Poison poison, really poisonous!

Jiang Lin's face was a little gloomy, if the poison feather shot on him, it would be enough for him.

Because of the delay in saving people, the poisonous demon has already flown far away.

Yue Mei and the servants turned pale with fright. If they were scratched by feathers, there would be no bones left.

Many servants were scared away because they had never seen such a scene.

"Master, how is my father?"

Seeing that something was wrong with her father, Yue Mei had no choice but to ask Jiang Lin for help.

She had seen Jiang Lin's method, and felt that it was even more powerful than that of the Daoist Ma.

Jiang Lin checked the situation of the village chief Qiu and said, "Please ask a doctor."

The village chief who married a chicken was poisoned, and he couldn't handle it.

"Village Chief, why did you seal my Daotang? I've only been away for two days, so give me an explanation!"

At this time, a middle-aged Taoist priest ran in shouting.

Yue Mei introduced Jiang Lin, "Sir, this is Daoist Ma."

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Ma, poor Daoist Li Yang."

Jiang Lin glanced at Daochang Ma and nodded as a greeting.

"Li... Daoist Li Yang?"

Daoist Ma was startled, then quickly went up and grabbed Jiang Lin's hand, and said excitedly: "Daoist Li Yang, I really admire the name for a long time, but I didn't expect the Daoist to come to our town a thousand miles away, it really makes our town flourish. ."

"Oh, it's really lucky for three lives, lucky for three lives."

"The Yin Demon thing can finally be resolved."

"With Daoist Li Yang, there is nothing that cannot be solved."

Dao Ma took a long time, making Jiang Lin a little puzzled.

What Jiang Lin didn't know was that in the past three years, his reputation had spread completely, and fellow Daoists who thought he had died also knew the latest news about him. In addition, he had done a lot of good deeds in the north and south of the river, although he never stayed. name, but someone still heard about their benefactor.

He passed on from ten to one hundred, and now his fame is much higher than that of Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle.

"Jerry, is your master so famous?"

Yue Mei was surprised that Ma Daochang was quite a prestigious person in their village. He was usually aloof, but after seeing Jiang Lin, he had such an attitude.

After a short time with the Flying Mouse King, Yue Mei has no fear of this mouse boy at all.

"Hey, I'm not bragging about my own master. In today's world, no matter if you are seeking Taoism or cultivating Buddhism, my master is the ceiling, and he is the top of the pyramid..."

The Flying Mouse King chatted with Yue Meihai, saying that Jiang Lin was like the sky and the ground.

What monsters, ghosts, beautiful skins, my master's tricks are amazing!

What a sea of ​​swords and a sea of ​​fire, what traps and tricks, my master turned his hand to defeat the enemy!

The mouse boy shook his head, looking at Yue Mei's surprised face, he was very happy.

This girl doll even looks very beautiful. If she is a matchmaker and drags a mistress back to the owner, maybe the treatment can be improved a lot.

Jiang Lin listened to the Flying Mouse King blowing on the side, black lines all over his forehead, this guy was too busy.

At this time, Daochang Ma discovered that the Flying Rat King was a demon king, and the demon king kept calling Jiang Lin the master, which made him admire Jiang Lin to the extreme.

Cultivation should be like Jiang Liyang!

Chapter five hundred and thirty second pig teammates

Jiang Lin couldn't stand being held by Daochang Ma all the time. After he pulled his hand, Daoist Ma greeted him with a few words of courtesy, and told him about his disciple Ye Qiu and the poisonous demon.

After knowing that his apprentice's character was depraved, Master Ma was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, and threatened to clear the door.

Daoist Ma really didn't know about Ye Qiu. Ye Qiu had never had such signs before, but since he did such a thing that everyone deserved and was caught by Jiang Lin, whom he admired, he must not keep that one. Unworthy disciples are in the world.

The camouflage is simply too good, but it is still an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Seeing that Daochang Ma was so angry that he was about to have high blood pressure, Jiang Lin couldn't help but want to laugh. His surname is also Ma, and Ma Wangye has three eyes. You're good, two horses) (both eyes are blind.

Daoist Ma had no interest in how to deal with unworthy disciple Jiang Lin, and directly asked for information about Yin Demons.

"The cave where the Yin Demon was sealed is ten miles away. I will do some preparations. We will set off together tomorrow. With Daoist brother, the Xuantian Treasure Sword will definitely be in our hands. At that time, killing the Yin Demon will be a sure thing."

Regarding other information inquired by Jiang Lin, Ma Daochang said that he did not know if he asked three questions.

When Master Ziyang dealt with the Yin Demons, he was still young, and he didn't follow him. He only listened to a few last words of his master.

Drunk, demons are different from ordinary ghosts and demons, and they don't know any means, so they say that this time the demons are destroyed.

Who gave you your confidence?

Jiang Lin was very speechless. He just didn't know how difficult it was to deal with Yin Demons, so he brought the Flying Rat King over to give him a little more security.

He had never underestimated this yin demon, who was born with grievances and anger in the world, similar to the reason for the formation of the blood demon.

Ziyang Zhenren is someone who has conquered Yin Demons, how could he accept such a funny apprentice? Although his cultivation base is a little higher than that of the four-eyed Daochang, Daochang Ma gives Jiang Lin the feeling that he is very impatient and unreliable. , I didn't even know that I had accepted an apprentice with a wrong mind.

If he hadn't appeared here in time, this Daoist Ma probably had a lot of skills, and he would have been killed by the poisonous demon and his apprentice in prison.

Now that he knew the exact location of the yin demon, Jiang Lin planned to put the matter of the poisonous demon aside. It was not seriously injured and could not run far. After dealing with the matter of the poisonous demon, he would take care of it.

Jiang Lin didn't go to the inn either, and Yue Mei kept him in her own wing.

Even Daoist Ma had great admiration for Jiang Lin. She had nothing to worry about keeping such a man at home, and she was also worried that the poisonous demon would come back.

"Master, Miss Yuemei's craftsmanship really has nothing to say."

The Flying Rat King sat on the edge of the table, squeezed a piece of beef and threw it into his mouth, complimenting Yue Mei's cooking skills.

In order to help Xie Jianglin, Yuemei asked her servants to slaughter chickens and geese. She cooked a lot of dishes to entertain Jianglin and Mouse.

Jiang Lin snorted. Although Yue Mei was only sixteen years old and the daughter of the village chief, her cooking skills were not bad at all.

"Hey, master, do you think who will marry her in the future, will it be a blessing?"

The Flying Mouse King glanced at Jiang Lin, and then glanced at Yuemei, which made Yuemei blushed all of a sudden.

"Itchy skin?"

Jiang Lin glanced at the mouse, but now he was not focused on cultivation, and wanted to change careers to be a matchmaker?

The mouse boy was so frightened that he jumped onto the seat with his plate in his hand, not daring to show his head.

Yue Mei giggled and glanced at Jiang Lin secretly.

On the second day, Jiang Lin arranged a demon formation for Yue Mei and her father, and then went to Yin Demon Mountain ten miles away with Daoist Ma.

Arriving at a dry well at the foot of the mountain, Ma Daochang pointed to the dry well and said, "Tian Dao's treasure of the town school, that is, the magic weapon used by the master to eliminate demons, was pressed down by the big stone in the well."

"This stone is estimated to be seven or eight thousand catties. Is it the means of the Yin Demon?"

Ma Daochang stroked his beard and said two words calmly: "Not bad."

Well, your second uncle!

Jiang Lin wanted to punch Ma Daochang who had no idea what was going on at all.

With a weight of seven or eight thousand pounds, if the Yin Demon directly touched it and lifted it up, it was enough to show its enormous strength, and even the body of this Yin Demon was very tyrannical.

If it was moved by the yin demon with mana, this yin demon would be very difficult to deal with.

"Daoist brother, I think this stone is only two or three thousand catties. Now I have practiced five ghosts. Daoist brother sees our Tianyi's five ghosts moving mountains method."

Ma Daochang was shaking all over, took a step forward, and began to chant the mantra.

"Master, this stone is only two or three thousand catties?"

The Flying Rat King looked confused, such a light stone?

"It's a joke."

Jiang Lin shrugged. He had found out that this old horse's eyes were so blind that there was no cure.

After a while, Ma Daochang's face turned red, as if he couldn't get out of the toilet.

A few of the little devils who had been cursed with light-proof spells couldn't even move the boulder.

Not to mention Daoist Ma, it was Jiang Lin's own Charm Spirit, five of them together would not necessarily be able to remove this big stone, let alone this funny ratio.

Daochang Ma had an embarrassed look on his face, and he worked so hard that his ass collapsed a few times, but it still didn't work.

In the end, Jiang Lin couldn't stand it any longer, and fired a machine gun at the boulder.

A boulder was blown into pieces like this.

When the dry well saw the sun again, a ray of light rushed out, Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, this Xuantian sword might not be worse than his Heavenly Dragon Sword.

"Now you can use the five ghosts to get it."

Daoist Ma couldn't wait to let the five ghosts go down to retrieve the sword at the bottom of the well.

Jiang Lin watched quietly from behind. He didn't know if Ma Daochang had any conspiracy, and he always wanted him to die of laughter.

After a few screams, the five ghosts that Ma Daochang had cultivated after a long time were suddenly destroyed.

Xuantian Baojian has not seen the sun for more than [*] years, and its own aura of suppressing evil and subduing demons fills the bottom of the well, and if a few weak chickens go down, it must be meat buns beating dogs.

After Daoist Ma was done teasing, Jiang Lin took a step forward, shook out the Yang Yan whip, wrapped the head of Xuantian Treasure Sword, and pulled it out.

"Good sword!"

After Jiang Lin took the Xuantian Treasure Sword in his hand, he couldn't help but praise.

This time, Daochang Ma finally had the self-knowledge that the Xuantian Treasure Sword could only exert its greatest power in Jiang Lin's hands. Back then, when his master held this sword, he was knocked down, and it was useless for him to hold it.

"Yin Demon, die!"

Ma Daochang was full of confidence and strode towards the mountainside with great strides.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave where Yin Demons were banned, Jiang Lin hadn't said a word yet, and this funny guy pulled open the talisman cloth at the entrance of the cave.

"Daoist brother, whether the demon will be successful or not depends on the method of the Taoist brother."

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