Commander Chen gave an order, and a group of soldiers screamed strangely, just like robbers, they removed all the treasures, and even the corpses were searched by them.

Mao Xiaofang did not want to see the virtues of these people, so he and his two apprentices left the tomb first.

They can't leave now. They have to wait for the robbers to come out, open the organs in the tomb again, and then seal the entire cemetery to prevent anyone from entering, causing the corpse to change.

Mao Xiaofang had no plans to destroy the bodies inside. He thought that since the ancestors were buried in the tomb, they should rest in peace.

It is precisely because of his character that he did not eliminate the source of corpses, and there was an accident, which caused a corpse disaster in the entire Gantian Town.

"Wow! It's developed, it's developed!"

The black roses and small shrimps who have been hiding in the dark are full of whole boxes of gold and silver jewelry, and their heads are spinning.

How many cars does this have to have? !

At that time, if you steal a few pieces at random, it will definitely be developed.

No, go inside and take a look, if you don't believe they've taken it all!

Black Rose and Xiao Xiami glanced at each other, and unanimously decided to go inside and have a look.

These gun-bearers have guns in the end, and if they can get extra rewards, they can take it easy.

When Mao Xiaofang saw that Commander Chen finally came out, he stepped forward and asked, "Commander, have you finished moving your things?"

"All the things I want have been moved. Now there are only those corpses left in it. It's cheaper for you, Master Mao, so that you don't come back empty-handed. Haha..."

Commander Chen laughed arrogantly. If these people hadn't had muskets, Mao Xiaofang would have beaten them violently.

"In this case, I will seal this place to prevent Yin Qi from entering. You must never go near this place. The corpses inside may become zombies at any time."

"What are you going in for? We took all the treasures inside. Are you still going in to enjoy the cool? Don't worry, we'll leave tomorrow, and we'll leave all the things inside to you. You're welcome."

After the commander Chen finished speaking, he walked away.

Now that the wealth is in hand, they are not going to stay any longer. After a day of rest, they will leave tomorrow night.

"Adjutant Chen, check how much explosives are left. When you leave tomorrow night, you will blow up Li Yangju."

Now that there is no worries, Commander Chen is ready to take revenge.

"These dead soldiers must have money and life to enjoy."

A Hai and A Chu clenched their fists, even their master wanted to hit someone, let alone the two of them.

Mao Xiaofang snorted, completely sealed Cixi's tomb, and then stuck the red thread and the talisman on the stone gate, and then walked out of the hole and left with confidence.

Black Rose followed the soldiers back to the Lailai Hotel. She had never entered the tomb before, so she didn't know what was going on inside, so she was going to inquire about it before going in.

The soldiers who happened to come to the hotel were very drunk, and Black Rose got the information without much effort. She and Xiao Xiami did not delay for a moment, and came to the barren mountain again, and directly tore off the charm and red thread on the stone gate. .

These talisman formations can prevent Yin Qi from entering, and even prevent monsters and ghosts from entering into it to absorb Dragon Qi, but it is absolutely impossible to prevent thieves.

Black Rose and Xiao Xiami are both good at their skills, plus they heard the news, the first-level organs did not stumped them, as for the tomb protection bureau, they also knew the way to pass, and the last prisoner was almost killed by Mao Xiaofang because of the God Lord card. The three of them were all destroyed, and they couldn't work at all.

"Who is so abominable, there is moonlight shining in, but the hole is sealed up, Shrimp Boy, tear it off."

After the two entered the mausoleum, Black Rose complained there, and asked Xiao Xiami to tear up the gossip mirror and the magic talisman.

"Did you make a mistake and leave me nothing?"

After searching, Black Rose didn't find anything of value at all.

"Sister Gui, don't complain anymore, just look for it."

Xiao Xiami is a little impatient with his partner, the old woman who can't marry has a really bad temper!

In the end, the two only found a jet-black bead from Cixi's mouth and left the mausoleum.

After their forefoot left, the corpses in the mausoleum hall were all lifted up.

"Congratulations to Lafayette, may the Holy Body of Lafayette be in golden peace, forever and ever, to hold rivers and mountains forever..."

Chapter five hundred and sixty-eight this gift is good

  A group of zombies knelt down in the Qing Dynasty and congratulated the Empress Dowager Cixi sitting on the dragon chair in front of the mausoleum hall.

  Because of their dragon veins and dragon energy, these zombies did not become blue-faced and fangs even after the corpse was transformed. They did not have zombie teeth, and even their nails were not too long. Their faces remained the same as before, which was completely different from ordinary zombies.

  What is even more incredible is that these zombies speak not corpse but human words, and they still retain their reason and memories of their lives.

  Perhaps it was because the dragon veins in Gantian Town itself belonged to the Qing Dynasty. Although these zombies were nourished by the incomplete Ninety-five Corpse Raising Array, they were not as good as those who dreamed of becoming emperors and wore dragon robes that Jiang Lin once encountered. Zombie King, they're not bad either.

  It may not be comparable in terms of strength, but in terms of intelligence, these zombies are already a few streets away from ordinary zombies.

  The Empress Dowager Cixi on the dragon chair is even more extraordinary. She looks younger and even smiles.

  What Black Rose took from her mouth before was the rare treasure, the Cicada Orb, which can make people stay young forever, and even reverse growth.

  It's just that few people know it.

  "Everyone loves to be flat."

  "Thank you, Lafayette."

  These zombies were high-ranking officials of the Qing Dynasty when they were alive, and now they are resurrected after death, and they have not forgotten the etiquette of the court at all.

  "The members of the Qing family have accompanied Ai's family in the mausoleum for many years. It is really a great achievement, and the Ai's family is very grateful."

  Cixi was quite satisfied with these courtiers who volunteered to be buried with them. If they didn't have any treasures on hand, she would have ordered them to be rewarded.

  Before the group of corpses, a general zombie wearing the uniforms of the Eight Banners said: "It is a blessing to be able to accompany Lafayette all the time, and I should do my best and be a slave for eternity. There is something unclear about the subject, why did Lafayette stop it? Are you going to hunt down those two wicked people who dared to bully the ruler?"

  "We have just returned to Yang, and our Yin Yuan is not enough. If Ai Jia is afraid that there is a slight difference, he will be frightened by the grass. After a night's rest, we will raise enough Yin Yuan. He stole the Hanchan Orb given to Aijia by the emperor, and Aijia wants her head to fall."

  Cixi patted the armrest with her palm, so that the servant zombies below would absorb the yin energy as soon as possible, and she would find her Cicada Orb tomorrow night.

  The next day, Commander Chen wrapped the entire teahouse in Hexing Building and continued to drink and eat meat.

  "Drink, drink."

  Black Rose looked at the soldiers in front of the Hexing Building. She already knew that the gun-bearers left at night. When one or two of them were drunk, it was a good time for them to take action.

  After walking around in Cixi's tomb last night, I found a bead, which made her furious.

  Perhaps it was because of the wealth that, in the end, the commander Chen, who had harmed the township, actually asked Adjutant Chen to settle the bill.

  In the evening, Chen Jun got into the car and drove away with the four treasures.

  At the door of Li Yangju in the back row of the town, Commander Chen winked at the adjutant.

  What if there are big tigers, they still have a lot of explosives left, even if they can't throw the bombs into the yard, and put these explosives around the house, can they still blow up people?

  Even if the big tiger hadn't been killed, the fuse was so long that when it chased, they would have already run away.

  Do you think I'm annoying?

  Commander Chen sneered, and when the car ran out more than ten miles away, he would just listen to the sound.

  Adjutant Chen stopped the car and directed a car of soldiers to pile explosives around the wall by the moonlight.

  The colorful tiger king showed his head on the corner of the wall, looking at the soldiers below like a fool.

  At this time, Jiang Lin came to the front yard and snapped his fingers.

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