The three oceans are really not expensive. For the Taoist priest with a lower cultivation base, the more money is spent.

So this kind of immobilization charm is absolutely necessary to drive away the corpse.

"In addition to the Zombie Talisman, there is also a corpse-suppressing Talisman. The price is the same, and the effect is similar. There is also an upgraded version, which can even hold the zombie king for a quarter of an hour. But the price is a bit more expensive. One piece in the seventy oceans."

Seeing that these people were in a hurry to send money, Jiang Lin took the opportunity to advertise

Can the zombie king be settled?

I didn't hear it wrong, did I?

A group of people couldn't believe their ears.

At this time, Uncle Ping took out the flat cabinet containing the charms.

"These are a set of suits, some for zombies, ghosts, demons, and monsters, and they all contain flaming paper cranes and explosive talismans. There are also regular and upgraded versions, with two prices. . All of them are fine."

Jiang Lin introduced the magic charms in the flat cabinet, which are available in various packages.

Then he introduced the surrounding magic tools again, with a complete range of different types.

As for the monks, they didn't need many magic talismans, mainly to buy flaming paper cranes and explosive flaming talismans, but Jiang Lin could also come up with things that would make them unable to take their eyes off.

The bones of all kinds of big demons and demon kings are all good things that can be used to make magic tools.

"In addition, there are extremely expensive ones and not-for-sale items, which only accept materials or treasures in exchange."

Jiang Lin pointed to the demon-defying bow and arrow and the yin-yang mirror hanging on the wall.

Although he is not going to sell, but if these people have something that makes him tempted, the transaction is not impossible.

"Buy this one, and that one too!"

"Buy, buy, buy!!"

In this era, there are still many Taoist priests with real ability. As long as they have the ability, they will have family wealth, so the stacks of silver notes make Uncle Ping's hands hurt.

In addition, there are gold bars, large yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, and the ocean is also a pack.

Chapter five hundred and ninety-two blood bodhi, unicorn blood!

"Fellow Daoist, why is it so lively?"

Mao Xiaofang handled the corpse transformation for the army before. In order to show respect, Master Li gave him some compensation. Today, he was about to come here to give the copper sword. There are also monks.

"Master Mao, I have a guest here, what's the matter?"

Jiang Lin arrived at the door and greeted Mao Xiaofang.

"I want to book that copper sword."

Mao Xiaofang coughed lightly. Last time Jiang Lin joked with him and said he would give him half price if he wanted it. Mao Xiaofang has always remembered this sentence.

If he hadn't seen the spirit sword and the copper sword in the Jianglin shop before, he would have used the peach wood sword all the time, but in the past few nights killing zombies, he felt that the peach wood sword was really useless.

Even if the age is a little higher, it cannot be used frequently.

So Mao Xiaofang simply bought a copper sword, with it, his strength can also be improved a lot.

"Daoist Li Yang, this red copper sword is [*] oceans? What's so special? Can you pay the deposit first?"

There was a voice of inquiry, and Jiang Lin subconsciously responded: "Chasing a zombie, there is no problem at all, and it can ensure that his spiritual power will not dissipate. You can make a decision first."

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment when he finished speaking, and then he looked at Mao Xiaofang with no meaning.

Dude, what you are looking at has been seen by others.


Mao Xiaofang's face turned black, and he hurriedly squeezed into the shop.

He came here as soon as he had money. If he was preempted by others at this time, he would be so angry that his lungs hurt.

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, and Mao Xiaoqi was arguing with the old Taoist priest who had a crush on the copper sword.

In the end, the two of them knew each other's roots and feet, and ordered their seniority. Mao Xiaofang was still the senior of the old Taoist priest.

Knowing that Mao Xiaofang was still a generation older than himself, the old Taoist did not continue to fight.

Although they bought a lot of magic weapons and magic talismans, they were not in a good mood. The swords and chess formations hanging on Jianglin's wall made them eager to go up and grab them.

Each piece can be a treasure of the town, passed down from generation to generation.

But it's too expensive to buy!

Can't change it either!

After Mao Xiaofang and other Taoist priests left, Jiang Lin let the Taoist priest and an old monk into the front yard.

The two of them never left, and while waiting for the others to leave, Jiang Lin knew that they should have something to ask for.

"Daoist Li Yang, this is Master Guangbei of Zhaojue Temple in Shu, and he is also a close friend of Pindao. His disciple was wounded to the foundation by a big demon. I heard that Daoist Li Yang killed the demon king in Hunan. The Taoist priest here takes a demon king's inner pill as the main material, and refines a small return pill to save his disciples."

"I'm very sorry, I don't sell the demon king's inner pill."

Jiang Lin did not say that he had used it or that he had not used it, it would be better to say it clearly.

He is relatively familiar with Daoist General Jiang. During the time when he was missing, Daoist General Jiang also summoned his colleagues to hunt down the masked ghosts and witches, but he also saved the life of Daoist General Jiang, and he sold this favor. No.

Demon King Inner Pill, that is not something that can be obtained casually. Although Jiang Lin has killed a lot of demon kings and has some stocks in his hand, it is indispensable to set up a magic circle and use medicine for Xiaoqian or Ren Tingting.

Even if he had more demon king inner pills in his hand, he would not sell them.

After selling it, it is almost impossible to buy it back at a high price.

Now the demon king has been killed by Jiang Lin, and I don't know how many are left. When I want to use it, I can't find a target to take it.

He might think about the demon king's heart, but Neidan, I'm sorry, I can't discuss it.

When Master Guangbei heard Jiang Lin refused the deal, a hint of urgency appeared on his face, but he was also a stable monk.

"Daoist Li Yang, don't rush to refuse. The poor monk also knows the preciousness of the demon king's inner alchemy, so he didn't buy it with money, but barter."

Having said that, Master Guangbei slipped a wooden box out of his sleeve.

"These are three blood bodhis and also red heart bodhis. Legend has it that it is a kind of rare fruit that grows from the blood of the fire unicorn dripping on the ground. It has the effect of curing serious injuries and improving cultivation without injury."

Master Guang Bei opened the wooden box, and three dark red folded fruits appeared inside.

Blood Bodhi, fire unicorn?

Jiang Lin raised his brows. He remembered that when he obtained the strange fire unicorn flame from the consulting system, it showed the land of Shu, and the Zhaojue Temple where Master Guangbei was located was also the land of Shu.

Maybe the news of unicorn inflammation is coming.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin couldn't help but wonder, is there really a fire unicorn in this world?

The Evil Lin Bureau appeared in Hunan, and the treasure inside is the unicorn stone. The old man once said that there was a legend of the fire unicorn, and Hunan and Shu are connected. Could it be that such mythical beasts still exist in the world?

After temporarily pressing down the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin said, "Master Guangbei, if this blood bodhi really has such an effect, I'm afraid you would have used it for your apprentices long ago."

Jiang Lin could feel that the three red heart bodhis in the wooden box were related to the unicorn, because the unicorn stone in his heart seemed to have a tendency to resonate with it just now, but these three blood bodhis obviously had little effect.

It seems that it is not very worthwhile to exchange one Demon King Inner Pill for three Blood Bodhi with little effect.

"This... Forget it, monks don't lie, these three blood bodhis are indeed almost exhausted, and even if they are real blood bodhis, they can only be seriously injured and healed, but they will not increase the power without injury. How much."

A trace of sadness flashed in Master Guang Bei's eyes. Even if the blood bodhi was really grown from the blood of a unicorn, it would not be enough to exchange three for one inner pill that condenses the spirit of the demon king, not to mention him. The three in my hand lost their efficacy again.

"Master Guangbei, don't worry, I will make this deal with you, but I have a request, I need to know where this blood Bodhisattva is now."

Jiang Lin stroked the blood bodhi in the wooden box, and suddenly felt that the surface of the wrinkled dark red fruit jumped, and changed his mind.

"The Taoist priest is really willing to exchange? The place where the blood bodhi appeared was in the Leshan generation in Shu. I was traveling abroad and fell into a dry well by mistake, and found these three strange fruits."

Master Guangbei heard that Jiang Lin was willing to make a deal with him, and immediately told the information he knew.

"Daoist Li Yang, thank you very much. If the Taoist priest has the opportunity in the future, he will definitely come to Zhaojue Temple, and Guangbei will definitely invite him with tea."

Having obtained a demon king's inner pill, Master Guangbei left Li Yangju happily.

Jiang Lin took the wooden box to his training room. After biting his finger, he clicked on a blood bodhi. The Qilin stone in his heart automatically sent out a pure Qilin Qi, which ran along Jiang Lin's arm. Wandering all the way into the blood Bodhi.

After that, Jiang Lin saw that the blood bodhi in the wooden box began to fill up, and it actually burst into golden light, and finally turned into a mass of blood.

"hold head high!"

A loud unicorn whistle came from Liyang Curie, and Mao Xiaofang, who was rushing back to Fuxitang, turned around abruptly.

"What kind of formation are you arranging, fellow Daoist?"

Five hundred and ninetieth chapters Yanri tactics

This... This time I made a profit!

Jiang Lin looked at the small cloud of golden blood in front of him, and his heart almost jumped out of excitement.

The golden blood is suspended above the wooden box, and there is an illusory unicorn phantom on it.

Blood Bodhi absorbed the Qi of Qilin and turned into a ball of Qilin blood.

If a demon king's inner core is a priceless treasure, this small group of unicorn blood is a fighter among priceless treasures!

One for his own use, another for Li Yingqi and his wives, and the rest for them, in case Uncle Jiujiu or Zhang Han had an accident, leave it to them.

Jiang Lin hurriedly took the best jade box and put away the ball of unicorn blood and the remaining two blood bodhis.

"What was the cry just now? It scared my little white to death."

When Jiang Lin came out of the room, Axiu complained to him, frightening her pets unconscious.

Heh, eat mine, sleep mine, frighten your pet, and complain to me.

"It's dead, and it won't wake up after a while."

Jiang Lin looked at this innocent little girl angrily, saying that it sounds simple, but it's actually a bit silly.

By the way, that lamp is still in Axiu's room.

It was too late when I came back last night. Jiang Lin went to see Axiu's injury and put the oil lamp beside her bed.

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