"No, no, absolutely no, you can make any other request."

"I said Judge Lu, I cooperated with you anyway. If you hand over these treasures this time, you may not only be upgraded by one rank. Besides, if I enter the forbidden area, it will be a life-and-death, some mountain and river formation. Can you ask the ghost to bring in the materials for me?"

Judge Lu was unwilling, and the smile on Jiang Lin's face disappeared. He went for this medicine gourd that could hold objects.

With this treasure, he can bring a lot of materials for the Mountains and Rivers Array. In addition to his own array skills and the artifacts he possesses, he can leapfrog and kill Fei Zong.

"Brother Jiang, look at this, I'll find you a treasure with similar effects. I can't give up my love for this medicine gourd no matter what. Don't show your face to me. Everything else is easy to say."

Seeing Jiang Lin's smile, Judge Lu could only bite the bullet and promise Jiang Lin to help him find similar treasures.

"Well, Judge Lu, since you said so, I'm not hard on others, but I have other conditions. You also know that I have more women, and I have two masters. Although it's still a long time, I don't want to wait until the problem arises. If they go to the doctor indiscriminately, their life expectancy will definitely be abnormal in the future, and I need you to solve it for me."

After a pause, Jiang Lin continued: "You don't have to worry about the forbidden area, Judge Lu. This time I escaped under the pursuit of the Ghost Emperor. In the future, when Jiang Lin's cultivation level is up, I will push the Ghost Emperor inside."

I rely on!In the future, I will push the ghost emperor...

Judge Lu was frightened by Jiang Lin's words, the ghost emperor and the ghost king are not the same concept at all.

However, since Jiang Lin put his words here, he will have to rely on him for the issue of forbidden areas in the future, so Judge Lu nodded after thinking about it.

Jiang Lin held the medicine gourd in his hand and poured it onto the floor, where there was a pile of material treasures the size of a pile of wheat straw.

"I'll keep one-fifth."

"One-fifth? You..."

"What are you? This is what Lao Tzu bought for his life. He was hunted down by the Ghost Emperor. Do you think you are playing a family?"

Jiang Lin gave Judge Lu a middle finger. These treasures are of great use to himself, his daughter-in-law, and even Zhang Han and Jiu Shu. Of course, he must keep enough for his own use.

Judge Lu's expression was as if he had eaten a dead mouse, but even if he took [*]%, it was enough.

"I'll go to another area to deploy."

After Judge Lu counted the treasures, he couldn't close his mouth as if he was inhaling laughter.

developed!Get promoted!Merry!

Now his colleagues can only watch him get promoted, and it is very likely that he will be promoted two levels in a row.

"Qing Gui, Lan Xun, this is a reward for you. After you report it, you may be able to get promoted and cooperate with Brother Jiang."

Judge Lu generously left some training materials for the sneaky brothers, and left the Southwest Territory to go to other areas.

Now the wandering ghost in the forbidden area has lost such a precious thing, maybe he will raid to find these treasures, and he also needs to sit here during this time.

A month later, the entire Rahu forbidden area knew that there was a little-known but very ruthless man in the Southwest Territory.

Breaking through the levels of the forbidden area, bombing the wandering ghost strongholds in the inner circle of the forbidden area, robbing them of the treasures that they had worked so hard to obtain, and escaped under the pursuit of the ghost king, the blood ghost king.

Simply a legend.

Not only Luo Hu Jindi's side, but even those judges who worked with Judge Lu knew that there was a person named Jiang Lin in the underworld.

A capable general who can make Judge Lu almost get promoted to three levels in the past [*] years.

Chapter [*] Yin Demon?

"Is it necessary to make such a big move?"

Jiang Lin sent away the two Black and White Impermanence who came to visit. He was a little helpless. There was no movement in the forbidden area, but he was visited every three or five times.

There were even people who wanted to dig Judge Lu's corner.

"Master Jiang, you don't know how much sensation you did last time."

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, you basically don't go out in the stone castle. I don't know that while the above praised Mr. Lu, he scolded the other judges."

The sneaky brothers who came here to work as free labor for Jiang Lin immediately shouted, the fact that Judge Lu has been promoted to three levels in the past few decades has broken the record for thousands of years, and the sensation is not small.

Even their pair of brothers can hold their heads high when they meet other colleagues now.

In fact, Jiang Linqian's vote was so big that it caused quite a stir. Even Judge Cui, one of the four major judges of the underworld, went to Judge Lu and asked him for some treasures from the depths of the forbidden area. He also let him cultivate Jiang Lin for a long time, but Jiang Lin didn't know this.

If Jiang Lin knew that Judge Cui knew about him, he would be very surprised.

"Okay, I don't have time to deal with these entertainments, so I will thank you behind closed doors."

Jiang Lin asked that he would not work for three years without special circumstances. Judge Lu agreed. Time in the underworld is really worthless. Three years here and only three months in the outside world, so it is nothing for Jiang Lin to be an idler.

"Sir, go to sleep, there are our sneaky brothers in the tower."

After Qing Gui and Lan Xun helped Jiang Lin build the stone pillar, they retire. Jiang Lin told them to sleep in the stone fort.

Lord Jiang is really lucky to sleep with three ghostly beauties in his arms.

The sneaky brothers looked at the stone castle with envy in their eyes, especially their boss's wife named Xiaoqian, who was simply stunning to captivate all living beings.

But envy is envy, and they also know that that kind of blessing is not something that low-level ghosts like them can enjoy.

"Xiaoqian, why didn't you sleep?"

Jiang Lin asked the unicorn corpse to guard outside, and he entered the stone castle and closed the door. Xiaoli and Xiaohong both slept with talismans on their foreheads, and Xiaoqian was still sitting beside the bed.

"People want to talk to Jiang Lang, Jiang Lang, Xiaoqian seems to find that you prefer me."

Xiao Qian gave Jiang Lin a gentle smile, and there was some playfulness in her smile.

"The beautiful girl in the country, the beauty of the country is unparalleled, I prefer you, but don't rely on petting to make trouble with Xiaoli Tingting and the others."

Jiang Lin sat beside the bed and stroked Xiaoqian's hair.

"Xiaoqian won't."

Xiaoqian hugged Jiang Lin, gave her two cherry lips, and then took off her purple dress.

With a bang, the distance between a corpse and a ghost became a negative number, close to minus eighteen centimeters.

Xiaoqian is very tall, close to [*] meters tall, so even if Jiang Lin's size is a little scary, she can bear Jiang Lin's presumptuousness on her.

Half a year later, Jiang Lin woke up. The three female ghosts, Xiaoli, Xiaoqian and Xiaohong, had improved very quickly because of the effect of the formation, and they had all reached the level of green ghosts.

In addition to the medicine Jiang Lin used for them, the ghost body is relatively strong, and even the ordinary green ghosts are not their opponents.

When I was hungry, I ate medicinal herbs, when I was thirsty, I ate medicinal fruits, and when I slept, I smelled the incense of ambergris. Jiang Lin's body and soul were greatly improved.

In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed. These three years have been a relatively comfortable time for Jiang Lin. There is no need to cultivate or study, and the feeling of being a living corpse is still quite good.

"Husband, my two sisters and I are about to break through to the level of ghost generals."

Xiaohong was very happy. If Jiang Lin hadn't brought them down, it would not have been easy to improve their cultivation so quickly.

"Very good, practice hard, if you reach the level of a ghost, you are also a good disciple and daughter-in-law in the eyes of the master and the wife."

Jiang Lin kissed Xiaohong's forehead, and said, "It's time to go out. I wonder if Uncle Simu and Uncle Qianhe have returned."

Before outside the Great Wall, Jiang Lin did not find Jiu Shu or even Jiu Shu's junior sister. He waited for Dao Master Simu and Dao Master Qianhe to come back and ask them for more detailed information.

He felt a little uneasy that he didn't find the ninth uncle.

After returning to the realm, Jiang Lin received a letter from Chen Yu.

After Jiang Lin opened the letter, he frowned.

This letter was sent to him by a Taoist priest named Ma Gan more than two months ago, asking him to help deal with the Yin Demons.

During the period when Britain, France and other eight countries invaded China, the end of the Qing Dynasty was determined, and a mass of grievances accumulated between heaven and earth. After condensed in the Central Plains, this mass of grievances turned into a yin demon, and once it took shape, it would be a disaster The world is full of poison.

When the yin and demons first formed, there was a Taoist master Ziyang Zhenren in Yudi, who fought against the yin and demons with his profound Taoism and Xuantian sword, and finally gave up his life to seal the yin and demons in a mountain.

Now, twenty-four years have passed, and the Yin Demon is about to break the ban again. As a descendant of Ziyang Zhenren, Ma Gan felt that he was powerless to deal with the Yin Demon, so he asked the famous Jiang Lin for help.

"I'm afraid this Yin Demon is not easy."

Jiang Lin murmured. He seemed to have heard of the Xuantian Treasure Sword. It seemed to be the treasure of Tiandao's sect. Even if it was not as good as the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword in his hand, it was probably not much different.

Moreover, since the real person named Ziyang, it is estimated that his cultivation base is not low. With a quasi-artifact or an artifact, he can only ban the yin demon, which is enough to show that the yin demon is not a role that can be easily dealt with.

"Chili, I'm going out for an errand, and it will take a while before I come back."

After Jiang Lin explained things to Chen Yu, he took the Flying Mouse King to Yudi, which is the boundary of Henan.

He hadn't met a demon for a long time. Demons are generally more powerful than demons and ghosts, and in terms of magic, demons are more proficient than ghosts and demons.

Finally, I was able to broaden my knowledge.

Jiang Lin is more looking forward to what kind of guy Yin Mo will be. After three years of idleness in the underworld, he now wants to move his muscles and bones again.

If Daoist Ma Gan, who wrote to him, knew that he was in such a happy mood to deal with the Yin Demon, he would probably be shocked.

After rushing all the way, seven days later, Jiang Lin came to Zhoutai County, which Magan Daochang had written in his heart. Daotang Magan Daotang was located in Fusheng Village, which was under the county seat.

"This injustice is really no small matter."

Jianglin was still a few miles away from the village, and he saw a strong sense of grievance spread over the Fusheng Village in front of the village.

Chapter [*] Your father married a chicken

It seems that this Yin Demon is really not something that ordinary Taoist priests can deal with.

Jiang Lin continued to walk, and after walking for a mile, he heard a girl's cry for help in the woods.

Following the sound, Jiang Lin found that in the woods, a young man dressed in luxurious clothes was approaching a girl step by step.

The woods, where QJ incidents occur frequently.

"Hey, don't worry, after playing with you for nothing, you won't remember anything."

With a wicked smile on his face, the young man was about to pounce on the girl who fell to the ground.

"Ye Qiu, my father is the village chief, he will never let you go."

"As I said, you won't remember anything."

Ye Qiu threw the folding fan in his hand and threw his body, ready to come to a Heavenly King Covering Earth Tiger.

But before it was covered, his body flew backwards.

Ye Qiu hit a tree with his back and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Jiang Lin with a grim look, and shouted, "Who are you?"

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