If this thigh does meritorious deeds, they can also ascend to heaven.

"Husband, it turns out that you are holding such a dangerous official position in the underworld."

Xiao Li had been in the underworld before, so she knew about the forbidden area. Now that she knew that Jiang Lin was the underworld secretary who handled matters in the forbidden area, she couldn't help but feel worried for Jiang Lin.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry. Although it is dangerous, there are many things in the forbidden area that are useful to you and the masters. Don't tell Tingting and the others about these things."

Jiang Lin stroked Xiao Li's hair so that she didn't need to worry too much.

"Jiang Lang, you must be careful in everything, Xiaoqian will also work hard to cultivate, and will help you in the future."

"Xiaohong will too."

Jiang Lin was very relieved. He was very kind to these ghost wives, and they loved him very much.

"This place is always more suitable for cultivation than the underworld. It's almost a year here in January. In the next few years, you don't have to be too reluctant. After I leave, you will often come to the underworld to practice."

In fact, Jiang Lin asked the three ghost wives to come down because he wanted them to accompany him more. Otherwise, he would be a little unbearable to practice alone in the dead underworld.

Half a month later, the sneaky brothers built a good stone fort for Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin buried the materials he brought, and arranged a slightly simple corpse array around the stone fort.

Xiaoqian and the others are ghost bodies, so the corpse formation is somewhat useful to them.

A month later, Jiang Lin inhaled Xiaoli, and then entered the forbidden area alone.

The task that Judge Lu gave him was to kill these wandering ghosts as much as possible in a non-threatening area, but Jiang Lin was not going to do what Judge Lu said.

Now the wandering ghosts in the forbidden area don't know that there is a man like him in the southwest region who can enter the forbidden area. If this is the case, Jiang Lin wants to attack those treasures in the inner circle of the forbidden area.

"Husband, you enter other people's bodies every day, and they are also entering your body now."

Being sucked into her body by Jiang Lin again, Xiao Li acted like a spoiled child inside.

"Okay, little Li, you usually look like a fairy, but now you say such shameless words."

"I live a married life with you every day, and my immortality is less now. Husband, Xiaoli is not joking with you. You must be careful."

Xiao Li still couldn't help worrying that she couldn't change her man's decision, so she could only make him be careful about everything.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly, and then put a lot of breath-holding talismans on his clothes, and he went into stealth after being corpse.

He had less than [*] grudges left before, so he spent [*] to redeem the corpse attribute of invisibility.

Running all the way, Jiang Lin alone went deep into the inner circle of the forbidden area.

In the process of going deeper, Jiang Lin found that his body could feel more and more Yang Qi, and when he reached the inner circle, it was like being exposed to the sun at eight or nine in the morning to the ghost body.

I'm afraid even Judge Lu can't stay here for long.

"Xiao Li, where are the treasures?"

Jiang Lin asked Xiao Li who was in her body, and Xiao Li responded, "Seven or eight miles to the right."

Jiang Lin galloped over and found a stone castle. There were many ghosts and ghost generals around.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

After receiving the corpse poison, Jiang Lin directly opened the big move.

When these wandering ghosts heard the chirping of the three-legged golden crow, they were all dumbfounded. What is this?

The facts later told them it was a mushroom cloud.

There was a "Boom", and then the explosion sounded again, and all the wandering ghosts near the stone castle were all wiped out.

Jiang Lin put all the treasures in the stone castle into the "medicine gourd", then continued to hide and ran to the next place.

The medicine gourd was borrowed by Jiang Lin from Judge Lu. He rubbed it softly, but he couldn't get this baby gourd that could hold large objects. In the end, he had to borrow it first.

On this day, a mysterious phenomenon was discovered on the high platforms in several areas of the Rahu forbidden area. A strange three-legged golden crow appeared in the inner circle of the forbidden area, and then a big explosion occurred in many places.

"Qing Gui, you...Did you say that Master Jiang's stunt is...the three-legged golden crow? Today, it seems that Master Jiang doesn't know where to go."

Lan Xun saw the three-legged golden crow appearing in the inner circle of the forbidden area on the tower, and his voice trembled.

"Report! Ladies and gentlemen, our base in the inner circle was attacked by an unknown strange bird!"

"Report! Ladies and gentlemen, many stone castles in the inner circle have collapsed, and the treasures to be distributed this time have disappeared!"

Many ghost emperors and ghost kings in the Zhengdong Region were meeting. Halfway through the meeting, they heard their subordinates report something that made them mad.

Home was stolen!

Chapter [*] Being chased by the ghost emperor, that's a thrill

Really unexpected series.

These ghost emperors and ghost kings had no idea that Judge Lu had found an expert who could go deep into the forbidden area.

It's not that they didn't protect themselves. Those important treasures are in the inner circle of the forbidden area, and there are ghost soldiers and ghost generals guarding the road leading to them. However, Jiang Lin is now like an extreme individual soldier. Coupled with the breath-holding talisman on his body, coupled with his speed, it is not too difficult to break through many obstacles.

Even if there is a ghost emperor who has set up a barrier and a magic circle, Jiang Lin still has the means of a Taoist priest. He is not low at all in the formation and magic circle.

Now these ghost emperors and ghost kings haven't figured out what's going on, they thought it was some mysterious monster that appeared in the depths of the forbidden area.

"Go back! Hurry back!"

Some ghost emperors were so angry that the treasures that were finally piled up with ghost life disappeared!

By the time these wandering ghost leaders returned to their bases, Jiang Lin had already done his job.

Using the Golden Crow Yang Yang continuously for one day, the spiritual power in his body has been completely drained. If it is blocked now, it is no joke.

"Lan Xun, do you think it's possible that Lord Jiang did this?"

"No...I don't know."

The sneaky brother felt that he seemed to be living in a dream today. If Jiang Lin made the move before, this underworld would definitely boil.

The inner circle of the forbidden area was attacked, such an explosion, I don't know how many wandering ghosts were wiped out, since they were transferred to the forbidden area, they have never heard of such a thing.

Not only the sneaky brothers, but on the high platforms in other domains, the ghost guards in charge of monitoring are also in a Spartan state.

What day is today?

The depths of the forbidden area are not for wandering ghosts to go to. If the ghost body is not strengthened, it can only stagnate in one place.

The death of so many wandering ghosts in the depths of the forbidden area is equivalent to returning the situation in the forbidden area to hundreds of years ago.


Fifty miles behind Jiang Lin, a ghost emperor who was covered in blood roared wildly, then sniffed and chased in the direction of Jiang Lin's galloping speed.

This time, it did not pass the meeting in the due east. After the turmoil in the base area, it rushed to the area closest to its own territory.

When it got here, it smelled the smell of living people, and only then did it know that all this was done by people.

When Jiang Lin was galloping at full speed, he suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart. He turned his head to look, and at the end of his line of sight, a ghost covered in blood flew towards him in the direction of galloping in midair.

"My day! Look at the blood ghost king!"

Jiang Lin ran furiously. He didn't expect that he didn't choose to take action against the Goblin King's territory, but he was still being targeted.

The King of Blood Ghosts eats blood and blood, and is evil and vicious. Although he is called the King of Ghosts, he has actually reached the level of the Emperor of Ghosts.

In the information given by Judge Lu, there is a description and strength positioning of this ghost emperor.

Damn, there are still fifty or sixty miles away!

Jiang Lin felt his heart beating fast. Although he could deal with the ghost king now, the ghost emperor was absolutely unable to deal with it.

At this time, Jiang Lin had no time to think about how the Goblin King was tracking him. The only thing he could do now was to run.

Run as fast as you can.

However, in the underworld, the speed of ghosts was already fast, and the ghost king of Kanxue had reached the level of ghost emperor again. In less than ten minutes, the distance between Jiang Lin and this ghost emperor was only one kilometer.


Jiang Lin was no longer invisible, and completely turned into a zombie. He took a step of seven or eight meters and rushed towards the tower ten miles away.

"Kid, die for me!"

The Blood Ghost King roared violently, his speed was faster than the arrow from the string, and he was almost a hundred meters behind Jiang Lin in the blink of an eye.

A bloody thunderbolt blasted towards Jiang Lin and exploded around him.


Jiang Lin disregarded the pain of being bombed behind his back, and kept running back with his hands to release the explosive flame talisman. This time he came to steal the house, and he was very well prepared. He was completely a mobile arsenal.

Fifty Yangs exploded in series, Bai Yangs exploded in series, and the sound of blasting Yang kept ringing behind Jiang Lin.

Thanks to these explosive talismans, the flying speed of the King of Vampires was blocked by various explosions, and the distance from Jiang Lin was widened again for a while.

"Lord Jiang, it's really Lord Jiang!"

Qing Gui and Lan Xun saw Jiang Lin's figure on the tower, screaming like a groupie seeing their favorite star.

"Then... is that the King of the Blood Ghosts?"

The sneaky brothers shifted their eyes a little and saw the Ghost Emperor chasing behind Jiang Lin. The two brothers were so frightened that their voices were sharp.

"Start the formation! Protect the adults!"

After a short period of surprise, the two brothers did not respond slowly, and immediately blew the horn, and dense runes began to appear on the tower.

The Blood Ghost King, who was chasing Jiang Lin frantically, heard the sound of the horn, and immediately lowered his speed. Only at this time did he realize that he was chasing in front of the tower in the Southwest Territory.

This is where the ruthless Judge Lu often appears.

"Judgment Lu, you have attracted a big guy, take action!"

Jiang Lin noticed that the speed of King Fei's pursuit of the blood-seeing ghost behind him had slowed down, and he had an idea and shouted at the tower.

The sneaky brothers were stunned when they heard the words, but they were not stupid. They immediately understood what Jiang Lin meant and shouted together, "Lord Judge, look at the blood ghost king, look at the blood ghost king!"

The ghost eyes of the King of Blood Ghosts suddenly became round, and he hurriedly galloped away from the high platform.

Don't look at it as a ghost emperor, if you meet Judge Lu near the tower, there is a high chance that the game will be finished.

"It's fucking exciting to cry in the middle of the night."

After Jiang Lin climbed the tower, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

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