Since Jiang Lin used to teach calligraphy and painting, it was better than her painting anyway.

She wanted to help the aunt find her son, but it would be too difficult to find without any other information besides the name and age.

Even if she has connections with many news agencies and newspapers, it is not an easy task.

After Jiang Lin sat down, he asked about the appearance of the aunt's son. Of course, it was from a long time ago.

But the aunt's son was fifteen or sixteen years old when he lost it. In the past ten years, his appearance has not changed much.

Shu Ning stood behind Jiang Lin and watched Jiang Lin write, and soon her mouth could not close.

professional!It's worth it for a meal!

When Jiang Lin first arrived in Renjiazhen, he sold his sketches for money and captured Ren Tingting's heart.

Although there is no reference material now, but the painting is still the same.

With such a good craftsmanship, why go to be a Taoist and be kidnapped?

Shu Ning didn't understand, Jiang Lin had such skills, and being a teacher in a regular school would not have a low income.

Does Taoism really exist?

This time, Shu Ning also wondered if she had less knowledge, because she felt that Jiang Lin was not like the kind of person who fooled others, and he had a special skill, so why should he become a Taoist priest?

It seems that you need to do some careful research on your own before finalizing this conclusion.

Shu Ning was ready to finish the aunt's affairs, so he went to ask Jiang Lin what happened to the Daoist technique that was passed down.

After Jiang Lin finished drawing, he handed the drawing paper to Shu Ning.

"Jiang Lin, I really like your sketching skills."

Shu Ning looked at the drawing paper and sighed slightly. She went to school abroad, and she was also very serious. She had also dabbled in this area, but compared to Jiang Lin, she was like a scumbag.

The foreign language level is not comparable, and the painting is not good.

"Yes, yes, my son looks like this, my poor son."

After the aunt saw the portrait, the feeling of missing her son suddenly came up, and she burst into tears.

After Shu Ning took the portrait, he returned to the newspaper office full of energy. He called the news agency again, and copied the portrait again. He was busy until late.

And Ah Chu opened the altar in Fuxi Hall and posed a few poses according to the appearance. In fact, he didn't know what he was doing.

Usually Mao Xiaofang taught him to practice hard and study hard, and he was a fart.

Ah Hai came in and saw Ah Chu's pose, went up to move him a little, the French pose was not right at all.

"Senior brother, what should I do? I did what Master said, but it didn't work at all."

Ah Chu looked at the hair wrapped in the magic talisman, and his face turned into a bitter gourd.

"The French style you use is simply that the donkey's head is not the horse's mouth. Don't look at me. What master taught me is only half a bucket of water. What you do yourself, you do it yourself."

Ah Hai waved his hand directly, he didn't know how to find relatives, he suggested to ask the master, but how dare Ah Chu dare to ask.

The next day, Ah Chu went to Hexing Building and took a writing brush to ask the aunt about her son's appearance.

"You don't need to draw. Miss Shu has already found someone to draw it, which is exactly like the real person. By the way, didn't you take a piece of my hair before? Didn't it work?"

"Yes, of course... Of course there is. But if there is a template for Taishang Laojun to see, the effect will be better."

Saying that, Ah Chu felt like he was drinking bitter brine.

Dead, dead, this is over, if you lose, you will be embarrassed.

On the other side, Ah Hai went to Guantian Pavilion. Although he said that he would not help his junior brother, he still asked about the method of finding relatives when delivering meals to Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang.

In the night, the two brothers used the lark to go to the town next door to find the trace of the aunt's son, but the lark disappeared by a large river.

Ah Chu said that the aunt's son drowned and almost made the aunt jump into the river to commit suicide.

But that night, Shu Ning had news of the aunt's son. He was nearby, and he was adopted by someone who lost his memory before regaining his memory.

After the mother and son recognized each other, Shu Ning asked Ah Hai and Ah Chu to take pictures with everyone, and they were ready to publish in the newspaper when they were done.

She has also been distributing leaflets for the past two days. Her newspaper office can be used as a place for free study. Anyone who wants to read or learn scientific knowledge can go to her.

However, what left Shu Ning speechless was that Ah Chu shamelessly went to her newspaper office, under the pretense of learning scientific and cultural knowledge.

What's even more outrageous is that Ah Chu has to go to her place to help every day, saying that he needs to do some moving work.

Faceless and skinless, invincible in the world, although Shu Ning completely ignored Ah Chu, Ah Chu still enjoyed it.

"You don't want to do these weird things. You really want me to believe in some Taoism, some zombies, and show me one."

On this day, Shu Ning issued a direct order to evict guests. Ah Chu was always doing weird things in her newspaper office. It was just some foreign common sense.

"Take a bunch of small scraps of paper and make them move, even if it's Daoism? Really ignorant!"

Shu Ning was very angry. She originally planned to go to Jiang Lin to find out what the Taoist technique was about, but now she is free!

"Jiang Lin, I invited you to dinner today, thank you for helping me last time. I actually want to be friends with you, but please don't talk about zombies in front of me in the future, we can have other topics. ."

Shu Ning angrily took a newspaper and placed it in front of Jiang Lin.

Damn it, Fuxitang passed away this time.

"Fuxitang disciples pretend to be gods and ghosts, and people pretend to be zombies and people and gods are angry."

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea and felt that Mao Xiaofang was going to vomit blood this time. Now Shu Ning's newspaper is very popular.

I guess the whole town knows about this in the newspapers by now.

Chapter [*] Others pretend to be ghosts, I am not

Shu Ning wrote the original story of Ah Chu yesterday in the newspaper.

It turned out that in order to convince Shu Ning that there were zombies, this kid A Chu was actually trying to satisfy his sense of vanity and wanted Shu Ning to change his mind, so he was going to use Taoism to make Yi Zhuang's corpse corpse, but this guy even let the corpse turn into a corpse. Can't even lift a corpse.

Later, when Zhou Sanyuan found out about this, he planned to help Ah Chu. The purpose of the big three was not pure. He wanted Ah Chu to give him the Five Ghosts Fortune Luck of Maoshan.

Shu Ning took the camera and followed Ah Chu to the Yongsheng Yizhuang in the town, but Ah Chu was able to succeed once because the talisman paper was crooked, even if he dropped the balls.

Finally, when Shu Ning was so angry that he wanted to leave, Zhou Yuan, who was lying in another coffin, stood up.

This guy was wearing an official uniform of the Qing Dynasty and dressed like a zombie, which scared Shu Ning to the point of turning white.

Ah Chu really thought that his Taoism was a success, and asked Zhou Yuan to do various actions to show off.

Shu Ning knew that he had been deceived, and went into a frenzy on the spot.

"You don't even know, that nasty guy Yu Dachu was screaming at the door of our newspaper office in the middle of the night, saying things that were not related to his teacher's door, and even broke into our newspaper office and smashed my favorite French camera. ."

The more Shu Ning spoke, the more excited she became. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's good impression on her at first, she would point at Jiang Lin and scold him for some stinky Taoist priest.

"This kid really likes to pretend to be a ghost. Fortunately, he is so happy that the Taoist priest's face has been disgraced by him."

"Hehe, the face of a Taoist priest? Does a Taoist priest have a face? Jiang Lin, I'm not targeting you, I really think it's better for you to turn around. You know foreign languages, calligraphy and painting make me really admire, if you are willing to become a teacher, I will It can help you find a good job.”

I go!Do I need to go back to shore?

Hey, hey, don't be so angry, because the female characteristics are more obvious, and then ups and downs like this, do you want other men to have nosebleeds?

Jiang Lin was speechless. He could feel that many wolf eyes around him were staring in front of Shu Ning.

"Anyway, you invited me to dinner. You are so angry, you are full of anger. Others are pretending to be ghosts, but I am not. Is it possible to let you down when you see something really sneaky?"

Originally, Jiang Lin didn't want to worry about how Fuxitang was slandered, because it was the disciples of Fuxitang who did the trouble.But Shu Ning is a reporter, and now Ah Chu has done such a thing, not only harassing Fuxitang, but also his Li Yangju.

Shu Ning's Guangming Daily is not only published in Gantian Town, but also in the villages under it. This kind of public opinion obviously harms Li Yangju's interests. Although the damage is very small, Jiang Lin does not want to see such a thing. occur.

Ah Chu, he will let Mao Xiaofang take care of him.

As for Shu Ning, it's useless to talk too much, let her see something real and know what's true or not.

Although I didn't meet Shu Ning very often during this time, Jiang Lin had a good impression of this girl.

Especially when she said just now that she wanted to help herself find a job, at least in Shu Ning's heart, she was still willing to make him a friend.

Since they are friends, some misunderstandings are better resolved.

Although this misunderstanding had nothing to do with him at all, it was all Fuxitang's fault.

"Hey, you're here again, don't tell me you want me to see some zombies?"

Having been deceived once, Shu Ning didn't believe Jiang Lin could let her see anything substantial.

"As I said, others are pretending to be ghosts, but I'm not. Do you have the guts to come with me? Come back and eat again."

"Okay, you can calm me down. I thank you. In addition to this meal, I'll treat you to another meal."

Shu Ning folded his arms around his chest, with an expression of seeing what tricks you can play, and then followed Jiang Lin out of the Hexing Building.

"Hey, although I don't believe in ghosts and gods, I have heard of these things. Are you planning to tell me to watch sneaky things in broad daylight?"

Arriving in front of Li Yangju, Shu Ning frowned, can ghosts appear during the day?

Haven't eaten pork but I've seen pig run.

I've never seen a ghost, and I know that ghosts can't come out during the day!

"Would you believe it if I told you that ghosts can also appear during the day?"

"I believe you a ghost!"

"Alright then, take a deep breath and frighten you to death, but I will pay you for my life."

Jiang Lin smiled, then snapped his fingers and pointed at his shadow.

"Don't say your shadow is a ghost..."

Shu Ning had just finished speaking when a black figure with a female silhouette appeared in Jiang Lin's shadow.

This is Jiang Lin Refining's Charming Spirit. It has a light-avoiding spell on its body. Even if it doesn't, it can still appear at this time, noon.

Moreover, there is no need to use grapefruit leaves, the strength of the charm is enough to show.

One second of silence, two seconds, three seconds...


Shu Ning's voice, I don't know if Fat Dahai has eaten too much, is very strong.

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