If it wasn't for the absence of the pass symbol, Captain Song and Zhou Yuan could not wait to drag Jiang Lin out of it.

Who isn't woken up in the middle of the night?

There is a large group of zombies in the town, no matter whether it is a beautiful dream or a nightmare, you have to wake up.

Now that many people have died in the town, let these zombies continue to rage, and more people will die.

"A group of zombies? Could it be that there is a problem in the tomb of Cixi? I ​​heard Master Mao say that he has sealed the entire tomb."

"Master Jiang, let's talk as we walk. It's too late. If it's later, more villagers will be robbed."

Captain Song was so anxious that he wanted to go to Jianglin.

"I'll get some guys."

Jiang Lin yawned, went to the shop on the side, and took a pair of crossbows.

Now he always wants to go back to sleep, he doesn't even want to move, and he doesn't even want to use the bow and arrows hanging on the wall.

"Tom, get up."

Jiang Lin rode the sleeping cat on his stomach and let it carry him.

"Who the fuck disturbs Lao Tzu's sleep and doesn't want to live anymore?"

The house cat suddenly turned into a Siberian tiger and howled.

It woke up just now, but seeing that the person outside was not a thief, it continued to sleep.

Now woken up, the tiger's temper came up.

Captain Song and Zhou Yuan looked at the stupid tiger in the yard with sympathy on their faces.

"Ouch, master, Tom dare not, Tom should be damned..."

Jiang Lin folded his fingers on the pillow under his head, lay on the tiger's back, and let it carry it out of the yard.



Captain Song and Zhou Yuan were speechless when they saw Jiang Lin looking like a salted fish.

It's really salted fish home, how sleepy are you, Master Jiang?

King Panlan followed Captain Song and the others into the town. Jiang Lin asked, "Tell me how many zombies there are?"

"We don't know the specifics, but it is conservatively estimated that there are twenty."

As soon as Captain Song finished speaking, two zombies jumped out, startling him and Zhou Yuan.

Sure enough, it's a zombie in Cixi's tomb.

Jiang Lin could feel the faint dragon energy on the bodies of these two zombies. Even if other zombies entered Gantian Town, the dragon energy on their bodies would not be released.



Jiang Lin didn't get up, raised his hand and fired two arrows one after another, and the two zombies exploded into pieces of meat on the spot.

"Pop, kill Bai Zong and get [*] points of Violence."


Zhou Yuan was so frightened that he leaned directly to Jiang Lin's side. When he saw the zombies, he solved it so easily.

"Where else?"

"Master Jiang, how do we know that you are so powerful, and you can't figure out where it is with a finger?"

Zhou Yuan is a man with a lot of stupid talk, especially a lot of stupid talk.

"You're a big head, do you think I'm an immortal? These zombies came out of Cixi's tomb. The tomb has a strong dragon energy. The general method of finding a corpse doesn't work at all."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, and said nonsense, he didn't mind giving this big three yuan a brain.

Zhou Yuan smiled embarrassingly, even if Jiang Lin didn't give him a good face, he wouldn't dare to have any temper.

The Siberian tiger under the seat of Guangjiang Forest was enough for him to fear.

"What is Dragon Qi?"

Captain Song never knew what the so-called Dragon Qi was.

"Ask Master Mao when you have time."

Dragon energy and dragon veins are relative to the Feng Shui pattern. Even if Jiang Lin explained it, Captain Song and the others couldn't understand it, so they didn't bother to talk.

There was no better way to find the corpse, so Jiang Lin could only let King Panlan follow Captain Song for a walk, find the trace of the zombie, and then take action.

Master Jiang fell asleep...

If there is a zombie, shoot an arrow, and sleep without a zombie.

How comfortable is this!

The expressions on the faces of Captain Song and Zhou Yuan were very exciting. They were really envious that they could have a mount, or they could do it on their own, without delaying the collection of zombies at all.

After wandering around for more than an hour, Jiang Lin and the others did not encounter any other zombies.

Because almost all the zombies are collectively chasing black roses and small shrimps.

"Sister Gui, why are these zombies chasing us?"

Xiao Xiami ran without feeling his legs. He wanted to ask the heavens and the earth, those soldiers and that Commander Chen were not a big deal, why did the zombies chase them to the death.

"How do I know? Go to Fuxi Hall!"

Black Rose also became a dog in a hurry. They wanted to run to the hotel before, but there was a group of people running for their lives at the hotel, so they could only change their direction.

To catch ghosts and catch zombies is to find a Taoist priest. Although Jiang Lin is safer, the big tiger probably told her that she was going to bomb Li Yangju.

Therefore, even if Black Rose had two more courage, she would not dare to seek refuge in Jiang Lin.

Even if he has some disagreements with that mustache, he will definitely not die.

Black Rose believed that Mao Xiaofang was soft-hearted, but unfortunately she could not have imagined that Mao Xiaofang was not in Fuxitang at all at this time. There were so many zombies in the town, and Fuxitang must have no one to deal with the zombies.

The two of them reached the Fuxi Hall with their front feet and closed the door, and the back foot of the zombie group slammed into the door, making the two of them cry.

Fortunately, there are Taiji diagrams and gossip diagrams in Fuxi Hall, which blocked the footsteps of the corpses to a certain extent.

Mao Xiaofang, like Jiang Lin, could not find any trace of zombies in the town, so he and his two apprentices returned to Fuxi Hall first.

But they unexpectedly found that a large group of zombies broke into their Taoist hall, including a zombie wearing a general uniform.

Mao Xiaofang's peach wood sword was broken because he cut off a few zombies. Although there was no one in his hand, he rushed into the yard.

The situation of the black rose and the small shrimp is already very critical.

Without a guy in his hand, Mao Xiaofang could only temporarily solve the crisis between Black Rose and Xiao Xiami. If he wanted to deal with the zombie general, there were still a dozen zombies. If the three of them had been prepared, it would be fine, but now it is really impossible.

Mao Xiaofang asked everyone to hold their breath, and he came to Hei Rose's side and wanted her to go out quickly. He didn't expect Hei Rose to hold her breath for too short a time, so she opened her mouth to breathe, and was pounced on by a zombie.

In desperation, Mao Xiaofang grabbed it with one hand) (Mi, tossed the black rose aside.

"You dead Mao Xiaofang!"

Hei Rose was so angry that she punched him, Mao Xiaofang ignored him at all and ran behind the pillar.

"Oh oh oh~"

Mao Xiaofang had no other choice but to learn how to croak, hoping to deceive these zombies away.


The zombie general who was jumping towards the black rose shouted, turned and jumped out of the hall.

Chapter five hundred and seventy third mustache?Brother Rose? ?

Mao Xiaofang breathed a sigh of relief. If he could not succeed in learning how to croak, things would be very difficult.

These zombies are a lot harder to deal with than normal zombies.

The zombie general led a dozen zombies to the yard, jumped over the wall, and rushed towards the barren mountain.

"Huh? Why is there a rooster crow now? It's still a while before dawn."

Zhou Yuan felt inexplicable when he heard the chicken crow, and the chicken crow was really ugly and unprofessional.

"Can't you hear that this is Master Mao's voice?"

After taking a nap, Jiang Lin opened his eyes, and the sound of the chicken crowing just now was obviously imitated.

Master Mao learned to croak?

"Wow! Master Mao must have the bird flu?"

Zhou Yuanyu was not astonished and died endlessly, Jiang Lin almost laughed out loud.

"The rooster crows means it's dawn. When the rooster crows, ordinary zombies will immediately return to their coffins or nests..."

"Damn it, doesn't it mean that as long as there are zombies in the future, we can just learn how to croak?"

Before Jiang Lin finished speaking, Zhou Yuan opened his mind wide and opened his mouth wide.

"Will you shut up?"

Captain Song didn't sleep all night, got a little angry, and wanted to tear up Zhou Yuan's mouth.

Ha ha.Learn to croak without fear of zombies?

The brain is a good thing.

"The intelligence of these zombies is not low, and they will never get on the second time. And not all zombies have no concept of time. If you are seen through learning to croak, then you will be chased by them. "

Jiang Lin gave Zhou Yuan a look and let him experience it for himself.


I didn't say it.

Zhou Yuan covered his mouth, Jiang Lin and Captain Song were both impatient with him, and if he continued to bbw, he would eat a stick.

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