"That master Jiang is in the wholesale business. It is estimated that he sells cinnabar yellow paper or peach wood. It is not the same as us. Maybe we will go to him to buy goods in the future."

Mao Xiaofang didn't even know that he had completely made a mistake in Jianglin's wholesale stuff, and when Jianglin's Taoist temple opened in the future, he was shocked.

Chapter [*] Tracking

"Ah Hai, start stacking cranes and use them at night."

Jiang Lin had already found the direction, and Mao Xiaofang wanted to prepare and find out the exact location of the evil cultivator.

Now it is equivalent to Jiang Lin being in charge of the vague orientation of the general direction. He is in charge of precise positioning, and he has already boasted that there is a way to find the evil cultivator.

Seeing the serious look of the master, Ah Hai also got his spirits up and began to help prepare the guy.

Although he didn't know if Jiang Lin was definitely stronger than his master, he didn't want his master to be suppressed by others in his abilities.

Jingjing and Nianying drank tea with Jiang Lin and Captain Song, and the three returned to the hotel together.

"Husband, is there any other Taoist priest in this town?"

After listening to what Captain Song said before, Jingjing guessed that Fuxi Hall should also be a Taoist hall.

Nianying also raised her pretty face, looked at Jiang Lin, and asked, "Will my husband have conflicts with them in the future?"

As the women of Jianglin, they still know about these things, especially in the cultivating world, there are not a few things that happen to be hostile to each other among peers.

"Don't worry, I don't behave in the same way as he does. Even if I go with him, there will be no competition. If you settle here in the future, your husband will want to stay at home and accompany you more."

Jiang Lin hugged the two daughters' waists. He wanted to cultivate Taoism, slay demons and eliminate demons, and he owed his wife a lot, especially time.

Jingjing and Nianying were shy and happy, and the two of them stood on tiptoe and kissed the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth.

As soon as the three of Jiang Lin entered the hotel, they were stunned. Many people came to the hotel and were blocked in the lobby.

"Master Jiang is here!"

"Master Jiang, I'm really sorry, we misunderstood what that kid A Chu said."

"Yeah, Master Jiang, that boy Achu is really too much. There is no evidence, so he came to trouble you."

A group of people shouted non-stop, first explaining that they had misheard people, and then scolding Ah Chu for being wrong.

In the end, some people wondered whether Achu wanted to suppress Jiang Lin for Fuxitang.

Seeing these townspeople bring apples, bananas, etc., Jiang Lin raised his hand to suppress it, and said, "Every townsman, Pindao and Master Mao can still talk to each other, and there is no one who suppresses the other. Don't talk nonsense. Ah Chu is more reckless, and it's because he cares about the town. You are anxious about the town's dragon veins, which is understandable, these things can't be accepted by the poor."

Jiang Lin's impression of Mao Xiaofang was pretty good, and he didn't want him and Fuxitang to be misunderstood because of their own unworthy disciples.

Ah Chu's failure to succeed was his own fault, and Mao Xiaofang felt a little wronged to carry this fault.

"Master Jiang, anyway, we disturbed your life. If you don't accept it, we will feel sorry for it."

"Yeah yeah."

"To receive."

The townspeople insisted on giving the fruits they brought to each other. Jiang Lin saw that the townspeople didn’t accept them and they were uneasy, so he said, “Okay, this basket of bananas and lychees has been collected, and the rest will be poor no matter what. It is not accepted. Pindao has only been here for a day or two, so there is no such thing as accepting gifts, you go back."

The townspeople looked at each other, and since Jiang Lin accepted the apology gift and his attitude was firm, they no longer insisted.

"I didn't expect that although Master Jiang is young, he has such a generous mind."

"Yeah, doing things prudently is similar to that of Master Mao."

"That Ah Chu, if I meet him again, I have to tell him a meal. Isn't this a good man who was innocently wronged?"

After the townspeople left the hotel, they all praised Jiang Lin in their words, and at the same time did not forget to complain about Ah Chu.

Later, Mao Xiaofang found out that the villagers punished the unworthy disciple again because A Chu was spending money.

At night, many townspeople gathered near the Dragon Vein Tree, and even Captain Song's father, the director, came.

"Ahai, you are here to maintain the formation with Captain Song. Master Jiang and I will retrieve the dragon vein stone as soon as possible."

Mao Xiaofang instructed his apprentice, and went to the due east with Jiang Lin with a Qiankun bag on his back.

At dusk, the dragon vein tree began to leak because the pearl stone it held was lost for too long. Although Mao Xiaofang arranged the formation, it was still unable to effectively prevent the situation from worsening. If not, Gantian Town will be in big trouble.

The two walked ten miles, Mao Xiaofang looked at the night sky, the dark clouds dissipated, and a full moon appeared.

He put the bird cage aside, took out a Tai Chi gossip picture from the Qiankun bag, and threw it into the air, casting a spell to make a gossip picture appear on the ground.

"The Big Dipper borrows the moon, and the crane guides the way!"

Mao Xiaofang threw out a paper crane, pulled out a piece of Luo Geng in his hand, and made the paper crane fall on it.

After the operation, the cranes emitted bright light and shot forward. At the same time, illusory paper cranes flew out from the surface of the compass. From a distance, they looked like a rope full of paper cranes, straight and parallel to the compass. ground.

Some of the techniques of Nanpai Maoshan are indeed quite different from what they have learned.

Jiang Lin nodded. He had followed the ninth uncle for so long, and he had never seen the ninth uncle use such a spell to guide the way.

"Fellow Daoist, there are hundreds of paper cranes, one represents a distance of a hundred paces, and the dragon vein stone is still ten miles ahead."

After that, Mao Xiaofang tapped his toes on the door of the bird cage, the lark flew out, and hundreds of cranes flew towards the white bird in mid-air.

The real paper crane headed among them fell on the head of the lark, and the rest of the illusory paper cranes were sucked in by the lark.

Spreading its wings, the lark flew into the distance.

"Fellow Daoist, let's go. I'm afraid that after midnight tonight, the dragon vein stone will absorb enough death energy, and then the dragon vein stone will become a powerful evil dragon evil spirit. Not only will we die, but the whole Gantian will die. The town will also burn with jade and stone."

Mao Xiaofang's face was a little dignified. When talking with Jiang Lin on the way, he learned from Jiang Lin's mouth that Xie Xiu had said the Black Qi Sutra. If the other party used death energy to feed the dragon vein stone, the trouble would be big.

"Then hurry over there."

Jiang Lin was just looking for a place to stay, and he had already bought the land, so he couldn't let that evil cultivator succeed.

After more than half an hour, the two came to an open space with the lark to a barren mountain.


Mao Xiaofang fumbled around for a while, but there was no trace of the dragon vein stone at all, which made his head dizzy for a while.

Chapter [*]: Cultivating sorcery?Nothing more than that!

It stands to reason that crane guidance and spirit bird tracking should not go wrong, but why not here.

The lark has stopped on a tree not far away, proving that the Dragon Vein Stone is indeed nearby.

After walking around for two more times, Mao Xiaofang had some fine sweat on his forehead, but he couldn't find it.

After Jiang Lin glanced around, he exuded a spiritual sense. If there is no dragon energy on the ground, it may be underground.

"poison gas?"

Jiang Lin felt a strong poisonous gas from a hidden crack on the surface, he walked over and knocked on the ground.

"Fellow Daoist, what did you find?"

Mao Xiaofang saw that Jiang Lin seemed to have discovered something, so he followed.

Jiang Lin nodded and explained to Mao Xiaofang: "There is a strong poisonous gas underneath, I am afraid it is not normal. It is estimated that there should be a hollow hole below."

"You mean that the evil cultivator is below, but with such a strong poisonous gas, how could he survive below?"

Mao Xiaofang was a little stunned. He was a little short of breath when he approached this place just now. If the bottom is full of poisonous gas, can people still survive?

"Let's not talk about poison gas, even more powerful than poison gas, there are evil cultivators who can survive in it."

Jiang Lin remembered the place where the masked ghosts and witches gathered in the church when they were in Jiuquan Town. That kind of place was much more powerful than this poisonous gas.

Poison qi hurts the body the most, and if there is enough yin qi, it can destroy a person's soul.

Jiang Lin had seen quite a few evil cultivators, so he didn't need to make a fuss if he was well-informed.

"Fellow Daoist, you get out of the way first, and I'll open an opening for this hole."

Jiang Lin asked Mao Xiaofang to take two steps back. Two flaming swords spread out from his hands, and he waved his arms a few times, and the surface, which was not thick, collapsed.

What kind of spell is this?

Mao Xiaofang's eyes suddenly opened, and the ground was broken with a wave of his hands?

The North faction is rising now?

Just when Mao Xiaofang was stunned, a hoarse voice of a man came from below.

"Who is disturbing this seat's cleaning, courting death!"

Hehe, even a mere evil cultivator dares to call him "this seat"?

Jiang Lin was about to go down to destroy this rampant evil cultivator, but Mao Xiaofang reminded him.

"Fellow Daoist, this place is full of poisonous gas, and it is very dangerous for us to go down rashly."

Speaking of which, Mao Xiaofang took two water bags from his waist, handed one to Jiang Lin, and said, "With this oxygen bag, we can hold on for a while longer and get the dragon vein stone first."

Jiang Lin nodded, in fact he didn't need it, but seeing Mao Xiaofang's kindness, he put the water bag in his hand.

"Fellow Daoist, when we get downstairs, I'll look for the dragon vein stone first. You block the evil cultivator. After the dragon vein stone is in hand, retreat first."

The poison gas below is rich in death gas, and if you take the dragon vein stone in your hand earlier, you can make it lose some dragon gas.

Mao Xiaofang's eyesight was not as good as his own, and Jiang Lin took the job of finding the dragon vein stone on his body.

"no problem."

With the oxygen bag, Mao Xiaofang was quite confident in his own strength.

After Jiang Lin jumped down, he found an unrecognizable man in a Taoist robe sitting cross-legged on a coffin in the cave.

"You dare to seek death to explore this cave."

When Xie Xiu saw Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang coming down, his expression didn't change. The poisonous gas here was so strong that no one could stay here for a long time except him.

It can be said that this is his home.

Even if the dragon comes down, it has to be coiled.

"It's endless, Dong Dongbo!"

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