Only a few of them have seen Jiang Lin take action, but everyone who has seen it, like Zhou Yuan, said Jiang Lin very mysteriously.

Now when I see Master Jiang, who is only famous but has never met, is so young, this kind of psychology is even stronger.

Fist is afraid of young strong, stick is afraid of old man, which one is stronger?

"Jiang Daochang's Taoism is profound, and I admire it very much. Please."

Mao Xiaofang also made a polite remark to Jiang Lin and invited him to take a seat.

In Mao Xiaofang's opinion, although Jiang Lin is young, he already has the demeanor of a master, and his speech and behavior cannot be measured by his age.

Although Jiang Lin said polite words just now, it resolved his embarrassment invisibly, and gave him a new understanding of Jiang Lin.

"Sanyuan, you ask Captain Song to take some people, and I will go to the Dragon Vein Tree to have a look in a while."

Mao Xiaofang spoke to Zhou Yuan, then poured tea for Jiang Lin and asked, "Daoist friend, I have not been in the town these few days, and the dragon vein stone of the dragon vein tree at the mouth of the town has been lost. The place?"

What Mao Xiaofang said was rather obscure. He had been in Gantian Town for many years and had a stronger sense of dragon energy than ordinary people. Jiang Lin had a dragon energy in his body.

Chapter five hundred and fourteen

If it wasn't for someone who was often exposed to dragon energy, he wouldn't have been able to detect it, and even Ninth Uncle wouldn't have noticed that Jiang Lin had dragon energy on his body.

Most of these dragon qi were nourished by the dragon qi he had received in the dragon cave in the past seven hundred years, and the other part was the effect of the corpse emperor's nine-five corpse raising array.

"Last night I felt the turmoil in the town's dragon veins. I didn't care at that time. I guess the dragon vein stone was lost at that time. I'm not interested in the town's dragon vein stone."

"Don't get me wrong, fellow Daoist, that's not what I meant."

Mao Xiaofang didn't expect Jiang Lin's answer to be so direct, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

"It's nothing, it's quite a coincidence that the dragon vein stone in the town was lost as soon as Jiang came to Guizhen."

Zhenzi lost the dragon vein stone, and he had just arrived. Even if someone came to ask, Jiang Lin didn't mind, but the way he asked was acceptable or not.

Mao Xiaofang had done his due diligence, and if he asked again, Jiang Lin had nothing to hide.

But the way of his apprentice, I'm sorry, and again, Jiang Lin will let the people who come to eat and walk around.

Since Jiang Lin had already denied it, Mao Xiaofang did not investigate further, and his intuition told him that Jiang Lin really had nothing to do with the dragon vein stone.

"Fellow Daoist came to our Gantian Town, and the townspeople will be blessed in the future."

Mao Xiaofang motioned for Jiang Lin to drink tea and changed the subject.

"Hehe, I'm a lazy person. I came here to open a Taoist hall to do some wholesale business. I just sit at home and collect money. I don't think there will be any business conflicts with fellow Taoists. Of course, ordinary people can't afford me."

Now Jiang Lin wants to continue to be quiet (salty) and repair (fish) for a while, and he doesn't care about some little ghosts, but if he is really sneaky or offers money to his door, he won't refuse it.

Now his main source of income is to make a large number of talismans and instruments for wholesale, and distribute them to Dao Master Simu, Dao Master Qianhe, and Zhuge Kongping.

There are two demon kings at home, no transportation costs are required, and the gross profit is very large.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist, although we are peers, we are not enemies."

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea and said to Mao Xiaofang with a smile.

In the future, if he settles down in Gantian Town, what should Mao Xiaofang do? Except for something else, it is estimated that he himself will basically stay at home.

"Hey, it's not right for fellow Daoist to say that. He is also doing his best for the peace of the town, so why don't you talk about it?"

Mao Xiaofang originally thought that Jianglin's future Taoist temples would be the same as their Fuxi temples, but he didn't expect Jianglin to engage in wholesale.

He estimated that Jiang Lin might be selling some cinnabar yellow paper or paper stickers.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also said that the cost of handing out was very expensive, and most people could not afford it.

This made him a little confused.

If Jiang Lin knew the doubts in Mao Xiaofang's heart, he would definitely complain.

If you don't have a family, you don't know how expensive Chai Mi is. Of course you don't understand how I support my family if you don't have a wife.

"Master Mao, Master Jiang, and the captain have already brought people to the town."

At this time, Zhou Yuan entered Hexing Building and brought Jiang Lin with him.

Just now, it was Mao Xiaofang who opened his mouth, but Jiang Lin did not express his position.

"Fellow Daoist, if you have time to take a look together, the loss of the dragon vein stone is no trivial matter, and it is also a good thing to retrieve it as soon as possible."

After all, he was a fellow, and Mao Xiaofang actually wanted to see Jiang Lin's methods.

Now that it is confirmed that the dragon vein stone is not on Jiang Lin's body, there is no need to drink this tea anymore.

"Since fellow Daoists have invited him, Jiang has just arrived in Gantian Town, so he should do his part."

Jiang Lin didn't mention the remuneration. When he arrived at a place, it would be more convenient to fight his reputation first and spread it out later.

"With Master Mao and Master Jiang, the dragon vein stone in our town will definitely be found."

Zhou Yuan grinned, and two experts helped them find the dragon vein stone in the town, so there was no need to worry about everything.

Finally, I can see what Master Jiang is capable of.

The townspeople of Hexing Building also followed Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang and went to the town entrance.

"Master Mao, Master Jiang."

Captain Song was also very happy when he saw Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang coming together. Today, he was devastated by the events in the town. If the Dragon Vein Stone is not found, Gantian Town will not be at peace for a day.

When he arrived at the Dragon Vein Tree, Mao Xiaofang wandered around a few times, and then opened his magical eyes to see if some evildoer had taken the Dragon Vein Stone away.

But got nothing.

"Master Mao, can you figure out where the dragon vein stone went?"

Seeing Mao Xiaofang frowning, Captain Song stepped forward and asked.

"Dragon vein tree involves luck, I can't figure it out."

Mao Xiaofang frowned, he couldn't see any clues at all.

Jiang Lin, who was on the side, glanced around with his arms folded, and he couldn't see any clues.

There is no evil spirit, and no evil spirit remains. The dragon vein stone should not have been stolen by evil spirits or the like.

"Master Jiang, how are you?"

Captain Song looked at Jiang Lin again.

"Like Master Mao, I can't do divination."

If the dragon veins can be counted, there is no need to search for the Oriental Demon Dao on the land of Shenzhou.

Looking up at the sun, Jiang Lin said again, "It's impossible to figure it out, I can directly question it."

At noon in the west, ghosts kill chickens.

At this point in time, ghosts can show up.

A few array flags were thrown out of the cloth bag, and then their hands turned like wheels, quickly forming handprints one by one.

"Pan ghost asks evil! Hastily like the law!"

As Jiang Lin's voice fell, a gloomy wind blew in front of the Dragon Vein Tree, and a black evildoer with a length of more than three meters appeared in front of him.

"This... what is this? Ghost?"

"Can ghosts appear during the day?"

When the townspeople saw the spooky monster with legs like pillars appearing in front of them, they all backed away in fright.

" this the mountain winding technique of the monk era?"

Mao Xiaofang's voice couldn't help but rise a few degrees.

In the past, there was a mountain god or a land god in every mountain and a land.

If the monks have enough Taoism, they can cast these mountain gods and land gods to ask for information.

Maoshan's questioning rice technique and Laoshan's door-questioning technique are derived from the Panshan technique, but asking rice and asking the door are often ineffective. These two techniques are equivalent to spreading their own questions, whether there are ghosts to answer, and the use of magic cannot be controlled either.

But the mountain winding technique is different, it is equivalent to detaining the mountain god and the earth god.

However, this technique has long been lost, and even if it is not lost, it is useless. There are no mountain gods and land gods in the world now.

Master Jiang cast a spell, even Master Mao was shocked?

Captain Song, Zhou Zhou, and the surrounding townspeople all turned their attention to Jiang Lin.

Master Mao couldn't find the dragon vein stone, so Master Jiang has a way!

Chapter five hundred and fifteen

What Jiang Lin used was the Panshan Technique, but it had been improved by him. The Panshan Technique was no longer useful, so he changed the object of interrogation to a mountain ghost or a terrestrial sinner.

In the past three years, Jiang Lin has not only been studying formations and supernatural abilities, but some of the spells he had seen in the monk era have also been improved and inherited by him. In the era of the end of the law, some spells are still effective.

No, this is not a mountain god and a land god, and now these places have basically disappeared.

Mao Xiaofang looked at the ghost in front of Jiang Lin and recognized that it was actually a sin.

The appearance of the evil land is very similar to the enlarged black impermanence. Although some of the townspeople in Gantian Town have seen ghosts, but now they suddenly see the "black impermanence", they are so frightened that they lean towards Mao Xiaofang.

Even Captain Song and Zhou Yuan were terrified and took a few steps back involuntarily.

Although the townspeople are afraid of the black evil, there are two masters here anyway, and they don't need to be too afraid, so someone asked Mao Xiaofang: "Master Mao, what is that?"

"That's a sin, a naturally generated ghost."

Mao Xiaofang didn't explain too much, anyway, these townspeople couldn't understand it either.

This fellow Taoist is truly profound.

Even a Taoist priest who is proficient in asking rice and asking the door may not be able to ask ghosts of this level, but Jiang Lin was able to bring the evil of the earth directly.

Mao Xiaofang couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin.


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