This time, not only Lin Zhijian, but Shu Ning was also afraid.

After opening the door, there was still nothing.

It shouldn't be, it's the sound of the door knocking, and no one is walking outside, and I haven't heard the sound of going up and down the stairs...

With that in mind, Lin Zhijian glanced at the door.

It didn't matter at this glance, it almost made his heart jump out of fright.

Lin Zhijian screamed. He was so frightened that his voice became very sharp, almost like a woman's cry.

There are two palm prints on the door, blood-red ones.

Almost at the same time, the residents in the town heard the sound of the door slamming, but after the door was opened, there was also nothing.

Some people found bloody handprints on the door, but others thought it was a prank and went back to sleep.

"A-Ning, I... I think we should go back first."

Lin Zhijian felt that if he continued to be in the newspaper office, he would be scared of myocardial infarction.

Weird things had already happened in the newspaper, and his first reaction was that the place where he lived was safer than here.

Although I really wanted to attribute this weird thing to someone playing a prank, but in the middle of the night who was so boring and pranking, and there was no sound, there were two bright red palm prints on the door.

Shu Ning was also terrified, nodding her head, she always felt that eyes were looking at her.

Holding flashlights, the two closed the door of the newspaper office without turning off the lights inside, and went back to their residences.

As soon as Shu Ning returned to where she lived, she found that there were also bloody handprints on the door of her room, and she seemed to see a ghost flashing by, and she could no longer remain calm.


Shu Ning didn't care about [*], and ran straight to Li Yangju.

Ever since she found out about the existence of ghosts, her first reaction when she encountered such a thing was to want to get close to Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin, who was absorbing the moonlight at home, opened the door. After seeing Shu Ning, he was a little puzzled.

"Don't talk about it in the middle of the night, you want to interview me?"

"No... no, I... can I stay with you for one night?"


What the hell, do you want to hold me during the day, do you also want to hold me at night?

Jiang Lin's intriguing eyes made Shu Ning blushed to the bottom of his ears again.

What are you thinking!

"There are bloody handprints on the door of your newspaper office and on the door of your residence?"

Shu Ning said what he had encountered, causing Jiang Lin to frown slightly.

It doesn't look like it's man-made.

"This is a pass code. I don't have a code here to prevent me from entering. For the sake of a friend, I won't charge you rent."

Chapter [*] Can you still make money if you have money?

  Shu Ning folded his hands together and was almost grateful.Since knowing that there are ghosts and monsters, and then contacting him about what he heard before, Shu Ning knew that the most powerful person in Gantian Town was the Master Jiang in front of him.

  Although it's not very good to come to someone else's house in the middle of the night, but Shu Ning didn't want to be scared to death by the ghost she saw all night.

  What's more, Jiang Lin still felt like a decent person and would not mess with her.

  Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to bring Shu Ning to the house where Axiu lived before, and went back to sleep by himself.

  This kind of situation in the town, there is Mao Xiaofang, he doesn't have to worry about it.

  "I want your police to protect me twenty-four hours a day."

  In the police hall, Black Rose's face turned pale, and she was wrangling with Zhou Yuan.

  "No, big sister! It's just a palm print at the door, don't you panic?"

  Wednesday Yuan yawned, his tone was full of complaints. There have been smugglers in the town these days, and a black rose has gone, and another thief "Black Pearl" has come. They have to get off work overtime every night. It was easy to get off work, and this rose came to the door again.

  The police don't need a break!

  If Zhou Yuan knew that the black pearl that appeared now was the black rose, he would be so angry that he would kill the black rose on the spot.

  "Who said it's just a palm print, it's a bloody palm print, bloody."

  "If someone wanted to kill you, they would have done it already. Do you need to play so many tricks? Hurry up, don't block us from get off work!"

  Zhou Yuan was about to go out without birding black roses, but just at this time, a group of folks came in, including Uncle Zhang and Uncle Niu.

  "Sanyuan, you must save us."

  "Yeah, there's a bloody handprint on our doorstep."

  "Yes, yes, there are also at my door."

  A group of people chatted, making Black Rose stunned for a while.

  Why are there bloody handprints on your doorstep?

  Zhou Yuan was so sleepy that he couldn't get off work because he was blocked again, so he drank, "Don't make any noise, are there any dead people?"

  All the townspeople shook their heads, and then Zhou Yuan let his subordinates bombard people.

  No one is dead, what are you babbling about here.

  Captain Song came to the police hall, managed to squeeze in, and asked, "Why is the police hall like a vegetable market? What happened to Sanyuan?"

  Knowing that there were bloody handprints on the townsmen's house, Captain Song asked Zhou Yuan, who was reluctant, to take someone to check.

  As a result, a group of useless police officers took a beggar and brought money back, thinking it was the bloody handprint he made in Gantian Town.

  The next day, Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang went to Hexing Building to drink tea. Mao Xiaofang frowned when he heard Sixi and the others were discussing the bloody handprint.

  "Junior brother, the matter of bloody handprints has been resolved, what do you think is not simple."

  Lei Gang was secretly delighted at the stupidity of these police officers in Gantian Town, and when he saw Mao Xiaofang frowning, he tentatively asked.

  Now no one associates the bloody handprint with ghosts, which is exactly what he wants. The longer the time, the more the number of ghosts.

  At that time, Mao Xiaofang will definitely be too busy alone, and then it is time for him to show his skills.

  "Senior brother, I heard from the villagers that when this happened, it was the time when I entered the ugliness last night, and there was no way for Wang Cai alone to take pictures on the doors of so many townspeople in such a short period of time. Bloody handprint. Brother, do you remember what Master once said about the bloody handprint?"

  "You're talking about the Obon Festival a few decades ago, when an evil spirit opened the gate of hell by mistake, causing a group of evil spirits to enter the town and endanger the townspeople? Could this incident have something to do with that old incident?"

  Since Mao Xiaofang was suspicious, Lei Gang followed him and continued. Anyway, now that the gate of hell has been opened, his plan can still be carried out.

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