
Except for Uncle Jiang Lin and Heping, everyone in the shop was in a Spartan state.

Zhou Yuan was about to faint, and Captain Song was about the same.

"Actually, I brought this sword to the town shop. I don't plan to sell it. It may be difficult to find a second sword in hundreds or thousands of years. It is mixed with a lot of rare materials."

Jiang Lin really didn't want to hit Mao Xiaofang, it was very unkind.

In addition to the bone of red glutinous rice, there is also some meteorite iron in this sword. Now it is no problem to use it as a treasure of the town.

Because this sword has been raised by Xiaoru, it has a certain spirituality. After being injected with spiritual power, it can stimulate a little of the yin and yang qi in it, and its power is multiplied.

It's just that Xiaoru has a special physique. It's better for Jiang Lin to recreate a spirit sword with extremely negative and positive properties for her to raise this sword.

If it weren't for the other materials in his hand, he could make better ones, and the problem of feeding the sword backlash could also be solved, so he had no intention of selling it.

But no one should buy it.

"One million? Why don't you say it's priceless!"

Ah Chu couldn't take it anymore, everyone said that the lion opened his mouth, and Jiang Lin could swallow all the lions when he opened his mouth.

"Master, you are exaggerating."

Xiaohai also whispered to the side, a sword is worth a million oceans, and Jinshan is not as expensive.

"For a cultivator, it's almost like a priceless treasure."

Mao Xiaofang reluctantly put down the long sword in his hand. He could see that if he hadn't added rare materials, he would never have been able to be so sharp.

"Master, do you mean that this sword is really worth one million oceans?"

Hearing Master's confession, A Chu and A Hai couldn't believe their ears.

"What do you know, this sword is in your master's hands. If you have the opportunity, you can directly kill the thousand-year-old zombie king and save thousands of people. What is a million oceans?"

Mao Xiaofang reprimanded the two apprentices. The price alone is very high, but in other ways, it can play a value of more than one million oceans.

"Master Jiang, this million-dollar sword is the treasure of the town house, right?"

Zhou Yuan snuggled up, touched the steel sword worth one million oceans, and felt that he would be able to play outside for a few months.

"It doesn't count."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Uncle Ping, open the curtain on the back wall."

After Uncle Ping opened the curtain, Jiang Lin threw Xiaoru's sword over, and then threw out his own sword and threw it over.

Five swords, one bow and nine arrows, a chessboard, and a round mirror.

"Starting with the third sword from the left, the order is Yanlei Sword, Ice Soul Sword, Soul-suppressing Sword, Demon Bow and Arrow, Nether Formation Plate, Reverse Chaos Yin-Yang Mirror. I am here to wholesale the treasures of the town school, but it is estimated that In the end, it is estimated that these things are all for personal use, and no one can afford them in retail.”

Jiang Lin smiled lightly and looked at Mao Xiaofang, who was the one who knew the goods.

These magical tools were all made by him in the three years in the underworld, when he woke up from sleep, using the real fire of the sun to combine with meteorite iron and other materials. At that time, he got a lot of materials for promotion.

Priceless!All priceless!

Mao Xiaofang felt that he really seemed to be living in a dream. Originally, when he saw a sword with a million oceans, he thought he was really eye-opening, but now it seems that the eye-opening is not enough.

Five of the three swords on the wall are not beautiful, and there are array patterns flowing within the sword body.

Mao Xiaofang couldn't take his eyes away, so did Ah Hai. The million-dollar sword just now was no match for these three swords.

It's over, it's over, the master lost his soul, and the senior brother lost his soul too.

Ah Chu looked at Mao Xiaofang and Ah Haihun as if they had been hooked away, and was blinded for a while.

Chapter five hundred and forty-six the market is so fast

Jiang Lin asked Uncle Ping to take down the magical implement on the wall and show it to Mao Xiaofang.

"This flaming thunder sword is an imitation. It has thunder and lightning patterns and explosion patterns. It can kill the thousand-year-old zombie king."

This sword was made by Jiang Lin imitating the Thunder Flame Sword in Emei's Tianlei Double Swords, and refined it with the sun's true fire, meteorite iron and other materials.

He was going to wait for Li Yingqi to wake up later and give her as a gift.

Mao Xiaofang's heart thumped, looking at the runes in the sword body, he couldn't put it down.

"Ice Soul Sword, the main material is the ten thousand years of cold iron in the eight cold hells, and it is difficult to compete under the ghost emperor."

Jiang Lin was able to forge this sword, but he had to grind Judge Lu so hard that the red beard was too scared to get this material.

In the future, Xiaoli will follow him to the forbidden area to scavenge treasures. This sword is reserved for her. The Niran Yin-Yang Mirror is also copied from the treasure mirror on Xiaoru's body, and it is also kept for Xiaoli to protect her body. .

The material in the eight cold hells?

Mao Xiaofang felt that his heart was beating at double the speed.

"As for the soul-suppressing sword, fellow Daoist can see for himself."

Jiang Lin didn't introduce it anymore, he planned to leave this sword to Xiao Qian, who he preferred.As for the Demon Demon Bow and Arrow, Jiang Lin and other Judge Lu found him a treasure similar to a medicine gourd and used it for himself.

Take out any of these instruments, and they can be passed on as a sect's treasure.

Jiang Lin wasn't going to sell it, he kept it for himself, unless someone exchanged it with the treasure that made his heart move.

In the future, Jiang Lin will practice more for Jin Tianyi and Xiaohong. Anyway, the sneaky brothers below are free labor, and some time-consuming and laborious forging can be handed over to them.

After reading the three swords, Mao Xiaofang stroked the Nether Chessboard, the Demon Bow and Arrow, as well as the last yin and yang mirror.

He is indeed a person who knows goods, and he can infer the power and effect of the Nether Chessboard and the Inverse Chaos Yin-Yang Mirror.

Such a good baby!

Jiang Lin felt that Mao Xiaofang at this time was a bit like Elder Jin Chi in Journey to the West, the old abbot who took a fancy to the Tang monk's cassock.

The eyes are not blinking.

I shouldn't be here today!

Mao Xiaofang felt extremely uncomfortable, he was really hit, he couldn't eat a single grape, no, these are not grapes, they are just peaches!

"Master Mao, I have a copper sword here that was originally going to sell for [*] yuan. I can also chase after the zombie king. If you want, I will give you half the friendship price."

Jiang Lin made a joke with Mao Xiaofang, anyway, even if it was half price, he probably couldn't afford it.

Uncle Ping took out a sword box, opened it and put it on the counter.

Mao Xiaofang touched the copper sword and liked it tightly.

"Let's go!"

He turned around with difficulty, and no longer dared to look at the treasures in Jianglin's shop, for fear that he would end up here.

Along the way, Ah Hai kept berating Ah Chu. Originally, the two of them could get an Exploding Flame Talisman, but they were pushed back by Ah Chu's broken mouth.

His junior brother had been beeping Jianglin to steal their business before, but as a result, they didn't even care about retail, and it was not worth the money to sell talismans.

After returning to Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang turned his face to look at A Hai and A Chu, and said, "Hand over all the private money that you usually hide when buying vegetables."

Because he usually doesn't receive any remuneration, Mao Xiaofang's savings are not much, and it's not enough to wholesale magic talismans to Jiang Lin, but there should be hope to buy one or two explosive flame talismans together.

That thing can not only save lives, but also has a charm on it, an absolute collectible!

Thinking that there could have been two explosive flame talismans, Mao Xiaofang couldn't help but want to get angry.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

Ah Hai and Ah Chu looked stunned. They usually keep one or two coins for grocery shopping. Over time, they can be considered a small amount of money, but why would Master ask for their money?

"I'll gather some myself and go to Li Yangju to buy one or two Exploding Flame Talismans."

"Master, you...you're not kidding, right? That's more than [*] pieces of ocean!"

Ah Chu almost asked if his master was mentally ill. Over a hundred foreigners bought a talisman, in his opinion it was a mental illness.

In fact, he has always been the one with the sick mind.

Not to mention Mao Xiaofang, even if he went to another place, Jianglin opened, and some colleagues learned of such news, they definitely bought it with a money jar.

Money is important, is it important to have a life-saving amulet?

It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang to exploit A Hai and A Chu again, and went to Li Yangju. Before leaving, he punished A Chu for squatting.

If you don't buy it sooner, maybe you won't be able to buy it later.

At the same time, the loudspeaker of Zhou Yuan was in town again.

"Don't you know that when Master Mao saw the talismans that Master Jiang took out, his eyes were straight. An ordinary talisman was sold for a large ocean, and a shiny talisman sold for a hundred and fifty oceans. That's not enough, There are swords of one million oceans in Master Jiang's shop, and Master Mao personally identified them, and they are definitely worth the price."

In the Hexing Building, Zhou Yuan chatted with the guests around him, and everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"It's so expensive? How could someone buy it? Master Mao will send it directly."

"Yeah, a million oceans to buy a sword?"

Zhou Yuan pouted, looked at the folks who had just spoken, and said, "Expensive? Of course it is expensive. Master Mao himself said that Master Jiang's talisman is better than their Fuxi Hall."

"I just saw that even Master Mao went to Master Jiang to buy talismans."

"No way, even Master Mao went to buy it?"

The owner of Hexing Building listened to Zhou Yuan and the others, and took a lot of oceans to Li Yangju.

"Master Jiang, I'm the boss of Hexing Building."

Boss He walked into the shop and introduced himself with a smile.

"It turned out to be Boss He. The food at Hexing Building is very good. Is there anything wrong?"

"Master Jiang, I want to buy some talismans, house guards and so on, and we have several cats in Hexing Building, and let them catch mice and snakes, but cats always steal fishy, ​​I want to ask Master Jiang Is there a talisman for repelling rats and snakes?"

It was originally bought.

Jiang Lin did not expect that not only the market would be released today, but even the townspeople came to buy it.

"Hello, Master Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard Zilong say that you sell all kinds of magic talismans here. I'll take a look too."

As soon as Boss He entered the door, Director Song arrived at the door of the shop, and then several people came one after another, all of whom were rich people in the town.

It's all for buying.

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