It can be invulnerable, but Jiang Lin's kick is not a casual play.

"Killing you has tainted my sword! Mangy Tarrups!"


Jiang Lin used the power of the corpse to step down and directly crush the head of the zombie general.

"Crack! Kill Hei Zong and get [-] points of suffocation."

After solving the zombie general, Jiang Lin went to greet the weak chicken zombies.

Although it is relatively weak, it is fortunate that the number is relatively large, which can be regarded as a harvest.

"Ah puff~"

Xiao Xiami hugged his head involuntarily in fright, which was simply too terrifying.

He couldn't even hold the musket, but Jiang Lin crushed his head.

"Sister Gui, am I not dreaming?"

Xiao Xiami blinked his eyes vigorously, feeling that he seemed to be suffering from hysteria.

"We...we must be dreaming."

Black Rose swallowed, she was definitely dreaming!

Otherwise, how could someone step on the head of a zombie with one foot?

If it wasn't for a dream, she would be scared of a heart attack by Jiang Lin.

She admitted that she had never underestimated Jiang Lin. After all, Jiang Lin had a tiger master as his pet, but after witnessing Jiang Lin's ferocity and terror, Hei Rose felt that her head and eyes were not enough.

Two words: Terrible!

"Che, the hair is long and the knowledge is short. If the master wants to, he will blow it to ashes in minutes. These zombies are not good at all, let alone the master, just Mao Xiaofang and his two apprentices can destroy them when they are prepared. It's just that the process can't be compared with the owner."

The colorful tiger king stared at the black rose and the small shrimp. What kind of scene was this? He had personally seen a demon king who was stronger than him, and was directly smashed into ashes by Jiang Lin.

What's more, it's just a zombie.

Although there were quite a few zombies in this group, except for this zombie general who could barely see, the others were weak chickens. Jiang Lin didn't use his spiritual power, and he could wipe them out one by one with his sword.

Although Mao Xiaofang has some strength, it is not so easy to deal with this group of zombies. Compared with Jiang Lin's calmness, it cannot be compared.

It's so terrifying, and I will definitely not provoke this Master Jiang in the future.

Hei Rose felt that she was shaking. Before, she was still cursing Jiang Lin in her heart, but now, she doesn't even have the courage to curse in her heart.

If one day you don't keep your mouth shut and your head is stepped on like a watermelon, it's the scariest thing in the world.

Jiang Lin used one sword at a time, like a tiger leaping through a sheep pen, and his basketball-like heads flew into the air.

Killing zombies is as natural as cutting leeks.

Black Rose and Xiao Xiami felt that their cognition was completely subverted.

Two days ago, the zombie army that had thrown the dog they were chasing over the wall and scared most of the townspeople in Gantian Town was cut off in such a simple, simple, and simple manner.

Jiang Lin cut one crop after another without any trouble at all.

Are these zombies so weak?

Hei Rose wanted to go down and try it out. She was skilled anyway. Maybe if she tried it, she could really cut leeks like Jiang Lin.

But reason tells her that if she thinks her life is too long, just go.

"Lord Lafayette, it seems that there are people who are deliberately against us."

In the mausoleum hall, the zombie eunuch looked at a golden pot on the ground, thumped Cixi on the shoulder, and spoke in a naive manner.

In the golden basin is the situation where the group of corpses outside is fighting against Jiang Lin.

"It's really useless! Even if you don't get killed by that stinky Taoist priest, come back to Ai's family and let them never survive! Deng Shen, broke his five-element formation for Ai's family!"

Cixi clapped one hand on the dragon chair in anger, then picked up a kerosene lamp beside the dragon chair and began to shake it.

Even if the rest of the zombies are not good enough, it needs to get them back, otherwise it will not be able to do anything as a bare queen.

Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty-Eight You Have a Big Event!

The oil lamp was swaying in Cixi's hands, and after a while, the lamp tube suddenly burst into white light, and a wisp of white smoke came out.

A scholar in white with a folding fan in his hand suddenly appeared in the mausoleum hall. He was the lamp god in Cixi's mouth.

Deng Shen closed the folding fan, turned his body, and a strong wind blew out.


Jiang Lin, who was killing the zombies, frowned, and a strong force was rushing towards this place.


Just after the two breaths time passed, a gust of wind blew over, cold and bone-piercing, as strong as a knife.

As soon as the strong wind passed, the array materials buried in the ground also exploded, and the Great Five Elements array arranged by Jiang Lin was forcibly destroyed by external forces.

"what happened?"

The Tiger King Panlan looked at the source of the strong wind. His tiger hair was blown in a mess, and this strong wind was comparable to its demonic wind.

If it hadn't blocked the black rose and small shrimp behind him, I'm afraid they would have been blown away.

"I can escape!"

"Run away!"

The intelligence of these zombies is not much different from before their death. When they saw the general’s head being smashed, they were so scared that they didn’t have the courage to go forward, but they were helplessly surrounded by the trap and could not escape. Just run away.

Ordinary zombies are afraid of death, not to mention these bones.

"Don't look at it, there is something else in Cixi's tomb." Jiang Lin, seeing the stupid look of the Banlan Tiger King, gave him a chestnut.

Then he looked at Hei Rose and Xiao Xi Mi, and said, "You two, you can go back."

Even if the Great Five Elements Array is broken, the remaining group of weak chicken zombies will not be a climate, and it can be destroyed with a little effort.Black roses and small shrimps are useless, and they have to be protected by the colorful tiger king.

"Good good."

Black Rose can't wait to go back quickly. Although these zombies look vulnerable, it depends on who will deal with them.

Pulling the little shrimp, Black Rose slipped down the mountain without looking back.

After completely eliminating the single zombies, Jiang Lin went to Cixi's tomb.

"Play forward."

Be careful to sail on the ten thousand year ship. Now that the Cixi inside has been resurrected, who knows if there are other organs in the mausoleum that have been activated.

The colorful tiger king has rough skin and thick flesh, which is suitable for this kind of work.

"Yes, Master."

The colorful tiger king was also unequivocal, shrinking his body and entering the cave.

If it is a little timid now, the reward is probably useless.

Sure enough, it was the Ninety-five Corpse Raising Array.

Whether it was the Pandan Tiger King or Jiang Lin, they were not afraid of the first-level organs in the tomb. When Jiang Lin came to the Ninety-five Supreme Bureau, he saw through the appearance at a glance.

However, Jiang Lin also saw that this corpse raising formation was not complete.

The old witch in there was nothing more than a curtain and a government during her lifetime, and she wanted to continue to be her precious Lafayette when she died.

Jiang Lin sneered and continued to follow the Tiger King Pan Lan deeply, because the Nine-Five Corpse Raising Formation was extremely difficult to set up, and it was almost impossible to stack any mechanism or magic formation.

This level of pass is not difficult at all.

As for the last Prisoner's Injustice Mausoleum, it couldn't be easier. Jiang Lin was worried that there were other magic circles or organs. They could pass these three levels, and they couldn't stop him at all.

Fortunately, nothing else appeared in Cixi's tomb. After passing the Prisoner's Tomb, Jiang Lin arrived at Cixi's mausoleum.

"Boldly making trouble for the people, even daring to be the enemy of the Queen Mother, I really don't know whether to live or die."

As soon as Jiang Lin entered the mausoleum hall, the eunuch zombie next to the dragon chair snorted coldly and looked at Jiang Lin arrogantly.

Jiang Lin ignored it at all, and focused his attention on a white-clothed scholar under the dragon chair.

It turned out to be a spirit body, or a rather special spirit body.

"You broke my trap?"

"Yes, this seat is the first champion of the Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, the Eastern Atlas, who won eight battles and completed five chariots of learning. After death, he hid in the lamp and cultivated the right path. It is the god of the lamp."

As soon as Deng Shen discounted the fan, he proudly introduced himself.

"Bold! The queen mother is in front, don't kneel down quickly, first put your palms and mouths [-], and then bind your hands and feet and wait for the queen mother to fall!"

When the eunuch zombie saw that Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously with Cixi at all, he scolded him loudly.


Jiang Lin glanced coldly at the eunuch, raised his hand to the sword, and then swung his arm, and a zombie head flew out.

"There are two kinds of people I hate the most in my life, one is the eunuch, and the other is the sissy, who is also the eunuch."

A flame erupted from his palm, and the eunuch zombie's head was wrapped in flames, and within a few blinks of an eye, only a skeleton remained.

Deng Shen raised his brows, this Taoist priest seemed to be much stronger than he imagined.

"Deng Shen, kill this daring thief for me! Divide him into five horses!"

Jiang Lin killed the eunuch who served her in front of Cixi, completely angering Cixi, and the old witch made a sharp voice and ordered the lamp god to deal with Jiang Lin.

However, Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously at all. If he hadn't worried that King Panlan's action would destroy the situation here, he would have let King Tiger deal with this dead old witch.

"It's just a spiritual body, and you dare to call yourself a god. Now all cats and dogs dare to call yourself a god? I don't care what kind of bullshit you are, as long as you know that you broke my trap, now you are in trouble. It's a big deal."

Jiang Lin looked at Deng Shen with a bad expression on his face. This guy has been practicing for two or three hundred years. He has absorbed the essence of lights and is an alternative fire spirit. Jiang Lin is very interested in him.

I haven't absorbed Qi Huo for a long time, what is missing?

The lamp god pointed to Cixi, who was holding the oil lamp in his hand, and said, "The lamp is in its hand, and it calls me out. I must do it."

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