
At this moment, the watchman heard a voice behind him, turned his head and saw a zombie jumping over.


As soon as the watchman called out, he was strangled by the zombie general. The latter made a little effort and the watchman was lifted up.

With a "click", the watchman's neck was twisted.

Because the conditions for becoming a corpse are not ordinary, these zombies do not need to suck blood to enhance their strength. They have intelligence and generally do not suck blood.

"Zombie! Zombie!"

It didn't take long for the townspeople to howl when they came near the hotel.

This group of zombies slammed into the door of the hotel directly, and all the guests in the hotel suffered. Not only that, but the nearby residents were also invaded by zombies.

Many townspeople fled in the streets.

Panlan Tiger King raised his tiger's head. In the dead of night, its hearing range is far away, and it also knows what's going on in the town.

But after looking at the room where Jiang Lin had turned off the lights, he went back to sleep.

Disturbing the master's spring) (dream, that is very scary, especially when there is no mistress around.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with it, so what to do.

"Any zombies?"

Boss He, who lived near the Lailai Hotel, was awakened by surprise. He didn't know if he didn't wake up, but he took the initiative to open the door and go out to have a look.

There was originally a powerful house-holding talisman in his house, and the zombies dared not approach, but he wanted to go out.

On the street, just as Boss He rubbed his eyes, a zombie appeared in front of him and stabbed him with both arms.


Boss He screamed in fright, his face was whiter than white paper, but to his surprise, a golden light emanated from his body, and the zombie was shaken out.

Chapter [-] Guns are useless, don't run and wait to die?


The zombie thought he was dazzled, and jumped towards Boss He again, but this time it was still shaken out.

Only at this time did Boss He know that the amulet he bought was working, and he quickly turned around and got into the house.

When the zombie collided, a talisman light and shadow emitted from the door wall, which directly shook it back three or four meters.

There is an array!

In the end, the zombie didn't find it unhappy, and jumped into the distance.

Boss He looked out from the crack of the door and said in a trembling voice, "Jiang... Master's magic charm is really a life-saving weapon! I'll buy another one at dawn!"

Not only Boss He, but the owner who came to the hotel also escaped from being surrounded by zombies because he had amulets on his body. In addition, there are many townspeople who have amulets on their bodies or town house talismans in their houses, all because they bought magic talismans. And saved his life.

"Master Mao, Master Mao! There are so many zombies!"

The location of Lailai Hotel is not too far from Fuxi Hall. The hotel owner and a few townspeople ran to Fuxi Hall and slammed on the door frantically.

"Master, how come there are so many zombies for no reason?"

Ah Hai and Ah Chu rushed to the hotel with Mao Xiaofang. They didn't understand. It would be fine to say one or two zombies, but where did so many zombies come from?

Mao Xiaofang frowned and replied, "Maybe there is a problem with Cixi's tomb."

"Master Mao, hurry up, Master Mao, it's not over there, it's here."

The hotel owner shouted when he saw Mao Xiaofang walking into the alley.

But Mao Xiaofang ignored him for the time being, and went straight to the place where the bodies of the watchman and the drunken fell in the alley.

After checking the condition of the corpse, Mao Xiaofang's brows furrowed even tighter.

This zombie is awesome.

"Chase! It's a hornet's nest!"

At the same time, Black Rose and Xiao Xiami ran back to Gantian Town, with Commander Chen and the soldiers in hot pursuit.

"Shrimp boy, hurry up, there are alleys in front of us, we can hide from their guns!"

Black Rose was out of breath now, but she didn't dare to slow down.

Even if you can't run, you have to run, or you will really become a hornet's nest.

"Sister Gui, I can't run anymore, my feet are weak."

Xiao Xiami didn't want to run away. He was a child prodigy if he could run back to town.

"You are a big bastard with soft feet, when is it bad to have soft feet, it has to be this time!"

Black Rose carried the little shrimp on her back and ran forward with her head down.

As soon as she turned into an alley, the little shrimp on her back opened her mouth wide, and a group of zombies in front were jumping towards them.

These... aren't these the corpses in Cixi's tomb?

Xiao Xiami felt that his heartbeat was about to stop. Those corpses were fine before, but now they came out, and they were still jumping and jumping.

"Mom, Sister Gui, the corpse has changed, turn around, turn around!"

"What are you calling, what are you calling! Ah~~"

Black Rose just complained a few words, raised her head and saw the zombie opposite, and screamed directly.

Aren't these corpses lying well in the tomb?how come out?

"Sister Gui, you won't be too weak, hurry up and run!!"

Xiao Xiami shouted, and Hei Rose recovered from the shock, turned around and ran, before taking two steps, Commander Chen and the others caught up.

Now there are muskets in the front and zombies in the back. Can you make a way out?

"Let's see where you're going now!"

Commander Chen gave an order, and the soldiers set up their spears and aimed them at the black rose and the shrimp.

"There are zombies!"

Hei Rose didn't dare to act rashly, so she could only shout at Chen Jun.

"Hmph, along the way, there were either big snakes or big tigers, and now there are zombies. Can zombies save you?"

Commander Chen didn't believe it at all. During their pursuit, every time they passed through the woods, Black Rose yelled at this and that. They believed it several times and were almost slipped away by these two thieves.

Especially when the black roses shouted that there was a big tiger, they felt guilty, so scared that the car turned around, but there was nothing.

At this moment, the group of zombies behind Black Rose approached the alley.


Commander Chen's heart slammed, his eyes swept across the black rose, and he saw a group of "people" jumping towards them.

Why are people still wearing Qing Dynasty clothes?

After being stunned for a moment, Commander Chen and the soldiers took a few steps back in fright. These are their old friends, and they met last night.

All the corpses in the Cixi Mausoleum!

Omg!The corpse has changed!

"Shoot, shoot now!"

Commander Chen was so frightened that his forehead was sweating. They went to the tomb of Cixi to move gold and silver jewelry and robbed the tomb. Therefore, Commander Chen's first reaction was that these zombies were looking for them.


If it wasn't for Black Rose's quick reaction, she was lying on the wall, and she would have been shot to death.


Commander Chen and his subordinates kept firing, but when these bullets hit the zombies, they could only emit some sparks, smashing their clothes, and they had no other effect except to stop them for a while.

How does Nima play?

Commander Chen felt like scolding his mother. They fired hundreds of guns at once, and they couldn't even smash the skin of the zombies. Some of the bullets were even reflected, causing some of his subordinates to be shot.

"Keep shooting!"

Commander Chen stepped back himself, but let his subordinates continue to fire, but in the face of such zombies, he couldn't kill them, and who the hell was still waiting there to die.


The soldiers in the back shouted, turned around the alley and ran wildly. If you don't run, you won't be killed. What kind of gold and silver jewelry, is your life important?

After one person ran away, the remaining soldiers immediately dispersed.

Commander Chen ran faster than anyone else, so many guns were useless, and he would be killed if he didn't run.

"Master Jiang, there are zombies in the town, come out and help!"

Captain Song and Zhou Yuan ran to the door of Li Yangju and called the door loudly.

After they received the news, they rushed here without stopping. The number of zombies in the town was not unusual. Mao Xiaofang alone would not be able to do it.

Jiang Lin put on his clothes and walked out to open the door, his face was not particularly good-looking.

Awakened from a dream, the gods want to beat people.

Looking at Captain Song and Zhou Yuan who looked anxious, Jiang Lin complained, "It disturbs people's clear dreams, there are zombies looking for Master Mao."

Chapter [-]: A group of corpses break into Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang learns to croak

At this point in time, if Jiang Lin hadn't slept, he wouldn't be too sleepy, but as long as he was still dreaming and woke up, he would be quite irritable when he woke up.

"Master Jiang, we were disturbed by our dreams. There are many zombies in the town."

"Master Jiang, Master Mao can't do it this time. There are too many zombies. It's like a legion. The townspeople need you."

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