Now there are zombies in the town, and so many people have saved their lives because of the amulet, and all those who are afraid of death are ready to go back and line up at Li Yangju to buy the amulet.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "If you want to buy it, just go to Li Yangju. Because of the zombies, I have to make up some more."

"Master, the spiritual blood of the twelve zodiac signs has been sprinkled, and the firewood has been prepared."

Around the mausoleum, the spirit blood has been poured out, all kinds of firewood and even gasoline are ready, just waiting for Mao Xiaofang to cast the spell.

Mao Xiaofang looked at Jiang Lin and said, "Fellow Daoist, the dragon energy below is relatively strong. I'm worried that one person's mana is not enough, and I need your assistance."

"no problem."

Taking the peach wood sword thrown by Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin took a step forward, the yin and yang flames in his body turned, and the whole peach wood sword was surrounded by flames.

Mao Xiaofang sighed, the ordinary peach wood sword can be so powerful without the help of blood essence, the Daoist's morality is really high.

"Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Meridian Fire burns down the road to the underworld!"

Mao Xiaofang pierced a few talisman papers with a peach wood sword, and when he passed over the candle, the talisman papers burned.

"Stop, don't burn!"

Just as Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin were about to come forward to light the firewood, a loud shout came from behind them.

Why the army again? ?

Everyone turned their heads to look, and a group of soldiers in military uniforms strode over.

Commander Chen?

Jiang Lin frowned, this melon child was not killed by Tom?

When this idiot left, he wanted to blow up his Li Yang residence, but he sent him a lot of military explosives and lost two carts of treasure.

But it's really interesting how the whole body is tied up with five flowers now.

It seems that I guessed well. The group of goods from Commander Chen is not a regular army at all, and what they are doing is not personnel at all.

I was caught just after stealing the treasure. I really had my life to get it, but I had no life to spend it.

"Who are you?"

Captain Song walked up to an officer in front of the team, his tone was not very good.

They, Gantian Town, will get to this point. In the final analysis, it is these gun-bearers, so now he doesn't have a good impression on the people who come here.

"My surname is Li, I'm in the regular army, and I belong to Beiyang ZF Xu Shichang. You can call me Master Li. I'm in charge of arresting the rebels. They are the rebels who failed to restore the party. Report the situation here, and the military seat sent me to handle the affairs here."

Mr. Li introduced himself.

A military commander has left, and a division commander has come again?

Jiang Lin frowned, the regular army also wanted to enter Cixi's tomb again?Otherwise, how could this mausoleum not be allowed to burn.

Chapter five hundred and seventy-fifth you make me work hard and still eat a gun?

It seems that whether it is formal or not, everyone is very interested in this tomb of Cixi, but I don't know whether the so-called regular army commander Li will be equally exhausting and damaging.

Master Li walked to Cixi's tomb and said loudly, "Listen, everyone, the antiquities in the tomb belong to Beiyang ZF, and no one is allowed to destroy it!"

"Now the corpses in the tomb have turned into zombies. I want to clean them up as soon as possible. If I don't eliminate them as soon as possible, it will be very troublesome. Many people in the town died because of zombies last night."

Mao Xiaofang took the peach wood sword and explained the situation to Commander Chen. The original rebels did not do good things here, and when your regular army arrives, it will only cause chaos.

"Zombies? How can there be zombies in this world?" Master Li sneered, then his expression changed, looking at Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin, pointing to their noses and scolding, "Do you know that China is because of your stinky smell? Daoist preachers confuse the crowd, causing people to ask God and ask ghosts when they encounter problems?"

Mr. Li didn't believe in ghosts and gods at all, and he had a fiery temper, even more than that of the previous Commander Chen.

Ha ha.

Jiang Lin greeted Mr. Li's ancestor in his heart.

In the eyes of orthodox Taoists, the title of stinky Taoist is similar to a pheasant.

It seems that Gantian Town has a lot to do.

Jiang Lin didn't say anything, just waited quietly for Teacher Li to slap him in the face.

Mao Xiaofang was not as calm as Jiang Lin. His face was blue and white. He and Jiang Lin were both respected and masters in Gantian Town, and they both had real talents and practical learning. Now for the safety of the townspeople, he You come here to deal with zombies without any payment, but you are scolded as a stinky Taoist by someone pointing your nose, and you still confuse the public with nonsense?

"This matter is related to the safety of the whole town. If something happened, someone died. Are you responsible?"

Being scolded in public as a stinky Taoist priest, Mao Xiaofang's temper also came up, and he asked a question in return.

"Everything in the tomb is full of treasures. I will never let anyone destroy it. Those who violate the order will be punished for the crime of destroying state property and will be shot directly! As for the safety of the townspeople, the army will protect them, and I will be responsible for anything that happens! "

Let's do it, since it is a regular army and represents the government of the country, you are responsible for it.

Jiang Lin put the peach wood sword on the altar and waited for the play with arms in his arms.

This is a regular gun bearer, and the Beiyang ZF is behind him. Jiang Lin is too lazy to make trouble with them. Taoist priests do have the duty of guarding righteousness and warding off evil spirits, but they can't fight ZF, right?

The Taoist priest just wants to be opened to check the water meter every day, and the community will send warmth?

Master Li glanced coldly at Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin, and said loudly, "What kind of zombie, you don't go to find the murderer if you die, you just look for zombies, it's all a good thing you stinky Taoist priests have done! Monks are not as arrogant as you! Come on, These people tried to destroy Guo Jia's cultural relics and sent them back to prison for two days as an example!"


Close for two days?

Master Mao and Master Jiang will be detained for two days?

The townspeople present, including Captain Song, were dumbfounded, and even some felt the world was spinning.

Yesterday, the two masters went out and killed a lot of people. Wouldn't it be fatal if they were locked up?

And let no one live!

It was really kindness that was not rewarded, and a group of rebels left, and a group of even more unreasonable troops came.

Jiang Lin sneered and told him not to burn the tomb, no problem, but would you like to shut him up casually?Sorry, no door.

This Master Li didn't believe in ghosts and gods, and Jiang Lin didn't mind letting him believe it.

Mao Xiaofang was so angry that there was no pain in his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.He took a deep breath and grabbed A Hai and A Chu. This time the regular army came, and they couldn't resist any action.

"Master Li..."

Captain Song quickly went up to explain to Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin, but Master Li waved his hand and said, "You don't need to say, I have always handled military orders like a mountain, and no one has ever dared to contradict me. Come here, guard the surrounding area of ​​the cemetery, and no one is allowed to do so. Approaching, the violators will be dealt with by military law!"

Looking at Jiang Lin, who had a calm face, Captain Song walked up to him and said to Master Li, "Master Li, I didn't mean that, but this person is my cousin, and I was called here because of the special character. I'm here to help. of."

No matter what, Captain Song couldn't let Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang be locked in at the same time, otherwise they would be in big trouble in Gantian Town.

It just so happened that Jiang Lin didn't carry the Qiankun bag like Mao Xiaofang did, so he planned to keep Jiang Lin.

cousin? ?I am over a thousand years old!

Jiang Lin was almost wrestled by Captain Song Lei.

"Take the other three away!"

Master Li looked at Captain Song and Jiang Lin who were standing next to each other. They were both handsome guys, probably from the same family, so they didn't let Jianglin go down.

Commander Li led someone not far away to execute Commander Chen and his rebels, and went straight to Gantian Town.

"Master Jiang, what can we do? If the zombies in the tomb don't burn, many people will die."

On the way back, Captain Song was sweating profusely. These zombies couldn't be traced by the corpse method. If they came out again, after entering the town, many people would surely die.

But what came was Xu Shichang's subordinates, the regular army of the Republic of China. Even if they were unwilling, they could not fight against these people.

"What should I do? Let's make a salad. Find more lychee firewood."

Jiang Lin spread out his hands, not intending to mix more.

"Master Jiang!"

Captain Song is even more anxious now.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "Could it be that you asked me to fight against the regular army alone. They are supported by the Republic of China ZF. Do you want me to be the object of Guo Jia's key 'care'? Since they said it They are in charge of things, that is, ZF is in charge, what am I doing? And the corpse inside is recognized as a national treasure, I don’t want to work hard and take a gun.”

Jiang Lin didn't like this Master Li. He not only scolded them as stinky Taoists, but also called them inferior to those fat-headed and big-eared monks. He did so much.

Although I am not afraid of guns, is it necessary to fight with the regular army?That's not pure insanity.

"Anyway, that teacher Li will be in charge. What are you worried about? Is it useful? If you're really afraid, buy more glutinous rice, eggs and ink lines."

After saying these words, Jiang Lin went straight back to Li Yangju.

"Captain, Master Jiang doesn't care, what should we do?"

The townspeople are all anxious to become dogs. Jiang Lin is right. If he moves zombies, he is moving national treasures.

Mao Xiaofang was a lesson learned. He didn't do anything and was put in prison.


With a sigh, Captain Song could only appease the villagers and ask his father to give it a try.

Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy-Six Demonic Words Confuse the Public?nonexistent

Captain Song returned to the police station and told his father about the situation.

After that, Master Li came here with the army and handed over the takeover documents to Director Song.

"How's it going? Is there any problem with the documents? The army is here for the time being, and we will transport the antiquities back to Peiping as soon as possible. Don't worry, we are a regular army and will never harass civilians."

Master Li sat on the director's seat and looked at Director Song.

You are on vacation, you can go back as a paid vacation.

"Master Li, there is no problem in this regard, but now Gantian Town is very dangerous and there are zombies."

Director Song bit the bullet and told Master Li that he needed Master Mao and the others to help deal with the zombies.

"Ridiculous! As the Commissioner of the National Police Agency, you would say such absurd things!"

Master Li got up from his seat angrily and glared at Director Song.

"It is precisely because he is the director of the National Police Agency that he said this, so you must believe it. It will be dark soon. If you don't release Master Mao and let him deal with those zombies, more people will die."

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