If you have nothing to do, come here to enjoy the cool air, or go to the Demon Temple to inhale the evil energy, and sleep with your wife when you are at home.

Life is also beautiful.

"Master Jiang is back!"

"Master Jiang, what happened to those zombies?"

Outside the town, a group of townspeople are looking forward to it. Although Black Rose and Xiao Xiami have already told them that Jiang Lin killed the zombies very easily, there must be no problem in dealing with zombies, but these townspeople dare not believe it easily. .

Just tonight, a few more townspeople turned into zombies because they didn't treat their wounds properly. In the end, Mao Xiaofang had no choice but to kill them.

This group of townspeople were really frightened by the zombies, and they were all here waiting for Jiang Lin.

Even Commander Li and his adjutant were also here, and some of their corpses had also changed, and they were not ordinary murderers.

As for Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice, they didn't come here, they were busy in the town with Captain Song Zhou Yuan and others.

"The zombies have been wiped out. Even the old witch Cixi has been cut into eight pieces by me. I wonder if Master Li will have any opinion."

Jiang Lin smiled, told the townspeople the result, and then looked at Teacher Li again.

He heard from the townspeople that this Master Li once said that zombies are first-class cultural relics and are protected by the state. At first, zombies were not allowed to shoot when they entered the hotel.

Master Li blushed and said with an embarrassed expression: "Cough cough... um, that, zombies are unwelcome cultural relics, it would be good to eliminate them."

"All gone?"

"It's really good!"

"Great, you don't have to worry about it in the future."

When the townspeople learned that all the zombies had been eliminated, they cheered and even burst into tears on the spot.

If the zombies can't solve it again, how sad and how sad their days will be.

"Okay, everyone, go home and have a good night's sleep. There will be no more zombies in Cixi's tomb in the future."

Jiang Lin waved to the townspeople, each went back to his own house, each looking for his own mother.

"Master Li, you can take away the treasures in Cixi's tomb. Don't move the buildings, or else you will touch an unknown organ, but don't care about the poor road, and it's better to remove them in one day, otherwise the corpses in the tomb will be moved. With so much anger, Pindao can't guarantee that your people will move around and bite people. After you leave, I will completely seal the mausoleum."

Jiang Lin didn't want Teacher Li and the others to be like robbers, tearing down all the sculptures, which were all the materials for the Nine-Five Corpse Raising Array.

To frighten and frighten this teacher, forgive him and dare not move things in the mausoleum.

At that time, Jiang Lin will also let the colorful tiger king look at it, take the gold and silver treasures and the like, and don't touch the rest.

"Okay, we'll move it tomorrow, and we won't mess with the things in the mausoleum. We will try to finish it in one day."

Being so frightened by Jiang Lin, how could Master Li dare to take a leisurely attitude, preparing to let his subordinates move as fast as they can at dawn.

Jiang Lin nodded and went to Liyang Residence.

"Master, we can finally get a good night's sleep."

The lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief, they were almost neurasthenia after being caught by zombies these past two nights.

Last night was because of zombies, and tonight was even more frightening. Some of their team turned into zombies, which scared them to the point of losing their souls.

After Mao Xiaofang passed by, the matter in the army was settled.

"Yeah, go back to rest, and go to Hexing Building tomorrow to entertain the two masters to make amends."

The next day, Master Li asked his adjutant to bring his subordinates into the tomb to carry the treasures. He himself packed the second floor of the Hexing Building and entertained Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang.

In addition, Director Song and Captain Song, as well as the third uncle and Master Jin were also invited.

They are all senior or respectable people in the town.

"Thanks to the two masters this time, otherwise the zombies and the damage they cause cannot be solved at all."

Teacher Li punished himself with a glass, and raised a glass to Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang.

This time, he not only offended Jiang Lin, but also Mao Xiaofang. Fortunately, Mao Xiaofang's character is not the kind of vengeful person, otherwise, it would be a matter of two people talking about this meal.

Since Teacher Li was apologizing to himself, Jiang Lin drank a cup, and Mao Xiaofang used tea instead of wine because of the sect's rules.

There was no unpleasant expression on Mao Xiaofang's face, but Ah Hai and Ah Chu were different.

We were imprisoned for no reason. If Shishu hadn't come to prison and let us go, I would still be imprisoned now.

Who is this!

But their master didn't put on a bad face, so the two of them didn't make a sullen face anymore.

After eating and drinking, Master Li left Gantian Town with his army, and the whole town returned to its former calm.

The townspeople should go to the ground, and the people who should go to the ground should do business.

After this zombie incident, Jiang Lin's status in the hearts of the townspeople is almost the same as Mao Xiaofang's.

"Uncle, big business is coming. I can't stop it."

The next day, Jiang Lin was busy in the inner courtyard when Uncle Ping came in and called him.

Big business?

It hasn't been a long time since I came to Gantian Town, and the fame hasn't spread so fast, right?

Since he's in business, take care of him.

When he came to the shop, Jiang Lin found a group of special people standing in the shop, either a Taoist priest or a monk.

There are twenty or thirty in number.

What the hell!It's really a big business, these people seem to be here to buy magic weapons or magic talismans.

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety-First Financial Resources!

"Will be ascended to Dao Master?"

The thin Taoist priest standing in front of this group of people was the Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain that Jiang Lin rescued in Tengteng Town.

At this time, Daoist Master Sheng and the others did not look at Jiang Lin, but glanced around, almost drooling.

"Daoist Li Yang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I took the liberty to visit this time. I hope Daoist Li Yang will forgive me."

It took a while for Sheng Daochang to realize that Jiang Lin had appeared in the shop, and he hurriedly said hello.

"Where is it, Taoist friends are bringing people to help Pindao's business, and they are all guests. Dear Taoist friends, Li Yangju opens the door to do business, just take a look."

"Okay, let's see."

Everyone nodded to Jiang Lin as a greeting, and then wandered around the shop, reluctant to look away every time they looked at a magic weapon or material.

Jiang Lin chatted with Jiang Shengdao before he realized that it turned out that Master Hong Jinbao was still looking for the Chinese Dragon Vein.

Just want to find, easier said than done.Huaxia dragon veins are not the incomplete dragon veins of Gantian Town, they are different.

Whether it is the Qing Dynasty or the Yuan Dynasty, those rulers are still people from the land of China.

If the Chinese dragon veins are controlled, there may not be any of the four ancient civilizations left.

Over the years, Dao Shengdao and Master Hong Jinbao have been searching for the Chinese dragon veins everywhere, wanting to protect them, and now they are staying in Hunan and Shu, because there are many evil spirits in the two places, so they need a lot of magic tools and charms.

It just so happened that the comrades over there in Shu knew that Zhuge Kongping's talismans came from Jiang Lin's hands. In addition, Jiang Lin's reputation had spread in Hunan. The comrades over there inquired about it and found out that Jiang Lin still sells them. All kinds of magic tools and magic talismans, the same people from the two places gathered together, and the general ascended the road took the lead and went to Renjia Town.

When they got there, they learned that Jiang Lin was ready to move to Gantian Town in the south.

When he passed by Longhu Mountain, he brought some of his fellow disciples to look for good goods.

So now there are twenty or thirty people.

"Oh, fellow Daoist, we came to find you, but we have made a lot of mistakes."

Dao Master Jiang smiled bitterly, if it wasn't for the Explosive Flame Talisman and the Flame Paper Crane in Jiang Lin's hands being too precious, they wouldn't have worked hard to come here.

"It will be easy to find in the future. I'm going to settle down here. By the way, I can understand that you and Master Hong Jinbao need magic tools and charms, because they need to move around, but these Taoist friends..."

"Fellow Daoist, you don't know. Now there are a lot of oriental demons in Hunan and Shu. From time to time, there are frictions with the local comrades. Once the fighting method is either death or injury, they want to purchase some equipment and give those oriental demons. Say something nice."

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin nodded, and now the Chinese Taoist priests and Dongyang's demon Taoism have started the war ahead of time.

It seems that Yuan Jing's memorial has been gradually implemented by the Japanese Union of Artists.

"One rigid talisman with three oceans? Daoist Li Yang, poor and clear, I don't know what makes this rigid talisman so outstanding?"

Daoist Mingxu held a rigid talisman and asked Jiang Lin, he really didn't understand, if that kind of amulet had a rhyme, it would be fine. There is a reason why it is expensive. This kind of rigid talisman doesn't matter how you look at it. special place.

Give him some yellow paper, he can make a bundle in half a day, and the cost doesn't even need a big ocean, but in Jianglin, a big ocean can only buy one-third.

"This kind of immobilization charm can immobilize a zombie. As long as it is not the kind that is approaching the zombie king, it can be immobilized. Even the ordinary zombie king can immobilize for five or six seconds. Daoist may wish to push it, and feel that the effect is fake. If you do, Pindao will smash his own brand. Although Li Yangju's things are expensive, they are definitely worth the price."

Jiang Lin gave a long smile to Mingxu Daoist, what is so good, you will know if you push it yourself.

real or fake?Can even a fine zombie be immobilized?

Are you kidding me?

The people on the side heard this, similar to Mao Xiaofang's reaction.

However, anyone with a little brain would know that Jiang Lin wouldn't brag.

After all, he is also a dignified Celestial Master. As for deceiving people for the sake of the three oceans?

Although the principle is this principle, these Taoist priests are all around the Taoist priest Mingxu, ready to see what effect this inconspicuous immobilization talisman will have when activated.

"How could the magical amulet sold by Daoist Li Yang be fake?"

Ming Xu Dao said this on his long mouth, but a small amount of spiritual power was delivered under his hands.

"Value! Absolute value!"

Daoist Mingxu saw that after the immobilization talisman was activated, the talisman above flashed, and the effect was not comparable to that of ordinary immobilization talismans.

"Give me twenty of this kind of stasis charm."

"I also have twenty."

Zombie kings are rare now, but there are still a lot of zombies. Once something unfortunate happens to the corpse, it is not uncommon for the corpse to become a zombie.

Even Mao Xiaofang had a hard time dealing with a zombie when he didn't have a guy, let alone these people. When he met a zombie, he would stick it on its forehead, and he wouldn't have to be kicked like a rabbit.

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