"Let them toss, wait for them to leave, and put all the explosives in. This is a great gift. You can do it yourself later."

  After King Panlan jumped down, Jiang Lin told it and went back to study the formation.

  Jiang Lin had already sensed everything outside, and this group of foolish critics actually wanted to blow up his Li Yang residence.

  He wanted to see how much explosives he could receive. Now if he wanted to get military explosives, he would have no way out, but he really couldn't get hold of such a large amount of explosives.

  Don't worry, master.

  King Panlan grinned and jumped to the top of the wall again, quietly waiting for these people to put away piles of explosives.

  "Sister Gui, they are going to bomb Li Yangju. Do you want to inform the people inside?"

  "Tell you a big guy! Hey, if I have dynamite, I'll blow it too! We suffered such a big loss last time!"

  Black Rose watched quietly as the two-meter-long fuse was ignited, and the soldier climbed into the car and galloped away quickly.

  "Let's run too, so many explosives, it's terrible."

  Black Rose and Xiao Xiami then chased wildly in the direction of the military vehicle.

  "Hey, now I can make a small contribution."

  The colorful tiger king stretched his finger to point that the fuse was a virtual point, and the fire line went out immediately.

  It jumped off the top of the wall and packed all the explosives around the house into the front yard.

  These explosives are not easy to obtain. In recent years, it has also known that Jiang Lin may have to deal with Fei Zong. With these explosives, it may come in handy.


  With a low roar, the colorful tiger king turned into a giant tiger and galloped in the direction of Adjutant Chen and the others.

  After a little distance from the town, the Panlan Tiger King roared wildly.

  "Why didn't it explode and the tiger screamed?"

  Black Rose, who was chasing the military vehicle, was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and saw a huge colorful tiger rushing over.


  As soon as she saw the colorful tiger king, Black Rose quickly pulled the little shrimp and hid in the grass beside the road.

  "Haha, that big tiger must have been blown up to the point of no hair."

  Adjutant Chen laughed. This time he went up to report to the army commander. He could be praised for doing things neatly again, and the reward was definitely indispensable.

  "Haha, yes yes yes."

  "Hey, Adjutant Chen, why didn't you hear the explosion of explosives?"


  The soldiers in the car lifted the tarpaulin behind the car and looked behind, and a giant tiger with eyes and white forehead was galloping fast.

  "You want to run when you light a fire? A bunch of idiots!"

  Panlan Tiger King roared at the military vehicle, and all four tires burst.

  My motherfucker!

  The soldiers turned pale with fright, jumped out of the car one by one, and fled everywhere.

  I haven't tasted human flesh in a long time.

  For these soldiers, King Panlan showed no mercy at all, grabbing one and filling it in his mouth.

  Since the master asked him to do it, let's have a big meal first.

Chicken taste, crunch and crisp.

Chapter [*] Either explode in place, or hand over the baby

More than a dozen soldiers, including Adjutant Chen, were swallowed up by the colorful tiger king before long.

When it was about to catch up with the vehicle in front, its eyes glanced at the treasure in the car.

Just killing some people is probably not a big credit.

Panlan Tiger King scratched his head with his tiger claws, then opened his mouth and sucked the entire military vehicle into the tiger's belly with a magic trick.

If the master loves money, he will bring him some.

Well, it's not a robbery, it's these idiots who pay for it.

"Where to go!"

With a howl, the colorful tiger king continued to chase forward.

Ten minutes later, all the soldiers in the second car became King Pandan's supper, and it swallowed another military car.

The rest of the cars ran a long way, and King Panlan couldn't be bothered to chase, plus he was anxious to go back to claim credit, so he turned back directly.

"Adjutant Chen, why haven't they arrived for so long?"

Commander Chen got out of the car and looked behind, there was no sign of the headlights at all.

He had no idea that his newly promoted adjutant had died in the belly of a tiger.

"The tiger is here!"

Seeing the colorful tiger king who had turned back, Black Rose pulled the little shrimp and hid in the grass again.

Pan Lan Tiger King didn't have time to pay attention to these two little thieves, and ran straight past.

"Sister Gui, those who carry guns must be planted in the hands of this big tiger. Our chance to make a fortune has come."

Xiao Xiami couldn't wait to go to the front to take a look, maybe a carload of treasures would be parked there.

"Yeah, what kind of rubbish is this treasure on us, we can't sell it for [*] pennies, it's such a good treasure!"

Thinking that the black round beads that she had worked so hard to steal from the mausoleum were not worth even a hundred pennies, and Black Rose's teeth itch with anger.

Originally, she thought that it was from Cixi's mouth, and it was worth eight hundred oceans if not worth a thousand oceans. Unexpectedly, the owner of the jade shop slammed her and Xiaoximi out.

When looking for the next family, she lowered her requirements to only one hundred oceans, but she was kicked out again.

In the end, even a hundred cents could not be sold.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be chasing those gun-bearers, and she was ready to start.


Panlan Tiger King ran out for nearly a hundred meters, and after hearing what Hei Rose said about the baby, he turned back.

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