Captain Song is still trying his best to fight for the safety of the townspeople.

"Enough! As the law enforcement officers of this town, how can you say such things to disturb the hearts of the people? I don't want to hear such absurd things anymore. Whoever spreads rumors again will be dealt with by military law! Go out!"

Master Li pointed his finger outside the door, and he all got out of here!It really makes no sense!

Holding military power in hand is domineering, and it can be dealt with by military law at every turn.

Chief Song shook his head and pulled his son out of the police station.

When the two left the police station, they found that the town had long since turned into a mess. The three of Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice were arrested, and Jiang Lin was saved as a relative of Captain Song.

Without the two masters, expecting these armies to deal with the zombies, the sows can climb trees.

It's not like no one has seen Commander Chen and the others shoot those zombies with guns, it's useless at all.

Moreover, after going through the incident of Commander Chen, the townspeople did not believe that Teacher Li would protect them.

"Hurry up and buy the amulet and the town house charm!"

"It's out of stock when it's too late!"

"Only Master Jiang's talisman can save us!"

Groups of townspeople all ran to the back row of the town where Li Yangju was, for fear that they would not be able to buy the amulet if it was too late.

"I want three amulets."

"I want two of the town house charms."

"Master Jiang, I want that shiny one."

There was originally only one Uncle Ping in the shop, but he was too busy, so Jiang Lin went over to help.

"Master Jiang, we want too."

What made Jiang Lin stunned was that Captain Song and Zhou Yuan also came.

You all have guns, are you afraid?

If the two knew what Jiang Lin was thinking, they would definitely refute it. If the gun was useful, what would a Taoist do?

"Captain Song, Big Sanyuan, I'm too busy here. Come and help me, and I'll borrow you a pair of crossbow arrows for self-defense."

Jiang Lin greeted Captain Song to enter the shop. The appearance of Master Li this time led to a lot of townspeople buying spirit charms. He needed to free up his hands to replenish some supplies.

Crossbow?Is it the kind that can shoot zombies with a raised hand?

Captain Song and Zhou Yuan were overjoyed, and they were very happy with the work of the waiter in this kind of store.

"Folks, in addition to these magic talismans, you'd better buy some glutinous rice and sprinkle it on the door of your own house. The ink bucket line can also block zombies to a certain extent. By the way, there are eggs. You can throw them on them when you encounter zombies. It's even better if you soak it in boy urine. You tell the rest of the townspeople."

Even if the townspeople had these magic talismans, they might not be completely safe. Jiang Lin also suggested a few ways to protect themselves from corpses.

Although Master Li didn't believe in evil and was not allowed to deal with zombies, these townspeople were innocent, and they would meet and greet each other in the future. Jiang Lin didn't want them to suffer corpses.

Even if the zombies in Cixi's tomb are unusual, glutinous rice and eggs have some effect.In particular, glutinous rice is effective against adult zombies.

"Okay, after buying the talisman, we'll go buy it."

"Master Jiang, don't worry, we will definitely inform you."

Knowing that glutinous rice eggs can prevent zombies, the townspeople who bought the magic talisman went to the rice shop or grain and oil store.

"I'm confounding the crowd again!"

Mr. Li, who came out for a stroll, heard the shouts of the surrounding townspeople, and couldn't help but get angry. He had already shut down a Master Mao, and now there are still people bewitching the townspeople.

"How much did you buy this charm for?"

Master Li grabbed a young man on the street and asked.

"Thirty Oceans, the effect is very good, the attack of zombies can be prevented. Don't pull me, I have to buy glutinous rice."

The townspeople shook off Master Li's hand and ran towards Mipu.

"It's really unreasonable! How unreasonable! A piece of broken paper sells thirty oceans, come and follow me!"

No wonder he likes to deceive the people, it turns out that there are such huge profits.

"It's you again? You all get out of the way, someone, get it for me!"

Master Li came to Li Yangju's shop, saw Jianglin inside, and immediately let the townspeople standing in front of him stand aside, and told his men to go and get someone.

"Hehe, Master Li, you are so powerful."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly and came to the door, staring at Teacher Li.

"The division commander wants to arrest people. I don't know what basis the army arrests people. If there is no basis, even if the president comes, Jiang should not be a bird, or not."

"What are you doing, the army can arrest people at will. Now it's the Republic of China, and the Qing Dynasty is dead."

"Yeah, it's amazing to have a gun."

Jiang Lin stopped dealing with the zombies, and just sold them a few talismans to keep them close by, so that they would all be arrested, which completely angered the townspeople in Gantian Town.

Without these talismans from Jiang Lin, there is still a big question mark on whether I can survive tonight.

Seeing that the surrounding townspeople didn't want to step aside, Master Li's face sank, and he said, "According to you? If you confuse the public, I will arrest you and put you in jail. This is the basis."

Jiang Lin sneered and said, "Demon talk to confuse the public? I'm sorry, Teacher Li, I have been in Gantian Town for so long, and I haven't said a few words. As for deceiving the public? Haha, it doesn't even exist. Jiang Open the door to do business, but I haven't even done any publicity. The price of the product is clearly marked, folks, if you like it, take the initiative to buy it, if you have to be arrested, all the shops around you should be arrested."

"Even if I sell a piece of toilet paper for [*] oceans, if someone is willing to spend money to buy it, I will sell it. Are you here to arrest me? Next time Master Li arrests someone, you'd better ask about it, or look up the dictionary first, to confuse the public. What do you mean? Come and arrest me without saying a word?"

Chapter five hundred and seventy-seventh, let no one live!

Jiang Lin didn't go to see Teacher Li anymore, and went back to continue drawing talismans.

When he came to Gantian Town, he was originally the kind of person who didn't talk much, and the talismans he sold had never done any publicity.

"Yes, are we going to buy rice and oil, and the army is going to arrest the owner of the grain and oil store?"

"We have money in Gantian Town. We spend money to buy peace, and we spend money to buy peace of mind. That's not enough, right?"

"That's right, the police department doesn't care. The army arrests people as soon as they arrive. Now it's about the law, not the king's law."

The townspeople were also in a fit of rage, and they dared to sneer at Teacher Li.

"Master Li, I know you don't believe in ghosts and gods, but Master Jiang came here to do business, and he has never publicized it. We can testify that, and he usually speaks less, and is the kind of people who don't tell the truth. Confuse the public as a basis to arrest people, and cannot convince the public.”

Captain Song stood up. Although the police department was taken over, he still had some say in the captain.

"You... you'd better not be caught by me."

Blocked by a group of townspeople, and his subordinates could not get in, Master Li was so angry that he took him back to the police station.

"It's really wasting our time, Uncle Ping, hurry up, we still have to buy glutinous rice and eggs."

"Three cards three cards..."

As of dusk, there were two boxes of oceans in Li Yangju's shop, one amulet with thirty oceans, and some people bought more than one, and they were all sold out.

What Uncle Ping said is true, the retail sales are also a lot of money.

The wives' rouge gouache and other cosmetics, as well as flowery clothes are all available.

There are many women in Jianglin, some people) (wife and ghost wife, don’t spend money too fast, if you don’t make money as soon as possible, you can’t afford it at all.

Fortunately, with his current skills, he can even sell a hand-made amulet for so much money, otherwise there will be dolls in the future, and milk powder can't be bought.

Because of Jiang Lin's words, all the rice shops in the town were looted, all the glutinous rice was sold out, and so were the eggs.

"Glutinous rice, eggs."

On Wednesday, Yuan pushed two carts of glutinous rice and eggs into the street to sell at twice the original price.

When this guy returned to town from the barren mountains, he let his father stock up on a lot of glutinous rice and eggs, waiting to make a fortune.

Even if the price is high, it has been looted.

"Really talented."

Jiang Lin looked at Zhou Yuan, who had made a great deal of disaster and fortune, and shook his head. In addition to being a good gambler, this Zhou Yuan also had a bad reputation.

Anyone who knows the bottom line, who wants to marry their own daughter, is a gambler, young and old, and greedy for money.

At dusk, the owner of Lailai Hotel was throwing glutinous rice in the lobby of the hotel. It just so happened that Lieutenant Commander Li had deployed the defense work and brought the troops back.

"Master, I'm sorry..."

"what are you doing?"

Mr. Li, who was sprinkled with glutinous rice in his shoe slot, looked at the hotel owner, what did he do with good rice?

"Master, I'll sprinkle glutinous rice and set up the ink bucket line to prevent zombies. It's getting dark, and the zombies will come out. Master, don't go out either."

The owner of the hotel kindly reminded Master Li, but Master Li didn't appreciate it. He looked around and shouted, "It's just unreasonable, and the rumors confuse the public! Dismantle all these things for me!"

"Teacher, you can't do this! And let no one live!"

The hotel owner was about to cry. Yesterday, the zombies came to him. If he came back today, without these sticky rice and eggs, even if he bought the amulet, he might not be able to survive.

"I tell you, I don't want to see this stuff!"

Master Li ignored the moaning of the hotel owner at all, snorted, and just took two steps, he saw Hei Rose and Xiao Xi Mi walking out of the corridor with a bag of glutinous rice and eggs.

"These are the same, all of them have been confiscated! And the streets outside, all the glutinous rice has been swept away. This kind of behavior that causes panic among the people must not be tolerated!"

Master Li was going to stay up at night. He said that there are zombies. He wants to prove that there are no zombies in the world.

It's all bullshit!

"No! We cook sticky rice."

Hei Rose and Xiao Xiami shouted, but it was a pity that Master Li's subordinates didn't care about this and pointed guns at the two of them. They could only obediently hand over the glutinous rice and eggs.

What should I do?It's over, it's over!

The two faces of the black rose and the little shrimp have turned into chrysanthemums, and they want to go crazy. They have no income at all during this time, and they have no money to buy amulets. They finally spent the last money to buy some glutinous rice and eggs. It was also confiscated!

"Hey, why are you sweeping our sticky rice!"

"The ink bucket line can't be removed!"

Master Li's subordinates took a lot of brooms, cleaned the glutinous rice in front of the town's house on the street, and also dismantled the ink bucket line.

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