"Get out, roar!"

A tiger roar shook the forest, and black roses and small shrimps emerged from the grass like chaff.

"You, I remember you. Just like those stupid critics, Li Yangju wants to blow up his master. If you have explosives, you will blow up too, right?"



How can you hear us talking so quietly!

The two faces of the black rose and the little shrimp are like eating bitter gourd, except for the bitterness and the bitterness.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't talk too much!

The ears of this big tiger are like a fairy.

Black Rose just wanted to slap her big mouth.

Pan Lan's eyes stared at the black rose and the small shrimp, and their legs became weak.

"Brother Hu, no, Lord Hu, we knew we were wrong!"

Black Rose hurriedly knelt down to King Panlan. The last time she was patted by this giant tiger, she still hasn't recovered.

Xiao Xiami also knelt down, and he felt that his crotch was a little wet again.

"Since you two idiots like frying so much, I'll give you two choices."

The Tiger King Panlan raised his huge front legs, stretched out two claws, and said, "Either explode on the spot, or hand over the treasure you just mentioned. If you attempt a crime, you will lose money."

I drop my forehead.

When we were talking just now, this giant tiger was at least [*] meters away, right? Can you hear it? ?

Hei Rose pondered deeply, and was glad that she didn't curse Jiang Lin to die quickly around Li Yangju.

"Sister Gui, hurry up and give the baby to Lord Tiger!!"

Seeing Black Rose froze in place, Xiao Xiami quickly shook her arm.

I really want to explode in place!

After Black Rose regained her senses, she took out the Cicada Orb on her body without thinking about it.

A glass ball that is "worthless" for a hundred pennies can exchange two lives and make a lot of money! !

The stature of the colorful tiger king gradually shrank, and finally turned into a house cat less than one meter tall with erect legs.

The ellipsis on the faces of black roses and small shrimps, this style of painting has changed too quickly.

It's really a tiger.

The Tiger King Pan Lan stretched out his hand and took the Chan Chan Orb in his hand, and looked at the moonlight, but couldn't see any clues for the time being.

But I heard these two idiots say it's a treasure, go back and show it to the master.


Feeling the gazes of Black Rose and Little Shrimp, the Pandan Tiger King roared, and a gust of wind blew the two of them to the ground.

"Sister Gui, this giant tiger seems to be an idiot too. It seems to have only heard the word 'baby' you said and thought it was a real baby."

"My little ancestor, don't say anything!"

Black Rose was so frightened that she quickly covered Xiao Xiami's mouth. Although the shadow of the giant tiger had disappeared, if they killed another one and returned to the carbine, the two of them would have to explain it here.

After a long while, there was no movement, and Black Rose was relieved.

"It's stupid, hehe, when it takes that junk to its owner, guess what?"

After the fear subsided, Hei Rose became bold again, and hoped that this scary guy would hurry to Li Yangju, maybe he could eat a leather whip and lose his tiger hair.

It's a pity that she will be disappointed in the end, Jiang Lin is not as ignorant as ordinary people.

"Let's go, the old lady is so angry that I'm going to spread it on those idiots today, making them scream."

Black Rose was angered by a big tiger for no reason, and she was scolded as a fool.

If there is no baby in hand, they can't even pay the rent.

"Master, those things that don't know how to live or die. Tom ate two batches. If they dare to blow up the master's house, they have to lose money."

After King Panlan returned to Li Yangju, he spat out the two military vehicles.

Jiang Lin raised his brows, these two cars contained a lot of treasures.

Originally, he wasn't interested in these treasures from tomb raiders, but King Panlan said just now that it was a compensation, and since these treasures arrived at his home, he didn't have to refuse.

Part of it is for personal use, and the rest is used to help the poor. It was such a happy decision.

The two military vehicles were spray-painted and reserved for future use.

Chapter five hundred and seventieth group corpses dance

"Master, and the two stupid thieves, if there is explosives, they will blow up here too, and this thing will also be compensated."

The colorful tiger king grinned and handed a jet-black ball to Jiang Lin.

This is……

Jiang Lin stared at the Chilling Cicada Orb at the moonlight for a moment, then closed his eyes and sensed for a moment.

Then he entered the study, found an ancient book and read for a while.

It is indeed a cicada pearl!That rare treasure that can keep youth forever, a priceless treasure!

Not only is it useful for living people, if a person contains this orb before dying, it can also fix his face.

This is definitely a good thing that a thousand dollars can't buy!

Jiang Lin was overjoyed and decided to leave it to Li Yingqi, who had been lying in the white jade coffin. This disciple and wife had always been a pain in his heart.

Now that Li Yingqi is separated from his primordial spirit, and he is over a thousand years old, although his physical body has not continued to decline, he has not developed in a youthful direction like Chen Yu and the others.

This black rose has lost a priceless treasure.

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing.

"Tom, a whole thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, remember it yourself."

One...a whole thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum? ?

The King Panlan Tiger was so excited that he almost cried out, too Nima was very happy.

This treasure is much more valuable than two carts of antique gold and silver.

Two little thieves, come and stroll around when you have time.

The colorful tiger king found that he was not so disgusted with black roses and small shrimps. He was really his nobleman.


Black Rose sneezed, wondering who was thinking about her or scolding her.

"Sister Gui, didn't you say that these guys are all idiots? Why do I feel like we're being kicked out like idiots?"

While complaining, the little shrimp eats it out) (The milk is full of energy and runs wild.

There were several cars behind them, and they fired guns from time to time.

Don't shoot, there are cars and people, and they still shoot, you have no shame!

Black Rose has the heart to cry, why is it so unlucky tonight!

First met the terrifying giant tiger, and then it was not smooth after stealing gold and finding silver. Which bodhisattva did this offend?

Hei Rose wanted to look for the military vehicle parked on the road ahead, but she saw nothing. Not long after she walked, she met Commander Chen and the others who were taking a break.

Black Rose used her stealing skills, put on a copycat military uniform, and stole two boxes of antiques and pearls.

Then this pair of roses is sad.

Now not only are the two boxes of treasures gone, even their little lives may be explained here.

"You still have the strength to speak, hurry up and escape!"

Black Rose scolded and ran away with the little shrimp.

I only hate that my parents lost two legs.

"Tai Sui broke ground on his head, over his own strength, speed up me! I'm so pissed off, beat them into a hornet's nest!"

Commander Chen was simply furious. He lost two carts of treasures. It is very likely that his subordinates fled with money. He had already lost two carts. These two blind thieves actually wanted to steal his treasures.

When so many of them watched, they were all caught by the female thief. They quietly approached the military vehicle and took away two boxes of treasures at one time. If they came a few more times, wouldn't they have nothing left?

Such a thief must die!

He must be beaten into a hornet's nest to relieve his anger!

Human potential is really unlimited. Being chased and beaten by a group of muskets, Black Rose and Little Shrimp actually ran faster than a rabbit. The military vehicle that Commander Chen was riding in just had a broken headlight, so he didn't dare to drive fast, but it was too late. Can't keep up with a woman and a child.

It didn't take long for Commander Chen, the others, and Black Rose to be not far from Gantian Town.

At the same time, on the barren hills near Gantian Town, zombies jumped out of Cixi's tomb one after another.

They want to find the cicada pearls for their Lafayette and the traces of black roses.

Black Rose stole the orb from Cixi's mouth, so the target of these zombies is Black Rose.

Although the Cicada Orb is no longer on Black Rose, but it has arrived in Liyang Curie, and it is blocked by the enchantment. In any case, these zombies cannot be found.

Time has passed, and a large group of zombies are jumping on the street, heading towards the Lailai Hotel.

A zombie's nose is smarter than a dog's, but Gantian Town also has dragon energy, so they can only smell a rough direction.

"It's dry, be careful with candles."

The watchman was making a watch on the street, and suddenly he heard a cry from the alley. He walked into the alley with a lantern.

"Hey, it's you, a dead drunk cat, who comes to buy drunk every day. I warned you that you would fall and get hurt. Get up, don't you let me carry you home again?"

The watchman approached the drunkard, squatted down to take a look, and almost scared his soul away. The drunkard on the ground was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and his eyes were wide open.

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