"Captain Song, you said that people from the Qing Dynasty came here more than ten years ago?"

"Yes, my father was an official in the Qing Dynasty at the time, and he knew about it. He said that he brought this into isolation at the time."

Captain Song looked around subconsciously, but there was no sign of Jiang Lin at all.

This feeling is too terrifying, in the middle of the night, it can scare people to death.

Jiang Lin looked around and found that after the surface was broken open, the Yin Qi was very strong, and the terrain of the barren mountain seemed to be moved by someone.

Dig a hairy dynamite, this is digging a grave.

After checking it out, Jiang Lin was sure that this group of gun-carrying guys came here to rob tombs.

But why use the guise of digging explosives?

"Help! There's a ghost!"

Suddenly, someone screamed in the pit. The explosives were not dug, and a pile of skulls and bone sticks were dug out, which scared the townsman to the ground.

"What's it called, keep digging for me! The skull head scares you like this, look at your prowess!"

Adjutant Xu roared at the young man, causing the surrounding townspeople to be full of anger.

"What are you looking at, dig it for me! I'll kill anyone who dares to slack off!"

Adjutant Xu took out his pistol, fired a shot into the sky, and pointed at the surrounding townspeople.

Captain Song blushed with anger, but he was too angry to say anything while watching dozens of muskets around him.

Seeing that the townspeople moved their hoes again, Adjutant Xu sneered, with a proud look on his face.

Don't be frightened, do you really think the guns in their hands are decorations?

Seeing Adjutant Xu's face, Jiang Lin felt that this group of people should not be the regular army, and it was very likely that some warlord pretended to be.

Jiang Lin went down the mountain and went to Fuxi Hall.

"There is not enough manpower, Adjutant Xu, let the brothers step up their time to find someone."

After Jiang Lin left, Commander Chen still disliked the slow digging and asked Adjutant Xu to continue looking for someone.

In Fuxi Hall, the third uncle and Uncle Zhang were complaining to Mao Xiaofang, hoping that he would find a way.

But Mao Xiaofang was just a Taoist priest, and he couldn't do anything about the officers and soldiers.


When Mao Xiaofang saw Jiang Lin's arrival, he wanted to go to the mountain with him.

Before he could read, Adjutant Xu led a group of soldiers into Fuxi Hall.

Adjutant Xu glanced at him and asked, "Who are Yu Dachu and Ma Xiaohai?"

"What do you want us to do?"

Ah Hai and Ah Chu didn't have a good tone, and because they had guns, they forced their way into their Fuxi Hall, so majestic.

"That's it for the two of you? Take it away and dig for explosives."

Chapter five hundred and sixty-one things that do not know life or death

"Wait a minute, you pull all the strong men to dig explosives, who will do the farm work? Now it's time to harvest."

Mao Xiaofang frowned. He didn't need to plough the fields to dig explosives. What will the villagers eat in the future?

"This has nothing to do with me. I'm just following the commander's orders. I don't know anything else. Don't get in the way. There are orders from above. If anyone doesn't listen, they will be shot!"

Adjutant Xu glared at Mao Xiaofang and waved his hand. The soldiers behind him clasped the arms of A Hai and A Chu, and took them out like prisoners.

Jiang Lin pursed his lips, so he was not afraid to flick his tongue.

There are hundreds of people who dare to call themselves the commander of the army.

The military division, brigade and regiment battalion, without [*] subordinates, would not blush when they called themselves the commander.

Adjutant Xu just took two steps, turned to look at Jiang Lin, pointed at him and said, "And you."

Jiang Lin frowned, folded his arms, and said, "What does it have to do with me? Is there my name on the family tree?"

"Don't talk nonsense, don't you go?"

Adjutant Xu picked up a pistol and pointed it at Jiang Lin. It doesn't matter whether you have a name on your genealogy or not, you have to go if you want to.

Ha ha.

Another adjutant pointed a gun at him.

Originally, this adjutant Xu was blackened in Yintang, and he could not live for a few days.

Don't die today, die tomorrow.

"I don't know whether to live or die, I have something to do with the judge, you can't live for two days."

Jiang Lin stretched out two fingers towards Adjutant Xu.

Someone pointed a gun at him, and in this case he didn't need to speak.

The house cat beside Jiang Lin had long disliked this Adjutant Xu, but now this ignorant thing turned a gun at its owner.

Uncle Jiang, how domineering!

Being pointed at by a gun, you can be so calm.

Ah Hai looked at Jiang Lin's indifferent expression, and felt that the image of this uncle became taller in his heart.

Ah Chu is also similar to his senior brother. He is also a young man. Seeing such a scene, his blood will naturally boil.

But compared to the two of them, Uncle Uncle and Uncle Zhang were both frightened and thought that Jiang Lin was courting death.

Isn't it too long to provoke people with a gun pointed at the head?

Mao Xiaofang was also taken aback, even if he was pointed at by a gun at such a close distance, he would not dare to act rashly.

Young man, don't be so angry.

"you wanna die!"

Adjutant Xu has never been scolded as something, and he pulled the trigger with a look of anger.


"Uncle Jiang!"

"Master Jiang!"

Mao Xiaofang and the others did not expect Adjutant Xu to actually shoot.

At this moment, the figure of the colorful tiger king suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Lin, his palm instantly turned into a tiger claw, pressing against the muzzle of the gun, holding the entire barrel of the gun.

"Bang! Ah!"

After a gunshot, there was another scream, and Adjutant Xu rolled on the ground while clutching his shoulders.

If the screams of Adjutant Xu were ignored, the entire hall would be silent.

Is this dazzling or a dream?

Adjutant Xu fired, why did he get shot himself?

This cat...

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die."

"Whoever points a gun at my master again is courting death!"

The colorful tiger king then changed into the shape of a tiger. Because there was not enough space, it controlled its body size and was a circle smaller than the average tiger.

After sneering, its pair of tiger eyes swept around.


A domestic cat can turn into a tiger. The soldiers couldn't react for a while, but now they can still speak?

Being stared at by the eyes of the colorful tiger king, the soldiers' legs suddenly became weak, and they hurriedly raised their guns.

"It's said that you don't live for two days, but you still don't believe it."

Jiang Lin looked at Adjutant Xu who was rolling on the ground and screaming, and said leisurely, "It seems that you like to be shot very much, even yourself."


Who the hell committed suicide!

If it wasn't for the pain from the gunshot that he couldn't speak, Adjutant Xu would have cursed his mother.

"Show me your so-called order from above. If you want to find me, go to Liyangju. Get out!"

Jiang Lin kicked Adjutant Xu on the body, kicked him into the yard, and passed out.

"Don't get out yet? Roar!"

The tiger roar from the colorful tiger king made the soldiers go to shit, and they rushed out of the hall, carrying Adjutant Xu and rushing out.

After a long while, the third uncle and Uncle Zhang in the hall came back to their senses, and they were far away.

The Tiger King Panlan not only scared the soldiers away, but also scared them a lot.

They only knew that Li Yangjuli in Jianglin had a talking cat, but they never expected this "cat" to be so terrifying.

"Master Jiang, you... you have provoked the army."

Uncle Zhang saw that the King Pan Lan had turned into a house cat again, and he dared to speak, and became worried for Jiang Lin.

Although Jiang Lin is fine now, but Commander Chen has hundreds of guns.

"Don't mess with me, they can live a few more days."

Jiang Lin smiled and didn't take Commander Chen and the others seriously.

The army that let the common people dig bombs, he didn't take it seriously, and he didn't need to give him any face. If he messed with him, it would be nothing good to eat.

"Master Jiang, Master Mao, let's go back first."

Because of the friction between Jiang Lin and the army, the third uncle and the others did not dare to stay in Fuxi Hall for fear of bringing disaster to Chi Yu.

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