Before Jiang Lin left, he told Mao Xiaofang to let Black Rose and the others go to Liyang Residence.

Today, when King Panlan was collecting herbs with him, he said that the zombies last night were all brought in by Hei Rose and Master Li. Jiang Lin thought it was strange at the time. Master Li had never been to the tomb. As for being hated by the zombies and chasing the whole town.

Later, combined with the situation of the previous night, Jiang Lin was sure that there must be ghosts in the two goods, black roses and shrimps.

Originally, the two of them were thieves, and it was not impossible for them to enter Cixi's tomb.

However, it is unknown what these two dead people have done to make the corpses chase after him.

He didn't need to know, as long as he knew that black roses and shrimps could attract zombies, that was enough.

There is a dragon spirit in Cixi's tomb, and there may be some magic circles. Jiang Lin didn't want to destroy the tomb, nor did he want to take unnecessary adventures to lead out the zombies.

If you let the zombies into the town, you have to kill them one by one, which is too troublesome.

Mao Xiaofang and Captain Song directed Zhou Yuan and others to dispose of the bodies of the dead townspeople. The zombies in Cixi's tomb were unusual.

After that, Captain Song and Zhou Yuan helped Jiang Lin sell snake medicine and amulets in front of the Wenwu Temple in the town.

There was only Uncle Ping in the shop, and he was too busy. It was more convenient for the townspeople to queue up to buy one by one.

Because the glutinous rice, eggs, and ink bucket threads were all out of stock, the townspeople had no material for arranging anti-corpse measures, so in addition to the amulets, Jiang Lin also made some red threads soaked in black dog blood, which Captain Song gave them to him. townspeople.

Mao Xiaofang also took out all the only inventory in Fuxi Hall to help the townspeople prevent the infestation of zombies.

The townspeople knew that Mao Xiaofang had been released and that Jiang Lin would also deal with zombies, so they all cheered. They were talking about corpses now, and they were afraid that when the sun went down, zombies would enter the town to bite people and kill people.

Jiang Lin went to the high mountains around Gantian Town and looked down at the location of Cixi's tomb.

"It turned out to be the Sky Crab Bureau, and the Sanqi Co-workers Recruiting Theft Bureau."

From a distance, there are four mountain roads on both sides of the barren mountain where Cixi's tomb is located. The grass above the tomb forms the shape of a crab shell. In front of the crab shell, there are two giant trees. Like two crab claws.

Sure enough.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. The Cixi Tomb was probably built to attract people to rob the tomb.

The mausoleum sits on the kun seat and welcomes the yin moon. The corpses in it use the effect of the Sky Crab Bureau to cultivate Yin and cultivate vitality, and nourish the dragon energy. As long as someone robs the tomb and triggers the design in the tomb, the dead in the tomb can borrow the Sky Crab Bureau. After shedding and rebirth, he transformed himself into a zombie with memory and spirituality, and returned to the world.

It's really a good place to practice.

Jiang Lin coveted the Cixi Tomb very much. If anyone robbed him, don't blame him for being rude.

It seems that there is a lot of preparation to be done. If the zombies in the mausoleum come out, they will not be able to go back.

This Sky Crab Bureau is not something that ordinary people can set up, and there is a strong dragon energy in it. Even if those zombies are missing their arms and legs, they may be able to be reborn from the broken limbs when they enter the mausoleum.

The Crab Bureau is such a fraud.

After making up his mind, Jiang Lin went down the mountain and returned to Gantian Town to prepare for the hoeing of these zombies.

As long as there are black roses and small shrimps, and let them use them as bait not far from the mausoleum, those zombies will probably come out in droves, and then things will be much simpler.

Chapter [-]: This kind of person can't give a good face

Jiang Lin wanted Black Rose and Xiao Xiami to attract zombies, so he asked Mao Xiaofang to find Black Rose. Now that they knew that Black Rose and Xiao Xiami were thieves, he thought that if Mao Xiaofang went, there should be no problem.

However he was wrong.

After Mao Xiaofang helped the villagers get the snake medicine, he took Ah Hai and Ah Chu to the Lailai Hotel and asked Hei Rose to go to Liyangju.

Black Rose and Xiao Xiami had just returned to the hotel and were about to make up their sleep when Mao Xiaofang came to the door. Black Rose was like a lion in the east of the river, roaring at Mao Xiaofang: "What! Let's go. Li Yangju? Don't go!"

"Miss Mei, my fellow Daoist and I have long known your identity. We have long known what you have done. It is wrong to have to enter where you cannot enter. If it affects you. The safety of the townspeople is even more wrong."

Mao Xiaofang could probably guess that Jiang Lin let Hei Rose and Xiao Xiami go there, and he should have asked them to lure zombies. He had long suspected that the corpses in Cixi's tomb were turned into zombies by Hei Rose, but he was busy dealing with them. Zombies, nothing to do with them.

"Hey, what are you talking about, I don't even know what you are talking about, don't disturb our rest!"


Black Rose closed the door and almost bumped Mao Xiaofang's nose.

Now that Mao Xiaofang has also been released, she also heard that Jiang Lin was going to deal with zombies on the way, so there must be no good thing to find them at this time.

Anyway, there were two Taoist priests and there were zombies to deal with, so she didn't want to deal with Jiang Lin.

"Master, can you endure this?"

"Yes, Master, this woman is really unreasonable and yells at you."

A Hai and A Chu felt tired for a while. A shrewd shrew actually named her Rose. This was the worst time Rose was hacked!

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and said, "I can't do anything about her. I think your uncle should have a way to let Miss Mei pass."

Black Rose was greedy for money, Mao Xiaofang felt that as long as Jiang Lin promised a little benefit and let Black Rose cooperate, there should be no problem.

After that, the three masters and apprentices went to Li Yangju first.

Jiang Lin also just came back down the mountain, and happened to meet Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang smiled awkwardly and said, "Daoist friend, I'm sorry, Miss Mei and the others don't want to come."

"That rose is simply a Hedong lion."

"Yeah, yelling, closing the door without a word, and almost hitting our master's nose."

A Hai and A Chu complained that they were too sturdy and unreasonable.


It's all my fault, I shouldn't let Brother Gui call Black Rose.

Jiang Lin hypnotized himself like this in his heart, otherwise he would go crazy.

Te Miao's first-generation master, a seven-foot man, asked a woman and a child to come over, but you, Mao Xiaofang, couldn't even call him?

Even if Mao Xiaofang can't, you two men in their twenties can't handle a shrew?

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, Fuxitang's people are so talented!

The three masters and apprentices can't win a shrew, Turtle, I really want to give you a thumbs up!

Okay, if you can't do this little thing, then you can do it for me.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, took out several yellow cloths, and asked Mao Xiaofang to draw a talisman, which he needed to use when setting up the formation.

"Master Mao, paint it all over it, away from the fire talisman."


Mao Xiaofang's face was speechless, I just didn't call anyone, as for exhausting me?

Such a big talisman, do you want to fill it up? ?

"Cough, Master Mao, shouldn't the workload be too big?"

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, knowingly asking.

Mao Xiaofang twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "'s not too big."

That's it.

Jiang Lin took Ah Chu and Ah Hai to the Lailai Hotel. He looked at the two brothers and asked, "Do you know why your master was called a mustache by Black Rose?"

"Because Master has a beard."

"Yeah, that's a feature."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Your master is called a nickname, that's because of him, soft!"

Is the master soft?

Ah Hai and Ah Chu looked at each other with a confused look on their faces.

"Achu, slam the door!"

At the door of Hei Rose's room, Jiang Lin asked Ah Chu to pat the door.

"You... what are you doing here?"

After Hei Rose opened the door, she saw Jiang Lin and stepped back in fright.

She was not afraid of Mao Xiaofang, not at all, and even dared to roar at him, but facing Jiang Lin, she was going to die.

"Look for you to lure zombies."

Jiang Lin was straight to the point, and there was no nonsense at all. As for Mao Xiaofang's set of "Mei girls", he didn't need it at all.

"Don't go...don't go."

Although Black Rose didn't dare to offend Jiang Lin, wouldn't it be death-defying for her to attract zombies?Even if she was afraid of Jiang Lin, she couldn't go.

"Don't go? Well, Ah Hai, let Captain Song bring Zhou Yuan and the others here. These two guys are the culprits of the corpse disaster in the town."

"Achu, gather people from the whole town and explain to everyone how the villagers died in the past two days. If there is revenge or revenge, it's okay to kill these two people. Anyway, the law does not blame the public."

"Also, inform Division Commander Li that he has been clamoring for military law all day long, and this should finally be implemented. The younger ones are not old enough, and the older ones can be shot."

not going?I'm not here to discuss with you!Think I'm Mao Xiaofang?

Jiang Lin folded his arms, looked at A Hai and A Chu in a daze, and scolded, "Hurry up!!"

"oh oh."

Being trained by Jiang Lin like this, A Hai and A Chu set off immediately.

"No, no! Let's go, let's go!"

Black Rose almost knelt down to Jiang Lin, and Xiao Xiami almost cried.

If this matter is really shaken out, they will definitely go down to report, it is still the kind of tragic death.

So many people died in the town, and many people were poisoned by corpse poison. The whole town was jumping around. If the townspeople knew that all this was because they entered the Cixi Tomb and led to the appearance of zombies, then they were really connected. Even the gods can't save it.

If the anger of people in a town is provoked and their heads are dazzled by hatred, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Definitely more terrifying than zombies swarming everywhere.

The zombies are silent when the rooster is crowding, but if they are chased by the townspeople, they may be beaten to death.

"Okay, anyway, all the gates around the town have been sealed. I want to see someone at Li Yangju in half an hour."

Jiang Lin put down these words and turned around and left. With a person like Hei Rose, he didn't need to show a good face at all.

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