Jiang Lin looked at the broken door of Fuxi Hall, and knew why Mao Xiaofang wanted to learn how to croak just now.

There have been zombies here, and it is estimated that there are still a lot of them, otherwise Mao Xiaofang would not have resorted to this strategy in his own Taoist temple.

"Master, tiger, tiger!"

Jiang Lin rode the colorful tiger king into Fuxi Hall. When Ah Chu, who was dressed in tatters, saw a fierce tiger, he ignored Jiang Lin above.

"Tiger... Lord Tiger?"

After seeing the colorful tiger king, the black rose and the small shrimp became soft again.

Panlan Tiger King snorted, the title Panlan Tiger Lord is quite good.

it likes!

This stage...

The corners of Mao Xiaofang's mouth twitched as he rode the King Tiger, is there a second person in this world?

Zhou Zhou Yuan stood next to Jiang Lin, with his head held high and his chest held high, standing with Master Jiang, he was dazzled.

"Haha, Master Mao, you don't learn how to croak like a rooster. It's like a castrated rooster."

Zhou Yuan's words made Mao Xiaofang's expression froze suddenly, and he wanted to get angry, but he had better self-restraint and held back.

"Big Sanyuan, if you don't open your mouth, no one will treat you as dumb!"

Ah Chu wanted to give this stupid Sanyuan a big slap. There was no limit to joking, and his mouth was really twitching.

"Hello, uncle."

Glancing at Zhou Yuan, Ah Chu then greeted Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, got down from the tiger's back, looked at Ah Chu's body, and said, "It is no longer enough to use glutinous rice for trauma. It is best to soak in snake medicine. The corpse poison of these zombies is no trivial matter."

Glancing at the messy lobby, Jiang Lin asked, "Master Mao, how many zombies are there? Didn't you tell me that the tomb was sealed?"

"There are more than a dozen of them, one of them is wearing the costume of the Eight Banners General, and it is a step closer to the level of the zombie king. It is not easy to deal with. It knows how to reveal the talisman and can also release the corpse. As for the corpse, I don't understand this. I did seal the mausoleum, and it stands to reason that the corpses in the cemetery will not change."

Mao Xiaofang was also puzzled.

"Yeah, we obviously blocked Skynet, how can they still become zombies?"

"Yeah, the door is also pasted with a magic talisman."

A Hai and A Chu also couldn't understand. They followed the master and reduced the possibility of corpse transformation to zero unless someone went in again.

"Fu? It was still there yesterday."

Hei Rose subconsciously responded when she heard Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice saying the talisman.

"Yesterday? Did you go to Cixi's tomb yesterday?"

Ah Chu frowned and looked at Black Rose.

"No, no, when did I... say... I went there yesterday? You just heard it wrong. We were just chased by zombies in the street."

Black Rose felt guilty for a while, and couldn't speak at all.

Everyone's eyes fell on Black Rose and Little Shrimp.

"Look at you, you speak hesitantly, and you make it clear that you are talking nonsense with your eyes open. Wandering the streets in the middle of the night? Do you think there is a night market in Gantian Town? Either steal or steal."

Wednesday Yuan snorted coldly, as if you were lying.

Mao Xiaofang also had a look of disbelief, looked at Black Rose, and said, "This matter concerns the safety of the entire town, I advise you not to play tricks."

Here, he and Jiang Lin knew the true identity of the black rose, so he believed that the black rose must have been in the tomb of Cixi.

Hei Rose blushed for a while, hesitated for a moment, then stared at Mao Xiaofang and scolded: "You dead mustache, I haven't bothered you yet, you excuse me) (Salute me, touch me."


Jiang Lin Haoxuan didn't laugh, this nickname really fits Mao Xiaofang's appearance.

"Brother-in-law Gui, you are finished this time, and Sister Gui will definitely depend on you."

Little Xiami pointed and smiled maliciously at Mao Xiaofang.

Brother Rose? ?

I'm going!

This time, A Hai and A Chu almost fell over.

"Dead shrimp, what nonsense are you talking about? He wants to marry me? Unless the sow climbs the tree. Mustache, I warn you, don't pester me, want me to marry you? Humph~"

Black Rose pulled Xiao Xiami away from Fuxi Hall. There was a police captain here, and it didn't take much effort to arrest them for questioning.

Holy crap, there is a lot of information.

Everyone except Jiang Lin covered their mouths and looked at Mao Xiaofang.

Jiang Lin turned his head to the side and laughed, but he didn't make a sound.

This black rose seems to be interested in Mao Xiaofang.

If these two become CP, oh hey~~

"Brother-in-law Gui, no no no, Master Mao, are you serious?"

The expression on Zhou Yuan's face is extremely exaggerated. Master Mao is such a highly respected person with such a low vision?

If Fuxitang had such a mistress in the future, wouldn't the entire Taoist hall be ruined?

"Master, are you serious?"

A Hai and A Chu were also terrified. If they had a teacher like this, they might quit the teacher's door automatically.

"Nobody's coming for real!"

Mao Xiaofang's eyes stared like bull's eyes, why are both of them with the same expression, and that unkind fellow Daoist, what are you laughing at?

Chapter [*]: A commander is gone, a division commander is here

"Cough, Master Mao, what are you going to do with Cixi's tomb?"

Jiang Lin coughed lightly, pressed a smile, and asked.

Mao Xiaofang thought about it and said, "I'm going to burn the entire Cixi's tomb with Meridian fire. There is dragon energy in the cemetery, and ordinary fire probably won't be able to use them."

Because of the nourishment of dragon energy, these zombies are not madly sucking blood, but they will kill people. Ordinary zombies suck blood when they are full, but if they kill people, there is no limit.

If the zombies in the tomb are not dealt with as soon as possible, Gantian Town does not know how many people will die, so after thinking about it, Mao Xiaofang made a decision.

"This method is feasible."

Since Mao Xiaofang had said so, Jiang Lin did not express any other opinions. He had not been in Gantian Town for a long time, and his right to speak was not as good as Mao Xiaofang's, and Mao Xiaofang's actions were indeed for Gantian Town's sake.

Although it is not possible to kill them one by one, thereby transferring the hostility from them, but it can eliminate those zombies in one fell swoop and prevent the townspeople from being harmed again.

As for the Meridian Fire that Mao Xiaofang mentioned, Jiang Lin also knew that it was a kind of flame that gathered twelve kinds of spiritual things, but this kind of flame was extremely difficult to assemble.

Since Mao Xiaofang had a solution, he didn't plan to help, he went back to sleep, and went to see it at noon.

After Jiang Lin left, Mao Xiaofang took his two apprentices to the ancestral hall, gathered a lot of townspeople, and explained the situation to them.

Meridian fire needs to use the blood of the twelve zodiac signs, and the dragon blood can be replaced by the blood of the four-chen people who were born in the chen year, chen, chen, chen, chen.

Because the genealogy was being rearranged, Mao Xiaofang talked about the character characteristics of Sichen people and asked Ah Hai and Zhou Yuan to find them.

"Xiao Bai, you are healing here, I'll find you something to eat."

In the cave, Axiu saw that the wounds on the snake demon's abdomen had almost completely healed, revealing an innocent smile.

No one in a town is as good as Jiang Lin.

Axiu is pure-hearted, and whoever helped her treat her well, she will keep it in her heart.

After leaving the cave, Ah Xiu unknowingly came to the Demon Temple where Jiang Lin and Jiang Lin had been there. It happened that Ah Hai and Zhou Yuan found the fortune of Sizhuweichen, a lonely beggar who lived and dined in the temple. Take his blood to make Meridian fire.

"Help, help!"

Axiu heard a cry for help from the temple, ran in, and saw Ahai and Zhou Yuan "bullying" Wang Cai.

"It's you again, asshole!"

Seeing Ah Hai who had hurt her Xiaobai, Ah Xiu kicked him in anger, kicked Ah Hai in all directions, and ran away with Wang Cai.

"Brother Ahai, hurry up!"

"No need to chase, just now Wang Cai hit the stone platform with blood on it."

A Hai had a bitter look on his face. Every time he met A Xiu, he always left a bad impression on the other party. This was the third time.

After Axiu rescued Wangcai, she found some wild fruits around and returned to the cave, but Xiaobai disappeared.

After the snake monster recovered from its injuries, it sensed a strong dragon energy around it, and ran out to find a place to practice.

Axiu thought that Xiaobai ran out to eat the crops again, and chased after the traces on the ground.

She remembered that Jiang Lin said that if Xiaobai hurts people again or eats crops indiscriminately, he will not be saved again.

Following the trail, Axiu came to the other side of the barren mountain, just in time to see Xiaobai getting into the hole.

This is another exit of Cixi's tomb. If this exit is not dealt with, even if Mao Xiaofang uses Meridian fire, he will not be able to destroy the zombies inside.

In a hurry, Axiu also went down the cave and entered the tomb of Cixi. Although she found Xiaobai, she encountered a zombie and was scratched. When she returned to the cave, she fainted.

"Master Jiang, ah, thanks to your amulet and the town house charm, otherwise, I would have left my old bones there last night."

In front of Cixi's tomb, Boss He saw Jiang Lin coming, and hurriedly went up to thank him.

Master Jin, Uncle Zhang and other townspeople also expressed their gratitude to Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin's amulet was very effective. After many people encountered zombies, they were saved from catastrophe because of the amulet.

Therefore, in their view, Jiang Lin is completely the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva who saves the suffering, and he is extremely revered.

"Master Jiang, we will go to you to buy a charm in the afternoon."

"Yes, I must buy it."

"No matter how important money is, life is not as important. I bought five amulets."

It's worth the money to save your life.

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