Before she could continue to be stunned, a huge force suddenly rose out of thin air, sending it flying.


Black Rose's skill is indeed very good, but although she controlled her balance, her back still hit the opposite tree.

"Anywhere else, I don't believe it anymore!"

Black Rose continued to test frantically on the edge of death, ran to the other side of the wall, and continued to take off.

But this time, before she met Jin Guang, she saw a huge tiger's head appear on the wall.

The colorful tiger king supported his head with one forearm, lay on the wall, and looked at the black roses flying over in a leisurely manner.

"Is it itchy? Scratch you!"

"Come on!"

The colorful tiger king was like a lucky cat. The tiger claws slammed down, and the black rose fell heavily to the ground and bounced up to a height of more than one meter.

Immediately passed out.

Otherwise, the King Pandan Tiger was afraid that Jiang Lin would get angry, so he released a demonic energy around Hei Rose as a buffer, and this old leftover girl would be able to burst her brains all at once.

"Come here, are you courting death or courting death?"

The tiger king's fist-sized eyes glanced at the pale-faced little shrimp, and said lightly.

Although the tone was flat, Huwei was not weak at all, and Xiao Xiami felt that his crotch was a little wet.

Chapter five hundred and fifty-eight the breath of the blood demon

"I... our way... just passing by."

Xiao Xiami felt that his tongue seemed to be knotted, he squeezed out a little smile, and then quickly dragged the fainted black rose into the town.


Panlan Tiger King watched Xiao Xiami pull the black rose with the strength of sucking milk, and exhaled a demonic wind that blew the two of them seven or eight meters away.

"Next time, I'll twist my head down for you to play with as a fur ball."

Panlan Tiger King yawned, glanced not far away, and then withdrew into the yard, continuing to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to cultivate.

"What a strong demon king."

Mao Xiaofang sighed, this tiger king has already found him, he can't deal with this powerful demon king, and this demon king is only guarding the door for Li Yangju, and he doesn't take the initiative to hurt people's lives.

Such a pet, no, a spirit beast, Mao Xiaofang is very jealous.

When will Fuxitang have such a spirit beast?

Li Yangju has a demon king to guard the door and a barrier to protect his home. Mao Xiaofang slightly compared his Fuxi Hall, it was like comparing a thatched cottage with a big villa.

It was getting late, and Mao Xiaofang also went back, thinking about when he would be able to sit down with Jiang Lin to share his experience of cultivating.

As for Black Rose and Little Shrimp, Mao Xiaofang didn't care about them anymore. Like Jiang Lin, he didn't do anything that would replace his blister.

It is enough for Taoists to catch ghosts and zombies, but it is not their job to catch thieves.

It's really scary, isn't it a cat?How can there be such a big tiger?

A bruised little shrimp dragged a fainted black rose. At this time, his heart collapsed. This time they kicked the alloy steel plate.

"Sister Gui, don't die."

Black Rose didn't wake up, scared the little shrimp, and kept shaking Black Rose's body.


Xiao Xiami was exhausted and finally dragged Black Rose back to the hotel, poured tea over it, and when Black Rose woke up, she screamed.

"Oh, it hurts me to death, how could there be a tiger in Li Yangju!"

Hei Rose didn't feel pain anywhere on her body, and she was close to breaking a bone now.

"Sister Gui, let's leave Gantian Town, it's too scary."

Little Xiami could not forget the extreme fear in his heart when he was glanced at by the colorful tiger king.

"No, we're here to do big business, we can't just give up. Now that our reputation has been lost, if we don't make big business, how can we still have a foothold in the world of robbers."

Black Rose didn't want to just give up, she was hurt like this, suffered losses many times, and she was not reconciled to quitting a big vote.

"At most, we will never go to Li Yangju again, and we will never provoke that stinky Taoist priest again."

Thinking of the tiger head that was a few laps bigger than the wheel that he saw before he passed out, Black Rose also trembled all over.

But I'm afraid, it's impossible to let her go like this.

"Was there a burglar last night?"

Early the next morning, King Panlan told Jiang Lin what happened last night. Jiang Lin snorted, "Next time I encounter this situation, just save my life."

If you want to come to him to find something, let them go and die.

In the next few days, there was no more theft in the town. Black Rose and Xiao Xi Mi were both recovering from their injuries, and they did not dare to be arrogant in Gantian Town.

"Master Mao, are you sending rice?"

On this day, Jiang Lin was going to see how the snake demon was injured. He met Mao Xiaofang at the town entrance and said hello.

Mao Xiaofang responded with a wry smile: "Ashamed, because of the two villains, the villagers have suffered a lot of losses, and I will also make up for it."

"I also have two senior brothers. How can I say it, it's not very good. So I decided to spend the rest of my life and will not accept apprentices."

Jiang Lin looked at A Hai and A Chu, thinking of Qiusheng and Wencai in the past.

"Not accepting apprentices... Actually, it's not bad. You won't be pissed off."

In the past, Mao Xiaofang couldn't understand Jiang Lin's decision, but after accepting two apprentices, he understood Jiang Lin's mood.

"Master Mao, I'm interested in walking all the way together. I feel that something may happen in Gantian Town."

"It happens that I have some doubts about cultivation and want to ask fellow Daoists for guidance, but I can't ask for it. Please."

Jiang Lin smiled casually and said, "Guiding doesn't count, it's just sharing what we've learned, please."

"It's better to listen to your words than to read ten years of books."

Talking with Jiang Lin all the way, Mao Xiaofang admired Jiang Lin more and more.

Most of what Jiang Lin said was the experience of cultivation in the cultivator era. At their level, the communication effect of inheritance between ordinary sects is actually not that big. What Jiang Lin said benefited Mao Xiaofang a lot.

"It's just a glimpse. Hey, it really is."

Jiang Lin came to the Dragon Vein Tree and found that there were many insects growing on the tree.

He could calculate that something had happened recently, but he couldn't figure out the specific reason. Jiang Lin couldn't calculate anything related to the dragon veins and air luck.

"First, the snake demon, I don't know what it is this time."

Jiang Lin couldn't figure it out, and Mao Xiaofang couldn't figure it out either.

After parting with Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin went to the cave where Axiu lived. Now Axiu is taking care of the snake demon besides eating, and basically doesn't go out.

Of course, he still shared a table with Jiang Lin for dinner.

"Xiao Bai is getting better soon, you are a good person."

Axiu was in a good mood and smiled at Jiang Lin.


Eat my food every day, and now I say I am a good person.

Jiang Lin took a look at Xiaobai's situation and said to Axiu, "There may be major events in the town recently. You live here and pay attention to safety. I'll take a look around."

Axiu put Xiaobai in the bamboo cage and said, "I'll go with you."

It's nice to have a pretty girl to accompany.

Jiang Lin smiled and left the cave.

The two walked side by side until they arrived at a ruined temple on the hill two miles away from the town.

Jiang Lin's face became very solemn.

What a powerful evil!

It seems to be the breath of Gorefiend, could it be that I sensed it wrong?

Jiang Lin closed his eyes and let out his spiritual sense. After a while, he frowned again.

The strong evil energy and the aura of Gorefiend just now disappeared.

After entering the Demon Temple, Jiang Lin found four Buddha statues inside.

"Axiu, go to another place to play first, I'll take a rest here."


Jiang Lin then sat down cross-legged, two fangs bucked out, and his eyes turned green.

After sitting for half an hour, the evil energy just now appeared again, and it was absorbed by Jiang Lin's body.

What a blood demon!

Chapter [*]: The army enters the town, grabs the genealogy, and recruits strong men

After Jiang Lin sensed it again and again, he finally decided that the evil energy that appeared from time to time in the Demon Temple belonged to the Gorefiend.

Gorefiends are very difficult to completely eliminate.

Back then, when he traveled to the end of the Han Dynasty, he dealt with the Gorefiend. Later, when the five fools were chaotic, the land was bleeding and drifting, and the Gorefiend was resurrected again.

Only that time, Jiang Lin had returned to the original world and did not participate in the war, but according to the information left by the owner of the Yaochi Immortal Castle, the Gorefiend was destroyed again.

But now this Demon Temple has the aura of Gorefiend. Could it be that Gorefiend was reborn again hundreds of years ago?

Jiang Lin checked around the temple and walked around the mountain again, but found no sign of the sealing formation.

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