After being chased by zombies, she still refused to admit that she had caused trouble in Fuxitang. In a certain way, this shrew was comparable to that abominable teacher Li.

"Wow... Uncle Shi is really tough."

"In this comparison, Master is really soft."

Ah Hai and Ah Chu were really eye-opening. Their master spit a lot of saliva, but the shrew didn't buy it. As a result, the three words from master uncle made Rose almost kneel.

"It's good for your master to have a gentle temperament, but for this kind of person, you can't give him a good face, or he will kick your nose and put your face in your face every minute. Understand?"

Jiang Lin glanced at the two juniors angrily. The three men couldn't stand a shrew, and they were really convinced.

Chapter [*] Close the door and burn the corpse

"Come back so soon? Daoist friend, Miss Mei is just a little greedy for money. In fact, she is not bad. She spends a little ocean as a reward. I think she should be willing to cooperate. Daoist friend should want them to attract zombies?"

Mao Xiaofang was trying his best to copy the talismans on the talisman cloth in the shop. Seeing Jiang Lin came back so soon, he thought that Jiang Lin had also closed the door.

"Hehe, does Master Mao look at me like someone with a sick mind? Give me money? What kind of money?"

Jiang Lin was amused by Mao Xiaofang, this way of doing things is very Mao Xiaofang!

Black Rose and the others have done so many things, and now they are just asking her to attract zombies, and they need to give her money?

"I think what Uncle Shi said is too right. Master is soft."

"Yes, soft."

Ah Hai and Ah Chu looked at their master and whispered.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with their master's character before, until today they saw Jiang Lin scare Hei Rose to his knees three times.

There is no softness in this world, only the hard ones appear, and there is softness in contrast.

Mao Xiaofang: "..."

Jiang Lin packed up some of the things he should bring and hung them on the King Panlan Tiger. After that, when he saw that Fu Bu was almost finished, he said, "Master Mao, many people in the town have been poisoned by corpse poison, and the first night is the most dangerous. , can't be bloody, can't stay still for a long time, I guess someone will cause trouble, leave the zombies outside to me, and you can take charge of the inside of the town."

After receiving the money, he had to do things. Jiang Lin didn't want Mao Xiaofang to interfere in the affairs of Cixi's tomb, otherwise he would be in debt.

He can deal with that swarm of zombies, not to mention the colorful tiger king if there is an accident.


Mao Xiaofang had no opinion on this. He and his two apprentices had to be nervous. If any of the villagers had an accident and the corpse poison broke out, they would need them to go.

Moreover, when dealing with zombies, the army was handed over to Jiang Lin, so there was no need for him to intervene.

"Jiang... Master Jiang."

It didn't take long for the black rose and the small shrimp to come to the store, their faces were even uglier than bitter gourd.

"Well, you still have self-knowledge, don't worry, it's just for you to be the bait. These are two amulets, you take them."

Jiang Lin threw two folded amulets at random. There were a lot of zombies in the mausoleum, and he was too lazy to take care of these two thieves.

Mao Xiaofang saw Black Rose looking like a bitter gourd, so he asked Ah Hai what was going on. After knowing the matter, he understood why Jiang Lin said that before.

Things that can be solved without spending money, have to give money and sell a good face, is it not a disease of the brain or what?

"Master Jiang, is there really no danger?"

Hei Mei panicked to death, but she had no choice. Now the whole town was blocked by the army. She and Xiao Xi Mi had already tried it during the day, and they couldn't escape at all.

If they don't cooperate with Jiang Lin, the fate of the two of them can be imagined.

This Master Jiang and Mao Xiaofang are not the same kind of people at all. They just pretended to be arrogant and said they were going to blow up this place, but they were all corrupted by the gatekeeper Tiger. A "no" word, simply not too miserable.

"You can choose to believe it or not, it doesn't matter to me."

What if there is no danger, if there is danger, how dare you run?

With a cold expression on his face, Jiang Lin rode on the back of a tiger and set off towards Cixi's tomb.

Black Rose and Xiao Xiami didn't even dare to say a word, so they followed suit, making Mao Xiaofang a little stunned.

Miss Mei has changed sex?Spicy is gone.

Jiang Lin came to the nearby barren mountain, first threw two breath-holding talismans to Black Rose and Little Shrimp, and then began to lay out the magic array leisurely. These zombies have the wisdom of human beings, and Jiang Lin was going to set up a big five-element array.

With the improvement of his cultivation, even if there are no five people, he can arrange this trapped formation and superimpose a Lihuo formation inside it.

To deal with these zombies, he is not ready to use a big move. If the layout of the barren mountain is destroyed, he will not be able to use it in the future.

Two hours later, Jiang Lin finished setting up the magic circle, he restrained his breath, and hid in a big tree with the cat.

"The zombies will come in a while. You are responsible for watching the two of them. Don't let them have an accident. This tomb is not easy. You and Jerry can both come here to absorb the dragon energy in the future."

Jiang Lin licked the cat's body. Now that the cat and the mouse are very loyal to him, since there is such a good place, it's time to help them improve their cultivation.

As for Black Rose, Jiang Lin also asked Panlan Tiger King to pay attention. After all, Black Rose was also pulled by him as a bait. If there was a problem with the two of them, he would not look good on his face.

"Don't worry, master, a group of scum is nothing more than zombies."

Panlan Tiger King patted his chest to protect the two, and he asked himself that there was no problem.

"Tonight is the deadline. If you can't get the Aijia Hanchan Orb back, you will never be born again! If you encounter that tiger demon again, send someone back to get the magic lamp."

In the mausoleum, Cixi gave an ultimatum to the zombie generals and they had to get the orb.

"Chen and so will not disappoint Lafayette."

The zombie general took the group of corpses out of the barren mountain. When they were about to travel to Gantian Town, they suddenly smelled the smell of black roses and small shrimp.

Not in the direction of town, and very close to here.

"Attack it! Be sure to get the Cicada Orb for Lafayette!"

With a wave of his hand, the zombie general led the group of corpses to advance rapidly in the direction of the magic array arranged by Jiang Lin.

"Zombie! Zombie is here!"

Black Rose and Xiao Xiami saw the group of corpses jumping in the distance, and their foreheads were covered in cold sweat. If Jiang Lin was not far away, they would have turned around and ran away immediately.

I hope that damn Master Jiang can deal with these zombies.

Black Rose cursed and prayed in her heart.

"found it!"

After seeing Black Rose and Little Shrimp, General Zombie jumped over first, and the zombie group behind him was also full of strength, jumping two or three meters high, it was like a jumping competition.

Because they cared too much about the Hanchan Orb, these zombies didn't even think about why Black Rose appeared here. Within a minute, all the zombies were in the Great Five Elements Formation.

"Start formation!"

Jiang Lin quickly formed a seal with his hands, and five illusory curtain walls suddenly appeared on the ground, surrounding the group of corpses.

Even a zombie like Zombie General can't get out.

"Lili Yanyi, kill the evil!"

The handprint changed again, and a raging flame suddenly appeared in the circle.

After a while, many zombies with lower levels were burned to ashes.

Chapter five hundred and eighty-seventh corpse is like cutting leeks

"Pop! Kill Bai Zong and get [*] points of anger."


The sound of the system sounded in his mind, Jiang Lin automatically blocked it, threw out the bone sword and rushed into the magic circle.

The King Panlan also jumped down, turning from a domestic cat into a Siberian tiger, standing in front of Black Rose and the others, opening his mouth from time to time to shoot out blue electric light, smashing the zombies that came up into mutilated bodies.

Here, it doesn't have to worry about getting dirty. If Jiang Lin had not ordered it to take care of Black Rose and Little Shrimp, it would have gone up to kill him.

This group of scumbag zombies who didn't open their eyes had scolded it for being a fat cat, and the grievances of the Pandan Tiger King were not small. Even if they didn't stay away from black roses and small shrimps, they could slaughter wildly.


Seeing that his companions died a lot at once, the remaining zombies suddenly ran wild, and they were tricked into the trap, which is really outrageous!

A large number of zombies almost turned into a wall of corpses and advanced towards Jianglin.

"Bold pariah! This general made you to ashes!"

Seeing that Jiang Linkeng had killed nearly half of his men, the zombie general screamed in the sky and flew towards Jiang Lin.

This zombie general is much stronger than a refined zombie, with much more flexible joints and faster speed.

"A group of Tartars, the whole land of China has been destroyed by your hands. They are all bone and bones. A hundred times of death is not enough to atone for this land."

If it weren't for this group of softheads, where would China have the "Treaty of Shimonoseki" and the "Treaty of Xin Chou", and even have the face to consider themselves honorable.

"Give me a sigh!"

Two dark-gold beams shot past, hitting the knee of the zombie general in mid-air, and then it knelt down.

He was also trampled by a dog behind him.

MMP!The taste of gnawing mud is not good at all!

What made the zombie general even more unbearable was that it actually knelt down to the pariah.

There were two large holes in the knees of the zombie general's pants. The gray-black flames burned his pants, and the inside was even more charred and black smoke.

Not even the patella.


With a roar, the zombie general found himself unable to get up, lying on the ground like a dog.

Jiang Lin waved his hands, and the heads of more than [*] zombies around him all flew into the sky.

"Untouchables? Who are untouchables? Who the hell made you sign the "Nanjing Treaty", who made you sign the "Northern Crystal Treaty"? Dog) (Japanese stuff!"

"It's not as good as pigs and dogs, where the hell were you when the Eight-Power Allied Forces were?"

Jiang Lin stroking the modern unequal treaties in the history textbook in his memory, thought of one, and kicked the zombie general on the head, causing the zombie general on the ground to scream again and again.

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