Entering the door, Mao Xiaofang saw Axiu supporting a middle-aged man.


Seeing the middle-aged man's profile, Mao Xiaofang suddenly called out, and the person who came was actually his fellow apprentice brother, Master's parent and son - Lei Gang.

"Senior brother."

Hearing Mao Xiaofang's voice, Lei Gang turned his head, but his eyes were blank, his eyes were already blind.

"Senior brother, your eyes?"

"I will explain this to you, Junior Brother, is my father gone?"

With several juniors here, Lei Gang didn't want to talk about his blindness.

Mao Xiaofang sighed and responded, "Master, it has been more than ten years since he passed away."

Lei Gang was silent for a moment, his voice choked, and he whispered, "I want to pay homage to my father's grave first."

"Ahai Achu, go buy some paper money."

After instructing the two apprentices, Mao Xiaofang asked about Lei Gang's current situation.

"When I was in Nanyang, I believed that I had a little bit of Taoism, and I fought with the local wizards. I was blind at that time, and I couldn't even save my head."

Lei Gang undid the scarf around his neck, and there was a bloodstain on it.

"This is the decapitation of the top ten head downs in Nanyang. The wizard only needs one hair of your hair to make your head fall. My life was saved by Axiu. She grew up without parents and mothers, and was raised by an orangutan. Yes, I saw her lonely and lonely, and she saved me again, so I took her as an adopted daughter."

No wonder this girl has such a strange temper and behavior. I didn't expect her to be my niece.

"Senior brother, since Axiu is your daughter, do you know that fellow Taoist from Li Yangju?"

Mao Xiaofang looked at Axiu, who was silent, and he always thought that Axiu and Jiang Lin had known each other for a long time.

"I don't know him. I heard Ah Xiu say that this fellow Taoist helped her. I also want to meet him and express my gratitude."

When he heard Mao Xiaofang mention Li Yangju, Lei Gang's brows furrowed imperceptibly, but he was quickly covered up.

"Junior Brother, I don't know what kind of person Master Jiang is in Gantian Town? I heard that the Taoism is not shallow."

He had already heard Ah Xiu talk about Jiang Lin, and he wanted to inquire about who this Taoist priest was and what his temperament was. Since Mao Xiaofang was talking about it at this time, he followed up and asked.

"My biggest impression of him is that he is lazy. He is very talented, but if you want to hire him, he will charge a very high price, which most people can't afford. I thought he liked money at first, but later I found that he was really lazy. Since he came to Gantian Town, he usually stayed at home and opened a shop to sell all kinds of magic tools and magic talismans. When he sold out, he would close the store. When he was in a good mood, he would restock. And this person is not easy to provoke, if he provokes him, he will not give up easily."

If Jiang Lin knew that Mao Xiaofang commented on him like this, he would be angry with Sanzang.

Being lazy for a while after being busy, is this called being lazy?


Is there such a strange person in the world? ?

Lei Gang was speechless. He opened a shop and closed it when everything was sold out?

Lazy man... As long as I don't take the initiative to find out about him, there shouldn't be any problems.

The corner of Lei Gang's mouth raised slightly, as long as Jiang Lin didn't oppose him, he expected that such a lazy person should not be interested in his affairs.

When he returned to Gantian Town, in addition to wanting to take revenge on Mao Xiaofang, he also wanted to use the dragon energy here to cultivate his own magic technique, Moruojiang.

But if he wants to absorb the dragon energy, he needs to build a triangular altar. Now he is empty and can only implement his plan slowly.

Originally, Lei Gang had planned it long ago, but he did not expect that there would be a Jiang Lin with profound Taoism here.

If Jiang Lin is the kind of nosy person, there will be some twists and turns in his plan.

But now it seems that Jiang Lin will not be the one who stands in his way.

Chapter five hundred and ninety-fifth you brother, the problem is extra large

After the two brothers worshipped their predecessors, they chatted in the Fuxi Hall.

"Hey, how can life be good after wandering alone for more than [*] years? When I was young and vigorous, I did a lot of wrong things. That's right, I'm restless and eager to win, so I'm not a candidate to learn Taoism at all. It's right that my father handed Fuxi Hall to you."

Lei Gang's face was full of remorse, which made Mao Xiaofang feel quite ashamed.

"Senior brother, don't say that, I'm very ashamed."

In Mao Xiaofang's heart, he always thought that Lei Gang's departure from Fuxitang had a lot to do with him taking over as head.

At that time, Lei Gang was much stronger than him in talent and strength, but unfortunately he was too arrogant and had too much murderous intentions, so he was not suitable to take charge of the Heavenly Dao faction.

Now Lei Gang has come to his senses, the prodigal son has turned back, and Mao Xiaofang is also very happy.

"By the way, Senior Brother, is Nanyang's head-dropping technique really that powerful?"

Although Mao Xiaofang has some experience, he still doesn't know much about the head-dropping technique, and he would like to dabble in it.

Of course it's great, if it's not great, can I come back to deal with you?

With a sneer in his heart, Lei Gang's face was nothing different, just a look of fear, and told Mao Xiaofang the news of beheading.

I didn't expect Nanyang's head descending division to be so powerful.

After Mao Xiaofang heard this, he felt awe-inspiring.

The two chatted very late before Mao Xiaofang went back, while Lei Gang stayed in the guest room.

"Axiu, have you found the extremely yin place I asked you to find, and how have you prepared the other materials for opening the gate of hell?"

In the middle of the night, after confirming that no one was paying attention, Lei Gang called Axiu to the room.

"Father, the land of extreme yin has been found, but when I was looking for other materials, I met Uncle Shi, and he followed him, so I didn't look for it again."

"It's really useless! Tomorrow I will let Mao Xiaofang go to the Tianting Pavilion with me. You have to find all the materials as soon as possible. Go back."

Lei Gang sneered, the first step in his plan to return to Gantian Town was to replace Mao Xiaofang.

The next day, Jiang Lin was sleeping at home when Uncle Ping woke him up, saying that Master Mao was visiting.

During this time, Jiang Lin was busy with the renovation of Cixi's tomb. He didn't have much free time. He finally wanted to sleep in and have a good dream, but something happened again.

"I said, Master Mao, it's not even eight o'clock. You don't have to sleep?"

Mao Xiaofang was originally a smiling face, but when Jiang Lin complained like this, his face turned a little dark.

It's not even eight o'clock?The sun is getting high, isn't it?

If his apprentices dared not get up until now, Mao Xiaofang would definitely punish them for half a day.

Lei Gang, who was behind Mao Xiaofang, was also a little confused. At this point, most people should have breakfast, but this Master Jiang was still sleeping.

Really lazy.

"Ahem, fellow Daoist, this is my senior brother, Lei Gang, and Axiu is his adopted daughter. I came here to thank you because I took care of you before."

Mao Xiaofang took a step forward and introduced Lei Gang behind him to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin looked at Lei Gang who was blind, raised his brows, and said, "You two belong to the same school?"

There was a strong evil spirit in Lei Gang, but it was restrained very well. Mao Xiaofang couldn't find it, but he couldn't hide it from Jiang Lin's eyes.

This guy is practicing evil, and he's almost done.

Not only is he practicing evil arts, but he also has a very strong aura of head-dropping technique, and head-dropping is definitely a good player.

If Mao Xiaofang hadn't opened his mouth, Jiang Lin wouldn't have believed that this blind Lei Gang was his senior brother.

One good and one evil, are they actually brothers from the same sect?

Jiang Lin didn't know that Lei Gang was actually expelled from the school by Mao Xiaofang's master, Lei Gang's biological father, twenty years ago.

Just like Mao Xiaofang, it is easy to trust others, but he actually believes that Lei Gang has changed his mind.

"Yes, we both come from the same family."

Mao Xiaofang didn't notice the meaning of Jiang Lin's words, but Lei Gang's body froze.

What a great eye.

Lei Gang's thoughts turned sharply, and he said to Axiu behind him, "Axiu, this Taoist friend has taken care of you, and you haven't even said a word of thanks."

Lei Gang was afraid that Jiang Lin would talk more, and asked Axiu to block Jiang Lin's words.

"Thank you, you are a good person."

Axiu didn't know what to say to thank her, she would only send out a good person card.

"Hehe, Daoist friend, Axiu was raised by an orangutan since she was a child, and she doesn't know much about the world. Daoist friend rescued Axiu before, and Lei Gang would like to thank her. I heard that Daoist friend needs to borrow her little snake, as long as Daoist friend If necessary, just go to Fuxi Hall to find Axiu."

"Thank you, you don't need to, just get what you need."

No matter how Lei Gang cultivates evil arts, it is also a matter of their Tiandao faction. Jiang Lin is too lazy to care about it. He himself will not have anything to do with Lei Gang.

Jiang Lin didn't like Xie Xiu, nor did he invite Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang into the hospital.

If he is a serious person, he will not be negligent in terms of etiquette, this Lei Gang who is full of evil spirits, forget it.

Fellow Daoist does not like to deal with senior brothers, or is he still not awake, is he still angry when he wakes up?

Mao Xiaofang was a little embarrassed. They came to thank them and didn't even let them in?

"Junior Brother, it seems that we came so early to disturb fellow Daoists and disturb other people's dreams. Having the opportunity to invite fellow Daoists to drink a cup of tea is considered a sin for disturbing the dreams."

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't say much, how could Lei Gang dare to stay at Li Yangju's side any longer.

When Lei Gang said this, Mao Xiaofang really believed it.

Looking at Mao Xiaofang's back, Jiang Lin shook his head slightly and muttered, "You senior brother, the problem is extra large."

But Mao Xiaofang couldn't hear him.

Don't worry, it's your Tiandao faction anyway, as long as you don't provoke me, if something happens, Mao Xiaofang will take care of it.

When it was time for dinner, Jiang Lin gave up the idea of ​​going back to sleep and went straight to Hexing Building.

"Hello, the first issue, no money."

Jiang Lin was eating breakfast in Hexing Building when he heard the voice of a young woman.

Looking up, a beautiful woman in her twenties, dressed in fashion, was distributing a stack of newspapers in the Hexing Building.

The funny thing is, after this beauty came in, Ah Chu followed as if he had lost his soul.

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