He pretended to be a ghost all by himself, made his colleagues be accused by thousands of people, and even appeared in the newspapers.

This kind of thing is not trivial.

Mao Xiaofang was a little stunned, where did he come from behind his back?

After Jiang Lin left, Mao Xiaofang glanced at the newspaper and finally understood what Jiang Lin meant when he teased him.

Fuxitang pretends to be a ghost and finds someone to pretend to be a zombie.

Not only that, the newspaper also said that all Taoist priests are pretending to be ghosts.

With two eyebrows upside down, Mao Xiaofang patted the table and made a sound of wood breaking.

Today, he just learned that there is a newspaper office in the town, and he still thinks that this is fine. In the future, the townspeople will be able to know some things that are happening around them, and to a certain extent, they can also gain some knowledge.

However, he did not expect that the townspeople of Gantian Town and the surrounding villagers had increased their knowledge, and it turned out that Fuxitang was pretending to be a ghost!

And it's still the kind of solid evidence that you can't wash it no matter how you wash it.

They have never encountered such a thing since Fuxitang became independent.

"Kneel down for me immediately!"

In the hall, Mao Xiaofang was holding a thorn whip, his face was as dark as Bao Zheng.

Ah Chu knelt on the futon and didn't dare to move, so did Ah Hai.

They have all read the contents of the newspaper.

It doesn't matter if it's written as A Chu, but the three big characters above are particularly eye-catching.

Fuxi Hall.

"Master, it's really none of my business. Da Sanyuan pretended to be a zombie for no reason. I didn't intend to deceive people."

Even if he knelt down, Ah Chu had to excuse himself.

"You have no intention to deceive people? Why did you let people go to Yongsheng Yizhuang? How can there be zombies there for no reason, and they say that you have no intention to deceive people? Even if others say that we are gods, as long as they have seen it with their own eyes, they will still believe it. We can't control others, and we won't control it! You are not good at learning, and you use Taoism to turn corpses into corpses. In case of any accident, will you be responsible!"

Mao Xiaofang picked up the thorns whip and slapped Ah Chu on the back.

It's not a big deal to let someone with a bit of Taoism do it, but let a person like Ah Chu do it, and the corpse will completely turn into a zombie in minutes.

I don't know how many people will die by then.

"Do you know that because of what you did, the reputation of our Fuxi Hall and other Taoist halls was greatly damaged?

Mao Xiaofang whipped his whip again.

This time he can't beat him hard.

One aspect of the corpse disaster is that the corpse turned into a zombie. More importantly, this time Ah Chu's behavior affected not only their Fuxi Hall.

If Li Yangju was also an ordinary Taoist temple, this newspaper would cost them a lot of business.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin is a good talker, otherwise he brought this newspaper to their Fuxitang to discuss, and Fuxitang could only be speechless.

"Master, I know I'm wrong."

"There are three precepts when entering this sect, you should recite them."

Mao Xiaofang didn't pay attention to Ah Chu's attitude. When he first entered the school, he clearly stated the precepts of this sect.

At that time, his senior brother was still the biological son of his master, and if he violated the rules of the sect, he was expelled from the sect.

"The first is to betray your trust and righteousness, to deceive teachers and destroy ancestors; the second is to prevent people from doing wrong, and to use magic to harm others; the third... The third is to use Taoism indiscriminately, disturbing people's anxiety..."

"What about the last sentence?"

"The offenders will be expelled from the teacher's door. Master, I really knew I was wrong this time. Please forgive me."

"Yes, Master, Ah Chu knew that he was wrong. You should give him a chance."

Ah Chu and Ah Hai tugged at Mao Xiaofang's clothes and pleaded with him.

"Senior brother."

At this time, Axiu helped Lei Gang into the hall. Lei Gang was still holding a newspaper in his hand, the one that Mao Xiaofang had read before.

"Senior brother, there are rules and regulations established by the master that cannot be violated. Ah Chu, after you go out, take good care of yourself."

Lei Gang waved his hand and said, "Hold on, Junior Brother."

He knew that after Ah Chu did something like this, he would definitely be expelled by Mao Xiaofang, so he appeared in time.

If Mao Xiaofang really drove Ah Chu out, wouldn't that prove that Mao Xiaofang was just?

Lei Gang would never let such a thing happen.

"Master established a sect and established a sect and set the rules, which should be implemented. What A Chu did should be severely punished, but it should not be so serious."


Mao Xiaofang was at a loss for words for a while, and now he and Lei Gang have differences.

"When I was kicked out of my teacher's school by my father, I was alone and I was lucky that I didn't go astray. I don't want Ah Chu to follow in my footsteps and ruin my life. And as you said, after I left, my father was depressed all day long. , It won't take long for you to travel. I don't want you, junior brother, to regret the same thing for Achu for the rest of your life."

Mao Xiaofang frowned and said, "But, Senior Brother, Ah Chu's mistake was too serious."

Hehe, this will be my pawn in the future, if I say you can't chase it, you can't chase it.

After taking two steps, Lei Gang said in a melodious voice, "The ancestors of Taoism were born, and the spirit of Zhongxu, which was born with greatness and smallness, and nothingness, can't be seen through, why can't you see through it? Today you think it is a great event that shakes the world. In the future, it may be a trivial matter. Knowing a mistake can be corrected, what is the difference between a big crime and a small crime?"

"Yes, Master, I already knew I was wrong."

"Master, please forgive Ah Chu this time, and listen to your uncle."

"Uncle Shi, you have to listen to my father's words."

Ah Chu and Ah Hai knelt in front of Mao Xiaofang, and Ah Xiu also went up to persuade Mao Xiaofang. She didn't sympathize with Ah Chu, but because Lei Gang told her to keep Ah Chu, it would be useful.

Mao Xiaofang sighed and said, "Achu, don't you thank your uncle? But the death penalty can be avoided, and life is hard to forgive. I will definitely punish you."

"Haha, this is really a place of extreme yin, Axiu, you have done a very good job. I'm worried that I don't have a good plan to cut in. That stinky boy Achu is really a good apprentice, Mao Xiaofang, you just wait. Bar!"

In the middle of the night, next to a mass grave outside the town, Lei Gang sneered, he was going to let Mao Xiaofang be killed by his incompetent disciple.

"Axiu, redwood stake!"

As soon as Lei Gang stretched out his hand, Axiu threw a stake, Lei Gang threw it into the air, and then leaped into the air and used a snake-head knife to cut the mahogany stake into the shape of a ghost's head.

Afterwards, Axiu threw a few of the same wooden stakes, and Lei Gang danced his hands and feet in mid-air, shooting them into the surrounding mass graves.

Although Lei Gang was blind, the Moruo Jiang he practiced borrowed from bats to detect objects, and he could still "see" within a range of three meters.

"The gate of hell is open!"

As Lei Gang sat cross-legged and cast spells, there was a gloomy wind around the mass grave, and many evil ghosts and ghosts came out of the mass grave.

Chapter [*] Bloody Handprints

Feeling the countless ghosts and ghosts coming out of the mass grave, Lei Gang looked up and smiled. This was his first step in establishing his prestige in Gantian Town.

After the ghosts came out, sensing their popularity, they rushed to Gantian Town one after another.

"Axiu, you said that boy Achu seems to be borrowing money from everywhere recently. Tomorrow you will go to the western suburbs and use the evil stone to lay out a big stone, arrange the lucky fortune drop on it, and then let the two beggars go to the casino in the town. Spread the news that there is a fortune stone in the western suburbs."

During his time in Fuxitang, Lei Gang had roughly figured out the personalities of A Hai and A Chu. A Chu was very disobedient. Of course, he liked A Chu's disobedience now.

The more disobedient, the better for him.

In the Guangming News Office, Shu Ning sorted out the notes he had recorded. Seeing Lin Zhijian, who was lying on the table, raised his head, he said with a wry smile, "Ajian, let's destroy all the newspapers that have not been published."

"Destruction? Isn't it? We did so many things to help the aunt find her son, and it's a fact that the country bumpkin pretends to be a ghost, so why destroy it?"

"It's true that Yu Da pretended to be a ghost at the beginning. Maybe Fuxitang also likes to play a ghost, but not all Taoist priests are like this."

Shu Ning blushed as she spoke, she was really embarrassed today.

She kept saying that she didn't believe in this kind of thing, but in the middle of the day, she was so frightened that she hugged Jiang Lin tightly.

She had never been in such close contact with a man as she was today. When she thought of Jiang Lin's masculinity, her earlobes were all red.

"I think it might be us who have been foolish all along, denying its existence just because we've never seen it, and making that righteous statement. I feel like we're like those British friends who firmly deny that there are aliens , In fact, the universe is so big, and there may be other beings. The funny thing is, I always thought that their denial was too extreme, and I didn't expect us to be the same."

Afterwards, Shu Ning told Lin Zhijian what he saw at noon today. Except for her hugging Jiang Lin, the other details were exhaustive.

Seeing it with her own eyes, she scared herself to death. If Shu Ning doesn't believe it, then she has a problem with her brain.

"Okay, I'll destroy it. But it's really as scary as you said, ghosts can appear for a long time, and they're so scary?"

Lin Zhijian was fine if he didn't ask, but when he asked this, Shu Ning thought of the dark ghost that he had come into close contact with, and he shivered with fright.

Even if Shu Ning didn't respond this time, Lin Zhijian believed it.

Shu Ning is not an ordinary girl, she is much more courageous than a man, and she was so frightened that she trembled all over, showing that ghosts are really terrifying.

What should I do?Don't dare to walk at night.

Lin Zhijian's face turned pale, and he glanced around. Originally, when they didn't believe in ghosts, they were not afraid at all, but just now Shu Ning told him that midnight is the best time for ghosts to come out. The newspaper office was gloomy.

"A-Ning, the newspaper office seems to be too dark. Let me turn on the light."

Lin Zhijian smiled awkwardly, he always felt that there were a pair of eyes staring at him, which made him feel nervous.

After a while, all the lights in the Guangming Newspaper office were turned on, and even the lights in the toilet were turned on.

In normal times, Shu Ning would definitely say that he wasted resources, but now, she doesn't dare to say anything.

If that dark ghost appeared now, it could scare her into fainting.

Now neither of them dared to go back to where they lived. Walking in the middle of the night, it was easy to encounter ghosts.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the door, which startled Shu Ning and Lin Zhijian.

Lin Zhijian grumbled for a while, but went over to open the door, but there was nothing outside.

"Hey! Who is it! It's scary and scary, don't you know!"

In order to strengthen himself, Lin Zhijian roared, and after a few seconds, no one answered, and he closed the door again.

But before he got back to his seat, there was another knock on the door outside.

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