The two took a carriage to Hongjia Town and found Ishii, the principal of the Japanese language school. The school was haunted and temporarily closed, and the meeting place was Ishii's residence.

According to Jiang Lin's instructions, Xiaohai discussed business with Ishii.

Jiang Lin was quietly being a beautiful man on the side.

He glanced at the principal, and although the oriental demon was well-disguised, he still saw through it.

Now Jiang Lin's eyesight is not ordinary. His cultivation base has reached the peak of Tianshi. A Taoist-level magician is playing disguise in front of him, and he is still very tender.

However, Jiang Lin didn't immediately pierce this demonic diorama. Maybe there were other magicians. He didn't want to startle the snakes for the time being.

It's best to be able to do it all in one go.

"Yes, it must be five thousand oceans. You must know that many Taoist priests have died here. Without such a high reward, we will not do it."

Xiao Hai's attitude is very firm, and before he fights against the Japanese magician, he hits him hard.


Ishii's face was a little gloomy, but he didn't argue with Xiaohai again.

In his opinion, after entering the school anyway, these two guys are sure to die, and there is no need to give money at that time.

"The place where students encounter ghosts is the girls' toilet on the second floor of the teaching building) (So, after you solve the problem as soon as possible, we can start classes for the students."

Ishii smirked and urged Jiang Lin and the others to die.

"Don't worry, you will be satisfied."

Jiang Lin smiled at Shijing and went to school with Xiaohai.

"Sure enough resentment."

When he came to the gate of the school, Jiang Lin could see that the sky above the school was filled with ghosts.

In broad daylight, the unmanned campus looks rather gloomy.

In front of the teaching building, Jiang Lin looked up, and Hanako was hiding inside.

"Senior brother, do you want to arrange a formation or enchantment?"

When dealing with ghosts, if there is no guarantee that they can be killed, generally they must be restrained by means of formations or enchantments.

This is what Jiang Lin taught Xiaohai and the others.

"No need for now. It's not an easy task to seal the entire teaching building. Go up and have a look. If you find a place to live for Hanako, you can save a lot of time by setting it up."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and lifted his foot up the stairs.

The girl WC on the second floor...

[Note: To prevent being repaired, the "toilet" is represented by WC below]

Jiang Lin did not expect that he would go to such a place. In his middle school days, this kind of place was simply a holy place that some boys yearned for.

In terms of teaching implementation, the Japanese side does have a lot of money. The student toilets are very large and relatively clean.

Even the sink has a glass mirror.

"No wonder those fellows came here and never returned. It turned out that they were dragged into the spiritual world. It seems that the cultivation of this evil spirit is really not low."

Jiang Lin turned around in the WC, frowning.

Japanese varieties are different.

He has seen many ghosts, but he has never met anyone who can enter the spiritual world.

"Senior brother, what is the spiritual world?"

"In addition to the underworld and the yang world, there are many hidden spaces in this world, and the spiritual world is one of them. In addition, there are the demon world, the yin and yang world, the magic world, the mirror world and the dream world, etc., but these small We don’t usually have access to the world. Some ghosts can enter the spiritual world if they have reached a certain level of cultivation and possess special abilities.”

Jiang Lin patiently explained to Xiao Hai.

"This girl's toilet has the entrance to the spiritual world and the mirror world."

Jiang Lin tapped Xiaohai's forehead with Sanqing fingers and asked him to look at the mirror on the sink.

"Senior brother, why is there a wooden door in the mirror?"

Xiaohai looked at the scene in the mirror, and then looked at the place that was mirror-symmetrical to it, and suddenly felt incredible.

"The mirror is already the mirror world, and of course there is a wooden door. Have you heard of anyone seeing ghosts in the mirror?"


Xiao Hai shuddered, thinking that he saw something in the mirror that was not in reality in the middle of the night, he couldn't help it.

Where are the most terrifying ghosts? Three places: on the ceiling, under the bed and in the mirror.

The mirror here does not only refer to the glass mirror, but also the screen.

"Senior brother, there is a child's face in the mirror!"

Xiaohai kicked his legs in fright and jumped out of the door.

Jiang Lin's face was speechless, a Taoist priest jumped out so far from being scared by a ghost, that's enough!

The ghost in the mirror can scare you like this. If a ghost crawls out of the TV in the future, it will not scare you.


Hanako in the mirror let out a gloomy laugh, she opened the wooden door in the mirror to a gap, and grinned strangely at Jiang Lin.

The round eyes are like the eyes of a dead fish, with sparse teeth and a large forehead, it is really scary.

Even with Qiu Sheng and Fei Bao, it is estimated that seeing this scene will cause a cold sweat.

But it's okay to scare others, but it's not enough to scare Jiang Lin.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Second Going the way of the ghost baby, let the ghost baby have no way to go

Hanako slowly closed the wooden door, and then there was a creaking sound of the wooden door opening and closing on the entire floor, and the laughter of the hairy doll spread.

Laugh so much.

Jiang Lin shook his head, it seems that this evil spirit feels that he can enter the mirror world at will, which is very presumptuous.

"Xiao Hai, these are some sun-inducing talismans, you stick them on your body, and then stick these talismans on all the mirrors in the teaching building, and none of them are allowed to fall."

Jiang Lin handed a stack of talisman papers to Xiaohai. It was still daytime. No matter how fierce Hanako was, when Xiaohai's talisman could gather yang energy, she wouldn't be able to show up and make trouble.

Hanako is now like a gopher, and Jiang Lin wants her to have no holes to drill.

After Xiaohai took the magic talisman, he went to various places in the teaching building to look for mirrors.

Jiang Lin also left the teaching building. He forced his spiritual power into his eyes to see if there was any other entrance to the spiritual world besides the WC on the second floor.

At dusk, Jiang Lin sealed the entire teaching building with array patterns.

Ishii and a group of magicians disguised as teachers looked at Jiang Lin with interest outside the school gate.

If Hanazi is so easily sealed, why are there so many Taoist priests planted in its hands?

"Haha, idiot, do you think other Taoists haven't tried this method?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect these Taoists to be so stupid."

"The Taoist priests in this area are about to be killed by us. It's time to move the position."

A group of magicians felt that they could foresee the ending of Jiang Lin and Xiaohai, and even fantasized about using Hanako to pit the Chinese Taoist priests to nothing.

"Let's go, let's go drink and toast for the victory of this operation."

"Yes, let's have a drink."

After the magicians left, Jiang Lin glanced at where they were standing, and observed a moment of silence for them.

They can't see the sun tomorrow.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin went back to the girls' toilet on the second floor.

"Signe (die)! Signe! Hehehe..."

Hanako rolled her eyes at Jiang Lin and Xiaohai in the mirror, and laughed gloomily.

A ghost doll is heavier than the ghost king's murderous intentions, Jiang Lin really has seen it for a long time.

It's still a child, you mustn't let it go!

Jiang Lin's hand quickly formed a seal, and his fingertips pointed to the mirror, and the mirror began to ripple.

"Yang Zhiqi!"

A black light shot out, directly piercing Hanako's body.


A scream that pierced the eardrums came from the space in the mirror.

Hanako's body was smashed into the wooden door, and the ghost doll disappeared instantly.

After a while, in the depths of the toilet, a blue vortex appeared in the air, and a strong suction force broke out. Jiang Lin's clothes fluttered, his feet were rooted on the ground, and he was not affected. sucked in.

"Xiaohai save me!"

"elder brother!"

Xiao Hai was pulled by Jiang Lin, and when he saw the figure of Fat Bao appearing in the whirlpool, he suddenly shouted.

"Senior brother, don't pull me, I want to save my brother."

Because of his eagerness to save his brother, and the extraordinary illusion created by Hanako, Xiaohai was directly recruited.

"How dare you be presumptuous!"

Jiang Lin drank, and the sound exploded in Xiaohai's ears, which immediately woke him up.

Where there is still the shadow of Fat Treasure in front of him, there is only a ghost doll with several centipede-like scars on his face.


Hanako grabbed her hands on her face, and behind her, ghosts appeared.

The Taoist priests who came here before are all dead, and their souls are controlled by Hanako and become its ghost slaves.

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