
"Axiu? What are you doing here?"

Jiang Lin frowned. He was going to catch ghosts, not shopping. He had already followed a woman, so here's another one?

What's going on?

"You saved me, I will help you, it should be."

Axiu thought that Lei Gang had really helped her by asking her to come over. She had no idea that she was being used as a monitor by her father.

"Do you know each other?"

Shu Ning had seen Axiu a few times, but only thought that she was a rather odd girl, dressed in very strange clothes.

"I know, we ate together and lived together."

Axiu's answer was so real that Jiang Lin almost fell.

Why didn't you say it was with my family?


Shu Ning couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin, is this your girlfriend?

"Ghost! Ghost!"

Before Shu Ning could gossip, she screamed, turned a corner, and there were ghosts jumping everywhere on the street.

Then there is no more then.

Shu Ning's scream scared away all the evil spirits on the street.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin glared at Shu Ning. Originally, he had already concealed his aura, and he was going to take these evil ghosts with the momentum of thunder, but now, let alone take them away, it was hard to even find them.

"How many tons of golden throat lozenges have you eaten with your voice? The ghosts are scared away by you."

"I'm sorry..."

Shu Ning's face was full of embarrassment, and her face was flushed. She didn't even know that her screams could scare away all the evil spirits in a street.

"If you think about it again, be careful that I will seal your mouth."

Jiang Lin gave Shu Ning an angry look, and continued to chase in the other direction.


The sound of the camera kept ringing, and Shu Ning was really eye-opening this time.

Jiang Lin's catching ghosts is a simple one.

He threw out two Yang Yan whips of about fifteen meters from the palms of his hands, and with one jump, at least two evil ghosts were put into the ghost sealing bag around his waist.

As a ghost in the world, Jiang Lin couldn't wipe out all these evil ghosts.

They escaped because someone opened the gate of hell, and they didn't hurt anyone's life.

Otherwise, as long as he kills them, Jiang Lin will just run over the map, as fast as he wants.

In less than two hours, most of the ghosts in the town were collected by Jiang Lin alone, and the rest were detained by Lei Gang with the power of the altar to the center of the town, and put them in the magic bag.

Because of Mao Xiaofang's guards in the extremely yin land, the ghosts that escaped from it were also taken away.

"Oh, Master Jiang, with you in Gantian Town, you won't have to be afraid of any ghosts in the future."

After the group of ghosts was subdued, Uncle Niu and the others dared to come out. When they saw Jiang Lin's bulging ghost bag, they all applauded and said that the money was worth it.

"Master Jiang is really good. Master Mao and Master Lei both need to open an altar to catch a ghost. Master Jiang's trick is just a trick, and the ghost is taken away, and there is no need to open an altar at all."

Shu Ning also complimented Jiang Lin. When she followed Jiang Lin back, she saw that Lei Gang's method of catching ghosts was incomparable to Jiang Lin's light-heartedness.

"Master Jiang is really profound."

"Yeah yeah."

"Master Mao and Master Lei are also very good, they have caught so many ghosts."

After praising Jiang Lin, the townspeople did not forget Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang, and expressed their gratitude to them.

Although Lei Gang had a smile on his face, his heart exploded with anger.

Originally, he had planned this time. Ninety percent of the evil spirits who escaped from the gate of the ghost gate should be taken away by him. In the hearts of the townspeople, he and Mao Xiaofang made a high judgment.

But now a Jiang Lin was killed halfway, but instead made him a complete supporting role.

Chapter [*] I can't provoke you, I will let you go

There is also a reporter here, with a camera, if the protagonist is me, the first step of the plan is perfect!

Lei Gang roared in his heart, now that there is a newspaper in Gantian Town, it is conceivable that if it is only him and Mao Xiaofang this time, then he will be able to make his reputation in the surrounding area comparable to Mao Xiaofang in a very short period of time.

But it's all gone now.

What bothered him the most was that Jiang Lin was definitely not going to meddle in these things, but the townspeople paid him to take in the ghosts, making his plan almost aborted.

How to do?

This Jianglin will definitely become an obstacle to my plan.

The first step of the plan is now, and Jiang Lin made a wedding dress for nothing. If there are similar things in the future, Jiang Lin might appear again.

Lei Gang's first reaction was to deal with Jiang Lin first, but he was also a conspirator who made plans and then acted, so he forcibly suppressed his unwillingness first.

From what Shu Ning said just now, Lei Gang had a vague guess that Jiang Lin was definitely not simple.

We'll have to wait until I've asked Axiu.

Fortunately, Lei Gang didn't make up his mind to target Jiang Lin, otherwise, ten like him wouldn't be enough to die.

Shu Ning suggested that Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang take a photo together, but Jiang Lin refused. He was not interested in such famous things.

With a reputation, a lot of troubles will follow, but he doesn't like to be busy like a dog now.

Shu Ning saw that Jiang Lin was unwilling and did not insist. She only took photos of Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang. Now she is going to write a column. With these photos, Guangming Daily will definitely get better and better.

"Ajian, let me tell you, Master Jiang is really amazing. It's so easy to scare me into such a ghost. You may not believe me if I told you, but luckily I took a photo."

All the evil ghosts had been taken away, and Shu Ning and Lin Zhijian dared to report back to the office. As soon as they arrived at the newspaper office, Shu Ning told her assistant about the situation of Jiang Lin's arrest of the ghost tonight.

Shu Ning felt that Jiang Lin was like a legend, not like they were people in the same world at all.

Lin Zhijian was stunned when he heard it. He knew that Shu Ning never liked to exaggerate. Since she had already said so, the scene of catching ghosts must be very rare at that time.

"A-Ning, I think you seem very excited when you talk about Master Jiang."

Lin Zhijian looked at Shu Ning. He had known Shu Ning for so long, and he had never seen her react so much when she mentioned a man's name.

"Of course I'm excited, think about it, I always thought he was a great stick, but I only saw ghosts and monsters yesterday, and I saw the real Taoism tonight, which can't be understood with common sense. It's normal for me to be a little excited to be completely subverted in such a short period of time."

"Also, we don't want to target Fuxitang again in the future. It turns out that they are not pretending to be ghosts, but the shameless Yu Dachu who pretended to be ghosts."

When Lin Zhijian heard Shu Ning mention Achu, he immediately became excited, and he echoed: "Don't mention that hillbilly, as you said, Fuxitang also has real skills, but that hillbilly is ignorant and inexperienced, and let his teacher be confused. Shame. It's really incomparable with that Master Jiang."

Not only Shu Ning and Lin Zhijian in Guangming News were discussing Jiang Lin, but in Fuxi Hall, Lei Gang also asked Axiu about Jiang Lin's process of catching ghosts.

"Father, I haven't seen any special Dao techniques used by Jiang Lin, but two fire whips more than ten meters long will shake out of his palm, and those evil ghosts will not dare to move after the fire whips are wrapped around them. ."

"Could it be that spiritual power condensed into real objects?"

After listening to Ah Xiu's remarks, Lei Gang immediately opened his empty eyes with a surprised expression on his face.

If Jiang Lin can really achieve this step, then it is estimated that he has become a Taoist priest at the celestial master level.

I can't handle it myself.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.Jiang Lin is so much better at catching ghosts than he is, and he must not be bad in other aspects.

This Jiang Lin is really not easy to mess with.

Knowing how powerful Jiang Lin is, unless there is a reason to deal with it, Lei Gang does not want to have a conflict with Jiang Lin.

After pondering for a while, Lei Gang seemed to have made up his mind and said, "You said that Jiang Lin has always wanted to borrow your Xiaobai to find things, what is he looking for?"

"I don't know, he never told me."

Axiu spread her hands. Although she was the owner of the snake demon, she didn't know that it could find dragon energy, and Lei Gang didn't even know it.

The next plan must not be destroyed by Jiang Lin.

I can't provoke you, I'll take you out of the head office.

"Axiu, take out Xiaobai."

Lei Gang was going to use some secret techniques to enhance the five senses of the snake demon. At that time, he would do some tricks to deceive Jiang Lin out of Gantian Town.

However, Lei Gang also knew that even if Jiang Lin was deceived, it would not be long. He needed to improve his strength as soon as possible and pull Mao Xiaofang down.

Although Lei Gang thought that if there was a problem inside their Fuxi Hall, Jiang Lin would logically ignore it, but with this experience of being cut off halfway, he didn't want to have any more accidents.

"Axiu, let Dad take care of the wind outside. Dad wants to practice and restore the light as soon as possible."

After explaining to Axiu, Lei Gang undid the scarf around his neck, sat cross-legged on the bed, and after chanting a spell, one of his head detached from his neck and flew out of the window.

A head flew off the mechanism, and when he arrived at Mojiazhuang, which raised sheep for a living, Lei Gang's head flew over the sheep pen and stung on the neck of a black sheep.

For several days, Lei Gang was like this, frantically sucking the blood of live sheep, making the sheep farmers in several villages around Gantian Town complain.

"Master Jiang, come and eat."

"Yes, it's still the same, three catties of beef, two catties of mutton, and four lamb hooves."

Since Jiang Lin upgraded the body refining technique to the perfect level of green stiffness, his food intake during this period has been astonishing.

A meal of three catties of beef in the ancients was considered to be relatively beefy, but Jiang Lin now eats five or six catties of beef.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, but Yang Laoji hasn't sent sheep to our Hexing Building for the past two days. The mutton has been sold out, and because of this reason, the price of mutton has increased."

Si Xi looked apologetic and suggested Jiang Lin to do something else.

Lamb gone?

Jiang Lin thought it was strange. You can't buy mutton in the street market, and you can't eat it at Hexing Building. Could it be that sheep farmers don't need to eat?

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