If he hadn't run faster than a rabbit, it would have been dangerous this time.

"Sir, don't worry, the towers near the forbidden area are not only for surveillance, as long as these big guys come out, we will have a way to prevent them from going back. At that time, there will be no shelter from the special environment in the forbidden area, even the ghost emperor. Only to be thrown into the eighteenth hell."

Qing Gui poured Jiang Lin a glass of wine to suppress his shock, and couldn't help but want to ask what was going on in Jiang Lin's forbidden area.

But seeing that Jiang Lin was still breathing heavily, he did not dare to ask.

Jiang Lin released Xiaoli, and then instructed the sneaky brothers: "Let Judge Lu come over and say that the pit god is looking for him."

This time, he made this big vote, and Jiang Lin felt that if Judge Lu knew, he would be shocked and sit on the ground.

If I ask you for a baby, you won't want to, but I'll kill you this time.

Chapter [-] Nine-Rank Palm Killing Division!

The sneaky brothers also knew that if such a thing happened in the forbidden area, there would definitely be a big shock, and Judge Lu had to be notified, so one stayed in the tower, and the other quickly informed Judge Lu.

Qing Gui handed another glass of wine and asked, "Master Jiang, is the explosion in the depths of the forbidden area really your masterpiece?"

"Yes. The ghost king died three or four times, and the ghost will add the green ghost and the ghost to a lot."

Jiang Lin smiled. This time, he made such a big disturbance in the forbidden area. In the next three years, he wanted to be a slacker and nourish his corpse with peace of mind.

If it wasn't a particularly serious matter, he didn't plan to come here.

Lord, please take my knee!

Qing Gui almost wanted to kneel down for Jiang Lin. Judge Lu had told them before that they should assist Jiang Lin and lead the way. If Jiang Lin made a contribution, they would have their share.

But now that they haven't led the way, Jiang Lin has killed so many wandering ghosts, which is unbelievably efficient.

"Qing Gui, pay attention to the movement in the forbidden area first, Xiao Li, go back and give me some medicine."

Jiang Lin was hit in the back by the bloody thunderbolt of the King of the Blood Ghosts, and his injuries were not minor.

At that time, he didn't have time to strengthen his defense at all. The thunderbolts were as dense as a power grid. Unless he could teleport out, he couldn't escape at all.

"Sir, don't worry, you can go to recuperate in peace. If you need anything, please let me know."

Now the green ghost's admiration for Jiang Lin is like a surging river. Compared with Jiang Lin, adults from other regions are weak.

Only at this moment did Xiaoli take a step back and look at Jiang Lin's back. There was a wound the size of a human head, dripping with blood.

Previously, in the forbidden area, Xiaoli was in Jiang Lin's body. Jiang Lin only removed her protection when she sensed the treasure, so she didn't know about the King of Ghosts.

Seeing Jiang Lin's rotten back, Xiao Li was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"It's just a small injury, no need to help."

After leaving the tower, Jiang Lin looked at Xiao Li a little helplessly, and now regarded him as a seriously ill patient.

"Husband, does it hurt? You, you always say that there is no danger, no danger that you can suffer such an injury. Don't do this next time, you will scare people to death. If you have an accident, Xiao Li doesn't want to live anymore. , the soul can be scattered directly."

The more Xiao Li thought about it, the more frightened she became. She had never seen Jiang Lin hurt like this. Her man was a thousand-year-old zombie king, and he was injured like this. How dangerous is the forbidden area.

"This time it happened for a reason, and this kind of thing can't happen again in the future. I promise you that I won't take risks again."

Jiang Lin comforted Xiao Li comfortably, and made a reassurance that her mood was a little better.

At the same time, Lan Xun galloped towards Judge Landing's Judge Hall as if he had been beaten with blood.

"What! There was a violent explosion in the den of the wandering ghost in the depths of the forbidden area???"

After Judge Lu heard Lan Xun's report, his beard shook with shock.

"Yes, not only in the Southwest Region, but also in other regions, and it is likely to be the handwriting of Lord Jiang. Lord Jiang told you to hurry over and say that the gods are invited."

Did Jiang Lin do it? ?

Judge Lu's eyes widened like bull's eyes, the news was too shocking.

Could it be that Jiang Lin went deep into the forbidden area and killed those wandering ghosts?

"Quick! Go!"

Judge Lu was so excited that he did not have the coldness of the judge, and followed Lan Zong out of the hall and galloped towards the Southwest Territory.

"Hehe, Judge Lu came so quickly."

Not long after Jiang Lin finished the medicine, Judge Lu came to his stone castle.

"Jiang... Brother Jiang, what's going on? You went to the depths of the forbidden area?"

As soon as Judge Lu came up, he wanted to find out what happened to the disturbance in the forbidden area.

On the way here, he encountered more than one wave of ghosts reporting the situation to him. It is estimated that many wandering ghosts died in the inner circle of the forbidden area this time.

"I said Judge Lu, you are too unkind. I was injured because of business. You didn't even say a word? Go to the tower and talk about it."

Jiang Lin deliberately disgusted Judge Lu, and now he has no interest in cheating on this red-bearded treasure, and wants to cheat on something else.

Although Judge Lu was impatient, he did not urge him. Now Jiang Lin gave him the feeling that he was a great god who could make him rise to the top.

Get used to it.

"Judge Lu, in the next three years, there's nothing special, so it's best not to disturb me. I'm not working for three years this time, and I'll work for three years. Also, be prepared for a big hemorrhage."

Inside the tower, Jiang Lin sniffed the fragrance of concentration in his hand and smiled at Judge Lu.

This incense of concentration is not ordinary precious, and Judge Lu is really willing to do so.

"This time, the storm in the inner circle of the forbidden area was indeed caused by me. I destroyed eleven dens where wandering ghosts gathered, and killed four of the ghost kings. The wandering ghosts below the ghost king died in my hands, about one hundred. Bar."

Jiang Lin said something that made Judge Lu's heart skip a beat.

"Great achievement! A great achievement! Brother Jiang, you are awesome!"

Judge Lu grinned and gave Jiang Lin two thumbs up.

"I think if this credit is reported, it should be enough for Judge Lu to be promoted to the seventh-rank judge."

"Cough, brother Jiang, don't worry, you won't be a ghost messenger in the future. From the ghost messenger, I will directly mention the Ninth Grade Palm Killing Sihang in the underworld, right?"

Judge Lu didn't expect Jiang Lin to deduce that he could rise to a rank with this achievement. Since Jiang Lin's words were all about this, he simply promoted Jiang Lin first.

Now Jiang Lin's identity in the underworld is still a ghost, one level higher than the ghost brothers and the ghost pawns, and above the ghost, it is even a real ghost.

In the yang world, the meaning of the word "yin division" often refers to the judicial administration of the underworld, while in the underworld, its meaning is the official of the underworld, which is similar to the meaning of "being an official", but to be precise, only the position of the underworld official has reached seven The level of the Sixteenth Division is the real Yin Division.

"Give me a promotion? That's fine, too."

Jiang Lin nodded and continued to look at Judge Lu.

Holy crap, no matter how many rank ghosts were in the past, is it not enough to directly upgrade you to the ninth-rank palm killing division?

"I said, can you stop looking at me with such a butcher's eyes, and after giving you a promotion, you will be rewarded by yourself."

The black line on Judge Lu's face, with the reward given above, still want to kill him?

"Okay. Since Judge Lu has said so, let's do it first. By the way, Judge Lu, when are you taking me to your meeting, I'm about to be promoted now, I have to meet your colleagues, right? ?"

Um?Want to meet other judges?What does this mean?

Judge Lu straightened his waist immediately, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

Chapter five hundred and twenty eight fame

Jiang Lin's next sentence made Judge Lu jump up from his chair.

"Originally, I went through the inner circle of the forbidden area and collected [-]% of the treasures that the ghost emperors and ghost kings got. I want to talk to Judge Lu about how to deal with it. Alas, I'd better keep it for myself."

Jiang Lin looked very reluctant and was about to get up and go back to the stone castle.

"What! You took [-]% of those treasures?"

"Yeah, [-]% of it is collected. It is estimated that it can be piled up into a hill. It's melancholy. There are too many to use up."

So melancholy, so melancholy, these treasures are not the kind that can be eaten all the time, they have to be given away, and they have to get to know other judges, which is really melancholy.

If it hadn't been for these treasures in the forbidden area, the efficacy of the medicine would have plummeted, and Jiang Lin wouldn't have spoken out about the treasure.

"Did you really collect [-]% of the treasures in the inner circle of the forbidden area?"

Judge Lu's voice seemed to tremble a little. The wandering ghosts in the forbidden area have always been a headache for these judges. The wandering ghosts are nothing in the forbidden area. The worst thing is that they can gradually advance deeper.

The main reason for this result is that there are these treasures in the forbidden area that can strengthen the ghost body. As long as there are no such treasures, there is no big problem for wandering ghosts to let them wander.

The entire underworld is so big, and there are also many places that the underworld cannot manage, and it is not uncommon for some ghost kings or ghost emperors to designate land as kings.

Now there is no good medicine for wandering ghosts to survive and pioneer in the forbidden land, which is simply wonderful!

Even if Jiang Lin destroyed the treasures obtained by the wandering ghosts in the forbidden area, and he killed a lot of wandering ghosts in the inner circle, the combination of these two things is not small.

What's more, Jiang Lin brought out those treasures, or the ones with very strong medicinal effects.

If these treasures fall into the hands of Judge Lu, they can be used on ghosts in other areas, and then they can enter the forbidden area to kill these wandering ghosts.

And other judges of these treasures are also useful, and he can exchange many useful things.

"Yeah, I just collected those treasures, otherwise what would I do with your medicine gourd?"

Jiang Lin took out the medicine gourd in his hand and shook it at Judge Landing.

"I want I want!"

Judge Lu rushed towards Jiang Lin at once.

Fuck you second uncle!

Jiang Lin immediately flashed over, and a big man with a red beard and digging feet shouted that he was going to pounce on him, go shit!

"Brother Jiang, you see that we are both so familiar with each other for decades."

Judge Lu realized that he had lost his temper, coughed lightly, and smiled again on his face.

Who has been in friendship with you for decades, I've only met you a few times!

Jiang Lin complained in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face, and said, "Judge Lu, yes, we have been friends for decades, look at this medicine gourd..."

When Jiang Lin mentioned the medicine gourd, Judge Lu's face darkened. This was his best treasure, and this pit god wanted to get closer to the pit words again.

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