After Jiang Lin learned the news, he cast a lot of protective spells on the ghost doll, and then took it to the place where the magician met.

In this ghost-biting-dog battle, the final outcome was that no more than one-tenth of the survivors of the Warlock Alliance survived, and Hanako was beaten to the core.

Sure enough, it's a Japanese breed, Monkey Sailei!

There are five or six alchemist-level magicians who died in Hanako's hands!Dozens of other Daoist-level people died.

With this level of existence, it is no problem to join forces to deal with the ghost king, but it is not enough to deal with Hanako who has been manipulated by Jiang Lin.

"You'd better get all the Sadako, Gamiko, Mimiko, and so on, and I'll remodel them all."

Jiang Lin smiled, took Jin Tianyi's hand and left the Northeast.

[Note: There is a small error in Chapter 507, it should be "Nine Earth Dragons and Five Water Dragons", the chapters cannot be modified, so I will explain here]

Chapter five hundred and twentieth chapters ready to do a big vote

A month later, Jiang Lin and Jin Tianyi spent the New Year in the wilderness outside the Great Wall.

"Tianyi, follow me to the south and north, thank you for your hard work."

In the tent, Jiang Lin held Jin Tianyi in his arms and held her cold little hand.

"When I first met you, I thought I had eight lifetimes of bad luck before I met you, but now I feel like I was burning incense in my last life. Husband, it's not hard at all for Tianyi to be by your side."

Jin Tianyi's eyes were full of affection, looking at Jiang Lin. Although he followed him up the mountains and mountains, Jiang Lin really took good care of her.

She was tired and Jiang Lin either carried her on his back or held her.

Although she has spent a lot of time outside in the past few months, Jin Tianyi has not lost any weight at all.

Jin Tianyi put Jiang Lin's hand on his blushing face and rubbed it, then wrapped his arms around Jiang Lin's neck.

"Husband, the weather is a little cold, and people want to sweat a little."

Jin Tianyi took off his boots, and a pair of cool jade feet poked into Jiang Lin's jacket and pressed against his abdominal muscles.

"In such a cold day, you need to exercise."

With Jin Tianyi's big white legs, Jiang Lin never got tired of playing for three or four years.


After some cloud and rain, Jin Tianyi made a whistling sound.

"Don't speak Japanese at this time in the future."

Jiang Lin pinched the person under him. When he was doing business, his woman made a unique sound in an island country art film, which felt super weird.

The next day, Jiang Lin looked at the expanse of white snow, feeling a little disappointed.

"Master, where have you been?"

When he set off, he originally wanted to ask the Master of the Four Eyes, where the Master of the Nine Uncles was outside the Great Wall, but at that time the Master of the Four Eyes was gone, and Aunt Zhe also left the one in Dongtou Village because he could not see the Uncle Nine for several years. sadly.

But Daoist Qianhe happened to go somewhere else, and Jiang Lin was going to look for it by himself.

But in the absence of clues, it's really hard to find someone.

Uncle Shi, after you came back, the Chen Dao faction changed to the Maoshan Chen Dao faction, but when will you come back?

Jiang Lin was concerned about the safety of Uncle Jiu. When he was passing through Hunan, he heard the news that Yang Shan and his son had died. Now, only Zhang Han is left in the Chen Dao faction.

Returning to Maoshan will no longer have any objections.

After the beginning of spring, Jiang Lin set foot on the circuit. Next, he would spend a period of time in the underworld and use the corpse raising array to improve the corpse. It is best to advance the corpse to the level of hairy zombies.

After that, he will go to the land of Shu to look for the trace of Fei Zong.

In the past six months, his footprints have traveled all over the country, and he has given donations to more than [-] villages.

A few days after Jiang Lin went back, he found that something was wrong with Xiaohong. This gentle and pleasant female ghost was unbalanced. She used to think that Jiang Lin and her were different people, but Jiang Lin was able to marry a female ghost. Now Jianglin has Xiaoli and Xiaoqian, and treats her as an outsider.

Jiang Lin consumed a lot of precious medicinal materials on Xiaohong, but Xiaohong has been diligent in her cultivation, and Jiang Lin had been at home before, so she didn't come out much, and Jiang Lin ignored her.

Since Xiaohong was upset, Jiang Lin didn't leave her alone.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Qian, come out too, and come with Xiao Hong with me."

Jiang Lin asked Xiaoli and Xiaoqian in the bamboo umbrella to come out, and was going to take them and Xiaohong to practice. Judge Lu sent a message yesterday and asked him to go down and talk about things.

"Hello two sisters."

Xiaohong bowed to the two ghost sisters who were full of fairy spirit. She is now also a member of the Jianglin family.

Jiang Lin took the three ghost wives to Judge Lu's judge's hall, and saw that Judge Lu had blue veins on his forehead.

fuck!Ghost Emperor's wives rarely have such looks.

"Judge Lu, you have already met my wife Xiaoqian. This is Xiaoli and Xiaohong."

Jiang Lin smiled at Judge Lu and gave him a look that you understand.

Don't miss the meet and greet.

"Two younger brothers and sisters, it's the first time to meet. It's a small idea. I wish you and Brother Jiang a long-lasting love."

Judge Lu took out two brocade boxes and handed them over with a painful look on his face.

Xiaoli rolled her eyes, touched her belly, and whispered to Jiang Lin, "Husband, and our children."

"Yes, yes, there are children."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then his eyes fell on Judge Lu.

one more.

Why don't you want gifts before you are born, is there such a trick?

Judge Lu thought for a while and took a gift box and smashed it at Jiang Lin.

"Hey, Judge Lu, is there another problem in the Southwest Territory?"

After receiving the gift, Jiang Lin talked to Judge Lu about the business.

Judge Lu's expression also became serious, and said, "That's right, this time the situation is quite special. We got a piece of news from the wandering ghosts who smuggled out of the forbidden area. The wandering ghosts in the inner circle of the forbidden area got a lot of materials. Treasure, it has the effect of greatly improving the ghost body. Now those ghost emperors and ghost kings in the forbidden area are preparing to gather in the Zhengdong region to discuss the distribution of treasures. Once they are agreed, if those treasures are distributed, there will be more The wandering ghost headed for the depths."

When Judge Lu said this, Jiang Lin had roughly guessed the purpose of Judge Lu calling him this time.

Ghost emperors and ghost kings gather together, other places may be empty, and places without ghost emperors are estimated to be attacked by him.

What Judge Lu said next also confirmed his conjecture.

"I've also given you the benefits. This operation carries a lot of danger. It's such a joy to receive gifts, so don't play with me. No matter what, you have to kill a lot of wandering ghosts in the forbidden area."

Judge Lu put on the appearance of a boss and was soft on people, otherwise how could he give gifts so easily.

A treasure that strengthens the ghost body?

Jiang Lin focused his attention on this. As for Judge Lu's official language, he didn't take it to heart. If he didn't want to take risks, he wouldn't come down.

"Judge Lu, you tell me the exact time and place of the gathering of wandering ghosts. I want to be [-]% sure. Don't let me go in when there is an accident."

Jiang Lin wanted to do something big this time, but he needed to confirm a lot of information before that.

For example, if there is a ruthless person like him in the Southwest Territory, do the powerful ghost cultivators in the forbidden area know?

Judge Lu is not a sloppy person either, he has already checked the things that should be checked.

Now Jiang Lin is a good card for him to be promoted, and he doesn't want any accidents to Jiang Lin.

"Okay, I'll go first."

It was two months after the gathering of the wandering ghost leaders, Jiang Lin just took advantage of this time to set up a place for his cultivation outside the tower.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Five Go deep behind enemy lines and steal home!

Speaking of other areas, it is not necessarily safe to live outside the tower, but the Southwest Territory is where Judge Lu often appears, and even the Ghost Emperor would not dare to approach it.

"Brothers and sisters also come?"

Judge Lu saw what Jiang Lin meant and wanted to bring these female ghosts there. He thought that Jiang Lin wanted him to find a suitable place for these ghost beauties to cultivate.

"Yes, they will stay with me near the forbidden area for a few years. When I leave, I will get rid of Judge Lu and help them find a suitable place for cultivation."

"How many years are you going to stay in the underworld? Good good!"

Judge Lu didn't expect Jiang Lin to be so smart. The longer Jiang Lin stayed in the forbidden area, the more shots he would make. I'm afraid it won't take too long, and there will be nothing in his forbidden area.

Judge Lu already knew about Jiang Lin's killing of the King of Shadows before. According to the Green Ghost report, Jiang Lin's current strength can still be dealt with as long as he does not encounter the Ghost Emperor.

Thinking of the ghost kings in the forbidden area being eliminated one by one by Jiang Lin, Judge Lu's mouth almost twitched to the bottom of his ears.

Hey you big bastard!

The expression on Judge Lu's face with a horse running fast made Jiang Lin give him a middle finger.

"Haha, since brother Jiang has been staying here for a long time, this time brother, I will personally send you."

Judge Lu asked his subordinates to prepare a few sedan chairs and personally sent Jiang Lin to the southwest of the forbidden area.

"Lord Judge, everything has been quite stable recently, and there is nothing unusual."

"Lord Jiang, it's been a long time since you killed King Yingsha last time, everything in our Southwest Region is normal."

When Qing Gui and Lan Chong saw Judge Lu and Jiang Lin coming, they hurried up to welcome them.

The pair of sneaky brothers almost dropped their eyes when they saw Xiaoli, Xiaoqian and Xiaohong who got off the sedan chair, but since these three beauties were following Jiang Lin, they didn't dare to look around.

"Qing Gui, Lan Zong, you two go to the tower fifty miles away and build a stone fort for Brother Jiang. Brother Jiang, if you need anything, just ask Brother Gui to find me."

Judge Lu went up the tower to inspect, then got up and went back to the judge's hall.

"Master Jiang, are you going to live in the underworld for a long time?"

"For two or three years, you go and arrange my stone castle first."

The sneaky brothers were overjoyed when they heard that Jiang Lin would stay for two or three years.

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