Di Nie made a hoarse and unpleasant sound, and Jiang Lin nodded while listening.

He now has a special position in the underworld, so in the past three years, he has also learned nonsense, which is also what Judge Lu asked, otherwise this red beard would not have so much fragrance for Jiang Lin, let him talk to the ghost below Barrier-free communication.

Therefore, what Di Nie said was incomprehensible to outsiders, but Jiang Lin understood.

In the end, the evildoer bowed to Jiang Lin and sank into the ground.

Jiang Lin turned around and said to Mao Xiaofang: "Master Mao, the dragon vein stone should have been stolen by an evil cultivator. The evil cultivator came here with a hanging Kongming lantern, and after stealing the dragon vein stone, headed towards the east. went."

"Evil repair?"

Mao Xiaofang did not expect that the Dragon Vein Stone was actually stolen.

"That's right. I can only find out the direction in which he escaped, but I don't know the exact location. I wonder if Master Mao can do anything?"

Jiang Lin is telling the truth. He has a sense of dragon qi within a certain range, but if the dragon qi does not overflow the surface, he will not have many means to find the dragon.

"As long as there is a direction, it will be much easier to do. At night, I can use the method of finding the way of the crane and the guidance of the spirit bird to find the dragon vein stone. I really admire the means of the fellow daoist."

Mao Xiaofang's face is a bit complicated, although he has a way to find the dragon vein stone, but that is under the premise of having a general direction.

Without Jiang Lin's Coiling Technique, it would be very difficult for him to find the Dragon Vein Stone.

"It's really great! Master Jiang, Master Mao, you two are really extraordinary. I told others before that with Master Jiang and Master Mao in Gantian Town, we in Gantian Town will not be afraid even if the heavenly soldiers come over. ."

Knowing that the dragon vein stone could be found, Zhou Yuan started his flattery work again.

It's just that he didn't realize that this flattery made Mao Xiaofang feel uncomfortable.

There are a lot of ellipses on Mao Xiaofang's face, Master Jiang, Master Mao, he is even behind in the ranking.

"Yes, in the future, Gantian Town will have two masters, and our town will be blessed."

Captain Song breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes on Jiang Lin changed completely. This young master is stronger than Master Mao!

Fortunately, I didn't rush to ask if the Dragon Vein Stone was with him before.

Many of the townspeople who came here had followed Ah Chu to the hotel to block the river forest, but now they regretted it to death.

That's what Achu did!

Now that Master Jiang is so capable, what should he do if he recognizes me if he comes to him in the future?

Apologize!Be sure to apologize to Master Jiang.

Many townspeople went to the hotel to apologize to Jiang Lin after going back.

Since Mao Xiaofang only had a way to do it at night, Jiang Lin didn't stay any longer, and was going to see how the homestead was doing.

Mao Xiaofang also returned to the town, and the two happened to be on the same road, and chatted for a while on the road.

Jiang Lin also learned more about Mao Xiaofang. The Tiandao faction belongs to Maoshan, the southern faction, and is not the same faction as him.

"Chen Dao faction belongs to Maoshan of the northern faction?"

Mao Xiaofang looked a little unnatural when he knew that Jianglin's Chendao faction actually originated in Maoshan, the northern faction.

As for such a big reaction?

Jiang Lin was a little speechless. He went to Luofu Mountain and wanted to visit some sects of the Southern faction. He thought he was showing off each of them. Now that he met Mao Xiaofang, once he knew that they were not from the same faction, it seemed that they couldn't chat in a friendly manner.

"Our country's view of being a portal is too deep. If we continue like this in the future, I am afraid that the Oriental demons may ride on our heads. I really don't understand. In the monk era, there were still gatherings such as Tainan Xiaohui. But now, it's getting harder and harder to let go. My daughter-in-law..."

What Jiang Lin said was not sensational. If he didn't exist in this era, after Ninth Uncle and the others passed away, the next generation would not be able to pick up, and in the end, they would only become more and more declining.

In later generations, the tallest building in Shanghai designed by Jiuju faction for Chinese people in Lujiazui, Shanghai is a strong proof.

It is clear that in the big cities of our country, no one has discovered the vicious bureau, and it was only later broken by the feng shui of the Chinese people.

My broom daughter.

Mao Xiaofang suddenly felt that what Jiang Lin said was very appropriate, a broken broom, but it was like a treasure.The "brooms" in the monk's era were much more precious than they are now, and people are not stingy to exchange appreciation with others.

I still feel low.

Mao Xiaofang couldn't help but look at Jiang Lin a little more.

Originally, he thought that he was different from Jianglin's sect, and it should not be possible to discuss Taoism together, but Jianglin's phrase "the daughter of the broom" was like a knife stabbed in his heart.

Mao Xiaofang bowed his hands to Jiang Lin and said, "What fellow Daoists said is that from ancient times to the present, the factions of the portal view have indeed lost the inheritance of many essences. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely ask fellow Daoists to give some pointers."

"I don't dare to give advice, three people walk, there must be my teacher, and Jiang also hopes to sit and discuss Taoism with Master Mao in the future."

Jiang Lin smiled, resigned from Mao Xiaofang, and walked away.

Chapter [-] He is stronger than your master!

Jiang Lin went back to the hotel first, brought his two wives, and went to the homestead to let them take a look at their future home.

The two women rested for two days, and their spirits came back.

Captain Song also came here on the hind foot. Since Jiang Lin bought the land, he has not been here.

Now that he has seen Jiang Lin's methods with his own eyes, he wants to see if this is as exaggerated as what Zhou Yuan said.

Another reason why he came here is that he went to the hotel to ask, and Jiang Lin was not there.

In the future, Gantian Town will have another master, and Captain Song feels that he needs to know more about Jiang Lin.

"Master Jiang, it's really thanks to you this time, otherwise we in Gantian Town wouldn't know how to find the dragon vein stone."

After seeing Jiang Lin, Captain Song greeted him with a smile.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I haven't found the dragon vein stone yet. It's still a little early for Captain Song to say these words."

"There are Master Jiang, you and Master Mao in Gantian Town. The Dragon Vein Stone can definitely be found. Who are these two?"

Captain Song's eyes fell on Jingjing and Nianying behind Jiang Lin, and their eyes lit up.

What a beautiful girl, Erba Fangling.

"It's my wife. Jingjing, Nianying, this is the police captain Song of Gantian Town."

Jingjing and Nianying smiled at Captain Song, and seeing the envious look in Captain Song's eyes, the two women felt very comfortable.

What a blessing.

Captain Song was indeed envious. It was hard to find such a beautiful girl, and Jiang Lin even married two at once.

If he knew that there were many wives in Jiang Lin's family, his jaw would have dropped.

"I don't know why Captain Song came to find me?"

"That's right. In the future, Master Jiang is going to settle here. I also want to know more about it, and see if there is anything I can help. I'm taking the liberty to ask, is Master Jiang's Taoist Temple similar to that of Master Mao's Fuxi Hall? ?"

Jiang Lin laughed and said, "It's different, I'm actually a businessman, and I will do some wholesale business in the town in the future. I usually don't do things like chasing ghosts and exorcising demons. This time, I just came to Gantian Town, and I started looking for the dragon vein stone because of my fame. I hope Captain Song will not misunderstand."

Jiang Lin had been here for a few days, and he already knew that Fuxitang had a high status in the hearts of the townspeople of Gantian Town, and Mao Xiaofang was even more prestigious.

It's similar to Uncle Jiu in Renjia Town.

This is not only because of Mao Xiaofang’s profound Taoism, but more importantly because he often does things for the townspeople for free, and usually rarely receives remuneration. Moreover, Mao Xiaofang’s medical skills are quite superb. He also helps the townspeople to see a doctor for free. They even distribute rice noodles.

Jiang Lin is not a great sage, he will do things to avoid ruining lives, but he can't do a pure great man.

He scatters the anointing of the people, which originally belonged to the people, because doing these things is also beneficial to himself.

"You should get paid."

Although Captain Song was quite surprised in his heart, he did not show it on his face. Taoist priests are also human, and they have to support their families.

There are indeed very few people like Master Mao.

But as long as the ability is there, it doesn't matter if you get paid for doing things.

"If Master Jiang's mansion is completed and the business starts, he will definitely come to support him at that time. I wish Master Jiang a prosperous business."

"Captain Xie Song has said it well. If it's convenient, you might as well have a cup of tea."

Although Captain Song is a second-generation official, he is a fighter in the second-generation official. He is serious in his work and considers the people of the town.

One more friend and one more way, and maybe I will have to deal with this captain a lot in the future. Since Captain Song is here, he is so good at speaking. It is not bad to invite him to have a cup of tea as a friend.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Captain Song actually wanted to make friends with Jiang Lin when he came here. Now Jiang Lin's invitation to tea is exactly what he wants.

On the other side, after Mao Xiaofang returned to Fuxi Hall, A Hai and A Chu stepped forward and asked, "How is it, Master, do you have any clues about the dragon vein stone?"

"Master, did the surnamed Jiang take the dragon vein stone from our town?"

Ah Chu suffered a loss from Jiang Lin, thinking in his heart that if the master came out, he must show the tail of the fox surnamed Jiang.

In his opinion, Jiang Lin's spells on him, including taking him in front of him, were all sorcery.

The clever magic that I have never seen before is the sorcery.This is Ah Chu's brain circuit.

"What is the surname of Jiang, I will call me uncle Shi when I see people in the future! Also, the dragon vein stone was stolen by the evil cultivator. If you dare to be so reckless in the future, I will expel you from the school!"

Mao Xiaofang knocked on his incompetent apprentice hard, with a sullen look on his face.

Jiang Lin and he did not belong to the same faction. If Jiang Lin had a broad heart, I am afraid that this time it would cause a conflict between the two factions.

"Uncle Shi? Doesn't that mean he's the same generation as Master? That Mr. Jiang is very young."

Ah Hai's small eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe that his master asked them to call them Uncle Jiang Lin.

"You're young, but he's better than your master!"

Mao Xiaofang had to admit that Jiang Lin was indeed stronger than him. Even when Jiang Lin was casting spells, he couldn't see through Jiang Lin.

Although the factions were different and the cultivation techniques were somewhat different, Jiang Lin could vaguely feel that the other party was like a mountain.

impossible?Stronger than Master? ? ?

Ah Hai and Ah Chu stared at each other with big eyes. That Mr. Jiang was about the same age as them. Even if his talent was stronger, he was not at the level of a Taoist. How could he be stronger than Master?

"Master, won't our business be robbed by him in the future?"

A Chu was shocked for a moment, and then said another sentence.

Mao Xiaofang slapped him hard on the head and scolded: "Don't think of people's good, bring me a bucket and sprint! If you can't finish it, don't eat."

When Ah Hai saw his junior brother being beaten, he immediately shrank his head, and after a while, he carefully said: "Master, that Mr. Jiang is so powerful, our Fuxitang's business will be affected to some extent."

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