"Girl, are you okay?"

Jiang Lin ignored Ye Qiu and turned to look at the girl sitting on the ground. As soon as he saw the girl's appearance, his eyes lit up, what a beautiful girl.

[*] Fangling, like flowers and beautiful.

"Sir, thank you very much for your rescue. Yue Mei is fine, sir, be careful, he knows Taoism." Yue Mei gave Jiang Lin a thankful look, then raised her hand to Ye Qiu, who wanted to insult her, and reminded.

Jiang Lin turned his face to look at Ye Qiu, this lewd) (The thief's six veins are extremely yin, it is indeed the material for cultivating the Tao, but unfortunately his mind is not right.

"I'm asking who you are, if you dare to ruin this uncle's good deeds, I want you to die without a burial place!"

Ye Qiu stomped on the ground with one foot, made a mark on his hands, and recited the magic formula to ask God. After asking God to go up, he rushed towards Jiang Lin.

"Sir, be careful! Even if Ye Qiu uses this kind of spell, even the old master of the boxing gym is no match for him."

As soon as Yue Mei finished speaking, Jiang Lin raised her foot again.

Ye Qiu's body flew farther this time, breaking a poplar tree the size of a bowl.


Yue Mei opened her mouth slightly, and Ye Qiu killed the old master who was protecting her, but this gentleman kicked Ye Qiu and broke the tree.

"After learning a little bit of Taoism, you dare to do rape in broad daylight) (For prostitution, who is your master?"

Jiang Lin looked at Ye Qiu coldly, really thought that if he learned a little bit of skill, he would be able to be lawless. Even the village chief's daughter dared to do it. Today, even if he doesn't give up this shit, he has to go find this prostitute.) (The thief's master, Make him abolish his apprentice face to face.

"Sir, his master is Daochang Ma."

"Master Ma? Ma Qian?"

Jiang Lin frowned and looked at Yue Mei, who nodded.

Now Jiang Lin wanted to see what kind of person that Ma Gan was. While writing a letter asking him to help kill the Yin Demons, he also accepted such an unscrupulous apprentice.

Really interesting.

"I'll break your leg first and let your master come to me."

Jiang Lin raised his hand and shot a yang finger, hitting Ye Qiu's third leg.

Shoot, shoot birds.

Ye Qiu screamed while clutching his crotch, he became father-in-law before becoming a father.

Don't you mean breaking your leg?How to become a bird!

Ye Qiu kept screaming, and finally fainted in pain.

Yue Mei's face flushed, and then she scolded: "It deserves it, it should be like this!"

If someone hadn't appeared to save her today, she would have been out of tune.

"Sir, are you a Taoist priest?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was leaving, Yue Mei quickly chased after him.

Jiang Lin nodded, then thought about it, he was going to Fusheng Village, this girl should be the daughter of the village chief, if he wants to know anything, just ask directly?

"Are you from Fusheng Village? If you know Daochang Ma, tell me about him."

"Yes, the little girl Qiu Yuemei of Fusheng Village, my father is the village head."

Later, Yue Mei told Jiang Lin about Ma Gan, and also told him a lot of interesting information.

"You said that your father Xu Xian married one and ended up having an affair with Ye Qiu? Then the two of them deliberately framed Ma Daochang?"

Jiang Lin's expression was a little weird. There was a lot of drama in a small village.

"Yes. Daoist, can you come to my house? And you have the grace to save me, so I need to thank you. In addition, Daoist, you are very skilled. I suspect that my father married a goblin. Now what does she say about me? Dad will do whatever. If Daochang Ma is not here for the past few days, I'm afraid he would have been arrested."

Yue Mei folded her hands together, with a look of asking for your help.

Would a goblin marry a man in his forties?

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, it seemed that many children thought their stepmother was a fairy.

He didn't want to go, but looking at Yue Mei's pitiful appearance, he still nodded.

Now that Daoist Ma is not there, he can also find out where the Yin Demon is when he goes to the village chief.

When he arrived at Yuemei's house, Jiang Lin stopped for a while. There was indeed a demonic aura in the house, but this demonic energy was better hidden, and it was not easy for ordinary Taoist priests to find it.

Really fairies?

Then he deliberately looked at Xia Yuemei's big, clear eyes, not yin and yang eyes.

"Dao... Dao Master, what are you looking at?"

Being stared at by Jiang Lin, Yue Mei took two steps back, Jiang Lin had never been so rude along the way, why did she look at her like this when she arrived at the door?

Is it possible to coerce a favor in return?Or that kind of newspaper?

"I'm sorry, I just want to see why you can see that your stepmother is a goblin. It is estimated that she might be a goblin."

Jiang Lin touched his nose, as if staring at people like that, which is indeed a bit inappropriate.

"Ah? Is she a goblin?"

Hearing Jiang Lin say that her father might be married to a fairy, Yue Mei was so frightened that she hid behind Jiang Lin.

"I am a person born in a cloudy year, a cloudy moon, a cloudy day, and a cloudy day. Sometimes I have a more accurate intuition, maybe because of this."

"Go in, don't be afraid of fairies."

Jiang Lin stepped into the door first, but he was interested in Yue Mei's stepmother. A goblin had an affair with Dao Ma's apprentice, and even married the village chief to frame Dao Ma. This seems to be a lot of information.

"Daughter, you are back."

Just two steps away, a slightly wealthy middle-aged man walked out of the main hall, and there was a woman in pink beside him.

"Master, what kind of fairy is she?"

Yue Mei asked Jiang Lin next to her in a low voice.

"I can see her body, but I don't know what kind of goblin it is. Let's put it this way, your father should have married a chicken."


With an ellipsis on Yue Mei's face, she married a chicken?Chickens can also become sperm?

Or is this woman the kind of chicken from Yihong Courtyard?

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-First Poison Demon

"Jerry, can you see what it is?"

Jiang Lin asked the Flying Rat King in his pocket. There are many animals in this world that Jiang Lin can't recognize. Even if he saw that this big demon's body was a black bird, he couldn't name it.

"It should be... a chicken."

The Flying Rat King doesn't know either. To say that it can basically recognize rats, but birds can't.

"Oh, yes, master, I remembered, this black chicken is a poisonous bird, and its whole body is poisonous."

The Flying Rat King was afraid that he would not be satisfied with his answer, so he racked his brains for a while, and finally recognized it.

Yue Mei, who was behind Jiang Lin, was so frightened by the talking mouse that she fainted and fell on Jiang Lin's shoulders.

"Jerry, take care of it."

Jiang Lin made Yuemei lean against the door wall on one side and instructed the Flying Rat King, and then looked at the poisonous monster with a gloomy face.

The Poison Demon didn't expect it to hide it so well, but it was discovered by a young Taoist priest, and the little mouse gave it a very dangerous feeling.

"Chicken essence, show up!"

Now Village Chief Qiu is under the control of this "chicken essence", Jiang Lin didn't say nonsense, and now he also knows the roots of the poisonous demon, so he just accepts it.

"Stinky Taoist priest, you are the chicken, your whole family is chicken!"

The Poison Demon screamed, it was a noble Poison, not a lowly chicken!

Although he was a little jealous of Jiang Lin in his heart, the Poison Demon was very confident in his poison, and even the average Demon King had to be afraid of it by three points.

In his opinion, Jiang Lin is so young, even if he has some cultivation, he will not be too high. If he dares to call him a poultry, he must pay the price for Jiang Lin.

"Second uncle, your whole family is Totole (chicken essence)!"

He looked like a chicken, and dared to scold his family, Jiang Lin swept over with a black laser.

The Poison Demon didn't expect Jiang Lin's Daoist to attack like this. Although he dodged in time, he was still shot through his arm.

It manifested its body and turned into a black bird the size of a falcon, with gray-black smoke all over its body.

Its stinky.

"Master, be careful, the poison is all over the body, which is no trivial matter."

The Flying Rat King reminded Jiang Lin that poisonous snakes feed on poisonous snakes, and their venom is not comparable to snake venom.

"You...you call him master?"

After Yue Mei woke up, she heard the mouse boy's voice and felt a little weird.

"Beautiful lady, I am the master's loyal subordinate, you can call me Jerry."

The mouse boy gave Yuemei a gentleman's salute.

Seeing a pretty girl, it's all right as long as it's polite.The more beautiful you are, the more polite you need to be.

Yue Mei was amused by the naive-looking Flying Rat King, and then looked at the terrifying strange bird in mid-air.

Her father actually married a chicken, and it was still a flying chicken.

After the Poison Demon escaped the Yang Finger Qi, it was about to fly out of the wall. Jiang Lin threw out the Yang Finger Sword again. If it weren't for the distance, this blow could almost split the Poison Demon into two halves. Fortunately, he escaped, and was scratched by the tip of the sword, and the stench of blood was sprayed everywhere.


The poisonous demon let out a shrill cry, endured the pain, and retracted its wings. After that, hundreds of feathers shot in all directions, and shot at the blank-faced village chief Qiu and Yue Mei, as well as the servants who heard the sound.

Jiang Lin lined up with his palms, spewing more than [*] flames, protecting himself, Yue Mei, Village Chief Qiu, and some of his servants.

However, there were still some servants who could not be rescued in time. After they were hit by the poisonous feather, their whole body began to smoke, and finally melted into a pool of pus.

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