"I hope I guessed wrong."

  After drinking tea, Mao Xiaofang went to Captain Song and told him about it. Captain Song took Zhou Zhou and the others to investigate around the town.

  Sure enough, at the mass grave, they found the Qisha Ghost Stake that opened the gate of hell.

  "Captain Song, the bloody handprints in the town are caused by evil spirits. For today's plan, the only way is to open an altar to hunt down the ghosts."

  "Junior brother, there are many evil ghosts on the eighteenth floor of hell. I think you alone may not be enough. I am also a member of Gantian Town. Why don't we divide the labor and cooperate, I will be responsible for opening the altar to catch ghosts, and you are responsible for guarding gate of hell."

  Now that Guimenguan was discovered by Mao Xiaofang, Lei Gang made a sound at the right time and took the matter of catching ghosts on himself.

  As long as the townspeople of Gantian Town see his methods, he can easily overshadow Mao Xiaofang.

  And he didn't want to let Mao Xiaofang come into contact with those ghosts. If there was an accident and it was found out that it was his ghost, it would be troublesome.

  At night, Jiang Lin took some guys and left Li Yangju.

  He has business tonight.

  Zhou Yuan's big mouth, after returning to the town with Mao Xiaofang and the others, started broadcasting again through the loudspeaker, saying that Gantian Town has entered many evil spirits.

  The townspeople were all terrified when they found out about this. Although they said there was Mao Xiaofang and his senior brother Lei Gang, but the number of ghosts and ghosts was blown up by Zhou Sanyuan from one thousand to eight hundred. Let the third uncle go to Jiang Lin.

  Let him help collect ghosts.

  "Jiang Lin, how about I follow you tonight, this is a very difficult field trip, I hope I can photograph some valuable things."

  Shu Ning followed Jiang Lin. Because he lived in someone else's house, Shu Ning still chose to seek Jiang Lin's approval.

  "Okay. This is a talisman for you. In addition, here are two grapefruit leaves. You can see what the ghost looks like when you stick it on your eyebrows."

  Jiang Lin handed the amulet and grapefruit leaves to Shu Ning, Shu Ning promised to help him find Zuo Ci's information, and Jiang Lin had to refuse her request.

  "Master, why are you here?"

  After seeing Jiang Lin, Ah Chu stepped forward to say hello.

  When he saw Shu Ning behind Jiang Lin, Ah Chu seemed to be beaten with blood, but Shu Ning didn't bother to look at him at all.

  They are both Taoist priests, and this Yu Dachu is not a star apart from Jiang Lin.

  The age is about the same.

  Jiang Lin?What does he come to do?

  Doesn't it mean that this guy is very lazy?

  Lei Gang was a little confused, because he heard Mao Xiaofang talk about Jiang Lin, so he never thought that Jiang Lin would appear in this step of the plan.

  Lei Gang said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist, I heard that you like leisure, but I didn't expect you to be very concerned about the safety of the townspeople."

  Hehe, it's quite easy to manage things, I have a half-cent relationship with you if I come or not.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart and responded, "Is it possible to make money if you have money? There are evil spirits in the town, and the townspeople paid me to do it. You continue, who is busy."

Chapter [*] Does catching ghosts need to open an altar?

Jiang Lin charges, but Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang do not charge, so there is no competition.

After receiving the money, Jiang Lin can just do his own share. He doesn't care what others do to him, don't cause him trouble, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to the rest.

"Uncle Shi, you are alone, can you be busy?"

Seeing Shu Ning following Jiang Lin and holding a camera, Ah Chu went up to show his hospitality. If Jiang Lin didn't refuse, he could go up and do a favor.

Hehe, you kid would be so kind to help me?

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart. As soon as Ah Chu pouted his ass, he knew what this guy wanted to fart.

It's nothing more than wanting to get close to Shu Ning, and he said it so grandly.

Another white-eyed wolf who forgets his master and his sect when he has a woman.

Piece of lips, Jiang Lin waved his hand. In his opinion, in terms of ability, this Ah Chu is not as good as the previous literary talent.

At least Wen Cai is stupid, but if you ask him to do a favor and arrange a formation, he can still do the same.

Can this Ah Chu be counted on?

If you don't kill yourself, you are a Bodhisattva manifested.

And Jiang Lin doesn't need a talent like Ah Chu at all.

"Didn't your master ask you to help this uncle?"

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin looked at Ah Chu with a playful look on his face, come and help me, how do you deal with this blind master?


Ah Chu smiled embarrassingly, and returned to the back of the altar in a sullen manner. He had hoped to get close to Shu Ning, explain to her, and be willing to compensate her for her French camera.

This Yu Dachu...

Shu Ning was really convinced by this guy.

She knew that Ah Chu had a crush on her, but now, in order to get close to her, she actually used such lame excuses. The more this was the case, the more Shu Ning looked down on him.

Axiu is also frowning. Uncle Shi asked you to help my father. You go to help others and leave my father here?

What a shame!

Because Ah Chu always told Ah Hai that Shu Ning was long and Shu Ning was short in Fuxi Hall, Ah Xiu also knew that Ah Chu liked Shu Ning.

For the sake of a woman, the master's words were all put to the back of his mind, and the uncle didn't want to ask.

"Fellow Daoist, if you don't have a helper, Ah Chu can also help you set up an altar. My altar here has basically been set up, and Ah Chu is also idle now."

Lei Gang wanted to see Jiang Lin's methods, and made an assessment of him in his heart, which was very necessary for his future plans.

"Yeah, Uncle, I can still help a little bit."

As soon as he heard Lei Gang recommending him, Ah Chu felt that his uncle was really his nobleman, and immediately recommended himself to Jiang Lin Maosui.

"Do you still need to open an altar to catch a ghost?"

Jiang Lin said lightly.




So many ghosts, if you don't open the forum, when are you going to catch them?

A Chu and A Xiu were stunned by Jiang Lin's question, while Lei Gang was speechless.

Regardless of whether the Southern faction or the Northern faction, with such a large workload, open an altar in the center of the town, detain the ghosts nearby, and collect the remaining small part one by one. It is an individual choice.

"Don't bother you anymore."

Jiang Lin uttered a sentence, and followed his own senses and went in a direction.

Now that he was used to the dragon energy of Gantian Town, Jiang Lin's senses were stronger than at the beginning, and he still had a way to find the scattered evil spirits.

And he also has a compass in his hand. The evil ghost wants to hide, but he doesn't have that much ability.

"Axiu, since Master Jiang saved you, do yourself a favor."

After Jiang Lin left, Lei Gang asked Axiu to follow him, and Jiang Lin took action to catch the ghost. This was when he revealed his means. He wanted to know if there was a gap between himself and Jiang Lin.

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