They were originally rebels, and they came here to rob tombs to make money, and then they planned to occupy the mountains as kings and live happily.

He never imagined that Jiang Lin would know their purpose, and what was even more troublesome was what kind of handsome this Taoist priest knew.

With a gloomy face, Commander Chen looked at his subordinates lying on the ground, and finally had to give up.

Now that their purpose is known, they can only get the treasure in the tomb as soon as possible and leave quickly.


"Go? Who told you to go? Broken the door of my house and lost money."

Jiang Lin glanced coldly at Commander Wang Chen, and when he came to his house and fired a shot, he wanted to leave. Is this a school for shooting?

Just now, Commander Chen's guilty conscience and trepidation were seen in his eyes, and he was basically certain that these people were not regular troops at all.

Can you be an uncle with a gun?Provoked him, no good fruit to eat.

"Tom, what is Commander Chen who has damaged our house and left their lives without losing money."

Lose your life if you don't lose money, it's that simple.

He wasn't afraid to offend the Commander Chen, and he didn't care about the more than [*] guns.

Even if he really came under the orders of some warlord, and he continued to come, he would not let anyone knead.

The big deal is to let his domestic cat come over with the head of a warlord.

He doesn't cause trouble, but he's definitely not afraid of trouble.


The colorful tiger king suddenly jumped to the wall and then jumped down again, turning into a colorful giant tiger with a body length of about ten meters.

With the growth of the colorful tiger king's cultivation base, its upper limit of size has grown considerably.

"Monster, monster!"

A group of soldiers now finally believe that there are monsters, causing them to back away again and again.

Panlan Tiger King picked up Commander Chen, put it to his lips, and said, "Master said, lose money, a thousand oceans, if you don't have money, you will die."


Even though Commander Chen killed a lot of people, his heart almost jumped out of fear now.


The Tiger King Pan Lan let out a roar at Commander Chen, and a stench made him almost spit out his lunch.

"Call your mother and lose money!"

"Pay... pay, I pay. One thousand oceans, come here, take the money!"

Commander Chen's face turned pale, and he hurriedly asked for money.

"That's it, it's nice to be nice and kind. It's rude to point a gun at people at any time."

Jiang Lin weighed the bag of ocean in his hand and didn't look at Commander Chen again.

"Go back, go back!"

Commander Chen didn't want to stay here in Li Yangju for a second, and he could only recognize it when he was shriveled in Jiang Lin's hands.

They are not afraid of tigers, but a tiger that is about ten meters long can only be bombarded with cannons and explosives, but they do not have cannons or much explosives in their hands.

Even if there are explosives, this behemoth is going to kill people, maybe he will burp himself.

It turned out that this was the demon king.

Captain Song watched all this in the alley, his brain was completely in a state of panic.

What shocked his jaw even more was that Jiang Lin dared to blackmail Commander Chen.


"Master Jiang, you are making a big noise this time. If someone comes from above, Master Jiang will be in danger."

After Captain Chen and the others left, Captain Song came out of the alley, worried for Jiang Lin.

"What are you afraid of, can they still shoot me? I was just about to tell you about this, and let Director Song report the situation to the provincial capital. These people are not here to dig bombs, but to rob tombs. I I suspect that they are not regular troops, but are going to occupy the mountain as kings after they are going to steal the tomb."

Jiang Lin didn't care what Captain Song said, and said something that made Captain Song stunned.

"Master Jiang, do you mean that these people are not our ZF army at all?"

"Probably not."

Jiang Lin didn't say much, just let Director Song contact the above to find out.

"I'll tell my dad about it."

Captain Song also felt that these soldiers were just like bandits. Now no one has harvested the farmland in the town. If it continues, the harvest will be delayed, and the townspeople will have to drink the northwest wind in the second half of the year.

Commander Chen was disheartened and took his men to the hospital in the town, but those doctors couldn't cure such a gunshot wound at all.

Gantian Town is just a small town, and there is not even a hospital that can perform surgical operations. It is necessary to go to the county or provincial capital.

Even if they could heal, they wouldn't do their best.

These gun-bearers have made their Gantian town so smoky, and want them to save people, and continue to harm them after they are saved?

"Master Mao, I heard that you are very skilled in medicine. Please save my men."

In the end, Commander Chen could only be cheeky and took Adjutant Xu and the others to Fuxi Hall.

Before, he didn't care about any Taoist priests at all, but after suffering a big loss from Jiang Lin, he thought that Taoist priests were all so powerful, so he didn't dare to be as rude as before when facing Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang was stunned.

Didn't these people go to Liyangju in Jianglin just now?

"Commander Chen fought with someone?"

Mao Xiaofang asked a question casually, and Chen Junchang's face was very ugly, but he finally said truthfully: "Let's go get someone, that Master Jiang made a bad word, and I will shoot him on the spot, who would have known that the bullet would actually bounce on the empty door. return."

It is the enchantment of Li Yangju!

Chapter [*]: The guardian mausoleum is now, the dragon energy is surging

Mao Xiaofang raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the barrier around Li Yangju was so powerful that it could bounce bullets.

Hehe, he was still aggressive before and didn't listen to his dissuasion. It's been less than half an hour now, and a group of people came back covered in blood.

It's really forgiven for sins committed by God, and it is impossible to live by doing sins by yourself.

This group of officers and soldiers who don't know how high the sky is, think that they can run rampant all over the world with a gun in their hands?

Not to mention guns, even if there were red-clothed cannons, they wouldn't be able to take Jiang Lin. The cannons might be able to hurt the demon king, but that was when the demon king didn't move.

As long as Jiang Lin stays at home and ensures that he is safe, his demon king pet can dismantle several cannons.

"I'm sorry, I can't heal these gunshot wounds. Commander Chen should send these people to the county or provincial capital. I can only do some simple bandages to treat some common trauma."

This commander Chen doesn't take human life seriously. These soldiers also eat and drink in the town without paying money, and they also molest women from good families. Mao Xiaofang doesn't want to rule, and he can't rule. If he kills him, he might have trouble with him.

At most, stop the bleeding and bandage it.


Commander Chen's face almost turned into a mulberry. They all said that you are good at medicine and brought people here. Do you think there is no cure?

If it wasn't for the big loss just now and he didn't take his breath away, Commander Chen would have drawn his gun again.

Even if it is sent to the county seat now, after a delay of several hours, these subordinates will not be able to survive.

Thinking of this, Commander Chen hated Jiang Lin a little more.

"Commander, save me, I don't want to die."

When he woke up, Adjutant Xu asked Commander Chen for help. If there was a medicine for regret, he would never provoke that Master Jiang.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Stop arguing, I will definitely save you."

Commander Chen glanced at Adjutant Xu. The adjutant had been with him for many years, and he did things to his heart's content, but now he could only live for two days.

The more he thinks about it now, the more he can't swallow this breath. If it wasn't for that strange golden light, he wouldn't have to spend much effort if he wanted to kill someone.

When I got the treasure in the tomb, I blew up that Li Yangju before I left!

"let's go!"

Commander Chen took a deep breath and left the Fuxi Hall with many soldiers. Those who were injured he planned to let those who had contact with military doctors be dealt with.

"Since the people in your town are so disobedient, don't blame me."

On that day, Commander Chen asked his subordinates to gather all the strong men in the town, speeding up the excavation.

Even the few doctors who were unwilling to treat him were arrested.

The next day, there were potholes all over the barren hills, and Commander Chen and the newly elected Adjutant Chen patrolled around.

Adjutant Xu and a few soldiers who were shot yesterday only survived three or four, and Adjutant Xu unfortunately died.

"Help, help!"

This time it was Zhou Yuan who was yelling. He was carrying a hoe and digging hard) (things, after digging through the soil, he found it was a tombstone.

The tomb of Suo Etu is also known.

Commander Chen quickly ran over, and the adjutant also followed.

"Haha, I finally found it! Get someone to dig around here!"

Commander Chen was so excited that it was like seeing mountains of gold and silver.

But after digging for a long time, nothing else was found around.

"How can the dragon energy flow faster?"

Jiang Lin, who was forming a formation in the yard, walked out of the gate quickly and looked up at the direction where the dragon energy converged.

Is it the barren hills?

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