Jiang Lin can only plan this way. After all, it is still a bit difficult for him to find the descendants of the generals, and he has never seen them before.

  "Senior brother, I have never seen such a beautiful girl. No, second only to the two girls next to Master Jiang."

  Early the next morning, Ah Chu told Ah Hai how beautiful Shu Ning was and how graceful she was in Hexing Building.

  Even Shu Ning scolded him as a shameless person and forgot.

  Shimen was regarded as a den of magic sticks, and he also lost his mind.

  All I thought about was Shu Ning's beauty.

  But Ah Hai didn't answer at all. In his heart, except for Ah Xiu, all the other girls had to step back a little.

  I don't know if all the apprentices forget their masters when they see beauty. Qiu Sheng and Wen are like this, and so are Mao Xiaofang's two apprentices.

  Since Axiu arrived at Fuxitang, in order to please her, Ahai used chili peppers for almost every meal, or the very spicy ones, which made Mao Xiaofang miserable.

  It's a pity that no matter how hard Ah Hai tries to perform, Ah Xiu doesn't accept his love at all.

  Bad people are bad people.

Chapter [-] Do you want to ask for a magic stick?

"Senior brother, it's her, hurry up to attract her attention and let her come over."

Ah Chu rubbed the dazed senior brother with his elbow. Now Jiang Lin is not here, and Shu Ning is not like yesterday. In his anger, the two brothers and sisters "explained" to Miss Shu, and she could make her return to Fuxitang. There they have changed.

As for his own mouth, Ah Chu is very confident, he can turn black into white, as long as he has a chance, let's have a meal.

But Ah Hai kept thinking about spring, and didn't respond.He glanced at Shu Ning at random and thought to himself, isn't it a female monkey?

It is the same as if there is heaven and earth.

These two funny brothers, Ah Chu said that the girl Ah Hai likes is a female monkey, and Ah Hai also regards Ah Chu's goddess as a female monkey.

At this moment, an old lady walked in carrying a cane with the words Qianli Xunzi written on it.As soon as the aunt entered the door, she hysterically asked the guests on the side, "Have you seen my son?"

Hexing Building is a place to eat and drink tea. Several people could not hear the cry of the aunt and responded to Boss He.

It happened that Zhou Yuan also came to drink tea, and after listening to Boss He's reaction, he was going to kick the aunt out.

Yelling in other people's stores and affecting people's business, he just blasted it out.

Shu Ning and Lin Zhijian on the side couldn't see it, and got up with Zhou Yuangang.


Ah Chu, who was on the side, seized this opportunity, how could he care about being brother to Zhou Yuan at ordinary times.

For the sake of the goddess, this kid can not only stick a few knives in his friends' ribs, but also chop them into stuffing and make dumplings.

Standing up at the table, Ah Chu looked righteous and dignified, and immediately accused Zhou Yuan: "Wow, do you have any humanity? Haven't you seen this aunt so pitiful?"

"Stinky boy, brother, now you help outsiders or not me?"

Zhou Yuan's black face is full of ignorance, when the fuck did you become so good-hearted?

"Auntie, it's like this, I'm a person, I can't help my parents."

Ah Chu patted his chest and tried to stuff a green onion into his nose to pretend to be an elephant.

"Help Li or not, are you helping the aunt or the eldest girl?"

Zhou Yuan was so disgusted that he looked at Shu Ning and teased.

In fact, he had long since greeted the boy Ah Chu several times by "shovelling on the street".

"Ahem, Auntie, are you looking for a son? I'm the second eldest disciple of the authentic Fuxi Hall in Maoshan. The one who is a little bit stronger than me is my senior brother. Don't worry, the two of us will definitely help you. My son got it back."

As for what Ah Chu dared not brag about in the world, there may be a lot more, but if you ask the goddess what Ah Chu dared not brag about, there would be none at all.

Black holes can be blown up by him.

"Pretend to be a ghost, auntie, don't believe them, why don't you give me your son's information, and I'll help you find it."

It's a pity that Ah Chu was bragging that Niu Wannian had no life, and Shu Ning didn't give him a second look, but felt that he was very bad.

"Why do you always think that those of us who study Taoism are always deceiving the gods and ghosts?"

Ah Chu was depressed, his Bibi Dafa and pretending to be like a goddess were completely useless to his goddess.

"I don't think it is, it is absolutely! Otherwise, let's compete and prove it. To see who can help the aunt find her son faster, the one who loses is humiliating the townspeople and pretending to be a ghost!"

Shu Ning doesn't know why, she is not a person with tinted glasses, but she is also a Taoist priest. She doesn't have much disgust for Jiang Lin, but for Ah Chu, who claims to be the second largest disciple of Maoshan Zhengzong, she is disgusted to the point of even being. To the point where you don't even want to see it.

In fact, if Ah Chu didn't pretend to be like, Shu Ning wouldn't hate him so much.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Ah Hai, who has been almost insane, hastily pulled his junior brother aside.

Mao Xiaofang strictly forbade the two of them from having meaningless fights and competitions with others. Now that the master and his uncle went up the mountain to chat at the Guantian Pavilion, if the matter of their competition was known, it would be a big deal.

"Haha, don't you dare? That's fair. This proves which is more reliable, science or superstition."

Shu Ning's assistant Lin Zhijian sneered and took the opportunity to force Ah Chu with words.

This kid is always trying to get close to Shu Ning in front of him, and he is a country bumpkin who can tell at a glance that he is ignorant. Can this be tolerated?

For people like Ah Chu, Lin Zhijian didn't know how many times he had seen them. He wanted to attract Shu Ning's attention because the toad wanted to eat swan meat.

"Whoever said he wouldn't dare, just compare!"

When the strong man is angry, he becomes a beauty, and when Achu is angry, what the master said, he can be a fart.

It’s over.

Ah Hai's face turned completely green as if he had swallowed a ball of green-headed flies.

"Auntie, tell me your son's name and appearance."

After Ah Chu and Ah Hai left, Shu Ning found a table for the aunt to sit aside.


Not long after, Jiang Lin came to drink morning tea. After Shu Ning saw it, he politely greeted him.

It's good that she hates magic sticks, but yesterday she had a pleasant chat with Jiang Lin. It would be rude to not recognize someone today.

Of course, if Jiang Lin was like that Yu Dachu, her attitude would not be so good.

Jiang Lin nodded, sat aside, and ordered a pot of Tie Guanyin.

"Oh, by the way, Jiang Lin, you used to be a teacher, did you teach foreign languages?"

Shu Ning was drawing with pencil and wanted to draw the description of Auntie, but she really had no talent for drawing.

"Calligraphy and Painting."

Jiang Lin responded casually, he has more experience in these two areas, and he later taught Xiaoru and Ren Tingting.

Since he said that he used to be a teacher, he simply put the title of teacher on the subject he has experience with.

"That...can you do me a favor?"

Shu Ning's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that Jiang Lin used to teach painting and calligraphy.

Jiang Lin thought it was funny. He said that he was a great stickman before, but now he wants to ask him for help. What does this mean?

"Didn't you say I'm a great stick? Why do you want me to tell your fortune now?"

Jiang Lin added with a smile, "Do you want to ask for a magic stick?"

Shu Ning: "..."

Chapter five hundred and ninety-ninth Fuxi Hall published in the newspaper

"It's good that you are a Taoist priest, and I don't believe in Taoism, but painting is not a Taoism, right? I won't say that you pretend to be a ghost, as long as you prove to me that the so-called Taoism is true. Except for Taoism , we should have other common languages, right? Besides, you didn’t play tricks in front of me, if there were, my attitude would definitely change. Paint me a portrait, how about I treat you to a meal?”

I have to say that Shu Ning's eloquence is really good. She and Jiang Lin have different cognitions and concepts, but that is in Taoism. Is it okay to ask some questions such as English grammar?

If she has different perceptions, she will object, but she will not be like enemies with others, and she will not even say hello when they meet.

"My paintings are very expensive, so let's have a big meal at Hexing Building."

For Shu Ning, Jiang Lin's impression is not bad, although he also does not believe in evil, but compared with that talented teacher Li, Shu Ning is much better.

Apart from saying that he was a great god, he didn't have any other bad words, and after knowing that he was a Taoist priest, he could say hello to him. At least in terms of upbringing, Shu Ning dumped that Master Li a few streets away.

"Help me draw a picture, a big meal, you..."

Shu Ning's chest rose and fell with anger, did she really think her money came for nothing?

"Don't want to? Forget it."

"you win!"

Shu Ning angrily pulled out the chair and motioned Jiang Lin to sit down.

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