"Where's the light?"

"That broken lamp? It always makes noise when I sleep. I threw it out the window. If it breaks, I will pay you."

It's not enough to pay you to me!

Jiang Lin pinched Axiu's nose fiercely and went to the other side of the room. Fortunately, the seal on it was intact.

"Bastard! Didn't he just throw a broken lamp?"

Axiu covered her nose and glared at Jiang Lin.

"This lamp is not an ordinary lamp. There is a spirit body in it, and it has some special abilities. Don't throw things that aren't yours in the future. If you can't afford it, just wait and cry. By the way, your injury is all right. You can stay here if you want, and I won't stop you if you want to leave. In the future, if I need to use your Xiaobai, I will find you."

Jiang Lin saw that Axiu was alone. There were many vacancies. If this little girl wanted to stay here, there was nothing wrong with her.

Ah Xiu snorted, turned around and left, just took two steps, she turned around and asked, "Is that lamp so magical? Can it heal?"

"I don't know, but it should be possible."

"You borrow my Xiaobai, if I borrow something from you, you will also give it."

After Axiu finished speaking, she went out the door. This little girl sometimes said a few words, but Jiang Lin got used to it after spending two days with her.

"Uncle Ping, close the shop. I've been busy these days and have no time to replenish."

After disposing of the oil lamp, Jiang Lin handed Uncle Ping a letter and asked him to send it to Shu.

He went to Shu land twice, but he didn't find out about Qilin Yan. In the next practice, he almost needed to absorb the strange fire. He could ask Bai Min'er to walk around Shu land to help him find out.

After that, Gantian Town calmed down for a while, Mao Xiaofang went away, and Jiang Lin went to Cixi's tomb every day, in addition to setting up the magic circle at home, to remodel the layout of the mausoleum hall.

Before you know it, a month has passed.

On this day, Jiang Lin worked in the tomb of Cixi for a long time, and finally dealt with the tomb of Cixi.

He arranged a magic circle to guide the dragon energy for the King Panlan Tiger to practice, and also arranged a suitable environment for the King of the Flying Mouse and Xiaoli Xiaoqian.

There is a strong dragon energy here, and cultivating here is much better than cultivating in the underworld.

After that, Jiang Lin went alone to a high mountain around the town.


Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [-]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Consummation)

Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Level [-])

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (Fourth Stage - Ninefold)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Charm (Perfect), Fire-Setting Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [-]), Antidote Talisman ( Level [-]), Flaming Talisman (Level [-]), Sound Transmission (Level [-]), Light Avoidance Talisman (Level [-]), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Level [-])+

Violence value: [-]

Some time ago, he had gained a lot of hostility, and Jiang Lin had been delaying the escalation because he was busy setting up the formation.

"Flying Swordsmanship is approaching the fifth level, and it is estimated that it will not be long before you can use Feijian."

Jiang Lin first upgraded the Zhengbone Sword by one level, then as long as he nourished it in his body, after reaching the fifth stage, he would be able to control the sword from the air, and then he would have another method.

When the Body Refinement Technique is upgraded to perfection, it is estimated that it is also [-] points of suffocation.

Jiang Lin thought for a while, and then clicked the right arrow in the exercise column.

"Pop! The advanced technique consumes [-] suffocating energy."

What the hell!

Two hundred thousand?Really drunk!

Jiang Lin said that he was very distressed. As long as he lived a little bit of salty fish, his anger value was still very slow, and he spent more than half of the advanced exercises.

Next, there will be [-] to upgrade the Body Refinement Technique... It is estimated that it will cost [-] more if it is advanced.

so poor!

Take it slow, anyway, now I'm not afraid of that one flying stiff, the formation is swung, the two demon kings are on, plus so many explosives sent by the commander Chen, it's enough to destroy that thing.

Jiang Lin now wants to draw talismans, make some magical instruments, open the door to do business, and enjoy a peaceful life.

In three years, he will need to go to the battlefield.

The battlefield belongs to the monks.

At that time, I might have to travel around for ten years.

The world is in chaos, and the Taoist priests go down the mountain. At that time, it is estimated that there will not be many opportunities to relax.

After collecting his thoughts, Jiang Lin looked at the system interface again. The column of exercises was no longer Yangmian Jue, but "Yanri Jue".

It seems that if you want to improve your strength, you still need to travel far.

The information of the cultivation technique Yanri Jue appeared in his mind, and Jiang Lin felt that his ideal of salted fish was about to be interrupted again.

He is a lack of fire, not only lack of fire, but also lack of light.

The Guixu in the East China Sea, the hell in the underworld, the north and south poles of the earth, Jiang Lin felt excited (fuck) excited (dan) just thinking about it.

In order to achieve great success, Yanri Jue must not only devour all kinds of strange fires, but also eat Xia Xia Xia Xia.

I especially want to eat not only the sun column, but also the aurora.

Zombies are afraid of light to death, but Jiang Lin wants to eat Xiaguang. It will definitely be an immortal legend in the zombie world!

[Note: The sun column here is an optical phenomenon, which is different from the sun column in the birthday, and will be shown in the text]

Five hundred and ninetieth chapters Lei Gang

Still don't think too much about it.

Jiang Lin reckoned that it would not be short until he finished his cultivation of the Sun-Earning Technique, and it would be unrealistic to think so much now.

Glancing at the suffocation value, Jiang Lin also ordered a body refining technique to upgrade with a little over [-] left.

As he expected, the green stiffness is only level ten, and it is complete after the upgrade.

What Jiang Lin didn't expect was that this time the upgrade of the Body Refinement Art was different from the past. The corpse poison in his bones permeated his whole body. Except for the bone marrow that was not contaminated with corpse poison, all his flesh and internal organs were filled with corpse poison. .

Three hours later, the upgrade was completely completed, and this time there was not much pain, and his entire body was strengthened.

Even if he didn't corpse, Jiang Lin's current physical strength was no different from that of the Zombie King, and ordinary physical attacks had no effect on him.

Double cultivation of body and technique, Heavenly Master Supreme!

"Hey! Even if it was half price, after going out for a month, I still couldn't collect [-] oceans."

Mao Xiaofang stood at the entrance of the town with a gloomy expression on his face. In the past month, he has hardly had any spare time, picking up business outside.But [-] oceans is not a small amount at all, even if he receives [-] oceans in one transaction, he will have to accept it [-] times.

During this period of time, he was very tired, and only collected [-] oceans.

The half price of the red copper sword is [-] oceans, which is still a lot worse.

Now that his peach wood sword and some magic tools are scrapped, he thinks of where Jiang Lin can buy some to wear it.

"Fellow Daoist, why is your shop closed?"

When Mao Xiaofang arrived at Li Yangju, he happened to meet Jiang Lin who was returning.

"The magic tools and magic talismans are basically sold out, and I am too lazy to replenish during this time, so I just closed the door."


Everything in the store is sold out, how much does it cost?

What left Mao Xiaofang speechless was that Jiang Lin was too lazy to replenish his supplies, and he was too lazy to earn money, and there was no one left.

Thinking that for a copper sword, he had gone out for a month to pick up business like crazy, and only managed to collect [-] oceans, and Mao Xiaofang suddenly felt unbalanced.

"Since fellow Daoists have no replenishment, then I'll come back in a few days."

"Okay, when I want to move my hands and feet someday, I'll add some magical tools and magic talismans."

We can't have a friendly chat anymore.

Mao Xiaofang turned his head and left.

After all, he was considered a guest. The guest wanted to buy goods and came to send money, but Jiang Lin didn't want it.

Such a lazy Taoist, Mao Xiaofang has only seen Jiang Lin once.

"Hey, Miss Xiu, what's the matter?"

"Why did you bring a blind man to our Fuxi Hall? Did you know that my master is good at medicine, so bring him to try it?"

As soon as he arrived at Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang heard the voices of A Hai and A Chu coming from inside.

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