Cixi was so angry that she almost went wild. The lamp god is still chatting with the daring Taoist priest below, and he doesn't take his orders seriously.

In fact, the lamp god really didn't take Cixi seriously. He was the champion during the Shunzhi period. Although Cixi was not young, in his eyes, she was just a girl.

"I advise you to leave early. I am the god of lights, invisible and intangible. When I encounter iron and iron, I can touch stone and stone. You can't do anything about me."

Deng Shen unfolded his folding fan, and said slowly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he didn't want to have a conflict with Jiang Lin. He had lived for two or three hundred years, and he was also an old monster. The more he looked at Jiang Lin, the more difficult it became.

"Hehe, you think too highly of yourself, and you also encounter iron and iron, and change to stone. I just don't know what will happen to you when you encounter the real fire of the sun? I'm looking forward to it."

"What? Is the sun really hot?"

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Deng Shen took two steps back abruptly. Although he was the self-proclaimed God of Lamp and Fire, he was not afraid of ordinary flames, and even the true fire of Samadhi couldn't help him for a while.

But the sun is really hot, this Nima is too terrifying.

"I said earlier that you've got a big deal!"

Jiang Lin disappeared in place at once, teleported to Dengshen's body, and a rune formed by the true sun fire in his palm pressed on Dengshen's forehead at once.

Chapter [*] The Qing Dynasty is dead!Your ancestor's last name is gone!


Will you give me a try again invisibly?

After the rune in Jiang Lin's palm was pasted on Dengshen's forehead, the sun's true fire suddenly turned into strands of fire, entangling it all.


Before the lamp god could react, his body could not move at all.

It's over, it's a big deal now!

The lamp god can feel that what is entangled in him is the real fire of the sun!

Nima, it's the end of the Dharma era, how can there still be a real fire in the sun?

The lamp god roared in his heart, this time he provoked a great god!

"Tom, look at him."

Jiang Lin explained the colorful tiger king, and stared at Cixi.

"There are a lot of people bragging in front of the master. How old are you? You are still fucking invisible. Come on, no one will show you to Tiger Lord."

After getting the order, the colorful tiger king ran to the lamp god, and a tiger claw slapped the lamp god.

"No one!"

One more claw.

Say you immortal board board!

Deng Shen wanted to scold his mother, but he held back, and if he cursed out loud, he would definitely be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Jiang Lin feels that this lamp god is really hard, and his strength is stronger than that of ordinary ghost kings. If Mao Xiaofang is on the line, he can't deal with it at all. If he didn't suddenly use the bug ability to teleport, it would take a lot of money to subdue him. Good work.

But this teaser is pretentious, what intangible and intangible, intangible and intangible can pretend to be in front of me?

How naive.

"It's useless! Waste!"

Seeing that the Dengshen was restrained by Jiang Lin, Cixi was so angry that she snapped off the armrests of the dragon chair.

I expected you to take action to share my worries, but I didn't do it, just beeped, beeped a lot, and then got screwed all of a sudden.

Absolute waste! 24K pure waste!

Cixi thought that Deng Shen was too careless to be restrained, but did not think that Jiang Lin was too powerful.

Even if she knew how powerful Jiang Lin was, Cixi would not be frightened. This old witch had been in a high position for a long time, and she was very afraid of foreigners.

"Old witch, you want me to be divided into five horses? Do you still think you are an old Buddha? The Qing Dynasty is dead!"

When Jiang Lin came up, he attacked the eminent Cixi.

"Impossible! You are a thief who dares to act recklessly and deceive the king, and you should be punished by capital punishment! The Qing Dynasty cannot be destroyed!"

Stimulated by Jiang Lin's words, Cixi screamed, and her voice was comparable to Ye Xiao.

Jiang Lin couldn't help sneering, and sneered: "Do you know that you people in the Qing Dynasty dare not use the national surname 'Aixinjueluo' and change it to the Chinese surname 'Jin'. What else's Ye He? Nala', basically no more, either the surname is Nan, or the surname is Na."

"It's still in the Qing Dynasty, even the surnames of the ancestors are gone. Now all you Tartars have been expelled back to their hometowns and huddled up. Otherwise, it's like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating!"

In the end, Jiang Lin made another cut.

In this land, the Qing Dynasty made far more sins than achievements.Now you are still fantasizing about the Qing Dynasty, fantasizing about being a Lafayette?And then go to cede land and pay compensation?

Let the Eight-Power Allied Forces abuse our women again?

"You are talking nonsense, the Qing Dynasty can't be killed! It's impossible to even forget the surname of the ancestors!"

Cixi screamed, and the corpse aura spread around her body, and the skin on her face began to wrinkle.

A wrinkled old witch.

The black iron-like nails grew wildly from the fingertips, like sharp scalpels. If they were scratched, the intestines would flow out.

Unlike other zombies, Cixi didn't need to jump at all, and directly approached Jianglin in a galloping manner, tearing ten terrifying nails towards Jianglin.


The long fingernails scratched the air and made a sharp sound.

"Old Goddess, the plaster of the people's fat and people's ointment you looted will not be spent in half a lifetime. This sword was cut for the people of the world."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly. Regarding this Cixi, he could not wait to pull her to the Peking Museum, nail her to the pillar of shame, and let the people all over the world slash with a thousand swords.

But this kind of thinking can only be thought about, this old goddess is a zombie king, and if it is not destroyed, it will only cause chaos.

The zhengbone sword was sharpened, and Cixi's wrist was chopped off.

Although Cixi has reached the level of the zombie king, her physical strength is not too strong. Even if it is the [*]th corpse formation, it will take time to accumulate.

Not many years after Cixi's death, she could have her own memory and wisdom, and she had grown to the level of a zombie king, which is already against the sky.

Even if he really had the defense of the Zombie King, Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously. Now, even the Thousand-Year Zombie King didn't dare to take his sword.

What happened to the Zombie King, cut it as usual.

"Ah~~ pariah, Aijia wants you to be executed Lingchi!"

One hand was chopped off, causing Cixi to scream incessantly. This old goddess has been pampered for most of her life, how can she endure such pain.

"Ling Chi put to death? You are such a powerful official! If you think about Ling Chi so much, you should have a taste of what Ling Chi is like!"

Jiang Lin's voice froze, and he bullied him with a sword and chopped off Cixi's small half of his forearm.

This time, Cixi was finally afraid, and did not dare to be rude any more, but fled to another exit.

"Run? I'll take you, an old witch who brings disaster to the country and the people, today!"

Jiang Lin sneered and his body disappeared in place.


The other hand of the old witch was also chopped off.

No matter how fast Cixi was, she could not escape Jiang Lin's lock.

The lamp god on the side looked at this scene and felt that his scalp was numb.

Cixi is not much worse than him, but this Taoist priest can actually carry a sword and cut Cixi into eight pieces at the sight of it.

"What are you looking at? Be honest!"

The King Pan Lan slapped the Deng Shen so that the eyes of Venus were staring, but the Deng Shen did not dare to say a word.

"These few swords are your reward for losing your power and humiliating the country!"

The cold light flickered a few times, and along with Cixi's screams, there was a corpse on the ground.

"Pop! Kill Green Zombie and get [*] points of suffocation."

"There is a lot of dragon energy essence in this old witch's body. Collect it and leave the corpse pill for me. Later, I will set up a magic circle for you and transfer the dragon energy essence to you. Those corpses outside are also Give it to you to clean up, you can squeeze out a lot, and leave it to your brother."

Jiang Lin took a piece of cloth from the ground and wiped the body of the sword, then raised his face at the colorful tiger king.

Jiang Lin had never used the Exploding Flame Talisman before, in order to keep these corpses in order to transfer some of the effects of the Nine-Five Corpse Raising Array, and to squeeze the dragon energy in the corpses.

Chapter five hundred and ninetieth big business door

"You, go back to me honestly."

Jiang Lin gave Dengshen a bad look, and when he was busy with the house, he slowly trained this guy when he had time to spare.

The Dengshen's face turned black, he felt that Jiang Lin was more than trying to restrain him.

"Brother, I can do some fairy magic, and I can change things out of thin air..."

Brother, you second uncle, don't mess with me.

Jiang Lin also pointed out that it was not uncommon for him to put the lamp god in the oil lamp and turn it into gold.

Just eat the spirit of this light.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to cook the corpses here and left the mausoleum with an oil lamp.

There is also an inner hall in this tomb, and there are still many treasures in it, all of which are valuables. The last time Commander Chen and the others came here, although they searched cleanly, the things in the inner hall did not move.

However, Jiang Lin didn't have much interest. He didn't earn it. He didn't want to touch it. Besides, Master Li and the others were here, let them solve it.

Cixi, the old witch's treasure, he still has a lot of money left, and it will take a long time to disperse it to exchange Yinde.

Seems to be busy next time.

After Teacher Li and the others left, Jiang Lin planned to remodel the tomb. The dragon energy in it was not only useful to King Panlan and the others, but also to his corpse.

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