"Hey, Master Mao, you are here too, and Sanyuan and I are also here to join in the fun."

Captain Song sat in the shop for a while just now, and he wasn't ready to buy anything in the shop, which was something he couldn't understand.

"I came to see it too."

Mao Xiaofang didn't lift his face, just nodded, his eyes kept on a long sword lying on the display stand.

This was originally Xiaoru's sword, with many thousand-year-old red glutinous materials added to it, and it was brought here after it was confiscated by Jiang Lin.

Now that Xiao Ru is about to become an adult, Jiang Lin will re-create a sword of two ceremonies containing Yin and Yang.

"Lets see."

Captain Song saw that Mao Xiaofang was fascinated, so he didn't want to go back so early.

"Master Mao, these are the talisman papers that I want to sell wholesale. Take a look. They are different from the ordinary fixed talismans and ghost-expelling talismans. There will be more different ones in a while."

Don't look, you can't afford this sword.

Mao Xiaofang usually doesn't get paid much for doing things for the townspeople. In Jiang Lin's opinion, he really can't afford that sword.

Jiang Lin took two ordinary stasis talismans and an exorcism talisman and handed them to Mao Xiaofang. No matter the southern sect or the northern sect or even some sects other than Maoshan, these two simple talismans would be used.

"Is it different from a normal sign?"

Mao Xiaofang took it in his hand and glanced at it. There was nothing special about yellow paper and cinnabar.

Then he frowned and injected spiritual power into the immobilization talisman and exorcism talisman.

Once the two runes were injected with spiritual power, the runes on them seemed to be alive.

"Impossible. The effect of this talisman has been increased by at least half, especially the immobilization talisman, which is very likely to immobilize the zombies."

Mao Xiaofang thought it was inconceivable that the same kind of talisman had almost no difference in power, unless it was flawed or the amount of talisman paper and cinnabar was not enough.

If you want to increase the power, you can stack the number, but not all magic symbols can be stacked.

"The immobilization talisman can immobilize the zombies. Master, are you kidding me?"

"Master, did you sense something wrong?"

Ah Hai and Ah Chu were equally incredulous and shouted, especially Ah Chu, the talismans sold by Jiang Lin were better than their Fuxi Tang, wouldn't they be overwhelmed in the future?

"How could I have sensed something wrong!"

Mao Xiaofang glanced at the two apprentices angrily. If Mao Xiaofang can make a mistake, can he still be your master?

Wow!It seems that the talisman paper made by Master Jiang is stronger than that made by Master Mao.

Zhou Yuan seemed to have discovered something that excites him, and he didn't know why he was excited.

As long as he can be a big speaker, Zhou Yuan will be very excited.

"Master Mao, are you interested in wholesale. Master Mao?"

Jiang Lin followed Mao Xiaofang's straight gaze, and it turned out that Uncle Ping had brought over the last magic charm sample cabinet.

In an instant, the entire shop seemed to be covered with a light layer of gold paint.

"Fu...fu rhyme!"

Mao Xiaofang's voice suddenly increased an octave.

A large piece of magic talisman containing rhyme, is it possible that my eyes are dazzled? ?

Mao Xiaofang blinked a few times, then quickly ran to the counter, as if stroking Fairy Jade) (like his body, touching the glass partition.

"Master, why are these talismans different from the ones you drew, they are so bright."

"Isn't the talisman made of cinnabar? This is the golden pigment used? But how can the golden pigment be like water?"

The confusion between A Hai and A Chu, what kind of talisman is this?

Captain Song and Zhou Yuan, who were about to leave, saw Mao Xiaofang's performance, looked at each other, and stopped.

Even Master Mao screamed when he saw those magic talismans?

Isn't it just an extra layer of oil?As for screaming?

They don't know what Fu Yun means to cultivators.

Fu Yun, Fu Ling, and Fu Shen are the three kinds of realms that can be encountered and cannot be sought since ancient times.

Fu Yun, plants and trees can be used as talismans; Fu Ling, where the fingertips outline, can be formed into talismans and have talisman rhythms, even in water and fire; as for talismans, there is no need to draw talismans.

"Fellow Daoist, this... is this a flaming paper crane and an explosive talisman with a rhyme? You said it can be retailed, right? I heard that there are many people out there who want a flaming paper crane or an explosive flame talisman, but Hard to find one.”

At this moment, Mao Xiaofang's eyes were open like two marbles, staring at Jiang Lin.

No wonder it is only wholesale, this is completely looting.

The Yan Zhihe and the Exploding Flame Talisman have special appearances, one looks like a paper crane and the other looks like a pineapple, so Mao Xiaofang recognized it even though he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

isn't it?Master!

do you really want to buy?

Ah Chu felt as if he was dreaming and hadn't woken up yet.

"It can be retailed today. One hundred flaming paper cranes and one hundred and fifty oceans of explosive flame talismans. If other common magic talismans have a rhyme, they will cost thirty oceans. As for other instruments, two hundred copper coins and swords are available. One ocean, one hundred-year-old peach wood sword, four hundred oceans, and the rest of the master Mao asked me to quote."

Jiang Lin quoted a few prices casually, which frightened Mao Xiaofang and the others.

Especially Zhou Yuan, who covered his mouth with his hands.

One hundred oceans, one hundred fifty oceans, four hundred oceans...

Who can afford it!Is Master Jiang too dark?

"One hundred and fifty oceans of the Exploding Flame Talisman??"

Mao Xiaofang was severely hit by the price, and he took two steps back. The bandit robbed once, and he couldn't get a hundred and fifty oceans!

"Are you stealing money?"

"It's just killing people without blood!"

Ah Chu and Ah Hai couldn't help but shouted.

Jiang Lin glanced at them, and said leisurely, "It's always been this price, no kidding. It's impossible to steal money, it's just a small business."

Then Jiang Lin added: "By the way, I said I would give you a talisman to protect yourself from outside the door. It's this kind of explosive flame talisman. That's right, it's one hundred and fifty oceans. It can blow up the zombie king. You have to cry like this. But if you don't look down on Fu, I'll give you a red envelope."

This kind of feeling of stabbing a knife in someone's heart is still quite cool.

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly and looked at Ah Hai and Ah Chu with a pitiful look.

Ah? ? ?

A Hai and A Chu were struck by lightning, and even Mao Xiaofang was implicated.

Since Jiang Lin said so, he must have been prepared to send it before, but now...

How to do?I, Mao Xiaofang, want to ram my apprentice to death with a hammer!

Mao Xiaofang really almost went wild.

Two explosive flame talismans, three hundred oceans, amulets that can save lives under the zombie king, the apprentice's words were blown away.

Chapter five hundred and forty-fifth priceless treasure!All priceless!

"Then... I don't want that red envelope, Shishu, please exchange it for me."

Ah Chu hurriedly took out the red envelope in the upper pocket of the jacket and handed it out.

Jiang Lin could clearly see the veins on Mao Xiaofang's forehead.

Mao Xiaofang really wants to smash people, but if his apprentice is not a weapon, it's a shame!

Jiang Lin ignored Ah Chu, looked at Mao Xiaofang, and said something that wanted him to vomit blood: "Master Mao, these will be wholesale in the future, and whether they will be retailed is still under consideration, and these are rare goods, I believe Master Mao also knows. It’s so popular, it’s easy to run out of stock.”

You may not sell it in the future, or you may not be able to buy it if you have money.

Jiang Lin did not deceive Mao Xiaofang. Rareness is precious. Jiang Lin needs to ensure the rarity of Yan Zhihe and Exploding Yan Talisman.

Although these flaming paper cranes and flaming talismans are relatively expensive, the effects are absolutely just right. Although they are not as good as those he used for himself, there is absolutely no problem in blowing up a few of the Zombie Kings to be disabled or half-dead.

One for life-saving, two for counterattack, three for residual blood, and four for KO Zombie King, even if the sold ones cannot form a chain explosion, the effect is not bad at all.

Mao Xiaofang felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart, so he silently walked to the side and touched Xiaoru's spirit sword.He was afraid that if he stared at those golden talismans again, he would do something derogatory.

In fact, Mao Xiaofang also knew that if only one talisman paper with rhyme appeared, the price might be very high, but now there are already quite a few talismans with rhyme, which is equivalent to a price reduction in disguise.

Expensive is expensive, but again, this price is already very cheap.

But he can't afford it!

In Gantian Town, he helped the townspeople to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and he usually received very little remuneration. Sometimes he did things for the townspeople for free. He had no savings at all.

This sword... darling!

After injecting spiritual power, Mao Xiaofang couldn't calm down again, and even his breathing was a little short.With his cultivation base holding this sword, the thousand-year-old zombie king will cut it according to him!

He usually uses the peach wood sword, and it is not very old, it is easily corroded and easily broken. He settled in Gantian Town, and there are not many connections. It is not easy to find a hundred-year-old peach wood.

This steel sword really suits his heart.

He looked at Jiang Lin and said, "Fellow Daoist, this...cough, what price is this, let me prepare myself a bit."

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, but Mao Xiaofang still looked at Xiaoru's sword, and he pointed his finger at Mao Xiaofang.

"Ten thousand oceans? Daoist friend, I have a reservation!"

Mao Xiaofang was overjoyed, and both eyes became double happiness.

Ten thousand oceans, great value for money!In his opinion, the sword in his hand is almost like a priceless treasure.

Ten thousand oceans?You think so!

"Cough cough, Master Mao, you underestimated two zeros, one million oceans."



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