Jiang Lin waved one arm, and the Yang Yan whip shook, sending these ghost slaves flying backwards one by one.

The souls of these Taoist priests could still be saved, so Jiang Lin did not kill them one by one.

Hanako saw that her methods had no effect on Jiang Lin, and the doll's face was full of hideous expressions, but it didn't do any useless work and retreated directly.

As long as it retreats to the spiritual world, it is safe.

The surroundings darkened, and the blue vortex light group disappeared in an instant.

"Xiaohai, take care of these fellow souls. Take this red thread and I will go to the spiritual world to deal with it. It must not be broken, or I will be in trouble when I come out."

Jiang Lin shot out a talisman and stuck it on the mirror, and then left a message to Xiaohai. He threw out the bone sword. After stepping on the gang, three fireballs appeared on the bone sword in his hand.

"Open it for me!"

The tip of the sword shot out three fireballs at the place where the vortex originally existed, and a gate of light appeared in front of Jiang Lin.

Stepping in, Jiang Lin looked at the figure of Hanako flying in front of him, but did not immediately pursue.

As he walked, he carved purification runes on the ground behind him with the Yang Finger Sword.

Now that all the mirrors in the toilets and other places in the building have been sealed, Jiang Lin will go the way of this ghost, leaving it nowhere to go.

After the power of the runes spread, the surrounding wooden house and everything turned into fly ash and became a mist.

"Run, why didn't you run?"

As Jiang Lin approached step by step, Hanako became frightened, and it was now completely unable to get out.

Originally, the mirror surface outside could be used as a bridge connecting this space and the real world, but now the bridge is completely broken.

Hanako screamed, and her figure began to become illusory, and then turned into a dozen dolls, rushing towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't stop a single one. After a while, the ghost boy knew that the road he walked was untouchable.

If he could still walk, how could Jiang Lin make it impossible for him to go.


Seeing Jiang Lin, Hanako couldn't tell which one was it, and smiled proudly, but as soon as her body missed Jiang Lin, raging fire erupted from the ground.

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, then swinging his arm, he shot out a series of Yang Finger Swords, pinning Hanako to the ground.

If it hadn't been useful to keep this evil spirit, he would have killed it.

The resentment on this ghost doll is so strong that if it is killed, I am afraid there will be a lot of anger in it.

However, compared to such benefits, Jiang Lin prefers to use this ghost doll to kill those oriental demons.

After suppressing Hanako with a powerful talisman, Jiang Lin planted the Six Yang Soul Curse on it.

"Xiao Hai, go and ask that Ishii to bring the money. He said that I captured the ghost, but I was seriously injured."

After Jiang Lin returned to the toilet, he was ready to admire the despairing expressions of the Japanese magicians.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and in a ghost building with no one, it is the most suitable for killing people.

Now those demons should be drinking in the town, and it is not particularly convenient to destroy them.

Chapter five hundred and twentieth chapter ghost bites dog

"Principal Ishii, we have taken away the ghosts in the school, but my senior brother was seriously injured, give me the payment, and I will take him to see a doctor."

When Xiao Hai arrived at Ishii's residence, he shouted exaggeratedly.

A group of magicians sitting on their knees and drinking saw Xiaohai come out, and after listening to what he said, the wine in their mouths was sprayed out.

Hanako was collected?how is this possible!

Ishii looked stunned and stood up abruptly, and the other magicians looked at each other in dismay.

At night, as long as the Taoist priests enter the teaching building, it is impossible to come out again. Could it be that Hanako was really subdued?


"How could Hanako be accepted by you?"

The two drunken magicians immediately retorted.

Ishii glared at them, and then said to Xiaohai: "In that case, let's go and have a look."

He also didn't believe that Huazi would be subdued by these two young Taoist priests. Maybe these two guys didn't enter the teaching building at night in order to cheat money.

"Then the principal had better hurry up. I'm afraid that senior brother won't be able to hold on for too long. We need to take the remuneration of [*] oceans with us as medical expenses."

"Let's take a look. If the ghost is collected, the reward will naturally be given to you."

Five thousand oceans is not a small number. Ishii did not prepare it at all. He does have a lot of gold bars of large yellow croaker here, but they are used for other purposes.

Hehe, when you go, you will be hiccups. Where will we get the money then?

Xiaohai pointed at Ishii's nose and cursed, saying that he would go to town and sue them for not fulfilling the contract.

In the end, Ishii took a bag of gold bars with a dark face, and went to school with a group of magicians.

If this mortal Taoist dared to fool them, even if Hanako didn't get angry, they would kill Xiaohai.

On the second floor of the teaching building, Ishii and other practitioners saw Jiang Lin leaning against the wall of the corridor, sitting dormant. They immediately went to the toilet to check, but there was no sign of Hanako inside.

"Really taken?"

"Let them hand it over!"

Seeing that Hanako was really resolved, these magicians instantly changed their faces.

"Hey, I didn't expect that Hanako was actually accepted by you. If you are wise, hurry up and hand it over, otherwise you will only have a dead end."

Ishii looked at Xiao Hai coldly, a smirk appeared on his face.

Now he believes what Xiaohai said, but he believes it completely.

He thought that Jiang Lin was really seriously injured so he sat there and didn't want to move.

"Hehe, Hanako was really subdued. It's a pity that these two idiots still want to ask us for money."

"Do you think that you are so powerful that you took away such a powerful evil spirit?"

"Actually, this has always been a trap we set, and none of the Taoist priests who come here can get out alive."

Since Ishii, the leader, has completely revealed his true colors, the magician around him no longer pretends to be, and begins to be complacent.

One "severely injured" one is useless, it's too easy to kill.

"You seem to be very pleased."

Jiang Lin opened his eyes and looked at this group of oriental demons as if he were dead.

As soon as Hanako was resolved, these guys really came.

Now who is in the trap, who is the routine, this group of demons still haven't figured out.

"You... aren't you seriously injured?"

Ishii realized that something was wrong and immediately stepped back, but he found that the pattern of the formation appeared on the ground at some point.

"He's the one who surrendered Hanako? Why isn't there any damage at all?"

"Mr. Ishii, think of a way, this Taoist priest is likely to be a Celestial Master!"

At this moment, the demons finally realized how bad the situation was. Hanako was solved without even minor injuries. This young man must not be easy.

Kicked the iron plate this time!

"Don't you want Hanako? Taste her. Hanako, come on!"

Jiang Lin released Hanako and affixed a magic talisman on her body, making it completely irrational.

After Hanako entered the battle, she let out a terrifying cry, and then the screams mixed with Mandarin and Japanese echoed throughout the teaching building.

This evil spirit has now completely become a nightmare for the Toyoyodao.

The annual drama ghost bites a dog.

"Xiao Hai, take the gold bar and go back."

Jiang Lin banned Hanako again, preparing to go back and take the time to make it into a puppet doll.

The kind that kills you when you see an oriental demon and an officer.

For the next half a month, Jiang Lin took Ren Zhuzhu and the others to play in the south of the Yangtze River, and he also took the source water of the Qiantang River and the Huai River.

It is said that there are fourteen dragons protecting the land of Shenzhou, of which nine earth dragons represent the nine mountains in China, and five water dragons represent the five water systems of Shenzhou, so the previous emperor was called the honor of the Nine Five.

Qiantang River and Huai River are two of the five major water systems. These source waters have different dragon energy, and the river forest can be used to arrange corpse raising arrays or other mountain and river arrays.

After three days of rest at home, Jiang Lin took Jin Tianyi on the road again, and Panlan Tiger King was taken out by him as a means of transportation.

Next, he will travel all over the country. If there is any trace of the Eastern Demon Road, he will be destroyed by the way, and it will be much more convenient for Jin Tianyi to follow him.

The most important thing is that Jiang Lin's wife is not too delicate and can endure hardship with him.

Panlan Tiger King carried a lot of gold and silver on him, and Jiang Lin would use it for good deeds whenever he went to poor villages and towns.

Two months later, Jiang Lin and Jin Tianyi came to the Northeast again. Now Jin Tianyi's identity has not been exposed, and it doesn't take much effort to find out which camps have Oriental demons.

"Husband, there is a magician inside."


Jiang Lin released the Hanako that had been refined into a spirit body.


Hanako rolled her eyes and floated into the barracks.

Overnight, none of the officers and wizards in the entire camp escaped.

In just over half a month, more than [*] people were killed by Hanako, and several military camps were wiped out.

The Magician Alliance thought that Hanako had lost control. They never thought that this ghost doll would never be re-controlled by them. As long as they saw them, they would never die.

Later, Jin Tianyi found out that the Union of Magicians held a meeting to deal with Hanako's affairs and other issues.

The meeting place is in the northeast.

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