Zhou Yuan was so frightened that a fishbone stuck in his throat, and Captain Song opened his eyes wide in fright. He took two steps back and put his hand on the gun on his waist.

"Master Jiang, what's going on?"

Captain Song swallowed his saliva. He believed that he had seen a lot of weird and confusing things, but he had never seen a cat that could speak human words.

"This is my family's pet, a little demon king. I take it as a guard cat, but it doesn't like being called a cat. Don't provoke it if you have nothing to do, it won't dare to hurt people without my order, but I can't guarantee it. It's not scary when it's angry."

Jiang Lin explained it casually, and then let the house cat land on all fours. It is better to be a little cat-like outside.

Just a little demon king...

Panlan Tiger King is very upset, but its owner does have the confidence to say that it is a little demon king.

"This is Captain Song and Zhou Yuan. We will have to deal with them in Gantian Town in the future."

"Understood, master."

Now that the master has spoken, the Panlan Tiger King is no longer baring his teeth.

Captain Song hadn't come out of his shock completely, and a smile appeared on his face, and said, "I heard that Master Jiang's shop will open tomorrow, and then I will come to join in the fun."

Now that there is a monster beside Jiang Lin, Captain Song is reluctant to get too close to Jiang Lin.

"Ahem, Master Jiang, aren't you selling a paper tie-wreath shroud? I'll just say, that boy Achu is going to lose two oceans to me this time."

Zhou Zhou threw up the fishbone and glanced at the shop, regardless of what was in it, and even left the talking cat behind, thinking that he could win two oceans.

Paper sticks, wreaths, and special shrouds...

If he hadn't been called a friend by Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin would have wanted to slap that boy A Chu down.

Why don't you Fuxitang sell wreaths?

After Captain Song and Zhou Yuan left, the loudspeakers started broadcasting in the town again.

So most of the people in the town knew that Jiang Lin was back, and the shop opened tomorrow, and more importantly, Jiang Lin had a talking cat.

The next day, Uncle Ping bought some cannonballs to celebrate the opening of the store.

Because of the big mouth of Zhou Yuan, there were not many people who came to join in the fun, and Captain Song also came.

It's just that most of the people here want to see Jiang Lin's talking guard cat.

"Master, Master, it turns out that Master Jiang is not selling paper, but I heard from Zhou Yuan that he sells about the same as ours. Isn't that trying to steal our business?"

Mao Xiaofang had just returned from the Guantian Pavilion up the mountain to Fuxi Hall, so Ah Chu went up to meet him.

"I told you, I want to call you uncle! If there is anything else to rob or not, our talisman paper does not accept money!"

Mao Xiaofang glared at Ah Chu, and then said, "Master Jiang is opening, we need to go over there to support him anyway."

Chapter [*] Wholesale is not enough, what is retail doing?

Ah Chu pouted. In his opinion, Jiang Lin's coming to Gantian Town obviously affected their Fuxi Hall's business, and he kept saying that they were wholesalers, but they still didn't sell what they had in their Fuxi Hall.

Master is also really good-natured.

Ah Chu felt that if he were the master, he would definitely not go to the field of Jiang Lin's favor.

"Master, we have the things that Uncle Jiang sells, so wouldn't his opening be the same as closing it?"

Xiao Hai is not as disobedient as Ah Chu. His master asked him to call him Uncle Shi, so he called Jiang Lin Uncle Shi, but he really couldn't understand why Jiang Lin wanted to do such a loss-making business in Gantian Town.

As long as it's not some high-priced talisman paper, their Fuxi Hall basically doesn't charge any money. Even if it's a free gift, the townspeople will send some rice noodles or chicken and duck over, which is considered to be an exchange for something.

But Jianglin is open to sell, does anyone really buy it with money?

"I learned after I went to see it, don't listen to wind and rain, especially if Zhou Yuan's two rows of teeth are train tracks."

Mao Xiaofang took Ah Hai and Ah Chu to the back row of the town.

"Master, I heard Sanyuan say that Uncle Jiang has a pet, a cat that can talk."

Xiaohai followed behind Mao Xiaofang, and told his master what had happened in the past few days. The most sensational one was the strange cat he had seen before.

Battle pet? ?

Mao Xiaofang's footsteps stopped, what a joke, there are still pets of war in this era?

Generally, if a monster with high spirituality is subdued, most of the demon collectors choose to enter into a spiritual contract with it, as the guardian of the sect or the family's spiritual beast.

This makes it less prone to backlash.

The Ma family of the exorcism dragon clan he knew had a dragon, which was the family's exorcism spirit beast.

But spirit beasts are different from pets of war. The former is respected by those who sign the spirit contract, but the latter is a pet, and its status is similar to that of a watchdog.

This fellow Daoist is too arrogant. Even if he accepts a monster, he can't be regarded as a pet of war. Aren't he afraid of being bitten back?

How did Mao Xiaofang know that Jiang Lin not only regarded the demon king as his pet, but also had two pets all at once, and that the colorful tiger king and the flying rat king were very happy to be Jiang Lin's pets.

"If you can speak human words, your intelligence has already opened up."

The monsters that can speak human words are basically at the peak level of the big monster. Mao Xiaofang felt that if he accepted one, he would have to let Ah Hai and Ah Chu make offerings.

On the first day of opening, Jiang Lin was also in the shop. In the future, he will hand over the work to Uncle Ping. Anyway, he has already sorted the goods into different categories. If there is anything you don’t understand, please ask him again.

He wasn't going to launch the market today either. Mao Xiaofang didn't seem to be there. It was just a group of ordinary people, who were watching the fun or watching cats.

Those magic amulets with rhyme are placed at the back, and the samples displayed in the front are all ordinary magic symbols.

Even ordinary magic talismans are more powerful than those made by ordinary people.

The townspeople who came here really came to see the cat. The things Jiang Lin sold were "similar" to those in Mao Xiaofang's Fuxi Hall, and they were not very interested.

I didn't see a talking cat, and it didn't take long for them to leave most of the time.

"Fellow Daoist, long time no see."

"Master Mao, it's been a long time. I didn't expect the opening of the shop below, and it actually alarmed Master Mao."

After Jiang Lin saw Mao Xiaofang, he went out a few steps to greet him.

If you open your own business, your peers will appreciate your noodles, and Jianglin will understand when you go out to greet Qibu.

Mao Xiaofang smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, come and join in the fun."

Then he looked at A Hai and A Chu, and the two apprentices said, "Hello, uncle!"

"Senior uncle? Daoist friend Jiang does not dare to be a 'shi uncle'."

He and Mao Xiaofang are of different sects, and it is enough to call him a friend or a daoist brother, because he has long been unable to order the generation, but let him be called by A Hai and A Chu as uncle, Jiang Lin thinks it is better to avoid it.

"Hey, last time we chatted, fellow Daoist said 'daughter of a broom', which inspired me a lot. I will have a chance to discuss Dao with fellow Daoists in the future. They are naturally juniors. Mao Xiaofang's cultivation is inconspicuous?"

Jiang Lin smiled bitterly and waved his hand, "No, no."

Since Mao Xiaofang insisted so much, he also recognized the name of this uncle.

"Since you two call me uncle Shi, let's give you two talismans as gifts."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, Ah Chu murmured in a low voice, "Hey, we don't have any talismans in Fuxi Hall, and we can give them away as well as gifts."


Mao Xiaofang's expression changed suddenly, why did this stinky boy follow him for so long, he didn't have any rules in life.

"Alright then, I'll send you two red envelopes."

Jiang Lin asked Uncle Ping to pack four oceans as red envelopes, and one person gave two.

Mao Xiaofang is very good, but his apprentice is too incompetent.

"Master Mao, why don't you come in and take a look. Originally, I didn't plan to retail here, but since Master Mao is here, it just opened today. If you like it, you can retail some."

Jiang Lin turned around and made an invitation.

Let our master buy your talisman, you are afraid that you are crazy about money!

If Master spends a penny to buy a talisman from you, my name, Yu Dachu, will be written upside down.

Ah Chu almost laughed.

Ah Hai also felt that Jiang Lin was a little too arrogant. His master couldn't make any talismans, so would he need to spend money to buy them?

It's not like this in the market, is it, slaughtering people who are acquainted with you?

"Fellow Daoist, you open the door to do business, only wholesale and not retail?"

Mao Xiaofang couldn't understand Jianglin's sales model.

People who learn Tao basically make their own talisman paper, and they may buy some instruments and utensils, but they are definitely not many.

Only wholesale and not retail, this is waiting to drink the northwest wind.

Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "To be honest, I don't like retail a little bit. If it's wholesale, it will probably be in short supply."

Wholesale is not necessarily enough, what about retail?

Jiang Lin is telling the truth. Every time he goes out, he has to replenish the inventory in the Taoist hall. Apart from the distribution of Taoist Master Simu and Taoist Qianhe, there are not many who come to him to buy a lot of goods.

Panlan Tiger King often runs to Shu to deliver goods to Zhuge Kongping.

A consignment point is like this, not to mention that his Daotang is the headquarters?

If Mao Xiaofang hadn't never spoken rude words, he would have said now: Please return the arrogance to the ox, and the ox needs a poor life.

As soon as he entered the door of the shop, Mao Xiaofang was dumbfounded, so complete!

Some things he has never seen.

It's the same way as a master, not to mention his apprentices A Hai and A Chu.

Stupid trio.

"Uncle Ping, put the innermost magic symbol sample in front and let Master Mao pick it up."

Jiang Lin felt that Mao Xiaofang would probably hate it when the money came to him.

Chapter five hundred and forty-four Mao Xiaofang who almost ran away

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