After entering the door, Ah Chu sat in an empty seat, resting his chin with one hand, and looked at the beauty.

The appearance is similar to Zhu Bajie seeing Chang'e.

"Sir, take a look, this is our new Guangming Daily in town."

Shu Ning walked over and handed Ah Chu a newspaper.

"Me too? Wow, so many things happened recently."

A Chu was overwhelmed, took it quickly, glanced at it casually, and put it aside.

You can't read newspapers, how can there be beautiful women in newspapers.

Jiang Lin looked at Ah Chu who was embarrassingly pretending to be an intellectual, and almost laughed out loud, sticking a green onion into his nose, thinking that he could pretend to be an elephant.

Chapter five hundred and ninety-six beautiful girl, please sit

"What's the name of this gentleman?"

Shu Ning saw that Ah Chu looked a bit like a literate person, so he started a conversation with him.

"My name is Yu Dachu, you can just call me Achu. You run this newspaper? How could a girl think of starting a newspaper?"

"Yes. My name is Shu Ning. My assistant and I are here to run a newspaper. Our newspaper office is opposite. Today is the first day. As for why we run a newspaper... I think the reason why China is poor is that scientific knowledge is better than others. Little, if you want to become prosperous and strong, you must start from the grassroots level, so that the people have knowledge. This is also the main purpose of our newspaper.”

People are beautiful and cultured. They are completely different from ordinary women. They are simply too perfect.

After only two sentences, Ah Chu felt that he was completely captured by Shu Ning.

"Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you, I usually like to read some books about science."

Ah Chu immediately bragged to Shu Ning, missing Shu Ning, he suddenly found that Jiang Lin was also here, and his voice suddenly became quieter halfway through.

However, Jiang Lin didn't seem to pay any attention to what he meant.

"Really? Then did you know there was a zombie incident here?"

"You've asked the right person, come, sit down and I'll tell you slowly."

Ah Chu took the opportunity to hit the snake with a stick and invited Shu Ning to sit with him.

"I know the thing about zombies the most, because I'm the second largest disciple of Fuxitang Mao Xiaofang. You said that if there is no me and my master here, who will save the townspeople of Gantian Town from the fire and water."


Sorry, couldn't hold back.

Jiang Lin couldn't hold back his laughter. Although he was Ah Chu's elder, he was still relatively young.

Even if he was not young at heart, he couldn't hold back Ah Chu as if he was deliberately making him laugh.

God, who will save the townspeople from the fire and water, I wonder if your master Mao Xiaofang will blush and have high blood pressure when he hears this.

In order to attract the attention of a beautiful woman, I really dare to brag.


Ah Chu's face turned black. Although he was bragging, he couldn't lose face. The beauty was still there, so he laughed.

But no matter how dark his face was, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.

"So you are from Fuxitang?"

"Why have you heard of it?"

Ah Chu's face was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that even the newspaper office knew that they had Fuxi Hall.

"Of course I've heard of it. Thanks to the shameless people like you, China makes the people so superstitious."

Shu Ning showed no mercy at all, and took back all the newspapers in front of Ah Chu.

A Chu: "..."

This plot is wrong, shouldn't it be to worship and admire him?

Bewildered for a long while, Ah Chu could only curl his lips and leave Hexing Building with a depressed look on his face.

"Sir, here's a newspaper for you, covering everything that's happened recently. Mind if I sit here?"

Jiang Lin's laughter caught Shu Ning's attention just now. She thought that Fuxitang's influence in this town was relatively large. The young man who dared to laugh at Fuxitang must be a special person.

Shu Ning is not the same as ordinary women, of course, this has something to do with her Western-style education.

Ordinary women rarely take the initiative to sit next to a strange man, unless they want to be Pan Jinlian.

Jiang Lin smiled, wondering what the expression on this pretty girl's face would be if she found out that she had scolded a Taoist priest and asked to sit next to another Taoist priest.

Forget it, I want to ask some news.

Originally Jiang Lin wanted to refuse, but thinking that Shu Ning was a reporter, he changed his mind.

He glanced at the newspaper just now, which reported the civil war between the three factions of the Republic of China government directly serving Anhui. Taking this opportunity, he also wanted to ask how the situation was.

The war broke out in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Renjia Town was there. There was no news from his family for more than a month. Now that there is a reporter, he must know a lot of news.

"I don't seem to have any reason to refuse. Pretty girl, please take a seat."

Jiang Lin smiled at Shu Ning and signaled to please.

Shu Ning was not at all restrained and sat directly beside Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin, who has received a Western-style education, has seen more, and he has even seen more open-minded people.

When he came up, he asked if he would make an appointment. He had also met him before. He didn't think there was anything abrupt about Shu Ning's behavior.

"Sir, you heard what Yu Dachu said just now. Did you laugh because you thought he was too funny?"

"Just call me Jiang Lin, that kid is ridiculous."

Jiang Lin responded while reading the information in the newspaper.

This is a man with common values!

Shu Ning felt that Jiang Lin was different from others. He had a bookish air and must have read books.

Yes, I must be the same as myself, I think those Taoist priests who confuse the public are ridiculous.

Not long after they met, Shu Ning put Jiang Lin in the same category as her, the kind of person who hated the gods.

"Hey, this newspaper actually has foreign anecdotes?"

Jiang Lin flipped through the newspaper and saw an incident written in English in the corner, to the effect that there were many tomb explorers in Cairo, Egypt, looking for the tomb of the pharaoh, and dug up a few mummies.

But the end of the story is still emphasizing zombies and mummies and the like. Corpses may exist, but they will never come to life.

Jiang Lin's English skills are not shallow. During high school and college, in order to read the original version of Sherlock Holmes, he put a lot of effort into English, and his level was more than six.

It's just that I haven't touched it for many years, and now I'm a lot rusty.

Even if he is rusty, he can still understand most of the content after watching a piece of English news.

"Mr. Jiang, do you understand English?"

Shu Ning was surprised. He thought that Jiang Lin should have been exposed to new cultural knowledge, but Jiang Lin's level seemed to be much higher than she imagined.

"I can almost understand it. I used to be a teacher. By the way, you used the wrong grammar here."

Jiang Lin's first identity in this world was that of a teacher. He traveled to a school, and he had a lot of scientific and cultural knowledge, so when he first came to this world, this identity was his answer to inquiries. 's shield.


It can be seen that the grammar is wrong, but it is almost understandable?

Shu Ning was also convinced.

After going back and forth, the two gradually became acquainted with each other.

Jiang Lin really got a lot of information from Shu Ning.

"The quality of your newspaper is very good, but if you want to run it, the first problem to be solved is that no one here can understand it. There are really not many people who can read in this town."

After reading the newspaper, Jiang Lin gave the Guangming Daily a high score, especially the analysis of the situation, which was quite consistent with history.

As a reporter, Shu Ning is undoubtedly very qualified.

Perhaps it is because of her truth-seeking attitude that she has many misunderstandings about Taoist priests.

"Not only are there more illiterate people here, but there are also those magic sticks in Fuxi Hall, there are more than one magic stick, and Li Yangju, who is a great magic stick! What a talking cat, it's just some ventriloquism skills. Let When I meet him, I must expose him in public."

Chapter [-] Looking for the descendants of the generals? ?

  Expose me in public? ?

  Jiang Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It turned out that in Shu Ning's eyes, he was still a super genius.

  "Cough, in fact, I am the master Jiang from Li Yangju."


  Shu Ning opened his mouth slightly, and his chin was about to fall.

  It's hard to find someone who can communicate with each other in a friendly way, and has received a new type of education, but she didn't expect it to be the magic stick she hates the most.

  What to say next?

  Shu Ning's mind couldn't turn around.

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