Chapter [*] If you want to explain, I will explain it to you!

A soundproof array was arranged in the room, and Jiang Lin continued to sleep with his wife in his arms. The turbulence of the dragon's energy could not affect him.

"Hey, Uncle Niu, if you lose your cow, you can't run to someone's house to find it early in the morning. You're breaking into a private house, do you know that?"

In the police station, Zhou Yuan was so angry that he wanted to go crazy.

He was woken up early in the morning and said the police station was busy and asked him to come to work.

As a result, as soon as we arrived here, there were several villagers at the gate of the bureau with red faces, and they were about to fight.

"What kind of private break into a house? My cow has run into their house before. You can't find it after searching for a few days. I didn't find it myself."

Uncle Niu's tone was also very aggressive. Their family relied on a single ox to support them, and now they don't know where they went.

"Wow! What do you mean by saying this is that these people in Gantian Town are useless? Believe it or not, I will lock you up for two days!"

"Sanyuan, what are you talking about! Uncle Niu, don't worry, we will definitely find the cattle you lost."

Captain Song, who had just come in, glared at Zhou Yuan, and then comforted Uncle Niu before sending him out.

Can the folks in the village say anything casually?

"What the hell is going on today? Either the cow was lost or the sheep ran away. Usually, the villagers are very harmonious. If they disagree today, they will go back and get the kitchen knife."

Captain Song felt a bit of a headache, and was so annoyed by these things that he always wanted to get angry.

"It's not just human, even chickens, ducks and geese are like this. It's like eating gunpowder. My sister Sixi killed chickens in the morning, but she was chased by chickens and almost got pecked in the eyes. Today, the population is uneasy, and the six animals are not good."

On Wednesday, Yuan Da complained. Usually people are chasing chickens. Today, chickens are chasing people everywhere.

Wait, the population is uneasy, the six animals are not good?

Zhou Yuan's words reminded Captain Song, which made it clear that there was a problem in their entire town.

"Sanyuan, hurry up and inform A Hai and A Chu, let's go to the Dragon Vein Tree to have a look."

After speaking, Captain Song took two of his men to the town.

"Captain, why are there so many bugs in the Dragon Vein Tree?"

The two subordinates followed Captain Song to check on the Dragon Vein Tree. In addition to Ahai and Achu, they would also visit the Dragon Vein Tree regularly. This spiritual tree is closely related to the tranquility of their town, and there can be no problems with it.

Sure enough, there was a problem with the Dragon Vein Tree.

Captain Song frowned, looked around the Dragon Vein Tree, and after pushing aside the hanging branches, Captain Song was taken aback.

The dragon vein stone is gone!

"This is a big trouble!"

Captain Song groaned in his heart. The dragon vein tree is related to the well-being of the town, and the dragon vein stone is the essence of this spirit tree. Once lost, it will be no trivial matter.

It didn't take long for Zhou Yuan to rush over with Ah Chu, Ah Hai went up the mountain to collect herbs early in the morning, and only Ah Chu was in Fuxi Hall.

"What? The dragon vein stone is gone!"

Ah Chu's reaction was even bigger than that of Captain Song. He was more aware of the importance of the dragon vein stone than most people.

Holding his chin and pacing twice, Ah Chu snorted and said, "It must be him. There was a problem in our town as soon as that kid came."

"Achu, who are you talking about?"

"It's Mr. Jiang. I think he took the dragon vein stone."

Ah Chu's words were firm, and he determined that Jiang Lin did this.

"Achu, you can't talk nonsense. I don't think Mr. Jiang is such a person."

Captain Song waved his hand. He still knew Ah Chu's character. He often ran the train with his mouth full. If it wasn't for the absence of Master Mao Xiaofang, he wouldn't want to find an apprentice.

"Why isn't that kind of person? How long have you known him. When that kid first came to our town, my senior brother and I met him. He was standing in front of the dragon vein tree, sneaking."

With a serious face, Ah Chu continued: "Also, my senior brother and I went to the house that the kid bought yesterday to see that there is dragon energy on the ground! If we hadn't taken the dragon vein stone, how could there be dragon energy in the homestead?"

Listening to Ah Chu's words, Zhou Yuan echoed: "If you say that, I also heard a slight dragon roar yesterday."

"Hey, I'm right! Now let's catch him and let him hand over the dragon vein stone. I was going to find him yesterday. If my brother stopped me, the dragon vein stone would not have been lost."

Ah Chu said and nodded, looking like he was more detective than detective.

Hmph, pretending, I, Yu Dachu, have seen through you.

"It's up to me to ask Mr. Jiang first. They just came to Gantian Town, so we can't arrest people without evidence."

"I said that you police officers are laymen. How could there be such a coincidence? Did that kid just come, and there was a problem in our town, not to mention that he was still wandering around the Dragon Vein Tree."

Ah Chu pouted, not believing his judgment, it would be evil to find the dragon vein stone.

Jiang Lin, who was sleeping soundly in the hotel, had no idea that he was sound asleep, so he was shot innocently.

This is the lay gun.

Seeing Captain Song hesitant, Ah Chu didn't pay any attention to them, and went to Lailai Hotel when he returned to town.

Along the way, he said that he was looking for the dragon vein stone when he met anyone, causing a group of people to follow him, aggressive, as if he was going to catch a criminal.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, someone is looking for you."

The owner of the hotel knocked on Jiang Lin's door with a look of embarrassment.

Jiang Lin lived with him, and he spent a lot of money and tips. If he hadn't blocked the townspeople outside, they would have rushed in directly.

Because of the soundproof array, Jiang Lin didn't realize what was happening outside, and only after he opened the door did he hear the noise below.

someone looking for?

Is there something wrong with the foundation?

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. His foundation had the Qi of a unicorn, and these turbulent dragon auras should not affect those craftsmen.

After going downstairs, Jiang Lin frowned, and a group of people looked at him very unfriendly.

"To be honest, did you take the dragon vein stone from the dragon vein tree?"

Ah Chu stood in front of a group of people, looking at Jiang Lin with arms crossed.

Jiang Lin glanced at these people, and his eyes fell on Ah Chu. He had just arrived in Gantian Town, and he didn't know anyone at first, but now it's better, and he was directly blocked by the townspeople here.

"Did you tell them what dragon vein stone I got?"

Jiang Lin looked at Ah Chu quietly and sneered.

"You'd better explain why your homestead has dragons..."

"I'll explain it to you, right?"

Jiang Lin interrupted Ah Chu's words and swung the yin fire whip in his hand, before Ah Chu could react, he came to him.

With a talisman between his two fingers, with a flick of his wrist, Jiang Lin stuffed the burning talisman into Ah Chu's mouth.

"My mouth is full of squirting) (feces!"

Ah Chu originally wanted to say "what are you doing", but what he said made him suddenly bewildered.

"My mouth is full of squirting) (feces!"

Ah Chu covered his mouth, what he wanted to say was not that sentence at all.

"Boss, call the police and tell these townspeople not to disturb my life."

Chapter five hundred and twelve Mao Xiaofang

These townspeople didn't know what they heard, and Jiang Lin didn't need to explain anything to them. It didn't matter to him if the dragon vein stone was lost. There were always thieves who showed up.

Jiang Lin could not take the townspeople's bad behavior seriously. In this day and age, it's too easy to have a rhythm.

As for this spit-mouthed boy, Jiang Lin won't spare him so easily.

Even if he is a disciple of Mao Xiaofang, it is the same.

"Good good."

The hotel owner hurried to let the service) (The waiter went to the police station.

"My fellow villagers, I'm sorry, my mouth is full of Yu Dachu) (feces."

Ah Chu roared at everyone in the hall, and then slapped himself in the face twice.

The townspeople who followed him here didn't know what to do for a while. The person who took the lead slapped him in the face, and the other party called the police. If the riot continued like this, it would be a riot.

The most important thing is that this young man subdued Master Mao's apprentice at once. He is a Taoist priest just like Master Mao, and he is not easy to mess with.

In a few minutes, Captain Song and Zhou Yuan came to the hotel and saw Ah Chu, who was about to be cut into a pig's head.

"My mouth is full of squirting) (feces!"

When Ah Chu saw Captain Song, he was desperate for help, but what he said was still the same.

"Captain Song, please take a seat. When Jiang came to Gantian Town, he didn't even go out the door of the hotel a few times except to buy a piece of land and have people build the foundation. This kid slandered my reputation and brought a group of townspeople over to let me What kind of dragon vein stone is returned to make the townspeople think that Jiang is a robber. Can you be locked up for a few days as an example?"

Jiang Lin sat leisurely in the rest area, poured a cup of tea, and motioned Captain Song to sit down.

Captain Song looked at Ah Chu, who slapped his ear from time to time, in a daze, and was a little speechless for a while.

He originally thought that Ah Chu was looking for Jiang Lin, but he didn't expect this kid to encourage the villagers to come.

Typical crowds to make trouble, disturb others.

On the side, Zhou Yuan touched his face, and the sound of slaps hurt.

I'll just say that this Master Jiang is amazing. If you don't believe it, you just want to provoke people. That's it.

Zhou Yuan was a little gloating about the misfortune, and their captains all said that it was best for them to ask Master Jiang, this Ah Chu had to ask for trouble.

"Jiang...Mr. Jiang, Ah Chu did something wrong, but he also cared about our Gantian Town, and the way he handled things was a bit reckless. Shut down for a few's useless. We will also focus on education. , let Ah Chu realize his mistake."

Captain Song smiled apologetically at Jiang Lin. Ah Chu was from Fuxitang. For the sake of Master Mao's protection of Gantian Town, he couldn't shut Ah Chu just because of this.

"That's it, since Captain Song feels embarrassed, I don't really have any big losses here. Let's expose this matter first. I came to Guizhen to settle down, and I won't bully your locals, let alone do anything to Guizhen. It's a bad thing, but Jiang is not a character who is casually kneaded by others."

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