"Fellow Daoist, these people are always officers and soldiers. It's not right for you to be like this."

Mao Xiaofang felt that Jiang Lin was a little impulsive. They learned Taoism, in fact, they were similar to those who learned martial arts.

What's more, the army represents Guo Jia, and it would be unwise to contradict them.

"Master Mao, do you really think these people are the so-called Shaanxi Army? Don't you think their behavior is the same as that of mountain bandits? If they were digging bombs, it would be impossible to use inexperienced townspeople like Gantian Town. Let me tell you, they are actually here to dig graves, Master Mao, do you believe it?"

"A grave digger?"

Mao Xiaofang frowned, wondering why Jiang Lin said that.

Jiang Lin informed him of his investigation in the barren mountains.

"Daoist friend, I have a bit of an impression when you say that, but I was out at that time, and I only heard about it after I returned to the town. Could it be that Commander Chen wants to dig the tomb of a Qing Dynasty minister?"

"That's what I think. If Master Mao has doubts, you can go and see for yourself. By the way, I want to ask, Master Mao spent a lot of time in Gantian Town. Have you heard the legend of Gorefiend?"

Jiang Lin changed his words and asked about the Gorefiend.

"Gorefiend? Never heard of it."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head, and then asked, "Did you find anything abnormal?"

"Nothing, just ask casually."

Jiang Lin felt that he might have thought too much, so he sat in Fuxi Hall for a while and then went back.

Five hundred and sixtieth chapters do not die

"Master, that's great, my brother and I don't have to dig bombs."

Ah Chu clapped his hands, this time he didn't have so much resentment towards Jiang Lin.

Mao Xiaofang gave him a roll of eyes and said, "Okay, the officers and soldiers will be back in a while, you go and invite this Uncle Jiang."

Although Jiang Lin's words made Mao Xiaofang suspicious of Commander Chen and the others, that's all, it's a fact that all of Commander Chen's hundreds of people have guns.

Even if they have other goals, Mao Xiaofang can't do anything about it.



It was as if A Hai and A Chu had been poured on their heads by a basin of cold water. They forgot that the soldiers retreated temporarily because of Jiang Lin. If they came back later, they would be taken away.

Hope buddy is alright.

Mao Xiaofang became worried for Jiang Lin. Although Jiang Lin was protected by a demon king, if he was blocked halfway and faced hundreds of muskets all at once, the danger was not small.

For some reason, Mao Xiaofang felt that Jiang Lin was a little different from him, and he couldn't tell what the difference was.

If Mao Xiaofang had seen the former cultivators, he would have found that Jiang Lin's temperament was different from those of the cultivators.

In ancient times, even the king of a country, those monks who were successful in cultivation were not in the eyes of them.

Jiang Lin is like this now, even if a warlord leader stands in front of him, he should be just as contemptuous.

It's just that he won't take the initiative to provoke these people who hold military power.

"Commander, it's not good!"

A group of soldiers carried Adjutant Xu to the barren mountain, and when they saw Commander Chen, they shouted.

"What's the matter? Adjutant Xu, what happened?"

Commander Chen was startled when he saw Adjutant Xu who was covered in blood.

"Commander, let's go to Fuxi Hall to arrest Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu. When Adjutant Xu saw a young man in Fuxi Hall, he wanted to dig explosives, but..."

"Yes, I heard people around him call him Master Jiang, and he seems to be a Taoist too."

Several soldiers talked about what happened in the Fuxi Hall, and heard Commander Chen in a fog.

What talking tigers, what tiger claws block the muzzle, what are these things!

Although Commander Chen couldn't understand it, the surrounding townspeople could hear it clearly. They knew that Jiang Lin was skilled in Taoism, and he also had a talking cat. They could figure out what happened after a little bit of piecing together the words of these soldiers.

Master Jiang is not even afraid of the army and guns?

Townspeople, look at me, I look at you, hate yourself for not having a chance to see what happened in Fuxi Hall.

Damn, Master Jiang and the army just got up?

Captain Song found it inconceivable that there were at least six guns going to Fuxi Hall, but Jiang Lin was so frightened that he returned without success, and that pesky adjutant Xu was bleeding profusely.

Master Jiang, I, Song Zilong, are in capitals!

"Trash, it's all trash! Adjutant Xu is blown up! It must be a trick, even if it's not, it's just a tiger. Are your guns vegetarian?"

Commander Chen was so angry that he didn't believe what the soldiers said. There was only one Taoist priest. They had more than [*] people and hundreds of guns, and they couldn't even arrest anyone?

"Send a few people to send Adjutant Xu to the town for treatment, leave ten people here to guard, and the others bring me guns!"

Commander Chen's face was ashen, and now someone dares to break ground on their heads, just to kill chickens to show the monkeys, so that these townspeople will not dare to slack off any more.

"Captain Song, go take a look. Master Jiang is young and energetic, but don't let any accidents happen."

"Yes, Captain Song, Master Jiang is a good man."

Captain Song nodded and said, "I will follow."

Commander Chen was aggressive, and first took people to Fuxi Hall, and when he came up, he gave Mao Xiaofang a slap in the face. More than a dozen guns were pointed at Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice.

"Take Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu away to dig explosives, and the others go to Liyangju!"

A Hai and A Chu were reluctant, but in the end, they still did not escape their fate as excavators.

"Commander Chen, I advise you not to provoke Master Jiang, he is not easy to provoke."

Mao Xiaofang opened his mouth and reminded that if Jiang Lin didn't come out at home and was guarded by the enchantment, his demon king pet could tear all these soldiers to shreds.

"Humph! I want to see how it is not easy to mess with, what about the Taoist priests, are our guns easy to mess with?"

Commander Chen sneered and led people away from Fuxi Hall.

Captain Song could only follow, and it was useless even if he wanted to say something nice with Captain Chen like this.

I hope that Master Jiang has returned home, and Li Yangju's enchantment can resist bullets.


The gate of Li Yangju was rudely slapped by the soldiers, making a loud noise.

Death is coming?

Jiang Lin, who was lying in the front yard basking in the sun, sat up and went up to open the door.

Jiang Lin leaned on the door, clasped his arms, glanced at Commander Chen, and said, "Hey, Commander Chen is not going to dig for explosives, what are you doing here with people here in Pindao?"

"Don't talk nonsense here, you stinky Taoist priest stops the townspeople from digging explosives, and you will deal with it by military law!"

Commander Chen gave an order, and a dozen guns were loaded and pointed at Jiang Lin.

"Captain Song, stay away."

Jiang Lin didn't slap Commander Chen again, and raised his face at Captain Song on the side.

It was only at this time that Captain Song thought that the last time Wednesday Yuan threw a stone at the barrier, and it was finally bounced back.

Is it possible that even bullets can bounce back?

Captain Song was so frightened that he quickly turned around and ran for more than [*] meters.

"Commander Chen, count your life for you, your longevity is almost exhausted."

After seeing Captain Song leave, Jiang Lin's eyes fell on Captain Chen again.

Commander Chen was so angry that his face was ashen. He was pointed at by more than a dozen guns, and he dared to say that he was dying.

"Shot immediately!"

Really immortal.

Jiang Lin walked back to the rattan chair and lay down.


Following Commander Chen's order, the dozen or so rifles in front fired together.

After that, the screams of a group of people broke out.

Captain Song looked at Li Yangju from the corner of the alley. When the bullets hit the door, bursts of golden light appeared in the air, and then all the bullets were reflected back, and many soldiers were shot.

Really bulletproof!

Captain Song was completely stunned this time.


At this moment, a stray bullet passed by his ear and hit the wall on one side, scaring him into hiding deep in the alley.

Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty-Three Lose Your Life If You Don't Lose Money!

How is this going?

Everyone, including Commander Chen, looked like they had seen a ghost in broad daylight, looking at the place where the golden light appeared just now and Jiang Lin on the rattan chair.

Commander Chen broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't stood behind a group of soldiers, he would have been shot.

"You...what kind of sorcery are you doing? You...you dare to hurt someone in the army..."

"Don't be fooled here, show me the order you were ordered to dig bombs, and I happen to know a few commanders. Come and show me which military order allows you to recruit civilians to dig bombs."

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin teased, "Dig the bombs, you dug the tombs of the Qing Dynasty, right? Believe it or not, I'll go up and read your book?"

Jiang Lin is really not bragging, as long as he writes a letter to the commander in Renjiazhen and asks people from above to check it out, it is not that difficult.

He recalled the plot again before, as if this Commander Chen was a rebel, and if that's the case, then frighten him.

When Commander Chen heard the words, his face changed greatly, and he no longer dared to speak stubbornly.

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