"It may be that the Gorefiend stayed here, and it may be possible to recuperate or cultivate with the help of the spiritual energy here. I hope not to appear here again."

Jiang Lin frowned. Although he has now reached the peak level of the Celestial Master, it is really not an easy task to deal with the Gorefiend.

When he was about to go back, he asked Mao Xiaofang if he had heard of the legend of the Gorefiend nearby, but before that, he could make use of the evil energy in the temple.

Jiang Lin returned to the Devil's Temple again and sat cross-legged. His corpse can now absorb a small amount of evil energy. As long as he uses the Yang flame in his body to deal with the evil energy, he can help the corpse to advance.

After sitting for a whole day, Jiang Lin was quite satisfied with this Demon Temple. After the magic circle of the mansion was completed, he could often come here to absorb evil energy.

Not long after Jiang Lin returned home, an army carrying rifles passed by the door of Li Yangju, and finally stopped outside the ancestral hall in Gantian Town.

"Finally arrived at Gantian Town."

Commander Chen stood in front of the team with his hands behind his back, the excitement on his face could not be suppressed.

The tomb of Cixi, this old witch was extremely lavish and extravagant during her lifetime, and it's cheap for me now.

By chance, Commander Chen obtained a treasure map. After preliminary analysis, he came to the conclusion that the treasure was around Gantian Town.

"Commander, this is the ancestral hall of Gantian Town. As long as we get their genealogy, we can arrest people according to the genealogy. If there are strong men who can be requisitioned, the commander will soon find the treasure, and the rich will be the best."

Adjutant Xu smiled flatteringly behind Commander Chen. Commander Chen was very helpful with his words and strode into the ancestral hall.

In the ancestral hall, the third uncle, Uncle Zhang, and the others were worshipping their ancestors. When they saw the army coming in with muskets, they were all confused.

"Who is the biggest among you, get out and talk immediately!"

Adjutant Xu showed great authority and scared the third uncle and the others.

The third uncle stood up tremblingly and said, "I am the one with the highest rank here."

"I'm Adjutant Xu of the Shaanxi Army on the [*]rd Route. This is our commander Chen. We want your genealogy of Gantian Town."


Uncle Uncle and Uncle Zhang looked at each other, Commander Chen was a little impatient and said, "Get your genealogy out, be quick!"

"I'm sorry, the family tree can't..."

"Shut up and take it out immediately!"

Before the third uncle had finished speaking, Commander Chen roared, and the soldiers behind him loaded their guns and pointed at the third uncle and the others.

"Say one more nonsense, bullets don't have eyes!"

Adjutant Xu snorted coldly and stared at the third uncle and the others.

The people in Gantian Town had never seen such a scene before, and they backed away in fright. The third uncle had no choice but to take out the genealogy.

Adjutant Xu stepped forward and snatched the genealogy, and Commander Chen turned and left without saying a word.

"Oops, Brother Guan, you can't take the genealogy away."

"I tell you, don't get in the way, or you will be dealt with by military law! A bunch of stinky old men!"

Adjutant Xu shook off the third uncle's hand, and the soldiers pointed their guns at the third uncle and the others.

"What a sin, hurry up and notify Director Song!"

"Hurry up and let Director Song and the others retrieve the family tree!"

After the army left, the third uncle and the others were in mourning, so they could only pin their hopes on the police department in the town.

The Shaanxi Army stole the genealogy of our Gantian Town?

After Director Song and Captain Song got the news, their faces were dazed. What did the army do to grab their genealogy?

The two came to the Lailai Hotel where the army was stationed, and were taken to the second floor by Adjutant Xu.

"Commander, these two are Director Song and Captain Song of the Gantian Town Police Department. This is our Commander Chen."

Adjutant Xu introduced the two to Commander Chen.

"I said what happened to your Gantian Town? Are the men in your town a man? Look, there are only two in one family, and the largest family has four, and two of them are daughters. What's going on? "

Commander Chen originally wanted to get some strong men to dig their graves for them, but there weren't many men in the town, and he was so angry that he lost his temper at Director Song and the others.

Captain Song frowned, how many people in our Gantian Town have nothing to do with you.

"Commander Chen, what do you mean?"

"It's like this, we received news that during the war a few years ago, the enemy troops buried a lot of explosives around your Gantian Town. We came here so hard to help you solve this problem. In fact, we are also for your own good. That's it."

Commander Chen didn't blush, and his name was for the safety of the townspeople of Gantian Town.


The father and son of Director Song and Captain Song looked at each other. They took root in Gantian Town, and their ancestors have lived here for several generations. They have never heard of explosives around the town.

"Starting tomorrow, I will recruit the strong men in the town and start digging around the town. At that time, I will need your police department to cooperate more."

Commander Chen sat on the sofa and looked at Director Song. In fact, they were deserters. If people from the Police Department cooperated in this operation, it would be much smoother.

Hurry up to dig the baby, hurry up and go.

If they were found above, they would definitely be shot.

"No! If there is an explosion during the excavation process, wouldn't the villagers be killed?"

Captain Song vetoed it outright. The army came here to dig explosives, and brought professional engineers over to let the common people dig the explosives, not to send them to death?

Adjutant Xu snorted coldly and said, "The commander is not asking for your consent, he is dispatching you! If the explosives explode in a mass, your Gantian Town will be turned upside down."


"Commander, we know, we will cooperate with you."

Director Song pulled his son to the back, and now this group of people have guns and cannons, and they are in a deadlock, which is not good at all.

Chapter [*] Dig a hairy explosive, this is digging a grave!

There are only ten people in the police department, and the guns are also small pistols, which are incomparable with the rifles of these troops. Moreover, they are the military, and their small police department cannot afford to provoke them.

Captain Song's face was a little gloomy, but in the end he could only helplessly say: "We will cooperate."

The next day, the army's recruitment order was conveyed by the police department and posted on the town's bulletin board.

"Captain Song, digging bombs will kill people, we won't go!"

"Yeah, they want to dig explosives and send people to dig it themselves. What's the matter with our common people?"

After the townspeople heard the news, there was an uproar for a while, and no one wanted to go. If you want to say that the strong men are fighting, these people may not necessarily go to the front line. They have nothing to do for a while, but to dig bombs, it is not purely seeking death. ?

"There's nothing we can do. They came from the army."

Captain Song had no choice but to spread his hands. They were all villagers in the same town, and he didn't want the villagers to take this risk.

Although the summons was passed down, the townspeople kept the door tightly shut.

"Hmph, don't go? You can't let them go! Adjutant, take someone to arrest them, and don't let any of them be missed."

After a long time, the police department did not recruit anyone at all. Commander Chen sneered and asked Adjutant Xu to bring a gun to find someone.

Either go dig, or eat a gun.

Adjutant Xu personally took people and kicked the door door to door. When he saw a young man, he pointed a gun at him and did not go to be shot.

And no one could run away. The family tree of Gantian Town was snatched by the army, which means that it was useless to hide it.

For a while, the residents of Gantian town were full of grievances, but Commander Chen's army had guns, so they could only knock out their teeth and swallow blood, and were escorted by the soldiers to the barren hills three or four miles outside the town.

"Master Jiang, don't come out. Now the army recruits strong men to dig bombs. You are so young, if you are found, you will definitely be arrested."

Uncle Niu was not arrested because he was too old. When he saw Jiang Lin when the cattle passed Li Yangju, he reminded him aloud.

Because Li Yangju was in the back row of the town, Jiang Lin didn't know what happened in the town until now.

Catch strong men to dig bombs?

No, I remember that it was like digging a grave.

Jiang Lin recalled for a while, it seemed that there was this scene in the TV series, but he still needed to confirm whether it was specific or not.

He is now basically sure that it is not digging bombs, and it is impossible for ordinary people to dig it.

"Got it, Uncle Niu."

Jiang Lin smiled at Uncle Niu and went to the shop.

"Uncle Ping, close the shop, you don't need to open it during this time."

"Okay, uncle."

There was nothing to worry about at home, so Jiang Lin was going to take a look.

"Tom, go out for a walk."

Anyway, he was not afraid of being discovered by the army, so he went to have a look, stopped by Fuxi Hall, and asked Mao Xiaofang.

"Master Jiang, why did you come out? You should have heard the news from the town. Don't worry, you've only been here for a few days. Your name isn't on the genealogy, and the folks shouldn't tell it."

When Captain Song saw Jiang Lin, he asked him to go back.

"It's okay, I'll take a look. Don't worry, they can't find me."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, the whole person "disappeared".

Captain Song rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dreaming.

After taking the corpse poison back to the bone, Jiang Lin's figure appeared in the same place again, and smiled at Captain Song.

Oh my God!

Master Jiang actually knows magic!

Captain Song didn't react for a while. Isn't this a spell only found in mythology?

There is indeed a trick of stealth in Maoshan art, but Jiang Lin has not learned it, Jiu Shu can't, and Mao Xiaofang can't either.

The two came to the barren mountains outside the town, and many townspeople were digging with hoes.

Even Zhou Yuan and his father were arrested, and others were escorted by soldiers and forced to work as excavators.

The whole town only has the privilege of people like Captain Song, and they don't need to pick up a hoe. Unless they put money in, or as long as they are within the age range, they will all be brought over.

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