Jiang Lin took a piece of beef and ate it leisurely, turning a deaf ear to Teacher Li's words.

"Because the zombies in the ancient tomb are too powerful, the army alone cannot deal with the zombies. I believe that only you, Master Jiang, can deal with the zombies, and the president told me to appoint you as the general of the corpse eradication. A seal is a letter of appointment."

Teacher Li was choked by Jiang Lin, but held back, took out a roll of paper from one side and handed it to Jiang Lin.

Hehe, the corpse general?Sorry, not uncommon!

Jiang Lin put down his chopsticks, leaned back on the chair, and said, "Master Li's apology means nothing to me. You really have the heart to care for the townspeople who died of zombies."

After a pause, Jiang Lin said again: "Whoever is the corpse-killing general is rare, and it has nothing to do with me."

Chapter [-] Want me to take action, the money is in place

This Senior Li is really funny. He just handed over the letter of appointment. Who cares about your corpse-killing general?

It was a troubled world now, and Jiang Lin didn't want to have an unclear relationship with ZF.

When something happens, thinking of him, not much is a good thing.

For example, go to rob a tomb, engage in some sorcery to deal with competitors.

From the very beginning, Jiang Lin was ready to stop in his personal connections.

He helped the big marshal in the county seat because the two were brother-in-law, and the big marshal would not publicize his affairs.

Jiang Lin looked at Teacher Li quietly, and felt that this guy's brain circuit needs to be improved. He thought that if he was given a fake job, he would do things like he was very honorable.

Being scolded by the nose, almost getting caught, and then doing nothing for a piece of paper?

I'm sorry, Jiang Lin is not that cheap.

"Master Jiang, this... this was appointed by the president himself."

The two eyes on Li Shichangma's face were open like a bull's eye. This was the commission of a general, and it was approved by the president, but Jiang Lin didn't buy it? ?

"Haha, Master Li, I think you should get a needle here."

Jiang Lin pointed at Teacher Li and tapped his temple with his finger.

If you have a disease in your brain, you have cysticercosis, just poke it with a steel needle.

"When we were dealing with the corpses in the tomb, what did you do? Who screamed like a crow and said he was responsible? Now that something has happened, ask me to wipe your buttocks for you. It seems that you want to eat free food."

Staring at Master Li, Jiang Lin sneered and said, "Don't talk to me about who appointed the priest, Taoist priests are not babysitters and are not responsible for wiping their butts. If you think someone is willing and proud of them, you can find someone else. You want me Take the shot, you can, bring the money, my shot fee is very expensive."

Want him to reveal the past and go to the grave to deal with the zombies, okay, the money is in place.

Otherwise, go to Mao Xiaofang, who is easy to talk to.

But whether Mao Xiaofang can deal with so many zombies is a big question mark.


Master Li was convinced, and only then did he know that he had completely offended Jiang Lin this time, and what Jiang Lin said was like slapping his ear.

"But shouldn't Taoist priests make it their duty to subdue demons and subdue demons? We have no money, so I hope Master Jiang will take the safety of the townspeople..."

"Well, yesterday we made it our mission to subdue demons and subdue demons. Okay, you are responsible to the end. I believe that the army can protect the safety of the townspeople."

Jiang Lin interrupted Teacher Li's words, subduing demons and subduing demons is a vocation?This hand of moral kidnapping is really 6.

What happened to the Taoist priest, the Taoist priest does not have to eat to support his wife?

Where were you when I killed the zombie king, the demon king, the demon king, and the ghost king?

Use subduing demons and subdue demons to kidnap me, are you also worthy?

"By the way, a friendly reminder, the townspeople killed by zombies should burn their bodies as soon as possible, otherwise there will be more and more zombies. And those townspeople who are injured will also become zombies by accident."

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin stood up. He had almost finished eating, and it was time to go back.

Mr. Li said that they had no money. Jiang Lin believed every punctuation mark. Mr. Chen and the others were all in the hands of this group of people. Those truckloads of treasures were not money?


I can't say enough good things, what should I do?

What about hard?

As soon as this idea came up, it was snuffed out by Master Li.

He had seen the horror of the colorful tiger king last night.

Tiger Lord!

"Master, this Master Jiang has no consciousness at all..."

After Jiang Lin left, the adjutant was full of resentment. As a Taoist priest, he actually lost money.

Master Li waved his hand and said, "We offended him, if he didn't have any consciousness, he wouldn't let us hide in his shop last night, and let the tiger king deter those zombies. Take out some of the treasures that the rebels got, and send them to Master Jiang as a reward."

"But Master, these are all to be transported back to Peiping."

"These cultural relics are important, but compared to these villagers in Gantian Town, there are one or two less treasures. I think the military seat will understand us."

So far, Master Li can only obey Jiang Lin's request, hoping that he can dispose of the zombies in Cixi's tomb as soon as possible, and then transport the cultural relics back.

After Jiang Lin returned to Liyangju, he made snake medicine from the herbs he collected and the hundred flower snakes.

Axiu's injury seems to be caused by the zombie general. The corpse poison is relatively strong, and because the environment of the zombies in Cixi's tomb is unusual, the corpse poison is somewhat difficult to remove.

A lot of snake medicine can be made. After a while, Jiang Lin is also going to let Captain Song and the others notify the townspeople who are injured to come and deal with them.

"It hurts...what are you biting me for?"

Jiang Lin treated Axiu's wound and removed the corpse poison, which made her wake up from the pain. As soon as Axiu opened her eyes, she saw Jiang Lin beside her, holding her arm.

"What am I doing to bite you?"

Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of poisonous blood, rolled his eyes, and then bandaged Axiu's wound with gauze and snake medicine.

"So you were saving me."

Axiu thought that her left arm was injured before, and her frowning brows loosened, and a smile appeared on her face, revealing a row of neat glutinous rice and white teeth.

"Just lie here and recuperate, don't go out."

Jiang Lin made an explanation and went to the front yard, where Master Li sent someone.

"Master Jiang, this is the reward sent by our teacher. Those townspeople who were injured or even died should be handled by Master Jiang."

The adjutant brought someone over with a small box filled with gold bars.

Now that the remuneration had arrived, Jiang Lin brought snake medicine and antidote to the police station. He had no one to help, so he just asked Captain Song and Zhou Yuan to help.

"Master, how long will we be detained?"

In the prison of the National Police Agency, Ah Chu was complaining all the time that he could not sit still when Mao Xiaofang asked him to sit and draw talismans, not to mention that he was now restricted from personal freedom) (Yi.

"do not know."

Mao Xiaofang is also full of anger now. That teacher Li said that he would shut them down for two days. Who knows if these two days are real or false.

I don't know what happened in the town after the night passed.

Fellow Daoists should instruct the townspeople to take some protective measures, and Li Yangju's magic talisman works well. With double insurance, I hope there are no major problems.

After thinking about it, Mao Xiaofang waved to the soldiers guarding outside and asked, "Hey, how is the situation outside?"

"How do I know, I'm watching the prison, and I haven't been out. Be honest, don't bother me if it's okay."

The soldier held a little book and read it with great joy.

Chapter five hundred and eighty-fourth Heaven Crab Bureau

Because of the zombie incident, Master Li had become one big and two big. In addition, he had not slept all night. He did not think about the three masters and apprentices, Mao Xiaofang and Ahai Achu. The townspeople were full of thoughts on how to prevent them. Zombies, which caused Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice to be forgotten by the entire Gantian Town.

If Mao Xiaofang knew that the whole town except Jiang Lin still remembered him, his lungs hurt, if he knew that Jiang Lin remembered that he just wanted him to help him, he would definitely vomit old blood.

"Master Mao."

After Jiang Lin came to the police station, he and Captain Song entered the prison inside. After the townspeople bought the snake medicine, they also needed to cooperate with some glutinous rice to apply the medicine. He was too lazy to do this kind of work, so it would be better to leave it to Mao Xiaofang and the others. .

There is also the matter of burning the corpse, which Mao Xiaofang can do. He also needs to go to the mountain to see the pattern of Cixi's tomb.

After all, it's at the level of the emperor's mausoleum, but unfortunately there must be a mass grave inside.

As for why Mao Xiaofang and the others were fine when they entered the mausoleum, Jiang Lin guessed that there might be other reasons.

"Fellow Daoist, how was the situation last night?"

When Mao Xiaofang saw Jiang Lin's arrival, he hurriedly asked about the situation in the town.

Before Jiang Lin could respond, Zhou Yuan shouted: "That Master Li didn't believe in zombies, so he swept away the glutinous rice in front of many townspeople and killed a lot of people. Now I finally believe it, in front of Master Jiang, the fart Don't dare to let one go."

After listening to Mao Xiaofang, his heart sank, these gun-carrying goods really don't do anything good!

"Master Mao, it's pointless to pursue further investigations now. I'll leave the town's affairs to you. I'll go to the mountain to see the layout of Cixi's tomb. You've entered the Cixi's tomb and tell me what's going on inside. I'm going to tell me tonight. Those zombies are done, let's talk as we walk."

"There's nothing special about the tomb..."

Mao Xiaofang told Jiang Lin what he had seen in the tomb, and he had no opinion on what Jiang Lin said in the town to him.

With so many people dead, many villagers must have been injured. Their Fuxi Hall has more staff and can handle it more efficiently.

Ninety-five Supreme Bureau?Dragon spirit?

Jiang Lin gathered the information he heard in his mind. Cixi was a person who often came into contact with the emperor before his death. Could it be that there is a nine-five corpse array in Cixi's tomb?

"Master Mao, I'll go up the mountain to take a look. I'll leave the matter of burning the corpse to you. Captain Song, I'll ask you to help me when selling the antidote."

"If you need help, fellow Daoist, feel free to speak."

Jiang Lin killed so many zombies by himself, and there must be not enough manpower. If there is a need, Mao Xiaofang will go to help.

"Master Jiang, don't worry."

Captain Song nodded, Jiang Lin wanted to help them deal with the corpse in Gantian Town, and his little help was nothing at all.

"Oh, yes, Master Mao, that rose and shrimp, you let them come to me."

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