritual power in his body into the air.

The golden light pressed down, forming a huge golden rune covering the ground.

When there was no movement, a ravine about three inches deep appeared on the ground, and from above, there were five huge talismans.

Flying Immortals!Amazing!

For a long time, Zhou Yuan felt that when Mao Xiaofang was doing it, he was often abusive, but until today, he didn't know what the real bullshit was.

Others do things like dancing peach wood swords and spreading glutinous rice, but what about Jiang Lin?

Fly straight to the sky!

This Mr. Jiang is even more powerful than Master Mao!

Zhou Yuan looked at the three-inch ravine in the open space, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Jiang Lin put away the robes and said to the dumbfounded craftsmen Zhang and the others: "Okay, we can start work."

After that, he went straight to the Lailai Hotel. During the period of laying the foundation, he needed to design his own mansion. It was necessary to clearly divide the nine palaces and gossip. He also had to put corpses around his training room. Array, and other places should also be set up in a pattern that can absorb dragon energy.

For Chen Yu and the others, dragon energy can increase the speed of cultivation, while Ren Tingting and the others can use this to nourish their bodies.

It is not an easy task to condense so many magic circles into one big mansion.

In addition, Jiang Lin is also preparing to write a letter to let Fat Bao and Qiusheng come over. He won't be able to stay in Gantian Town for long, and he can't watch the craftsmen start work.

Now that both Feibao and Qiusheng have entered the Taoist level, Jiang Lin doesn't expect them to understand his own design drawings, but it is still okay for them to ensure that the craftsmen strictly follow the design drawings.

Of course, this time must not be short, and Jiang Lin will also reward them, as if it were two big deals for them.

On Jiang Lin's way back to the hotel, Zhou Yuan's big mouth was already like a loudspeaker in the town, and everyone said that there was another master in the town, and he seemed to be even more powerful than Master Mao.

It didn't take long for Zhou Yuan's big mouth to blow into the police station.

"Mr. Jiang is a Taoist priest?"

"Yes, Captain, I think he is more powerful than Master Mao. He is really amazing. We will be blessed in Gantian Town in the future. With two masters, we must be very safe and healthy."

Zhou Yuan clapped his hands and grinned when he spoke.

The more capable people in the town, the more comfortable their townspeople will live.

"Stop talking about being better than Master Mao. We don't know much about Mr. Jiang. I'll meet him and ask if I have a chance."

Captain Song also didn't quite believe what Zhou Yuan said. He was too exaggerated. What kind of immortal aura was covering his body and guarding the wind, and he even turned his hand to cover the sky. Who would believe this.

"Just blow it! It's amazing to be flying immortals from outside the sky."

Captain Song didn't believe it, so Zhou Yuan blew the bullshit to Fuxitang, but Ah Chu was equally disbelieving.

It must be a bragging to say that a Taoist priest came to their Gantian Town, there is nothing yet, and to say that the person who came here is better than his master!

Ah Hai's expression is similar to that of his junior brother, I believe you are evil!

"Don't believe it. If you don't believe it, go to the back row of the town and take a look. When a golden talisman was pressed down, the ground collapsed."

Zhou Yuan pouted his lips, he hated other people showing such expressions the most.

"Just look at it."

A Chu and A Hai were not convinced and went to Jiang Lin's homestead.

There was still a slight whistle of unicorns in the open space, and the two of them, A Hai and A Chu, mistakenly thought it was the sound of dragon roars.

"Senior brother, do you think that Mr. Jiang will use the dragon veins of our Gantian Town to build a house without authorization?"

A Chu subconsciously suspected that the owner of this house used the feng shui of the town to support his house.

"I don't know, I have to wait for the master to come back to be sure. I hope this person is not a person with bad intentions. By the way, let's go and see the Dragon Vein Tree."

There was such a strange Taoist priest in the town. I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse. Ah Hai wanted to see if the dragon vein tree in the town was normal. As long as there was no problem with the dragon vein tree, nothing bad would happen to their town.

When the two arrived at the Dragon Vein Tree in Zhenkou, A Chu shouted, "Senior Brother, the Dragon Vein Tree is full of worms!"

"This is what happened."

Ah Hai scratched his hair, not knowing what to do for a while. Their master went to the county seat, but at this time the town was going to have a problem.

The two brothers decided to go to see the new Taoist priest first, and they went to the Lailai Hotel together.

They didn't look for it directly. After asking the hotel owner, they sat in the rest area of ​​the hotel.

"Mr. Jiang, the delivery you asked for has been delivered. This is the signature dish of Hexing House in our town. You will definitely like it."

When the hotel owner saw Jiang Lin go downstairs, he carried the lunch box up.

It turned out to be him!

A Hai and A Chu didn't think that the Mr. Jiang mentioned by Zhou Yuan was the one they had met in front of the Dragon Vein Tree before, and they had also taught A Chu a lesson.

"Oh, senior brother, why are you pulling me? This person must have moved the feng shui dragon veins of our Gantian Town, otherwise, how could the dragon vein tree be worms?"

Ah Chu was dragged out of the hotel by his senior brother, and he didn't let him go to Jiang Lin, so he was full of complaints.

"You go to someone else, what evidence do you have, wait until the master arrives!"

Ah Hai dragged his frizzy junior brother back to Fuxi Hall, but fortunately they didn't go to Jiang Lin, otherwise it would be a trivial matter.

That night, an evil cultivator in Zhenkou came to the Dragon Vein Tree with a floating tool similar to a Kongming lantern.

"Dragon vein stone, hehe, with it, I can practice the black qi meridian."


Jiang Lin, who was drawing the design of the house in the hotel, suddenly frowned. Just now, he felt a riot of dragon energy around Gantian Town.

"Could it be that something happened over there in Manchuria?"

This surviving dragon vein is the fate of the legacy of the Qing Dynasty in Manchuria, and it will not be too long before it will completely collapse.

Jiang Lin had just arrived in Gantian Town, so he didn't know if this had happened before, so he didn't care too much.

He also did not expect that there was a problem with the Dragon Vein Tree.

The dragon spirit is turbulent, the population is uneasy, and the six animals are ineffective. It seems that this town of Gantian has been lively for a while.

Jiang Lin stuffed two magic talismans into the sleeping Jingjing and Nianying's underwear to prevent them from being affected.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin was awakened by the sound outside.

In the early morning, there were people scolding on the street. These people did not realize that the situation in the town had changed, and they were also affected by it.

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